Ezine Supplemental

Ezine Supplemental

This is the Perry Ezine Supplemental, which is updated every month.  It contains additional information such as poll results and corrections to the current issue.  Email me at Perry Ezine to subscribe to or contribute to the Ezine.


This month’s Supplemental is for Vol. 1 Issue #12 of the Ezine (1.12, December 07).

If you subscribed and didn’t get the Ezine email me at the above link.  You can now request the Ezine in Ms Word format if your computer will not open the PDF version.  There were no corrections in this month’s issue of the Perry Ezine. Technically, this is the Supplemental for June through December.


Its been awhile since the Perry Ezine has been out. Please go to the Blog at http://pennd002.tripod.com/perryresearchblog/ and read the entry for December 7th for further details. I am currently trying to update the website.  There will be only a few additions this month mostly in the form of source notes because most of my time is being spent on the Perry Ezine Vol. 1 Edition. It will contain all six issues previously released plus additional information that was to be added in the issues from July to December. It will be over 120 pages in length! Look for updates on the Blog soon.


The last poll question (June) asked “Do you think adding discussions about some of the Ezine articles to the Blog is something you would be involved with?” First of all, the response was good with a 100% yes- thanks for voting. Secondly, it must be noted that some contributors of articles may not have time for the Blog. Instead, when contributors aren't available, I will send their email address along to the commenter in the Blog (if permission is given) so they can get the help they need. Several responses mentioned a discussion board, so I am checking on if I can add one to the website. I'll update everyone from the Blog on this subject when I find something out.


A few search terms for the Census of Perrys was submitted: Pyrys, Pyrries, Perys, etc. These will now be added- Thanks Vicki!


The January issue of the Perry Ezine will be out on the 4th and the Supplemental will be out on the 14th.

I will need submissions for the Ezine throughout 2008. Articles, histories, obituaries, memorials, family pictures, pedigrees, queries, biographies, news, your Perry brick walls, Bible records, or even ghost stories can be submitted.

Here is a little assignment for everyone whose willing to participate. List your oldest proven Perry ancestor and what you hope other Perry researchers can help you with, whether it's a brick wall query or a particular piece of information from a book, census, etc. that you need. This is very important to each of us and may yield great results if most of us participate. Assignment responses will be posted in the Ezine starting in February.

The next issue of the Ezine will include the 1911 Dublin, Ireland Census of Perrys (Part One), birthdays and obituaries, and more.  The cutoff date for submitting an article or other research materials for the Ezine is the first of each month.  The Ezine Supplemental will be out around the 12th of each month.
