Rhodes Cemetery Burial Chronology


Rhodes Cemetery Burial Chronology

This is a chronology of the burials in Rhodes Cemetery.

Cemetery Information

Recorded By Recorded by Michelle Sheppard on 29 Dec 2002.
Location Pond Springs Road between McNeil and Anderson Lane in Austin, Texas
Condition This cemetery is well maintained but it appears that someone dumps tree trimmings in the cemetery periodically. Here is my video of a walk through Rhodes cemetery.

Cemetery Statistics

Total Burials Recorded 92
Earliest Burial  Nancy Buchanan (1907)
Most Recent Burial Recorded  Billie Jean Sparkman (2002)
Average age at death 64
Age of oldest person  Julia M Toungate (1895-1992) age: 97

People listed in the timeline

Click on a person's death date to scroll the timeline to that person.
Baird, Annie (1984)Ehrhardt, Susie (1997)Millegan, John (1953)Salge, Herbert (1965)
Baird, Archie (1986)Fredrickson, Elmer (1970)Millegan, Kenneth (1987)Sanders, Laura (1930)
Brown, Katheryn (1939)Henry, Ethel (1958)Millegan, Lizzie (1966)Sanders, Robert (1953)
Brown, Rebecca (1990)Henry, Fred (1968)Millegan, Nelwyn (1962)Sparkman, Billie (2002)
Brown, Robert (1975)Jackson, A. (1987)Millegan, Nina (1955)Sparkman, Robert (1972)
Buchanan, J.B. (1907)Jackson, Asa (1950)Millegan, Nora (1962)Spears, Grady (1987)
Buchanan, Margaret (1942)Jackson, Clemmie (1986)Millegan, Norman (1982)Spears, William (1979)
Buchanan, Nancy (1907)Jackson, John (1939)Millegan, Roscoe (1986)Taylor, Adda (1952)
Carter, Charles (1966)Jackson, Mary (1939)Millegan, Stanley (1978)Toungate, Cecil (2001)
Carter, Gradie (1925)Jackson, Nellie (1936)Moon, Charles (1984)Toungate, Franklin (1945)
Carter, Harriet (1943)Jackson, Virginia (1964)Moore, James (1991)Toungate, infant (1941)
Carter, Infant (1925)King, Laura (1970)Moore, James (1999)Toungate, John (1990)
Carter, Ora (1962)Martin, Dan (1949)Muse, Earl (1948)Toungate, Julia (1992)
Carter, William (1926)McGilvray, Julia (1966)Prather, Beatrice (1981)Toungate, Lillie (1977)
Carter, William (1958)McGilvray, Wayne (1971)Prather, Lonny (1981)Toungate, Loyd (1966)
Cravatt, Susie (1990)Mears, Eva (2000)Prewitt, Bessie (1981)Walden, Edgar (1984)
Cummings, Sey (1995)Millegan, Annie (1993)Prewitt, James (1977)Walden, Emily (1996)
Dunn, Joel (1971)Millegan, Clifton (1989)Prewitt, Maggie (1947)Walden, Ida (1997)
Dunn, Thelma (1985)Millegan, Grace (1984)Prewitt, Peggy (1994)Walden, Joe (1990)
Ehrhardt, Herman (1965)Millegan, Grant (1976)Prewitt, Sherod (1934) 
Ehrhardt, James (1984)Millegan, Hubert (1988)Pruett, Leslie (1993) 


Click and drag left/right to view more names. Click on a person's name to view marker details.


People for whom a precise death date could not be determined

Carter, Annisb. 1900 Note: s/w Charles
Fredrickson, Cliffie Pb. 23 Apr 1921 Note: s/w Elmer
Jackson, Winnie Fb. 4 Jun 1931 Marker Text: Mg 30 Nov 1959 Note: s/w A. Martin
Millegan, Rubyb. 12 Jun 1914 Note: s/w Clifton
Millegan, Ireneb. 4 Nov 1910 Marker Text: Mother Note: s/w Grant
Moon, Emma Bellb. 16 Aug 1934 Note: s/w Charles
Moore, Mary Ab. 26 Oct 1921 Marker Text: Mg 9 May 1948 Note: s/w James
Moore, Ernestineb. 10 Dec 1915 Note: s/w James
Toungate, Adelle Bb. 28 Jul 1922 Marker Text: Mg 11 Nov 1939 Note: s/w John
Walden, Donald Rayb. 6 Nov 1932 Note: s/w Ida


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- Material on this site may be quoted or reproduced by those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research without prior permission, provided appropriate credit is given to the compiler. Any commercial use of this material without written permission of the compiler is prohibited.