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Spearin Y-DNA Results

There are several ways to view the results:

FTDNA results (you can also view them on the FTDNA website page)

Earlier Y-DNA results for the Spearin Surname Project - this is an earlier evaluation of the project (from 2010) which includes all DNA Heritage results as well as the FTDNA results available at that time.

Additional Results from a Trawl of Public Databases

There are about 11 different companies that test for DNA. The problem is that the companies don't talk to each other and the results of their members mostly just sit on their database doing nothing. The number of people in a project can potentially be greatly enhanced by searching each company's database in turn for people with the same surname or the same haplotype. These newly found distant cousins can then be added to your own project.

Below are several useful comparisons of the Spearin data with publicly available data from other surname projects and public databases. Of particular interest, we found a Spiering who was not even close to a match, but we did find four Sperry's who came as close as a 95% match - could the Spearin's and the Sperry's be very distant cousins? These results are discussed further in the following section (Interpreting Results - Trawl of the internet for more genetic cousins)

  1. Comparative Table of results from the Spears DNA Project (see also the Speer website at http://www.speer.org)
  2. Comparative Table of results from the Spearman-Spirling DNA Project, a surname search of the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF) database, and a surname search of the Y-search database.
  3. Comparative Table of results from a surname search of the DNA Ancestry database (in preparation).


For a full explanation of these results, see the following section (Interpreting Results) and watch the videos below.

Video explanations

How to read the table of results

To view the video in High Definition, press play first and the number 360p will appear beside the plus sign at the bottom of the screen. Click on this and then choose 1080p to view the highest quality.
Click on the 4 arrows in the lower right part of the screenshot above to expand it to the full screen view ... and click on Escape (esc) to get out of it. 

The Modal Haplotype - are we looking at the genetic signature of our Most Recent Common Ancestor?

To view the video in High Definition, press play first and the number 360p will appear beside the plus sign at the bottom of the screen. Click on this and then choose 1080p to view the highest quality. 
Click on the 4 arrows in the lower right part of the screenshot above to expand it to the full screen view ... and click on Escape (esc) to get out of it..

Hints & Tips

If you find the size of the text too small, press Ctrl and the plus (+) sign together to enlarge the webpage ...

... and Ctrl and the minus (-) sign to make it smaller again.

Join us today ... you could find out more than you ever imagined!

Maurice Gleeson
Aug 2013

Copyright 2011-2013 (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~spearinAll Rights Reserved.  Creative Commons License
The Spearin Surname Project at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~spearin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Information and data obtained from the Spearin Surname Project must be attributed to the project as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify administrator when using data for public or private research. 

Last update: Aug 2013

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