Fill in Form Below to Submit a Census Citation

Add a Census Citation to the Notepad

You do not need to fill in every blank, but enough information so that others can locate your list easily

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Filling out and submitting this form will not post your information on-line.  The information will be sent to me by e-mail and I will add it to the current list of citations if it is not already there.  Please be sure that your e-mail address as well as the citation, is free from typos.  If you have more than one citation, please submit one form for each.  Thanks!

Please provide the following:

Your Name:

Your E-Mail Address:

Country in which census was taken:

Year of census:

State or Province and locality (e.g., county):

Name of Institution:

# Persons:

Vol. Number:

E. D:

Sheet #:

Page #:

How would you like your name to appear as "Submitted by" on transcribed list:

Remarks, ie, legibility of cite, other info important to cite not requested above:


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