Spearin Surname Project



Variants & Deviants

what's in a name?

Where & When ... Temporal & Geographic Distribution

Traditional genealogy

Genetic genealogy


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Help Build this Website

Do you want to help out with the project? Here are a few things you could do which would help make the website a better place to visit!

  1. Do you have a family tree online? Send us the link and we will add the link to the Traditional Families table in the Traditional Genealogy section.
  2. Check through the Traditional Families table in the Traditional Genealogy section, identify your family from the table, and write a post about it (with the family ID number) on our Facebook page (Spearin Surname Project at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Spearin-Surname-Project/200826539952669).
  3. Why not search for the meaning of your own Spearin variant surname and write a short article about it (with your name and the date created at the end). We will upload it to this page.
  4. For the section on surname distribution there are several possible ways you could help and these are listed at the end of each of the pages in this section.
  5. Is anyone in your family tree called Hartwell Spearin? You could write an account of how the name appears in your branch of the family tree - this would be uploaded to http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~spearin/tradgen/hartwell.html.
  6. Write a brief 'biography' of your family branch (1 or 2 pages). This helps paint a picture of what happened to that particular branch of the family and where they've ended up today. This will go in the Storyteller section.
  7. Write a biography for any noteworthy people in your tree (particularly male Spearin's in your direct line). Did anyone make it into the newspapers? Is there anyone famous in your branch of the family? Or indeed anyone whose own personal life story moved you or impressed you? Write it all down and we'll post it in the Storyteller section - it's the stories that bring the family tree to life!
  8. Do you have your own genealogical question? Why not post it and see what happens. You could post it in the Forum (email [email protected]), or one of the Message Boards (eg http://boards.ancestry.com/surnames.spearin/mb.ashx), or on one of the dedicated Facebook pages (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_219630734727688&ap=1 or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Spearin-Surname-Project/200826539952669).
  9. Join our project and have yourself DNA tested. For now we are limiting ourselves to Y-DNA testing of Spearin males but in the future (as the technology develops) we will probably want to test more people on more tests - watch this space!

May 2011

Copyright 2011 (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~spearinAll Rights Reserved.  Creative Commons License
The Spearin Surname Project at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~spearin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Information and data obtained from the Spearin Surname Project must be attributed to the project as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify administrator when using data for public or private research. 

Last update: April 2011

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