Genealogy Surname Nowacki lineage Czajkowski Czeniejewski Grubba Janusz Jerzak Kondratowicz Nemger Noworul Poterek Rybacki Ryckowski Ryzek

Nowacki Family Lineage

The Nowacki surname of my family tree came to the US from 1885 thru 1895.  This family married into numerous families and produced numerous cousin lines that I have traced to marriages up to the 1940’s in some cases.  These same cousin lines I have traced in the Midwest to include the cities of Kenosha, Wisconsin; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Chicago, Illinois; Whiting, Indiana; and Hammond, Indiana.

If you know a little about your family tree, perhaps you may recognize the names of a grandparent or great-grandparent.  If you do then we are cousins.  Also, if you will are a cousin, you can get a rough idea of how many cousins you have within this Nowacki line of lineage.  Related cousin lines within this lineage thru marriage have surnames of Czajkowski, Czemiejewski, Grubba, Janusz, Jerzak, Kondratowicz, Nemger, Noworul, Poterek, Rice, Rybacki, Ryckowski, Ryzek,  Sielski, Spaulding, and Tomczek.

To see more information about the Nowacki and Molach lineages within the Nowacki tree with recent research completed in Poland, click Polish Roots button.


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