Jolly Cemetery Burial Chronology


Jolly Cemetery Burial Chronology

This is a chronology of the burials in Jolly Cemetery.

Cemetery Information

Recorded By Transcribed by Michael and Rebekah Sheppard on 1 July 2001.
Location The cemetery is located to the west of the Spicewood Springs Apartment (SSA) complex at 8617 Spicewood Springs Rd in Austin. Park at the gated apartment complex at 8600 Spicewood Springs Rd. There is a gravel path that goes south out of the parking area of the gated complex, then east in front of that property and then north up the west fence of the SSA complex. The path leads to the Jolly cemetery which is located across from building seven of the SSA complex.
Condition This cemetery is well maintained but has been abused in the past. There are no undamaged stones in the cemetery and many graves are only marked by fieldstones. Robert Barron has a nice site at with photos of this cemetery.

Cemetery Statistics

Total Burials Recorded 15
Earliest Burial  Margaret Evergreen Robinson (1872)
Most Recent Burial Recorded  Charles E. Strode (1929)
Average age at death 65
Age of oldest person  N.I Jolly (1825-1921) age: 96

People listed in the timeline

Click on a person's death date to scroll the timeline to that person.
Johns, Mary (1899)Robinson, Margaret (1872)Strode, Missouri (1907)Thorp, Jennie (1880)
Jolly, J.G. (1899)Strode, Charles (1929)Strode, T.V.S. (1880)Venable, Margaret (1882)
Jolly, N.I (1921)Strode, Emaline (1875)Taylor, Virginia (1921) 


Click and drag left/right to view more names. Click on a person's name to view marker details.


People for whom a precise death date could not be determined

H., S. Note: footstone only, headstone gone
K., N.J. Note: no headstone, found in pile of misc. rocks
---mer, Josephb. 20 xxx 187x d. 3 xxx 19xxNote: broken, pieces missing
Johns, Hoseab. 22 Jun d. ss DecNote: s/w Mary


Copyright © 2001-2011 Michael Sheppard < [email protected] >
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