Weekly Perryville Union - 26 October 1877

Rankin Family History Project

Old Glory

Weekly Perryville Union
Perryville, Missouri, Friday, 26 October 1877


A HEAVY Frost visited these parts last Sunday night.

THE HESSIAN FLY is reported to have made their appearance in some wheat fields.

A WILD TURKEY, weighing twenty-two pounds, was killed by Augustus Walker this week.

THE NEW SEATS for the Perryville public school have arrived, and been put in position for use. They are really nice.

THE PROPERTY belonging to Mrs. Ann Brown in southeast Perryville, now belongs to Mr. James Burgee, he having purchased the same.

PERRYVILLE now has three schools in full operation. The public school, the Sisters and the German Lutheran, and we believe they are al well attended.

JUDGE SHANER had a lot of his fine stock at the late Cape Girardeau fair and also at the fair at Chester last week, and, as usual, carried off several premiums.

F   Advice to husbands: Go to Nabert's and buy a new cook stove for your wife.

A STEAMBOAT DAMAGED. -- A dispatch from Chester of the 17th inst. to the St. Louis Republican imparts this news: "The top of the steam chest of the City of Helena blew off last night, at about half-past nine, taking the floor out of two state rooms and damaging six more. The cabin was filled with steam, and one lady and one gentleman were badly choked, but by the promptness of action and coolness of the officers of the boat were rescued before they were seriously injured. A wrecking boat on the way to the Atlantic towed her ashore and the damage was repaired."


TIME CHANGED. -- The Emma C. Elliott now has a new time table. -- She will arrive at St. Mary's, on her up bound trip, on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

DR. HERMAN who has been practicing his profession in our midst during the past year, has left us for his new home at Schnurbush Church, near Uniontown, where he will follow his profession.

GAME. -- We are told that there is a pretty fair quantity of game in our county at the present time. We notice parties frequently passing our office with squirrels, and they are reported to be more abundant than other game.

A LEG INJURED. -- One day last week while Mr. Joseph Elder, residing six miles south of Perryville, was engaged plowing, stumbled and fell, injuring his right leg so badly, that he has ever since been confined to his dwelling.

A GAME OF BASE BALL was played last Sunday on the grounds of the Vallroy club, three and a half miles north of Perryville, the Burns club beating the Vallroy club. They played four innings, but we failed to learn how many scores were made.

EXERCISING HORSE FLESH. -- Three two-year old horses belonging to F. Moore, Geo. M. Dean and Leo Hagan, exercised their limbs on the Manning race tract, two and a half miles northwest of Perryville last Saturday, and the Dean horse won the purse.

PARDONED. -- An individual bearing the name of Frederick Thomas, said to have been sent from Perry county to the state penitentiary for a term of two years for grand larceny, was, on Friday last, pardoned by Governor Phelps under the three-fourths rule.

STILL ANOTHER MURDER. -- Randolph county has had still another murder, and this time the deed was committed in the town of Ruma in the 13th inst. It appears that two men named Marcel Palmier and Mac Clark were not on Friendly terms with Daprons, and on several occasions had endeavored to create a disturbance with them. On the 13th inst. both of the men first mentioned fired at Louis Dapron, killing him almost instantly, and the father of the murdered man barely escaped being killed. The perpetrators of the crime were required to give bail each in the sum of six thousand dollars, which they did.

  Ball and chain

RELIEVED OF A WATCH. -- A young gentleman of our county visited the fair at Chester last week to behold the sights, and while there had a little unpleasant experience. He "sported" a nice watch, and a sharper induced him to bet on a trick and now the young man don't own that time piece any more. Rather a costly bet, however, the sharper was satisfied with the gain, and looked around for more game.

WHEAT SOWING is about completed in our county, and if we have not been wrongly informed, there has been a larger number of acres put in wheat this fall than ever before, and should it turn out well, we may expect a huge wheat crop next harvest.

BALLOU'S MAGAZINE for November, is full of interesting reading matter. The first article is an illustrated subject on Chinese Life and Character, and then follows some ten or fifteen stories, and several pieces of poetry. The humorous department is unusually brilliant and attractive.

