Smiley Family Genealogy

Robert M. Smiley and Sarah Ann Mason Smiley

This is the home page for descendents of Robert M. Smiley born 11 JAN 1802 and Sarah Ann Mason Smiley born 26 NOV 1806. Both Robert and Sarah are presumed to have been born in Pennsylvania around the DuBois area but nothing is known of the parents of either one. Of Robert Smiley his granddaughter Annie Smiley Hoover said that her father David Smiley told her that Robert Smiley's "parents died when he was a very small child, he was placed among strangers and he never knew any of his relatives." Whether the "strangers" gave him their name or Smiley is the name of his biological father is not known. However, it is reasonable to infer that the stranger's name was Smiley and thus biologically speaking Robert is not a Smiley. He first appeared in the 1830 census when he was 28 years old.

Some of the material on Etta Jane Johnston and her descendents came from data supplied by Deborah Johnston. Unfortunately her email address is not active. Deborah, if you see this please contact me at the email address below.

Click here to go to the genealogy database. Be aware, however that the RootsWeb and Ancestry genealogy databases (they are the same) are sometimes not working. So if you get an error message about the file not existing, that is not true. Try again later.

Click here for a photo gallery.

See my other genealogical submissions for Kopp Descendents, Radaker Descendents, Finch Descendents, Anker Storm Lyhne Descendents, Schenker Descendents and Beightol Descendents.

If you note any errors or ommisions or just want to chat, please contact Raymond Smiley at [email protected].

Page updated 17 Jan 2010.