Taunton Courier 08 Feb 1899 Wedding Pitminster H. OATEN to F. BROOKS Taunton Vale Foxhounds PORTMAN of Hestercombe

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Newspaper Articles

Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser Wednesday 08 Feb 1899
Page 5 Column 2 and 3


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A PRETTY WEDDING took place at Pitminster Church on Tuesday, the contracting parties being Mr. H. OATEN, of Poundisford, and Miss F. BROOKS, High-street, Taunton. The bride was given away by Mr. LUXTON, and Miss Rosina OATEN, sister of the bridegroom, acted as bridesmaid. There were a large party at the breakfast afterwards, and the presents, which were both handsome and numerous, were subsequently viewed. The couple left Taunton for Bristol by the 6.18 train, where their honeymoon will be spent.

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TAUNTON VALE FOXHOUNDS. - A special general meeting of the subscribers and supporters of the Taunton Vale Foxhounds was held at the London Hotel on Wednesday afternoon to consider the resignation of the Master, the Hon. E. W. B. PORTMAN of Hestercombe. - Dr. Edward LIDDON was voted to the chair, and there was a large attendance. - Letters were read from Mr. PORTMAN stating that he must resign the Mastership from the 1st of May next, and his reasons for doing so were the scarcity of foxes, indifferent, stopping, and the bad conduct of the field towards the honorary Huntsman, Mr. Marriott DODINGTON, and the Hunt servants. These reasons had decided him to get rid of a thankless job. - Mr. LANCE, the hon. secretary, explained that upon the receipt of the letter the Committee met, and asked Mr. PORTMAN to re-consider his resignation, and, in reply, Mr. PORTMAN said that if he were to go on for another season it must be on the understanding that the field would show a better feeling towards Mr. DODINGTON and the Hunt servants. - After some discussion it was resolved nem. dis. “That Mr. PORTMAN be requested to continue his Mastership of the hounds, and this meeting assures him that every endeavour will be made to ensure that the Huntsman and the Hunt servants shall receive the consideration due to them.”

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<NOTES: Albert Henry OATEN son of Henry OATEN and Mary Ann WESTERN, married Frances Emmeline BROOKS

Frances Emmeline BROOKS daughter of Charles John BROOKS, married Albert Henry OATEN>