Cocke Cemetery

Cocke Cemetery


Locality: Roanoke County                  Temporal Period:                  2nd half 19th c. – 20th c.

Realty Map:          27.08-2-17                              Cultural Affiliation:              Euro-American

USGS Map:           Roanoke                                                Landform:                              Ridge top

Grid Locus:            G-3                                          Elevation:                              1140 feet

UTM Easting:       594250                                    Aspect:                                  Southwest

UTM Northing:    4134540


Site Dimensions:  100 by 140 feet


Survey Description:  Site consists of a large family cemetery with at least 85 graves.  The observed monuments are notable for their form and lengthy inscriptions.  All of the graves were surrounded by a brick enclosure.  The enclosure has a concrete foundation and iron gates interrupt the west and north walls.  A variety of monument types in the cemetery include box tombs, granite and marble headstones, uninscribed fieldstone markers, metal markers, lawn-type markers, and plaque markers.  Two unmarked graves were identified on the basis of ground surface depressions.  Other unmarked graves may exist.  All of the observed graves were oriented to the northeast.  Cemetery is covered with mowed grass and historic plantings include cedar trees, periwinkle and boxwoods.  Site was field inspected, photographed, and grave marker inscriptions were transcribed and compared to previous documentation.  Site size was derived from local realty maps.


Survey Date:         8/98


Field Notes:           _x_Yes   ___No

Photographs:        _x_Yes   ___No


References:           Roanoke Valley Historical Society

                                1986        Roanoke County Graveyards Through 1920.  Privately printed, RVHS, Roanoke.


Works Progress Administration of Virginia, Historical Inventory, Roanoke County, Virginia, Document #242.


Additional Comments:        Assigned temporal period was based on the 1862 through 1998 range of death dates inscribed on observed headstones.  However, the presence of uninscribed fieldstone markers and unmarked graves may reflect an earlier use of the site.  The cemetery is marked on the USGS Roanoke map sheet and labeled “cem.” It is also marked on local realty maps and labeled as the “Cocke Cemetery.”  This cemetery is located on the campus of Hollins College.


The cemetery was initially surveyed in 1937 by the Works Progress Administration of Virginia and recorded as the “Cocke Graveyard” in Document #242 of the Historical Inventory of Roanoke County, Virginia.  The WPA file did not provide biographical information for any of the observed graves, but reported that the older graves were marked with uninscribed headstones and only the more recent graves have inscriptions.  The WPA file describes the cemetery as “…a private burying ground for the Cocke family, and is enclosed with a brick wall 50 x 50 feet x 5 feet tall and is kept in excellent condition.”  The RVHS also surveyed the cemetery and documented biographical information derived from inscriptions from 28 headstones that predated 1921 (1986:  93-96).

Cocke Cemetery (continued)


Marker Inscriptions:


Lucian Howard Cocke, Jr.                                                   Dorothy Alice Latshaw

Son of                                                                                    wife of

Lucian Howard Cocke                                                         Lucian Howard Cocke, Jr.

And                                                                                        Daughter of

Lelia Smith Cocke                                                 Alice Maude Scott

Born May 24, 1889                                                               and

Died March 14, 1969                                                            Joseph Woodwell Latshaw

“He does not die that can bequeath                                 Born January 26, 1900

Some influence to the land he knows.”                            Died February 21, 1997

                                                                                                Her gracious spirit yet outweighs

                                                                                                The measure of her earthly days.


Charles Francis Cocke                                                         Frances Tilghman

Son of                                                                                    Wife of

Lucian Howard Cocke                                                         Charles Francis Cocke

And Lelia Maria Smith                                                        Daughter of

Born June 10, 1886                                                               Wilton Ederton Mingea

Died February 3, 1971                                                          and

“His worth, his honour, all the world approved.”           Fannie Barron Tilghman

Robert Burns                                                                        Born May 8, 1890

Haec olin meminisse juvabit                                               Died August 17, 1974

                                                                                                I was glad when they said unto me

                                                                                                Let us go in the house of the Lord.

