
Wild Duck
Ship: 736

Captain: Bishop
Surgeon Superintendent: Dr Stokes
Sailed London October 6th 1864 - arrived Wellington January 19th 1865

The Wild Duck, chartered in the sixties by the Shaw Savill Co., was a full rigged ship of 737 tons. She ran almost exclusively to Wellington under Captain Bishop, but made one voyage each to Auckland and Nelson
White Wings - Sir Henry Brett

Arrival of the Wild Duck

Name Age County Occupation
First Cabin Passengers
Beaumont Mr
Garforth Mr
Hawkins Mr
Krull Mr
McJanish Mr
Pullene Mr
Small Mr
Stokes Dr
Tetley Mr
3 children
Watt Mr
Wharton Mr
Second Cabin Passengers
Dale Miss Ann
Frederica Helen
Raper Mr G
Swan Mr M
Third Cabin Passengers
Beard Mr J
Cole Mr H
Drummond Mr R
Fraser Mr
4 children
Harwood Mrs
3 children
Harwood Mr J
Hayden Mr M
Knowles Mr W
Ling Mr W
McFeacher Mr J
Nisbet Mr A
Roland Mrs
Scott Mr J
Tyne Mr W
Walsh Mr J
Whitewood Mr A
Woodfield Mr J
Plus 5 others

Copyright Denise & Peter 2002 - 2007

Wellington Independent January 21st 1865