Paul sent me these files and I thought it might be of interest to you especially those looking for the smaller tribes. Though I hate format that runs off the screen I have done so with this to keep it easier to read.

 Revised:  7/08/96                          Compiled by: Paul R. Sarrett, Jr.
                                                         [email protected]
State     Tribe       Date  Num.              Source
--- --------------- ---- ------- ---------------------------------------------
LA  Acolapissa      1650    1500 Mooney (1928) [Acolapissa & Tangipahoa]
LA  Acolapissa      1698    1050 total as per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Acolapissa      1699     300 warriors per La Harpe (1831)
LA  Acolapissa      1702     250 families per Iberville
LA  Acolapissa      1722     299 warriors per Charlevoix
LA  Acolapissa      1739      90 to 100 warriors, Acolapissa, Houmn, Bayogoula
LA  Acolapissa      1739     270 to 300 people, Acolapissa, Houmn, Bayogoula
LA  Acolapissa      1750       0 this tribe is Extinct!

LA  Adai            1700      50 warriors, per Bienville
LA  Adai            1718     100 warriors, per Bienville
LA  Adai            1740     400 people, When the mission of San Miguel was re
LA  Adai            1805      20 warriors, in the Adai village
LA  Adai            1825      27 total per John R. Swanton (1944) Adai
LA  Adai            1869     400 total, per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Adai            1880       0 this tribe is Extinct!

AL  Alabama         1702     400 Iberville (in Margry, 1875-86, vol. 4, p. 514
AL  Alabama         1715     770 English census in four villages.
AL  Alabama         1730     400 to 1740 warriors in six towns.
AL  Alabama         1792      60 exclusive of 60 Tawasa,
AL  Alabama         1799      80 Hawkins (1848) estimated gunwarriors in four
LA  Alabama         1805      70 Sibley (1832) states two villages in LA.
AL  Alabama         1832     321 two towns Tawasa and Autauga, with 21 slaves
TX  Alabama         1882     290 U.S. Indian Office reported Alabama, Koasati,
TX  Alabama         1900     470 U.S. Indian Office reported
OK  Alabama         1910     111 U.S. Census
TX  Alabama         1910     187 U.S. Census
TX  Alabama         1910     192 U.S. Indian Office reported
TX  Alabama         1917     160 Morse (1822) gives all told in Texas
OK  Alabama         1930     176 "Creek" Indians returned from Polk County, TX

FL Apalachee          0    2000 At the time of Moore's raid
FL Apalachee       1650    7000 Mooney (1928) estimate
FL Apalachee       1675    6130 Governor Salazar's mission-by-mission estimat
FL Apalachee       1676    5000 Spanish memorial gives a population
FL Apalachee       1715     275 warriors, SC Census in 4 Apalachee villages
FL Apalachee       1715     638 total SC Census in 4 Apalachee villages
FL Apalachee       1715    1000 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL Apalachee       1758     100 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Apalachee       1814      14 warriors, per Sibley (1832) in the Louisiana
LA  Apalachee       1814      50 total, per Sibley (1832) in the Louisiana ban
LA  Apalachee       1817     150 Morse (1822) is too high.
OK  Apalachee       1884       2 or 3 removed to OK. per Dr. Gatschet
OK  Apalachee       1900       0 this tribe is Extinct!

GA Apalachicola    1715      64 warriors before the outbreak of the Yamasee W
GA Apalachicola    1715     214 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA Apalachicola    1738      45 warriors in one town, A Spanish census
GA Apalachicola    1738      60 warriors in one town, A Spanish census
GA Apalachicola    1750      30 warriors, A French census
GA Apalachicola    1760      60 total per British enumeration
GA Apalachicola    1761      20 total per British enumeration
GA Apalachicola    1792     100 American estimate (including the Chiaha)
GA Apalachicola    1832     239 U.S. Census in 2 settlements.
GA Apalachicola    1840       0 this Tribe is Extinct!

