Genealogy Website of Richard Brown and Cris Phelps Lacework knot design

Welcome to the
 updated Genealogy Site of
Richard Brown and Cris Phelps

Green marble bar

On this page, top to bottom:

  • Introduction
  • Links to: our personal ancestries;
  • descendancy lines of several ancestors;
  • family members with military service (knight);
  • photo galleries (cameras);
  • a tongue-in-cheek look at royals in the brown tree (crown; updated 11/8/17)
  • "brick wall" issues (question mark);
  • a list of interesting sites (gem buttons);
  • credits (painter); and
  • personal comments (not yet linked).

Green marble bar

Please sign our guestbook

If you find any errors, no matter how trifling, please email Richard at [email protected]. 

The basis of this site is the ancestry of Richard Brown and Cris (n�e Iris) Phelps, originally from Indiana and Michigan, respectively. Our ancestors were mostly ordinary people with no claim to fame, which presents challenges to finding them in the web of history. Like you and all others who have caught the genealogy  madness, we persevere, and hope this site will be useful and enjoyable to visit.

a disclaimer: this is a work in progress. as these files have grown and new trees have been added it has become impossible to keep up with every change. if you find misspellings, broken links, duplicate individuals, or just plain dumb mistakes, please let us know. happy hunting.

Our personal Ancestral files:

Black button inscribed "Cris' Ancestorsweave patternBlack button inscribed "Richard's Ancestors"

Brown-related family pages:

atkinson battbogle.brown laynemcquerryvoils

Ancestries of richard's uncles and aunts by marriage:

Phelps-related family pages:

Descendants of the father of John and Henry Clements of MI Decsendants of Adam Dingman of Antwerp, Flanders Descendants of Johannes Dippel of Hessen, Prussia Descendants of Henry Hamper of Sussex, England Descendants of Jacob Huffman of Ontario, Canada descendants of reuben ruel phelps of NY and MI descendants of christianus schenck van nydeck descendants of cornelis gerritsen van duyne

From medieval to modern times members of our families have served king and country.

Click on the knight to visit the Warriors page.

animated knight on horse

Genealogy is about individuals with faces. Click a camera to view an album.

PHELPS Bellows-style camera pointing to left bellows-style camera pointing to right BROWN

Dive deeply enough into any family history and you will invariably find royalty. Not modern, though. We're talking so far back that some of the countries involved don't exist any more. Still, it's fun to ask "what if?" isn't it? So I offer a gallery of nobility from my Brown family tree. Some are in my ancestral line, most are not.

Click on the crown to see a selection of my VIP kin. Others will be rotated through periodically.

Rotating crown    

UNSOLVED MYSTERIES: Every family has its ancestors who don't want to be found. See if you can help us solve some mysteries:   UPDATE PENDING

Click animated question mark boucing up and downHere

Other neat places to visit:

blue diamond-shaped gem

Cornell University books on line, including complete Civil War records

Green diamond-shaped gem

GENDIS (Genealogical Death Indexing System), State of Michigan

Purple diamond-shaped gem

Indiana State Library

red diamond-shaped gem

The American Local History Network

gold diamond-shaped gem

Brooklyn Historical Society

black diamond-shaped gem

A list of genealogically useful Illinois databases

blue diamond-shaped gem

Immigrant Ship Transcribers Guild

green diamond-shaped gem

The Ontario (Canada) GenWeb Census Project

purple diamond-shaped gem

Ellis Island passenger lists

decorative woven bar

This site would be dull without artwork to enliven it, and would not exist at all but for the software that created it. Click on the painter to visit the Credits page AND find links to some excellent free resources, especially if you're thinking of developing a website of your own.

CLICKanimated image of artist painting on an easelHERE (update pending)

decorative woven bar

intertwined lines like a fancy knot

This site belongs to Richard Brown