Policing in Nimmitabel

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Celebrations - Friday 31st January to Sunday 2nd  February 2003.

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Policing in Nimmitabel 

Dear Sir

Since my transfer to my present post, I have not been happy with the conditions that exist at the station.  The residence is not too bad, but some of the attached facilities leave a lot to be desired.  The worst is the toilet that stands in the yard behind the residence.  Due to strong westerly winds that prevail, the toilet has developed a pronounced list towards the east.  The whole structure, including the doorway, are at an angle, and to enter the toilet, one has to lean to the left, so as not to bump against the side of the door.

       Recently I have been unfortunate to contract a severe attack of  dysentery .  This has made it necessary for me to enter this badly leaning convenience frequently, and the result is that I now seem to have developed a permanent list to the left. This is very  embarrassing, as when I walk down the street on my patrols, my lean attracts a lot of attention , and I am the target of some snide and uncomplimentary remarks.

         Another cause for complaint is the police horse allocated to this station.  This is a  magnificent looking animal but is a real jib.  When I mount him to go out on patrol in some of the outer areas, he just refuses to budge, and no amount of spurring or whipping with my crop has any effect on him. Recently the lads of the town noticed my predicament and came up behind  and pelted him with sticks and stones and tins, and any available missiles.  These lads now watch for me to take the horse out and immediately come to my assistance to get the stubborn nag moving.  It has become quite a regular performance, and it places me in a very embarrassing situation.

         I hope Sir , that you will be able to take immediate steps to rectify the situation.  I can assure you Sir, that a leaning policeman with a jib horse does nothing to enhance the image if the  police force  in Nimmitabel .


Respectfully Yours

Sgt; J .Freebody.

According to Mr Driscoll, the superior officer had a good sense of humour, and took necessary steps to make life bearable for Sgt; Freebody.