LA  Atakapa         1660    1500 Mooney (1928) Exclusive of the Akokisa
LA  Atakapa         1747     300 families per Spanish report [to high]
LA  Atakapa         1760      80 warriors, per Sibley (1832)
LA  Atakapa         1779     180 warriors the Bayou Vermillion & Mermentou ban
LA  Atakapa         1805      30 were Houma and Tunica Sibley (1832)
LA  Atakapa         1805      50 warriors, in last Atakapa town per Sibley (18
LA  Atakapa         1850       0 this tribe is Extinct!

LA  Avoyel          1698     280 total, per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Avoyel          1700      40 warriors per Iberville and Bienville
LA  Avoyel          1750       0 this tribe is Extinct!

LA  Bayogoula       1650    1500 Mooney (1928) [Bayogoula, Quinipissa, Mugulas
LA  Bayogoula       1698     875 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Bayogoula       1699     200 to 250 warriors per Iberville
LA  Bayogoula       1700     200 aft destruction of Mugulasha, Gravier
LA  Bayogoula       1715      40 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Bayogoula       1739       0 see Houma under Mississippi.
LA  Bayogoula       1739       0 this tribe is Extinct!

NC  Bear River Indi 1600    1000 Mooney (1928) places w/ Pamlico
NC  Bear River Indi 1709      50 warriors per Lawson (1860)
NC  Bear River Indi 1750       0 this tribe is Extinct!

MS  Biloxi          1650    1000 Mooney (1928) w/ Pascagoula, & the "Moctobi"
MS  Biloxi          1698     420 total, per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Biloxi          1720     175 total, per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Biloxi          1805     105 total, per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Biloxi          1829      65 total, per John R. Swanton (1944)
OK  Biloxi          1908       6 to 8, total, per John R. Swanton (1944)
OK  Biloxi          1910       0 this tribe is Extinct!
FL  Calusa          1650    3000 Mooney (1928) estimate
FL  Calusa          1680     960 passed through 5 villages
FL  Calusa          1839     250 warriors, that attacked Harney
FL  Calusa          1850       0 this tribe is Extinct!

NC  Cape Fear India 1600    1000 Mooney (1928) estimate
NC  Cape Fear India 1715     206 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
NC  Cape Fear India 1808      30 White neighbors remembered w/Pedee

SC  Catawba         1692    1500 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1692    4600 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1728     400 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1728    1400 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1752     300 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1752    1000 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1755     240 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1757     300 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1757     700 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1759     250 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1760      60 warriors after smallpox epidemic per King Hai
SC  Catawba         1763      50 warriors were reported, John R. Swanton (1944
SC  Catawba         1766      60 souls "not more than 60."
SC  Catawba         1773     400 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1780     490 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1822     450 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1826     110 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
SC  Catawba         1881      35 Gatschet found on adjoining farms
SC  Catawba         1881      85 Gatschet found on the reservation
SC  Catawba         1910     124 returned U.S. Census
SC  Catawba         1912      40 on adjoining farms
SC  Catawba         1912      60 attached to the reservation
SC  Catawba         1930     166 all but 7 in SC Connection

MS  Chakchiuma      1650     750 exclusive of Tiou, John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Chakchiuma      1650    1200 Mooney (1928) Chakchiuma, Ibitoupa, Taposa, &
MS  Chakchiuma      1699      70 cabins occupied
MS  Chakchiuma      1702     400 families, [too high]
MS  Chakchiuma      1704      80 families per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Chakchiuma      1718      50 to 1730 where Chakchiuma cabins
MS  Chakchiuma      1722     150 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Chatot          1674    1200 to 1,500 when first missionized
FL  Chatot          1700     250 warriors, on site of Mobile, Bienville (1932,
FL  Chatot          1700     900 total, on site of Mobile, Bienville (1932, vo
FL  Chatot          1725      40 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Chatot          1725     140 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Chatot          1805      30 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Chatot          1805     100 total, per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Chatot          1817     240 total, by Morse (1822), twice too large.