MARRIED, on Sunday, October 21st,1877, at the residence of the bride's mother, nine miles northwest of Perryville, by Squire Maddock, Mr. John Mercer to Miss A. Martin.

Married, on Monday, October 22d, at St. Mary's Seminary, Mr. Vincent Brewer to Miss Malinda Thomas.

Married, on Monday, October 22d, by Squire McAtee, Mr. Henry Diamond to Miss L. A. Thomas.

I would respectfully inform my friends and patrons that I will leave Perryville on Monday, Oct. 29th and will not return until about Dec. 1st.

L. P. RUFF, Dentist
Perryville, Oct. 19


JUSTICE HOWARD'S regular court day was Thursday of last week near Bailey's Landing. The most important case tried was that of John Poehner vs. Wm. H. Hoskins, suit on note and attachment. Lawyer Jos. E. Callier attended to the defendant's cause, while attorney Wm. Huff fought nobly for the plaintiff. The whole day was consumed in argument, and just as the sun disappearing in the western horizon, the case resulted in a none-suit.

IMPROVEMENTS. -- Some improvement is going on in and about the village of Frohna, in this county, and we are glad to note the fact. There is now being erected in that village a neat frame Lutheran parsonage, thirty feet long, twenty feet wide and two stories in height; G. Weinhold is putting up a nice two story frame dwelling there, Robert Feihler has just completed a comfortable residence near Frohna, and several other citizens are making a valuable improvements about their property.

THAT HUNT. -- We learn that some of our prominent citizens, to-wit: -- Messrs. Arsan Callier, J. V. Noell and J. C. Noell were off to Bois Brule bottom on a hunting excursion last Thursday and Friday. They succeeded in bagging forty squirrels and other game of the smaller fry. It is said that our prosecuting attorney killed the largest squirrel ever seen in these parts, and some do say that it was a fox in disguise, and if so he was served right, as he had no right to be sailing under false colors. We have some successful sportsmen in our little town, as shown by their success from time to time.

A large stock of cooking and heating stoves just arrived at O. C. Nabert's.

PERSONAL. -- M. F. Swartzscope, of the Grand Tower "Item," arrived in our town a few days since on a business visit, and he informed us that he would probably make Perry county his future home. Come right along.

On Sunday last Miss Julia Litsch departed for the Crescent City (New Orleans) where she will spend the winter with her friends.

On the same day Mrs. John B. Cashion left for the city of St. Louis on a visit to her relatives, and will probably remain several weeks.

Our clever young friend William C. Kennedy, now drummer for the iron house of L. P. Ewald & Co. of St. Louis, was in Perryville Tuesday last.

DIED, a few days ago, near Bailey's Landing in this county, Mrs. Harriet Cotner, consort of Andrew Cotner, aged about 30 years.

Died, on Saturday, October 13th, 1877, at the residence of her parents near Brazeau Church, a daughter of Ambrose Robbins, aged about four months; also at the same residence on Sunday, October 14th, a son of the same gentleman, aged the same, they being twins.

Died, on the 17th inst., at his residence near the town of Franklin, in Meramac township, St. Louis county, Theodore M. Hunt, in the 58th year of his aged [sic]. Some years ago the deceased was a citizen of our county.

Died, on Sunday night, October 21st, at her residence four miles west of Silver Lake, Mrs. Sarah J. Ragsdale, aged about 41 years.

EDITOR UNION: The article in your issue of October 12th, in which two apologize for their absence at the Perry county convention of teachers, comes rather late, but we are glad that they endorse the movement of Prof. N. B. Henry for the improvement of teachers. Most of the teachers of Perry county have never been backward in contributing their efforts to advance the cause of education. Now let the teachers of Perryville name the place and time of meeting, and they may be assured of the hearty co-operation of the teachers from the country.

Cinque Homme, Oct. 22d.