Lelia Smith                                                                             Psalm CXXII

Wife of

William Boyle Bagbey                                                         Helen Louise Cobb

Daughter of                                                                           Wife of

Charles Francis Cocke                                                         John Rainey Hayward

And Francis Tilghman Mingea                                          August 15, 1891

Born                                                                                       April 4, 1957

At Roanoke, Virginia                                                           “With Malice toward none,

August 29, 1915                                                                   With Charity for all.”

Died                                                                                        Abraham Lincoln

At Roanoke, Virginia                                                           (footstone:  LCH)

March 26, 1983

Remember with love and thanksgiving

The earthly years of Lelia.


John Rainey Hayward                                                         Thalia Stewart Hayward

Son of                                                                                    Daughter of

Charles W. and Mary S.                                                      Charles W. & Mary S.

Hayward                                                                                Hayward

September 5, 1883                                                                December 6, 1868

November 13, 1944                                                               March 14, 1944

For He shall give His                                                           Blessed are the pure in heart,

Angels charge over thee,                                                   for they shall see God.

To keep thee in all thy ways                                              Matthew 5:8

Psalms 91:11                                                                          (footstone:  TSH)

(footstone:  JRH)

Cocke Cemetery (continued)


Rose                                                                                       Mary Susan Hayward

Hayward                                                                                Daughter of

James                                                                                     Charles L. & S.V. Cocke

1889 – 1916                                                                            Wife of

“Underneath are the                                                            Charles W. Hayward

everlasting arms.”                                                                November 20, 1847

(footstone:  RHJ)                                                                  March 28, 1929

                                                                                                “Her ways are the ways of

                                                                                                pleasantness, and all her

                                                                                                paths are peace.”

                                                                                                (footstone:  MSH)


Mary Sully Hayward                                                           Dove Pauline

October 25, 1889                                                                   Wife of

February 7, 1976                                                                   H.M. Bower

Blessed the Lord, O my soul:                                             Aug. 21, 1859

And all that is within me,                                                    Feb. 2, 1896

Bless His Holly Name.                                                         Blessed are the pure in

Psalm 103, Verse 1.                                                               Heart for they shall see God.


Samuel King Funkhouser                                                   Jane Harwood

Son of                                                                                    Wife of S. King Funkhouser

Abraham Paul and Minerva King                                      Daughter of

Funkhouser                                                                           Lucian H. and Lelia Maria Cocke

Born                                                                                       Born

Harrisonburg, Virginia                                                         At Roanoke Virginia

December 4, 1882                                                 March 7, 1892

Died                                                                                        Died

Roanoke, Virginia                                                 At Roanoke Virginia

February 1, 1958                                                                   January 15, 1929

Honor, truth and nobleness of mind                                 Kind, wise and true as truths own heart

Were his in abundance                                                       A soul that here

                                                                                                Chose and held fast the better part,

                                                                                                And cast out fear.


She had the intelligence to know her duty and the courage to perform.

(brass plate affixed to cement at foot of grave with inscription:  Jane Cocke Funkhouser / Organizing Regent / May 9, 1921 / Nancy Christian Fleming Chapter / Daughters of the American Revolution

Cocke Cemetery (continued)


Sara Cobb Johnson                                                             Lucian Howard

Daughter of                                                                           Son of

Dr. John M. Johnson                                                           Charles L. and Susanna V.

And Mary Willis Cobb                                                       Born

Of Atlanta, Georgia                                                              at Hollins College, Virginia

Born                                                                                       March 27, 1858

Feb. 7, 1865                                                                           Died

Died Roanoke, Virginia                                                       At Roanoke, Virginia

Jan. 18, 1944                                                                          November 14, 1927

Wife of                                                                                   “He that hath executed true judgement

Lucian Howard Cocke                                                         between man and man, hath walked in my

“The best portion of a good life                                        statutes, and hath kept my judgements,

Is the little nameless                                                            to deal truly; he is just, he shall

Unremembered acts of kindness and love.”                    Surely live, saith the Lord God.”

