My Homestead
Nancy Wells McDonald


These pages contain family genealogy of WELLS, COLE and related family ancestry. Many families our ancestors migrated with across America are included. Sites referring to these families will be added in the future.

Many individuals have been very generous in sharing their family information. Information has been retrieved from family Bibles, newspapers, books, government reports, cemetery records, LDS files, the Internet, and family tradition. 

Genealogical information is always subject to additions and corrections, so please use the following information only as a guide. Through age related history records, it is possible there may be mistakes in the family group sheets. If you see anything that needs correcting, please e-mail me. 

My Homestead is Dedicated to the Memory of My Parents

Andrew Paul WELLS, Sr

Clara Evelyn FULLER Wells


I’ve taken down my web site until I can do reconstruction. 

If you need anything, please e-mail me.   Thank you.


e-mail: [email protected]