
Queen Bee
Ship: 726 Tons
Captain: Williams
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed London September 18th 1871 - arrived Wellington January 10th 1872

The Queen Bee, a full rigged ship of 726 tons, was one of the earliest vessels to bring out immigrants to New Zealand. Her first port of call was Dunedin, whaer she arrived in 1866. She was a fine roomy vessel, with accomodation superior to  to many of the ships carrying passengers in the sixties. She sank on route to Nelson in 1877 after striking Cape Farewell.
White Wings - Sir Henry Brett

Arrival of the Queen Bee

Name Age County Occupation
Cabin Passengers
Brown Mr
Carruthers Mrs
Chadfield Mr
Cowie Mr
Delaney Mr
Dickens Mrs
English Mr
Gulliver Mr C F R N
Miller Mr
Witherby Mr
Second Cabin Passengers
Collins Mrs
Fraser Mrs
Grundy Mr
Reed Mr
Reeves Mr
3 children
With Miss
Third Cabin Passengers
Bennett Mr F
Mr G
Mr W
Mr F T
Borrodaile Mrs
Brown Mr T
Carew Mr N
Denis Mr W
Fraser John
Hoild Mr J M
Hollywood Eliza
Hollywood John
Langley Mr A
Lee Mrs
Locket Mrs
4 children
McCormick Mr R
Nolan Mrs
Richards Mrs
Wollind Mr
7 children
Woodroofe Mr G

Copyright Denise & Peter 2002

Wellington Independent January 11th 1872