Mother of                                                                              Ezekiel 18.8-9

Dr. Hugh Johnson Hagan                                                   “Thou livest in all hearts, for

Willis Cobb Hagan                                                              all men to know

                                                                                                This earth has never borne

                                                                                                A nobler man.



Lelia Maria Cocke                                                                Large headstone next to four smaller stones

Wife of                                                                                   and surrounded by boxwoods.  Large headstone

Lucian H. Cocke                                                                   has fallen and inscription could not be read.

Daughter of

Francis H. and Mary Stuart Smith


At the University of Virginia                                              _____ of

March 18, 1859,                                                                    Davis:

Died                                                                                        1862

At Roanoke, Virginia                                                           12 Days

April 5, 1899                                                                          Gone down while

“For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place           yet day.  Jer. 15.9

The flood may bear me far,                                 (spalled, partially illegible headstone)

I hope to see my pilot face to face

When I have crossed the bar.”                                          Elmore

“Let her own work praise her.”                                          Lankford

Son of

Uninscribed fieldstone                                                        T.H. and L.B.



Jan. 17, 1882


Dec.19, 1884


Unmarked depression                         Unmarked depression         Dislodged, eroded headstone

                                                                                                                lying on ground surface next

to Elmore Lankford headstone

Cocke Cemetery (continued)


Charles Lewis                                                                       Eloise Kelly Cocke

Son of                                                                                    Wife of

Susie Wilson                                                                        Charles Lewis Cocke

And                                                                                        and daughter of

Marion Estes Cocke                                                            Mary Hull

Born April 19, 1908                                                              and

Died March 14, 1975                                                            Joseph L. Kelly

(footstone: CLC)                                                                  Born January 20, 1907

                                                                                                Died July 29, 1994

                                                                                                (footstone:  EKC)


Thomas Wyndham Jamison                                               In memory of

Son of                                                                                    Mary M. Pleasants

Hazel Francis Airheart                                                         Daughter of

And                                                                                        William H.

Frank Elmer Jamison                                                            and

Born Nov. 8, 1938                                                 Martha Smoot

Died June 7, 1987                                                 Pleasants

I have fought a good fight,                                                                Born

I have finished my course,                                                 Aug. 27, 1853

I have kept the faith.                                                            Died

2 Tim. 4:7                                                                               Dec. 4, 1952

(footstone:  TWJ)                                                                                For thou art my hope,

                                                                                                O Lord God,

                                                                                                Thou art my trust

                                                                                                From my youth

                                                                                                Psalms LXXI 5

                                                                                                (Footstone:  MMP)


William Henry Pleasants                                                     Sacred to the memory of

Born at Piquenoque, Va.                                                     Miss Martha A. Pleasants

Jan. 29, 1831                                                                          Born

Died at Hollins College, Va.                                                In Henrico Co., Va.

Nov. 26, 1915                                                                        Sept. 29, 1817.

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.”    Died

“Great is the cause, and great thine aim:                          at Hollins Institute

Thrice Happy, if success shall claim                 Feb. 23, 1898.

Its due reward: yet honored still                                        “Blessed are the dead which

May be the labor and the will.”                                         Die in the Lord from hence

Forth:  Yea, saith the Spirit

That they may rest from

Their labours, and their works

Do follow them:  Rev. XIV:13.

(footstone:  MMP)

Cocke Cemetery (continued)


Sacred to the memory of                                                     In memory of

Dr. Harry B.                                                                           M. Lousia Parkinson

Pleasants                                                                               Wife of

Born                                                                                       Rev. James F. Parkinson

Nov. 24, 1855.                                                                       Daughter of

Died                                                                                        James & Elizabeth Cocke

Oct. 15, 1909.                                                                         Born

Requiescat in peace.                                                            Feb. 19, 1818

(footstone:  HBP)                                                                 Died

                                                                                                Feb. 5, 1893.

                                                                                                “Blessed are the pure in heart

                                                                                                for they shall see God.”


