McRae Family Cemetery Burial Chronology


McRae Family Cemetery Burial Chronology

This is a chronology of the burials in McRae Family Cemetery.

Cemetery Information

Recorded By Photographed by Michael and Rebekah Sheppard on 9 June 2001.
Location The cemetery is located on the southeast corner of Elizabeth M. Milburn Memorial Park in Cedar Park, Texas.
Condition This cemetery is well maintained with a nice split-rail wooden fence but has no markings to indicate its name. There are six graves, but only one stone has markings. The other five apparent graves have only small fieldstones at the head and foot. Three are aligned with Daniel, the other two are father away.

Cemetery Statistics

Total Burials Recorded 1
Earliest Burial  Daniel McRae (1919)
Most Recent Burial Recorded  Daniel McRae (1919)
Average age at death 71
Age of oldest person  Daniel McRae (1848-1919) age: 71

People listed in the timeline

Click on a person's death date to scroll the timeline to that person.
McRae, Daniel (1919)   


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Copyright © 2001-2011 Michael Sheppard < [email protected] >
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