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Biography of a Lineage - Spearin's of Limerick City (IRL18, LIM10)

Generation 1 (born 1833)

Generation 2 (born 1866)

Generation 3 (born 1900 - 1914)

Our Spearin family line is the only one with this spelling in Ireland today, not surprising as they changed the spelling of the name to every conceivable spelling that they could find mostly sounding the same or almost the same.

Luke Spearin was born about 1833 and lived in Limerick City for most (if not all) of his life. Luke lived at New St, Ballinacurra, Limerick with his wife Ellen (nee Kenealy). He was a labourer (at what we don't know). He was Roman Catholic. Luke died in The Workhouse, Limerick in 1900.

Luke and Ellen had only one child (that we know of) Joseph Spearin born 1866 in New St, Ballinacurra. He attended The Christian Brothers' School in Sexton St Limerick City. He was a very bright pupil and was taken under the Brothers' wing. He was a teacher in that school for all of his working life. He married Mary Kate O'Mahony in 1899.

Joseph Spearin and Mary Kate had at least 10 children (2 sons) between 1901 and 1914. Of the living children all but one stayed in Limerick. Only four of Josephs children married and had families, two girls and two boys.

William Spearin, the eldest son, is the third generation in our family. He was born 1907 and married Patricia Keyes in 1938. He was a clerk with Limerick Corporation. He had four children, two living (1 son).

Joseph's other son, also Joseph, married and had 3 daughters. 

Margaret Spearin
Feb 2012

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Information and data obtained from the Spearin Surname Project must be attributed to the project as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify administrator when using data for public or private research. 

Last update: Feb 2012

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