In memory of                                                                         Betty

Maria F. Parkinson                                                               Of blessed memory

Daughter of                                                                           Daughter of

Reverend James F.                                                               James Spottiswoode

And                                                                                        and Louise Taylor

M. Louisa Cocke Parkinson                                               Born at

Born                                                                                       Holyoke, Mass.

August 1, 1858                                                                     June 4, 1905

Died                                                                                        Died at

January ?, 1946                                                                     Hollins, Va.

Behold God is my salvation                                               Nov. 9, 1906

I will trust and not be afraid.                                              (Footstone:  BT)

Isaiah 12;2

(footstone:  MFP)


In memory of                                                                         Little Kirvin

Our Little Charley.                                                                Son of

Born April 7, 1871                                                                C.H. and E.R.

Died March 22, 1879                                                            Cocke

Child of                                                                                  Born

Charles W. and Mary S. Hayward                                     Jan. 13, 1876

Grand-Child of Chas. L. and S.V. Cocke                           Died

“Safe in the arms of Jesus”                                                June 1, 1876

(Footstone:  CWH)                                                              “Of such is the Kingdom

                                                                                                of Heaven.”

P                                                                                              (maker’s mark:  Salem, Va. /

(small marble stone with footstone)                                  Footstone:  KC)

Cocke Cemetery (continued)


Joseph Augustine Turner                                                  Mary Van Fossen Masters

Son of                                                                                    Beloved wife of

Leila Virginia and                                                                 Joseph Augustine Turner

Joseph Augustine Tuner                                                    Daughter of

November 21, 1875                                                               Mary Van Fossen

October 21, 1937                                                                   and

Hollins College, Virginia                                                     Frank Martin Masters

He worked with vision                                                        September 2, 1882

As an educator and a                                                          October 25, 1977

Citizen, he found                                                                  Levavi ocules

Strength in Christian

Faith, he had enthusiasm                                                    Mary V. Turner

For life and devotion                                                           1905        1998

For his fellow men.                                                               (metal marker)


Luise Rath Bonnet                                                               Joseph Augustine Turner

May 14, 1898                                                                         Son of

February 19, 1978                                                 Mary Van Fossen Masters

Daughter of                                                                           and

Lelia Turner                                                                           Joseph Augustine Turner

And                                                                                        Born September 20, 1908

Erich Rath                                                                              Died November 17, 1893

Wife of Ellis A. Bonnet                                                       Charleston, West Va.

U.S. Consul                                                                          

Buried in Duranco                                                                Susanna P. Turner

Mexico                                                                                   1913        1998

                                                                                                (metal marker)


Mangus                                                                                 John Pettus Barbee

“And be ye kind one to another,                                       Born

Tenderhearted, forgiving one another                             July 17, 1855

Ephesians 4:32                                                                      Died

                                                                                                May 23, 1903.

Cary F. Mangus                   Susie Cocke Mangus          The Lord lift up His countenance

1911        1998                        Born Nov. 23, 1913               upon thee and give thee peace.  Numbers 6-26

                                                Died Sept. 14, 1991


Elizabeth Cocke                                                                    Susanna Virginia Cocke

Wife of                                                                                   Born

John Pettus Barbee                                                              October 9, 1855

Born                                                                                       Died

January 11, 1863                                                                   August 15, 1938

Died                                                                                        President of

February 3, 1938                                                                   Hollins Institute, 1901-1911

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give                     and Hollins College, 1911-1933

Thee a crown of life.  Rev. 2.10.                                         I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from

I have fought a good life, I have finished                        whence cometh my help.  PS.121.1.

My course, I have kept the faith 2 Tim. 4.7                      He that doeth the will of god abideth forever.

                                                                                                1 John 2.17.

Cocke Cemetery (continued)


Sally Lewis Cocke                                                                Charles Lewis Cocke

Daughter of                                                                           Feb. 21, 1820. May 4, 1901.

