Family Footprints - Translate

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If for some reason, something does not work correctly, or does not translate, come back to this page and follow the instructions provided below. You can return to this page the same way you got here, from the 'Home Page', listed in the left hand menu.

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To translate any of our pages in your choice of eight other languages, follow these easy instructions.

  1. You will first need the URL - Uniform Resource Locators -
    (Internet address, including the http://).
  2. HIGHLIGHT the URL, by clicking once in the URL address box.
  3. COPY the URL. (Right click on your mouse, choose COPY)
  4. PASTE the URL into the form below. (Right click your mouse, choose PASTE)
  5. Choose the language you wish to read in from the drop down menu.
  6. Click Translate.
I have made this to open a new window, to make it easier to translate additional pages.

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