Pam's Genealogy Page

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Real Genealogy - Not Just Links        The Genealogy Register

Hi. Welcome to my genealogy page. The Family Tree Page has a link to all the surnames in my genealogy files or a master index of all people in my database. If you find any connections or would like additional details on any name, please get in touch with me by clicking the email graphic below. I'd also appreciate any suggestions you have for improving my page. Thanks for visiting.

Winthrop Medical Journal . During my research I was able to view the medical journal of John Winthrop Jr. at the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston. The journal consists of almost 1,000 pages of medical notes kept by John Winthrop, Jr. throughout his medical career. The time frame is between approximately 1657 and 1669. I made copies of over 100 pages which contained my ancestors and have made a rough transcription of the names on each page. Click Here or use the link below to check the entries for your ancestors.

I've included a list of the sites which I've found most helpful in my research. Let me know of your favorites, too.


My Family Tree Page

Favorite Sites

Winthrop Medical Journal



                                  Meaning of Names       
                      Genealogy-Meaning of Names