Charles L. and Susanna V. Cocke                                      Founder

Born                                                                                       of

In Richmond, Va.                                                                  Hollins Institute.

July 25, 1845,                                                                         “O, good gray head which all men knew

Died                                                                                        O, voice from which their omens all men drew

At Hollins Institute, Va.                                                      O, iron nerve to true occasion true

July 29, 1900.                                                                         O, fallen at length that tower of strength

“My presence shall go with thee and I                            which stood foursquare to all the winds that blew

will give thee rest.”  Exodus XXXIII-14.                           Such was he whom w deplore

“To live in hearts we have left behind                              the long self-sacrifice of life is o’ver.”

is not to die.”                                                                        “Blessed are the dead which die in the
                                                                                                Lord from henceforth:  Yea, saith the Spirit,

                                                                                                That they may rest from their labours:  and

Susanna Virginia Cocke                                                      Their works so follow them.”  Rev.: 14:3

Wife of  

Charles Lewis Cocke                                                           In memory of

Daughter of                                                                           Prof. Joseph A. Turner

Susannah Burton                                                                 Born

And                                                                                        in Greenville Co., Va.

Joseph Corbin Pleasants;                                                   Aug. 6, 1839:

Born                                                                                       Died

In Henrico County, Virginia                                               at Hollins Institute

January 26, 1820.                                                                  May 5th 1878.

Died                                                                                        “The path of the just is as the

At Hollins Institute, Virginia,                                             Shining light that shineth

January 5, 1906,                                                                    more and more unto to

Her children arise up and call her blessed.                      the perfect day.”  Proverbs IV:18

Give her of the fruit of her hands:                                     (footstone:  JAT)

And let her own

Works praise her. – Proverbs 31: 28.31

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they

Shall see God – Matthew 5:8


In memory

Of                                                                                            Rosa P. Smith

Leila Virginia Turner                                                            Born March 25, 1850,

Wife of                                                                                   Died July 22, 1882

And daughter of Prof. Joseph A. Turner                         Wife of Rev. W.R.L. Smith

Chas. L. & Susanna V.                                                        and daughter of

Cocke                                                                                     C.L. & S.V. Cocke.

Born                                                                                       Edith Rose

Feb. 25, 1844                                                                         Daughter of

Died                                                                                        Rev. W.R.L. and R.P.

Oct. 21, 1899                                                                          Smith

Be thou faithful unto death                                                                Born June 22, 1882

And I will give thee                                                             Died Feb’y 14, 1884

A crown of life, Rev.2:10

(footstone:  LVT)
Cocke Cemetery (continued)


In memory                                                                             In memory

Of                                                                                            of

Leila Turner Rath                                                                 Erich Rath

Wife of                                                                                   Born in Germany

Erich Rath,                                                                             March 25, 1868

May 30, 1872.                                                                        Died

July 3, 1937.                                                                           October 25, 1949

“Her children arise up and                                                  Music was his language,

call her blessed.”                                                                  “Gemutlichkeit” his way.


Ellis Andrew Bonnett, Jr.                                                    Mary Robbins Cocke

Son of                                                                                    Beloved wife of

Ellis A. and Louisa Rath                                                     Dr. John Alexander Cocke

Bonnett                                                                                  Born Albany, N.Y.

September 29, 1925                                                              Sept. 12, 1918

September 20, 1955                                                              Died Norfolk, Va.

“I will lift up mine                                                 June 5, 1963

eyes unto                                                                              (footstone:  MRC)

the hills from whence

cometh my help.


Marion Estes Cocke, Jr.                                                      Charles Lewis Cocke

Son of                                                                                    Son of

Susie Wilson                                                                        Charles H & Ella R.

And                                                                                        Cocke

Marion Estes Cocke                                                            Born

Born February 14, 1910                                                       July 18, 1886

Died September 20, 1988                                                     Died

“but the fruit of the spirit                                                    Sept. 12, 1907

Is love, joy, peace, ___”                                                     He that dwelleth in the secret

Gal. 5:22-23                                                                            place of the Most High shall abide

(footstone:  MFC)                                                                under the shadow of the Almighty.