LA  Chawasha        1650    1400 Mooney (1928) [Washa, Chawasha, Opelousa]
LA  Chawasha        1698     200 warriors Beaurain's (La Harpe) for the 3 trib
LA  Chawasha        1698     700 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Chawasha        1715      40 there are said to have been 40 Chawasha warri
LA  Chawasha        1739      30 warriors of the Washa and Chawasha
LA  Chawasha        1758      10 to 12 warriors, John R. Swanton (1944)

TN  Cherokee        1650   22000 Mooney (1928) estimates total population
TN  Cherokee        1715    2760 Upper Cherokee, per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1715    6350 Middle Cherokee, per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1715   11210 Lower Cherokee, per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1720   10000 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1720   11500 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1729    6000 warriors only per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1729   20000 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1755    2590 warriors per North Carolina of 5 Div's.
TN  Cherokee        1760    2000 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1761    3000 Warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
OK  Cherokee        1838    6000 total in West per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1838   16542 total in East per John R. Swanton (1944)
OK  Cherokee        1885   17000 total in West per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Cherokee        1885    2000 total in East per John R. Swanton (1944)
OK  Cherokee        1902   28016 total in West per John R. Swanton (1944)
NC  Cherokee        1910    1406 U.S. Census for NC
OK  Cherokee        1910     933 U.S. Census located in 23 other states.
OK  Cherokee        1910   29610 U.S. Census for OK
NC  Cherokee        1923   25152 U.S. Indian Office Cherokee "by blood"
OK  Cherokee        1923   36432 U.S. Indian Office Cherokee "by blood"
NC  Cherokee        1930    1963 U.S. Indian Office Cherokee "by blood"
OK  Cherokee        1930    1963 U.S. Indian Office Cherokee other 36 states.
OK  Cherokee        1930   40904 U.S. Indian Office Cherokee "by blood"
NC  Cherokee        1937    3327 the number of eastern Cherokee.
GA  Chiaha          1738     120 warriors, For the southern division a Spanish
GA  Chiaha          1750      20 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA  Chiaha          1760     160 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA  Chiaha          1761     120 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA  Chiaha          1792     100 warriors, per Marbury (Chiaha & Apalachicola)
GA  Chiaha          1799      20 families per Hawkins in Hotalgi-huyana
GA  Chiaha          1821     210 families per Young
GA  Chiaha          1821     670 total per Young
GA  Chiaha          1832     381 U.S. Census

MS  Chickasaw       1600    8000 Mooney (1928) estimate
MS  Chickasaw       1702    2000 families per Iberville
MS  Chickasaw       1715     700 warriors in 6 villages per enumeration by colony
MS  Chickasaw       1715    1900 total in 6 villages per enumeration by colony of
MS  Chickasaw       1761     400 warriors per a North Carolina estimate
MS  Chickasaw       1766     350 warriors per a North Carolina estimate
MS  Chickasaw       1817    3635 Morse (1822) places the total population
MS  Chickasaw       1829    3600 Gen. Peter B. Porter (in Schoolcraft)
OK  Chickasaw       1833    4715 Schoolcraft, 1851-57,vol. 3)
OK  Chickasaw       1865    4500 U.S. Indian Office
OK  Chickasaw       1870    4500 U.S. Indian Office
OK  Chickasaw       1910    4204 U.S. Census
OK  Chickasaw       1923    5000 U.S. Indian Office "Freedmen"
OK  Chickasaw       1923    6000 U.S. Indian Office
OK  Chickasaw       1930    4745 U.S. Census

LA  Chitimacha      1650    3000 Mooney (1928) estimate
LA  Chitimacha      1698     750 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Chitimacha      1699     700 to 800 in Beaurain's estimate
LA  Chitimacha      1699    3625 total per Beaurain's estimate
LA  Chitimacha      1758      80 warriors in the Mississippi band
LA  Chitimacha      1784      27 warriors, per Hutchins
LA  Chitimacha      1910      19 of whom were then at school in Pennsylvania.
LA  Chitimacha      1910      69 U.S. Census for the entire tribe
LA  Chitimacha      1930      51 U.S. Census, were returned.

