Dungan Ancestry / Genealogy


MyLines: Dungan Ancestry / Genealogy


    the Dungan Ancestry of the Descendants of William Dungan & Frances Latham


as compiled by:

Alfred Rudolph Justice in his work, Ancestry of Jeremy Clarke of Rhode Island and Dungan Genealogy.









MyLines: The Dungan / Justice Project


Purpose: To present the Dungan information from the text, Ancestry of Jeremy Clarke of Rhode Island & Dungan Genealogy, on the World Wide Web.

Current & Proposed Activities: Due to the positive response from the online Dungan community, I've decided to shift the emphasis of the MyLines site from my own family line to that of all the descendants of William and Frances Latham Dungan. This will be evidenced by replacing the reference to Robert Johnstone and Mary Dungan on each page, with a more appropriate reference to William & Frances, two names we can all relate to.

The new goal of the MyLines web site is to present the entire ancestry and genealogy of the Dungan family as first compiled by Alfred Rudolph Justice in his work, Ancestry of Jeremy Clarke of Rhode Island and Dungan Genealogy, and published  in 1922.

When appropriate, I will add information from other sources, but always using the Justice work as the foundation for this site. Other information could include published works and/or images of documentation. Formal images of descendants, such as those in the Justice work, might also be included. 

Documentation: I intend to adhere to the following standards of genealogical accuracy: GO

The following are examples of undocumented conjecture found in published Dungan material:

1. William Dungan is the son of Thomas, of Lincoln’s Inn.
2. Lewis Latham is the son of John Latham, Jr.
3. Francis Drake is the son of Robert Drake of the Drakes of Drakesworth.

Justice Links:  These are families from which all or some American Dungans and associated families descend, about whom Justice provided additional information.  Page address reflects the actual page number from the Justice work.


















Lewis Latham






LATEST: a brief, one page look at Rev. Thomas Dungan as presented in John O. Austin's 1893 work, 160 Allied Families

    160 Allied Families

Update:  the introductory pages from Thomas P. Dungan's, A Quest for Origins, in which Mr. Dungan dismantles the myth that Thomas Dongan of Lincoln's Inn, was the father of Wm. Dungan, Perfumer. MUST READING for the serions Dungan researcher...!!

    Quest for Origins

Justice Update: the 4th & 5th Generations (individuals no.#125-758)  pages 162 through 226. 

    4th Generation

    5th Generation  

Surname lists, etc. (the 1st three generations) as generated by Millennia Corp.'s Legacy Family Tree from information taken from the Justice text.


    Family Trees

ADDITIONAL UPDATE: Folker, a new, much smaller Dungan project presenting a paper read by Howard O. Folker before the Bucks County Hist. Soc. in 1909. This work is complete.


HOW TO:  how to follow your Dungan line through the text. Also notes on the addition of HYPER-LINKS to enable the user to easily follow a particular line. Hyper-links are being added to older pages & incorporated into the new as they go online.




  Additional online Dungan & associated family resources:

Roots-L: e-mail forum; substitute the surname of choice.
Genforum: substitute the surname of choice
Familyhistory.com: substitute the surname of choice
substitute the surname of choice

Please sign our guest book and let us know what you think of the manner in which the information is presented. Guest Book

Thanks for stopping....Mike J. 








Explanatory:  "in presenting this genealogical history to the public, a few explanatory remarks are necessary..."

Additional Site Information: you should visit this page for more information concerning this site.

Sources: opens in new window for your convenience




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