Somerst County Herald & Taunton Courier 02 Mar 1940 Curry Mallet Death of Mrs Sarah Ann CHORLEY nee MALE

Somerset County Herald & Taunton Courier Saturday 02 Mar 1940

Page 7 Column 2



Very sincere regret is felt throughout the village at the unexpected death, after only a few hours' illness, of Mrs. Sarah Ann CHORLEY, at the age of 66. She was well known and liked, and will be greatly missed. Deep sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband, Mr. H. CHORLEY and his daughter, Mrs. F. BAWLER.

The funeral took place at the Parish Church on Saturday. In the absence of the Rector (Rev. H. C. TRITTON) through illness, the Rev. F. G. COOTE, of Staple Fitzpaine officiated. Miss Amy PAULL was at the organ, and the hymns were “Rock of Ages” and “Abide with Me.” Many friends were present.

The family mourners were:- Mr. H. CHORLEY (husband), Mrs. F. BAWLER (daughter), Mr. F. BAWLER (son-in-law), Mrs. E. BAWLER (sister), Messrs. V. MALE, W. MALE, and H. MALE (brothers), Mr. E. BAWLER, Mr. J. CHORLEY, and Mrs. J. CHORLEY (brothers-in-law and sister-in-law), Mrs. C. BRUNT, Mr. J. MALE, Miss D. BAWLER, Mr. F. MALE, Mrs. A. PAYNE (nephews and nieces). The bearers were Messrs. J. BURT, A. BAWLER, E. BAWLER, and C. CLARKE. There were many beautiful floral tributes.


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