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Perry Research



This website is a place for both beginners and serious researchers.


Perry in French (Norman Conqueror) is a certain place name, "stone breaker", or "stony place".  In Anglo-Saxon, it means a drink made from pears or a "pear orchard".  In Welsh, it means "Son of Harry" from a distorted version of Ap Harry (The name Parry is also from this origin).  The Normans had the name Pery and the name Perrie was Scottish.


This website includes information on several Perry families and is growing to include more.  If you have Perry ancestors then you may want to check out this site.  Below you can click on the link “Perry Family Groups” to see information on the families listed on this website or click on the link “Additional Information” to sign the guest book, read about the Perry E-zine, queries, links, and much more.  Check back from time to time for updates.  If you have comments or queries about this website, contact me at: Perry Research or if you wish to submit information on a Perry family, contact me at: Perry Submission.



Perry Family Groups                                            Additional Information