Moulding Family Trees and Free Resources for Mouldings Worldwide


To view Moulding family trees with your browser please go to or to stay on this website and view them complete with adverts, please follow this link. Viewing with TreePad Viewer is recommended, however, because it is neater and faster.

Downloads here are simple even if you are a beginner. They are known as self-extracting zip files which means that they are packed tight to travel across the Internet and are easy to unpack at your end. Disclaimer


Please use instructions 1 - 3 below to download and install TreePad Viewer

1 - Right-click on the desired link and choose "Save target as..."
2 - Make a note of where you are saving it. You will soon need to find it!
3 - Double-click on the downloaded *.exe file and choose the unzip destination
4 - Double-click on the *.hjt file to open the family tree in TreePad Viewer

Some virus checkers have problems with *.exe files. Be assured that these files are NOT infected. The instructions on this page may seem too technical or confusing for beginners. If so please contact Peter Moulding (email address on the Moulding Message Board)

00 TreePad Viewer (1.2MB) - (You can find more TreePad information here)
01 TEXT (0.09MB) PHOTOS (4.8MB) - Preston, Lancashire
02 TEXT (0.09MB) PHOTOS (1.1MB) - UK to US to Canada
03 TEXT (0.06MB) PHOTOS (0.13MB) - Leicester, UK

Everything below this point is an advert