Fogel surname in the Northampton Orphan

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Fogel surname in the Northampton Orphan's Court Register of Births 1899 to 1903

My email address is [email protected] or [email protected]  If you related to one of the family's below, I will gladly add your email address next to their name so people can email you.  

I am looking for people related through Lewis and Anna "Annie" (Silfies) Fogel

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Many of these children have parents listed on my census page... look at the bottom of this page for the link because I many have missed someone

*means either just their parents or the parents and child are listed on the census page


child's name father's name mother's name residence father's occupation date of birth place of birth
Harrold  Jacob or Jasob Clara 220 Wood St Laborer Jan 12 1899 S. Bethlehem
Sadie * Abraham A Stella A East Allen Laborer Nov 4 1898 East Allen
Paul J* Charles A ? (Helia) Lower Nazareth Teacher April 9 1899 Lower Nazareth
Raymond* Abraham Stella Northampton Laborer April 26 1901 Allen Township
Lester* Charles P Lizzie E Bethlehem Laborer March 19, ? 4th Ward, Bethlehem
Raymond A Henry Zuro ? E. District, Moore Township Laborer July 30 1900 E. District, Moore Township
Eva Stella (if you are related, please email me)* Lewis Annie Beersville Laborer Oct 12 1901 Beersville
Russell Alvin Rosa Northampton Laborer June 10 1901 Allen Township
Rosa John Rosa 2nd Street Laborer Nov 21 1901 Wind Gap
Hester* Charles A Helia Lower Nazareth Farmer April 10 1902 Lower Nazareth
Albert William Vera Wyandotte St Laborer July 10 1902 South Bethlehem
Esther M Elmer Stella Lower Nazareth Laborer June 14 1902 Lower Nazareth
Pansie L* Charles Birdie Main St, Bath Laborer Sept 16 1903 Bath
Stanley (if you are related, please email me) Lewis Annie N. District Laborer July 5 1899 Moore Township
Infant (male) (if you are related, please email me) Lewis Annie Beersville, Moore Township Laborer Nov 12 1903 Moore Township
Infant (female) (if you re related, please email me) Lewis Annie Beersville, Moore Township Laborer Nov 12 1903 Moore Township
Harry FOGLE* (listed as Fogel on census page) William H Annie E. District, Lehigh Township Laborer May 10 1903 Benningers, Lehigh

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ancestors surnames including Fogel

my links for help with Northampton County Research

Fogel's (and variations) in the 1910 Soundex Census of Northampton and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania

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