The Western Gazette 21 Sep 1866 Fivehead The New Baptist Chapel

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Newspaper Articles

The Western Gazette. Friday 21 Sep 1866
Page 4 Column 6 and Page 5 Column 1


THE NEW BAPTIST CHAPEL in this village was opened on Thursday (yesterday). As the weather was fine in the early part of the day, a large number of persons assembled to celebrate the event. Service was held in the chapel in the morning, when the Rev. S. NEWMAN, of Salisbury preached a plain, earnest, practical sermon, from Mark 5th, 27th and 28th verses, “When she had heard of Jesus, she came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.” The Rev. Mr. CHAPPLE, of Isle Abbots, and the Rev. Mr. CURTIS, of Hatch, also took part in the service. Miss REED, of North Curry, presided at the harmonium. A capital dinner was provided in a large marquee, belonging to Mr. James KING, of Broadway, which had been erected in a field belonging to Mr. CORPE, behind the chapel. The marquee was nicely decorated with floral devices, and the tables were also enlivened by several immense bouquets, which were most tastefully arranged. Depending from the centre of the tent was a curious device, composed of teazles and flowers. Fivehead is noted for its teazles, and a large hanging basket had been formed of teazle heads, and filled with flowers, the whole forming a graceful as well as novel feature in the decorating line. The local name of this collection is “The harvest handful,” or “The king of all teazles.” The decorations were carried out by a committee of young ladies and gentlemen, amongst whom may be mentioned Misses M. EDWARDS, M. HUMPHREY, A. MEADE, and A. STUCKEY; Mr. L. MEADE and Mr. C. YENDALL. About 150 sat down to dinner, the following being amongst the number, the Revds. T. BAKER, Othery; W. J. BULL, Curry Rivel; LANG, Boadway; W. MEAD, Somerton; S. NEWNAM, Salisbury; and YOUNG, Creech. Mr. REED, North Curry, Mr. W. MAYNARD, Taunton, and other gentlemen from distant places were also present. The whole of the provisions for the dinner were given by friends of the cause living in Fivehead and adjoining parishes. After dinner, a public meeting was held in the chapel, which was crowded to excess. Mr. BAKER, of Boroughbridge, presided. The meeting having been opened by prayer and singing, the Chairman congratulated those present on having erected such a comfortable and commodious building. He expressed his sympathy with those who had undertaken the work, and said he hoped that before the services of the day were finished, the building would be free from debt. The Rev. Mr. LANG then addressed the meeting, and related some anecdotes, for the purpose of inducing those present to assist in reducing the debt upon the building. The Rev. W. J. BULL was then called upon, and delivered an excellent address, on the duty and importance of working, praying, and giving, and the advantages to be derived therefrom. The Chairman then said some of his friends would probably think that the chapel had been opened rather too soon, as it could scarcely be said to be finished, but this was his fault, as he was anxious that it should be done before the winter set in. He though that all present would agree with him in saying that the building had been erected very cheaply. The total cost was estimated at £220, which was at east £80 lower than he had expected. A similar chapel at Boroughbridge had cost over £300, and yet it was considered very cheap. As £112 had already been raised, the debt upon the building was only £108, and he hoped there would be no difficulty in clearing that off. He was encouraged to believe that such would be the case, by the recollection of the noble sum which was raised at Stoke a fortnight ago, and by the example which their Baptist friends at Weston-super-Mare had lately set them, by not only raising all that was wanted in one day, but more than enough. There ought not to be an incubus on a place of worship when it was opened, and he did not think there would be at Fivehead. In order to make a start he would give £5 in addition to what he had already given. He hoped all present would do what they could. Those who were not prepared to give at once could promise to give or to raise any sum they thought proper in a certain time, either three months or six months. There was one thing in connection with the amount collected that he considered ought to be mentioned, as it may serve as a stimulus to others. The policeman stationed in the village, Acting Sergeant YELLAN, had collected £16 6s 6d towards defraying the expenses. (Applause). - The Rev. W. MEADE thought the debt could be cleared off at once if they tried to do it. He said a similar plan to that suggested by the Chairman, was proposed at Somerton, when the Congregational chapel was re-opened, but the people said the money ought to be raised at once and it was done. - Mr. REED having referred to what the Chairman had said about the cheapness of the building, said he and the others who had undertaken the work had got it done as cheaply as possible, and all had worked “might and main.” The building was not so large as he had wished it to be, and he was convinced that it would not long be large enough. - Mr. Joseph CORPE; the Rev. Mr. PEARCE, of Crewkerne; Rev. Mr. YOUNG; and the Rev. S. HALLETT, of Blindmoor, having delivered brief addresses, the Chairman closed the meeting with prayer. A tea meeting was afterwards held in the marquee, at which about 450 persons were present. The following ladies presided at the various tables, and each provided for those who patronised them. Mrs. R. BAKER, Mrs. S. BAKER, Mrs. BRANSON, Mrs. BICKNELL, Mrs. GOODSON, Mrs. HAWKER, Mrs. HELLARD, Mrs. LOUCH, Mrs. P. MEAD, Mrs. REED, Mrs. SELLICK, Mrs. STODGELL, Mrs. STUCKEY, Miss CORPE, Miss FRASER, Miss HUMPHREY, and Miss PATTON. In the evening, another sermon was preached by the Rev. S. NEWNAM, and a collection was made. On Sunday next the Rev. J. TEALL, of Woolwich, is expected to preach three sermons in the chapel, when further collections will be made in aid of the building fund. The chapel is a very plain but substantial structure. It is built of blue and white lias stone, with brick facings to the windows &c. The walls are plastered on the inside, and the floor is laid with stout deal boards. The building is lit by eight large windows, with Gothic heads, and is supplied with a chandelier and lamps. The whole of the stone was given by Mr. Joseph CORPE, of Windsor, who gave the land upon which the chapel is erected. The walls were built by Messrs. CHAMPION and GRIDLEY, of Fivehead; and Mr. Charles BRAY, of Curry Rivel, did the slating and plastering. Mr. B. GILLETT, of Langport, fitted the doors, windows, &c.; and Mr. REED, of North Curry, superintended the erection of the roof, laying of the flooring, &c. Mr. REED also acted as general superintendent in conjunction with Mr. Joshua CORPE.

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