
W. H. Haselden
Ship: 896 tons
Captain: Rose
Surgeon Superintendent:
Sailed London 5th August 1864 - arrived Lyttelton 15th December 1864

W. H. Haselden, 896 tons, Captain John Rose, sailed from London 5th August, arrived 15th December. She was a new ship on her maiden voyage. Owing to a succession of head winds down Channel and a series of light winds and calms after parting with the pilot to making the New Zealand coast on 9th December, the voyage occupied 135 days. Captain Rose reported that during the whole voyage he had never occasion to take in the royals.
Source White Wings -  Sir Henry Brett

Name Age County Occupation
First Cabin Passengers
Bullick Miss
Carpenter Rev.
Church Mr
Dodd Mr
Grimes Mr
Hensley Mr
Howden Mr
Manwaring E. and F.
Murison Mr and Mrs
Robertson Mr and Mrs
Second Cabin Passengers
Bell Miss
Black Jane
Brown James and Mrs
Cox Mr
Crawford Ralph
Edgar Mrs and Miss
Fagan Patrick
Garry James
Harcourt Mr
Mackintosh Miss
Mair Mr John
Morrison Mrs
Morrison Mr and Mrs
Morrison Messres W and G
Morrison Helen
Pool Mr
Pullbrook John
Taylor John
Templar Mr
Tiller George
Turner Mr
Whitney Mr
Yates Charles H.

Copyright Denise and Peter 2001

Lyttelton Times December 17th 1864

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