MS  Choctaw         1702     700 Estimates from 1702-1814 vary 700 to 16,000
MS  Choctaw         1761    5000 warriors per A North Carolina estimate
MS  Choctaw         1831   19554 warriors, per Armstrong
AL  Choctaw         1910      57 U.S. Census for Alabama
MS  Choctaw         1910      32 U.S. Census for other States
MS  Choctaw         1910    1162 U.S. Census for Mississippi
OK  Choctaw         1910     115 U.S. Census for Louisiana
MS  Choctaw         1923    1439 "by blood Mississippi-Choctaw" in MS.
OK  Choctaw         1923     200 in LA., AL. and other states..
OK  Choctaw         1923    1600 "by blood Mississippi-Choctaw" in OK.
OK  Choctaw         1923   17488 U.S. Indian Office "by blood" in OK.
LA  Choctaw         1930     190 U.S. Census for Louisiana
MS  Choctaw         1930     624 U.S. Census for Mississippi
OK  Choctaw         1930     302 U.S. Census for 14 other states
OK  Choctaw         1930   16641 U.S. Census for Oklahoma
OK  Choctaw         1937    1908 "by blood Mississippi Choctaw" [OK & MS]

NC  Chowanoc        1584     700 warriors in one of the town of Ohanoak
NC  Chowanoc        1600    1500 Mooney (1928) estimate
NC  Chowanoc        1707      15 warriors, they were reduced to one town
NC  Chowanoc        1731      20 families per John R. Swanton (1944)
NC  Chowanoc        1755       5 Gov. Dobbs stated that only 2 men & 3 women w

NC  Ckeraw          1600    1200 Mooney (1928) estimate
NC  Ckeraw          1715     510 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
NC  Ckeraw          1768      50 to 60 survivors per John R. Swanton (1944)

SC  Congaree        1600     800 Mooney (1928) estimate
SC  Congaree        1715      22 warriors and 18 women a total 40 population

SC  Coosa           1600     600 Mooney (1928) classifies Stono with the Westo

NC  Coree           1600    1000 Mooney (1928) or Coranine
NC  Coree           1707      25 warriors in 2 villages per Lawson (1860)

SC  Cusabo          1600    1200 Mooney (1928) estimate
SC  Cusabo          1715     295 colonial census southern Cusabu 5 villages

SC  Edisto          1600    1000 Mooney (1928) estimate

NC  Eno             1600    1500 Mooney (1928) [Eno, Shakori, Adshusheer]
NC  Eno             1714     750 the Eno, Shnkori, Tutelo, Snponi, Occaneechi,

SC  Etiwaw          1600     600 Mooney (1928) estimate
SC  Etiwaw          1715     240 probably including the other northern Cusabo

MS  Grigra          1720      60 to 1725 abt warriors, John R. Swanton (1944)

GA  Guale           1602    1200 the missionaries claimed Christians
GA  Guale           1650    2000 Mooney (1928) [Guale and Yamasee] too low
GA  Guale           1650    4000 before depleted by White contact & invasions
GA  Guale           1670     700 warriors, English estimated in the Spanish mi
GA  Guale           1715     413 warriors, census of the Yamasee and Gunle
GA  Guale           1715    1215 total, census of the Yamasee and Gunle
NC  Hatteras        1600     500 Mooney (1928) estimate
NC  Hatteras        1600    1200 with the Machapunga and other tribes
NC  Hatteras        1701      16 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)

GA  Hitchiti        1738      60 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA  Hitchiti        1750      15 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA  Hitchiti        1760      50 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA  Hitchiti        1761      40 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA  Hitchiti        1772      90 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
GA  Hitchiti        1832     381 total John R. Swanton (1944)

MS  Houma           1650    1000 Mooney (1928) estimate
MS  Houma           1699     140 Cabins per Iberville
MS  Houma           1699     350 warriors per Iberville
MS  Houma           1699     600 to 700 population per Journal
MS  Houma           1718      60 Cabins, after tribe suffered from  pestilence
MS  Houma           1718     200 warriors per La Harpe (1831)
MS  Houma           1739      90 to 100 warriors a French officer
MS  Houma           1739     270 to 300 total per a French officer
MS  Houma           1758      60 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Houma           1784      25 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Houma           1803      60 the total Houma population
MS  Houma           1907     800 to 900 estimate of mixed-blood population
MS  Houma           1910     120 U.S. Census returned only 120 from  Terrebonn
MS  Houma           1920     639 U.S. Census were returned
MS  Houma           1930     936 from Terrebonne besides 11 from La Fourche.

