Surnames for e.d. 120

Temporary Surname List for E.D. 120
- A through Z and Others/Unknowns -

This surname list provides a direct link to the page the listed family is on.
Last names on each census transcription web page are colored dark red.
This surname list is only for the first page of this e.d.

                                    © 2000, Kasia Dane


Balzzurkiewicz 109 Fox
Bozczanski 758 Broadway
Crass 84 Fox
Dudkowski 705 Sycamore
Fredrichoffski 347 Shuman
Kolanowski 109 Fox
Muehlbauer 84 Fox
Palszic 758 Broadway
Raburczynski 752 Broadway
Rawski 705 Sycamore
Silverberg 752 Broadway
Sopinski 333 Shuman
Woiclewski 123 Fox
Zdamski 109 Fox