Morgan Family Crest
Morgan Family Crest



Heraldry Symbols
There are literally hundreds of different symbols (or charges) that can appear on coats of arms. The colors that are chosen and even the shape of the shield itself can have significance for the Family, Clan or Sept that was to bear the arms.
The explanations below are offered as the general interpretation of what this symbolism signifies. It is true though, that an individual coat of arms may have a history to it that far exceeds the meanings given here and that further investigation may be necessary.

Color: Or (Gold)goldMeaning: Generosity
Beast: Griffin griffinMeaning: Valiant soldier - to the death, Vigilance. In Ireland the worship of the sun in pre-Christian times was often represented by the Griffin. It later became a symbol of gold - 'yellow light'.
Symbol: HelmethelmetMeaning: Wise defence

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Maria Pierce
[email protected]
Last Update: 4 February 2006