MS  Ibitoupa        1722       6 Cabins reported, John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Ibitoupa        1722      40 Choula, a possible offshoot John R. Swanton (

FL  Jece            1650    1000 Mooney (1928) estimates Tekesta, Guacata, & J
FL  Jece            1726      88 "Costa" Indians reported in a mission north
FL  Jece            1728      52 "Costa" Indians were reported.

TN  Kaskinampo         0     150 Bienville, who estimates warriors
TN  Kaskinampo         0     500 Bienville estimates total population

NC  Keyauwee        1701     750 of Keyauwee, Tutelo, Saponi, Occaneechi, Shak

AL  Koasati         1750      50 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
AL  Koasati         1760     150 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
AL  Koasati         1792     130 Marbury (1792) credits.
AL  Koasati         1806     200 Sibley (1806) native authority list hunters
AL  Koasati         1814     600 Sehermerhorn estimates that there were on the
LA  Koasati         1817     640 Morse places the total population in Louisian
LA  Koasati         1829     180 warriors per Porter
AL  Koasati         1832      82 after the Louisiana branch had split off
LA  Koasati         1850     500 Bollaert gives number of in two Koasati towns
TX  Koasati         1882     290 U.S. Indian Office reported Alabama, Koasati,
TX  Koasati         1900     470 U.S. Census of 1900 listed.
LA  Koasati         1910      85 U.S. census of 1910 listed
NB  Koasati         1910       2 U.S. census of 1910 listed
TX  Koasati         1910      11 U.S. census of 1910 listed
LA  Koasati         1930     134 Census "Creeks" returned from LA were mainly

MS  Koroa           1630     100 or perhaps 100 souls.
MS  Koroa           1650      40 Cabins per Le Page du Pratz
MS  Koroa           1650    2000 Mooney (1928) Koroa, Yazoo, Tunica, and Ofo
MS  Koroa           1722     250 total of the Koroa. Yazoo and Ofo
MS  Koroa           1730      40 warriors the last estimate of the Koroa and Y

NC  Machapunga      1600    1200 Mooney (1928) estimate
NC  Machapunga      1701     100 total per Lawson (1860)
NC  Machapunga      1761       7 or 8 The Bear River Indians may have combined
NC  Machapunga      1775       8 to 10 on the mainland & same on the off-shore

FL  Mikasuki        1817    1400 Morse (1822) quotes Capt. Young

AL  Mobile          1650    6000 to 7,000 when De Soto fought with them.
AL  Mobile          1650    2000 Mooney (1928) estimates Mobil & Tohome.
AL  Mobile          1702     350 Iberville states Mobil and the Tohome.
AL  Mobile          1725      60 Bienville (1932, vol. 3, p. 536), gives Mobil
AL  Mobile          1730      30 Regis de Rouillet (1732)
AL  Mobile          1758     100 De Kerlerec (1907) estimates Mobile, Tohome,

AL  Muklasa         1760      50 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
AL  Muklasa         1761      30 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
AL  Muklasa         1792      30 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)