THE PLATIONIAN DEBATING Society held their first session of the season Tuesday evening, October 23d, it being a beautiful moon light night. There was a very good attendance, especially of young ladies, which is one of the principal attractions of the society. The music, conducted by Miss Carrie Klein, was well rendered, and I might say here, that if it were not for the fairer six [sic], the society would fall short of music. The question: "Resolved, that the steam engine has done a greater service to mankind than the printing press," was ably discussed on both sides; but I believe the longer the members have to prepare, (for they had all summer) the more unprepared they are. The question for discussion next Tuesday is: "Resolved, that the jury system should be abolished." -- Expect a pretty lively debate on the question.


Longtown Items.

EDITOR UNION: Wheat sowing is about done for this season, and hauling has commenced in earnest on the road between Uniontown and Altenburg. You can see strings of wagons daily.

Jack frost has shown his white face several times this season, and looks familiar.

Look out for movers, for some bacon has been stolen near where some stopped, and circumstances was rather against them, though nothing positive. I say keep your dog well trained, and your shot gun near at hand.

A few days since an infant daughter Bernard Anselm departed this life.

Died, on Sunday, October 21st, at her residence near Uniontown, Franska, wife of Bernard Anselm, aged about 40 years.

Health is not as good as it might be in this section. Chills and fever is the prevalent disease.

The weather has been very favorable for the last few days for growing wheat.

Longtown, Oct. 22d, 1877

From Schall's Store.

EDITOR UNION: Something less than one thousand dollars worth of horses have died in our vicinity recently.

The Blair school opened on the 8th inst., with Wm. C. Henkel as teacher. A term of six months will be taught.

Health was never known to be better with us than during the past season.

While A. R. Morrison and family were at church on Sunday, the 14th inst., some individual entered the house, and after turning things upside down generally, took a few small articles and departed. No clue is had to the thief. Supposed to have been a tramp.

An old fashioned quilting was had at John L. Martin;s on the 10th instant. Quite a number of the fair sex were present, and of course, good work was done. At night some good music, both vocal and instrumental, was enjoyed by all present. A pleasant time was had.

Our farmers have about finished sowing the largest wheat crop that has ever been sown in this section. The land has been put in a splendid condition, consequently a good crop is anticipated.

Our farmers have adopted the practice of only plowing once, claiming that better crops are realized from plowing only once than twice, provided the plowing is done at the proper time. Any time during the month of August is considered the most practical time. Nothing is needed then except a pulverizer of some description, merely to keep the surface of the ground loose. Wheat, it is generally believed, requires the ground comparatively hard rather than too loose.

The feathery tribe is navigating southward, telling us that winter is approaching.

"Echo," of Dry Fork, in a recent number of the Union, spoke of the probability of a saloon being started at Eureka. The citizens should not only protest, but strongly oppose it.

Schall's, October 20th

Cold weather will soon be here. Go to Nabert's, buy an Evening Star and keep comfortable all winter.

While a lady named Potter, residing in Dexter, Stoddard county, was preparing the noon day meal on the 9th inst., fell in to the fire and was burned to death. It is thought that she had a fit when the accident occurred.


Struck It Rich.

A Perryville correspondent of the St. Louis Republican of the 20th instant, has the following to say in regard to the lead mines near Silver Lake:

"The Planena mine, which is six miles west of Perryville, was discovered in 1873. It consists of two veins or lodes - each five feet deep by five wide. These veins are one hundred and twenty feet apart - at one point are but ten feet from the surface. -- The mine was opened in November, 1876, by Messrs., Turner & Johnson, who have taken out sufficient ore to establish beyond doubt the permanency of the veins, and warrant them in putting up smelting works.

Since the mines were opened it has been discovered that they have been worked before; but at a date so remote, that no record of it is preserved.

During the excitement caused by the opening of the Planena many sections of the county were examined, and some good indications of rich deposits discovered. Owing, however, to the want of capital to develop, this portion of the wealth of Perry county must remain buried.

A few thousand dollars judiciously expended could be made to yield a good rate of interest, if invested to such mines as the Planena. Her ore runs 75 per cent, an average that is hard to beat."

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