John Taylor

John Taylor
Ship: 788 tons
Captain: J M Cawkitt
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed London July 10th 1853 via Melbourne - arrived Lyttelton October 18th 1853
                                                                                                      Wellington November 2nd 1853
                                                                                                                    New Plymouth November 28th 1853     

Arrival of John Taylor at Lyttelton
Arrival of John Taylor at Wellington

This list was put together with the help of Kay Bastin. Thanks Kay.

Name Age Bound For
Allen Reverend J C Wellington
Beswick Captain Wellington
2 children
Beswick J Wellington
Bowler Mr New Plymouth
Briggs Mr R N Wellington
Brooking Mr
5 children
Dagley Mr J G Wellington
Mary Jane
Edgar John
Dare Mr C Wellington
Mr Llewellyn H Wellington
4 children
Denby Mr Wellington
Elmer Mr Wellington
Fox Mr Wellington
Gosling Miss Wellington
Harper Mr H Wellington
Master H
Knowles Mr Wellington
Lally Reverend M Wellington
Susan Ann
Minchin Reverend W Wellington
3 children
Miles Mr Wellington
Moir Reverend John 45 Wellington
Jessie A
Jane Ann
James Hamilton
Robert M
Montague Mr G Wellington
Newman Mrs Wellington
Newman Mr Wellington
Newbury Mr Wellington
Ollivier Mr Wellington
10 children
Parkerson Mr Wellington
7 children
Pritchard Mr Wellington
Purvell Mr Wellington
Riche Mr Wellington
Sheers Wellington
Shrimpton Mr Ingram Wellington
9 children
Shrimpton J Wellington
Silliphant Mr G W Wellington
Smith Mrs Wellington
Sterriker Mr Wellington
Wakefield William K New Plymouth
Maria E
Alice M
William B
Horace E
Weston Mr New Plymouth
Wylde Mr Wellington

Reverend John Moir and family (extracts paraphrased from his journal):
Being a Free Church minister he was very scathing about the ship's Chaplain and his sermons, and he preached at the request of many passengers. The Captains wasn't too keen but didn't forbid him and John points out to him that 'card playing and many such were allowed, and the preaching of the Gospel surely might be tolerated also.' Things got pretty bitter between the different doctrines! Several children die of diarrhoea and are 'cast overboard'. During the Hurricane the Captain 'when he saw the bowsprit under the water and the sea rushing over the forecastle exclaimed "All is lost". ' Several sharks were caught. There was a fight between the black cook and several seamen, the cook ended up with a cracked skull, broken arm etc. Passengers were outraged and the sailors were to be prosecuted for the attack. John Moir and other passengers make a presentation (money) to the Captain for his 'ability as a commander, his urbanity and kindness and attention to all our wants.'

If you have a cvonnection with this family or would liek to know more please contact Kay Bastin.

Copyright Denise & Peter 2000

Lyttelton Times, Evening Post, Alexander Turnbull Library

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