Al  Muskogee-Creek  1702    2000 Iberville Creek and Alabama families.
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1708    2000 South Carolina officials estimated
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1715    1869 warriors per governwarriorst of South Carolin
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1715    6522 total per governwarriorst of South Carolina
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1750     905 a French warrior estimate.
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1760    2000 a North Carolina warrior estimate
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1760    2620 a French warrior estimate.
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1761    1385 a English warrior estimate
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1761    3000 a American warrior estimate
AL  Muskogee-Creek  1792    2850 a American warrior estimate
OK  Muskogee-Creek  1832    6000 warriors by Alexander McGillivray
OK  Muskogee-Creek  1832   17939 Indian census taken befr emigration to OK.
OK  Muskogee-Creek  1857   15000 total U.S. Census.
OK  Muskogee-Creek  1910    6945 total U.S. Census.
OK  Muskogee-Creek  1919   12000 total U.S. Census.
OK  Muskogee-Creek  1923   11952 total U.S. Census "Creeks" by blood.
OK  Muskogee-Creek  1930   90830 total U.S. Census.

MS  Natchez         1650    4500 Mooney (1928) estimate
MS  Natchez         1698    3500 total as per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Natchez         1731     300 warriors aftr "War with the French", Perrier
MS  Natchez         1735     180 warriors were reported among the Chickasaw al
MS  Natchez         1780      20 to 150 warriors in the Creek band of Natchez
OK  Natchez         1836       0 There are no figures for the Cherokee band of
OK  Natchez         1836     300 total per Gallatin conjectures

LA  Natchitoches    1700     400 to 450 warriors per Bienville
LA  Natchitoches    1700    1000 warriors before white contact
LA  Natchitoches    1718     150 to 200 per La Harpe (1831)
LA  Natchitoches    1805      52 warriors per  Sibley (1832)
LA  Natchitoches    1825      61 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)

NC  Neusiok         1600    1000 Mooney (1928) With Coree & Neusiok
NC  Neusiok         1709      15 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)

GA  Oconee          1675     200 at the Apalachee Mission of San Francisco de
GA  Oconee          1738      50 Oconee men in the Creek Nation
GA  Oconee          1750      30 Oconee men in the Creek Nation
GA  Oconee          1760      50 Oconee men in the Creek Nation
GA  Oconee          1761      50 Oconee men in the Creek Nation

GA  Okmulgee        1750      20 warriors, A French census
GA  Okmulgee        1760      30 warriors, British census
GA  Okmulgee        1822     220 total, Young, quoted of Morse,(1822)

LA  Opelousa        1715     130 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Opelousa        1805      40 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
LA  Opelousa        1814      20 the total population of the tribe

AL  Osochi          1759      30 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
AL  Osochi          1760      50 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
AL  Osochi          1792      50 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
AL  Osochi          1832     539 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)

NC  Pamlico         1600    1000 Mooney (1928) with "Bear River Indians"
NC  Pamlico         1710      75 total per John R. Swanton (1944)

MS  Pascagoula      1650    1000 Mooney (1928) Biloxi, Pascagoula, & Moctobi
MS  Pascagoula      1698     455 Pascagoula only, per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Pascagoula      1698     875 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
MS  Pascagoula      1700      20 families per Iberville
MS  Pascagoula      1700      30 families per Le Page du Pratz
MS  Pascagoula      1758     100 warriors of the Pascagoula, Biloxi, and Chato
MS  Pascagoula      1805      25 families for Pascagoula only Sibley (1832)
MS  Pascagoula      1822     250 total per Morse (1822) estimate
MS  Pascagoula      1829     111 total per Schoolcraft (1851-57)

SC  Pedee           1600     600 Mooney (1928) estimate
SC  Pedee           1715       0 does not mention, they probably included Wacc

FL  Pensacola       1725      40 warriors, per Bienville (1932,vol. 3, p. 536)
FL  Pensacola       1764     251 warriors, per Bienville (1932,vol. 3, p. 536)

FL  Pohoy           1680     300 Pooy, or Posoy per  John R. Swanton (1944)

FL  Potano          1602    1100 Franciscan missionaries were catechizing
FL  Potano          1650    3000 Mooney (1928) estimate
FL  Potano          1675     160 in the 2 Potano missions. (See Acuera & Utins

AR  Quapaw          1650    2500 Mooney (1928) estimate
AR  Quapaw          1750     400 warriors per Father Vivier
AR  Quapaw          1750    1400 souls per Father Vivier
AR  Quapaw          1766     220 gunmen per British Indian Agent, Jolm Stuart
AR  Quapaw          1829     500 total population per Porter
AR  Quapaw          1843     476 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
OK  Quapaw          1885      54 on the Quapaw Reservation
OK  Quapaw          1885     120 on the Osage Reservation
OK  Quapaw          1890     198 on both Reservation
OK  Quapaw          1910     231 U.S. Census
OK  Quapaw          1916     333 Indian Office Report
OK  Quapaw          1923     347 Indian Office Report
OK  Quapaw          1930     222 U.S. census of 1930 listed

SC  Santee          1600    1000 Mooney (1928) estimate
SC  Santee          1715      43 warriors per an Indian census
SC  Santee          1715      80 to 85 souls in 2 villages.

FL  Saturiwa        1602     500 Christians among missionary
FL  Saturiwa        1675      30 in San Juan del Puerto

AL  Sawokli         1738      20 a Spanish report evidently an underestimate.
AL  Sawokli         1750      50 four settlements are given of warriors
AL  Sawokli         1760     190 four settlements are given of warriors
AL  Sawokli         1799      20 Hawkins (1848) gives hunters in Sawoklutci on
AL  Sawokli         1821     150 Young (in Morse, 1822) estimates inhabitants.
AL  Sawokli         1832     106 Indians in Hatcheetcaba
AL  Sawokli         1832     157 Indians in Okawaigi
AL  Sawokli         1832     187 Indians in Sawokli besides 42 slaves

FL  Seminole           0    2000 Before the Creek-American war
FL  Seminole        1847     370 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1850     348 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
OK  Seminole        1851    2500 in Oklahoma
OK  Seminole        1857    1907 Census in OK.
FL  Seminole        1893     450 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1895     565 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1901     348 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1911     446 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1913     600 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1914     562 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1919     573 total per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1930      32 scattered in other States.
FL  Seminole        1930     227 in Florida,
OK  Seminole        1930    1789 in Oklahoma per John R. Swanton (1944)
FL  Seminole        1937     586 total per John R. Swanton (1944)

SC  Sewee           1600     800 Mooney (1928) estimate
SC  Sewee           1715      57 total per John R. Swanton (1944)

NC  Shakori         1600    1500 Mooney (1928) Shakori, Eno, and "Adshusheer"

TN  Shawnee         1650    3000 Mooney (1928) estimate
TN  Shawnee         1700    2000 warriors per John R. Swanton (1944)
TN  Shawnee         1760     100 Abihka & Tallapoosa bands numbere.
OK  Shawnee         1909    1400 those incorporated with the Cherokee Nation
TN  Shawnee         1909     107 the Eastern Shawnee
TN  Shawnee         1909     481 the Absentee Shawnee
OK  Shawnee         1910    1338 U.S. census of 1910 listed
OK  Shawnee         1923     551 Absentee, Shawnee
TN  Shawnee         1923       0 no figures were given for part of tribe in th
TN  Shawnee         1923     166 Eastern Shawnee were enumerated
OK  Shawnee         1930    1161 U.S. census of 1930 of OK.
OK  Shawnee         1937     916 in Oklahoma per John R. Swanton (1944)

NC  Sissipahaw      1600     800 Mooney (1928) estimate

FL  Tacstacuru      1602     112 In Santa Maria de Sena
FL  Tacstacuru      1602     180 In Santo Domingo served  Christians
FL  Tacstacuru      1602     792 in 8 settlements, Christianized Indians

LA  Taensa          1650     800 Mooney (1928) for [Taensa & Avoyel]
LA  Taensa          1699     700 De Montigny (in Shea, 1861)
LA  Taensa          1700     120 Cabins per Iberville
LA  Taensa          1700     300 warriors per Iberville
LA  Taensa          1702     150 families per Iberville
LA  Taensa          1758     100 Cabins, per Le Page du Pratz (1758)
LA  Taensa          1764     200 total, with the Apalachee and Pakana Creeks

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