                                                                                                Ps. XCI:1.

                                                                                                So nigh is grandeur to our dust

                                                                                                So near is god in man

                                                                                                When duty whispers low, Thou must

                                                                                                The youth replies, I can.


Margaret Cocke                                                                    Charles Henry

Daughter of                                                                           Son of

Charles Henry Cocke                                                           Chas. L. & S.V. Cocke

And                                                                                        Born May 22, 1853

Ella Kirven Cocke                                                 Died May 3, 1900

Born October 3, 1891                                                           at Hollins Institute

Died March 27, 1971                                                            “what doth the Lord require of thee

“The Lord is my shepherd;                                                                but to do justly, to love mercy,

I shall not want.”                                                                  And to walk humbly with God?” Micah VI:8

Psalm 23:1                                                                              (footstone:  CHC)

Cocke Cemetery (continued)


Elie Rosalie                                                                            Marion Estes Cocke

Wife of                                                                                   Son of

Chas. Henry Cocke                                                              Chas. H. & Ella K. Cocke

Daughter of                                                                           Born Jan. 13, 1876

James and Thirza Gray Kirven                                           Died Aug. 16, 1954

Born Jan. 7, 1854                                                                  Teacher - Administrator

At Rome, GA                                                                        Hollins College

Died  Sept 7, 1941                                                 1897 - 1952

At Hollins College                                                               “…and he will make thy righteousness to

“My presence shall go with thee                                      go forth as the light and thy justice

and I will give thee rest.”                                                    As the noon day.” Psalms 37:6

(footstone:  ERC)                                                                 (footstone:  MEC)


Susie Wilson Cocke                                                            John Hollins

Wife of                                                                                   Infant son of

Marion Estes Cocke                                                            S.H. & E.R. Cocke

Born June 20, 1884                                                               Born May 12, 1888

Died Aug. 7, 1973                                                 Died

Daughter of                                                                           July 26, 1888

Serena Hutcheson                                                               “Suffer little children to come unto me.”

And                                                                                        (footstone:  JHC)

Dr. John Thompson Wilson

“But the salvation of the righteous                                  Little Marian

is of the Lord:  He is their strength                                   Daughter of

in the time of trouble.”                                                        C.H. & E.R. Cocke

Psalms 37:34                                                                          Born

(footstone:  SWC)                                                                March 25, 1881.


                                                                                                March 13, 1883

                                                                                                “It is well wit the child.”

                                                                                                (maker’s mark:  Salem, Va.

                                                                                                Footstone:  MC)


Sacred to the memory of                                                     Sacred to the memory of

Emma Augusta,                                                                    Julia Romney Downman

Daughter of                                                                           Daughter of

G.F. and J.A.L.W. Mertins                                                  J.B. and H.J. Downman

Of Evergreen, Ala.                                                               Of Faquier Co., Va.

Formerly of Colmar                                                              Born Nov. 24, 1820.

In Posen, Prussia                                                                 Died

And                                                                                        Dec. 18, 1891

Beloved wife of                                                                    “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord,

William Taylor Thom.                                                          Their works follow them.”

Born June 13, 1862                                                               Rev. 14.13

Died April 13, 1883                                                               (footstone:  JRD)

“Blessed are the pure in heart.”

(footstone:  EAT)

Cocke Cemetery (continued)

Sacred to the memory of                                                     Sacred to the memory of

Wm. Taylor Thom                                                                Emma Mertins Thom

Of Faquier Co., Virginia.                                                      Daughter of

Son of                                                                                    William Taylor &

John Catesby &                                                                   Emma Augusta Thom

Ada Matilda Thom                                                              Born April 12, 1883

Born April 27, 1849                                                              Died May 7, 1957

Died July 2, 1939                                                                  (footstone:  EMT)

(footstone:  WmTT)


Martha Louisa C.                                                                 Charles Henry Cocke

Neill                                                                                        Neill

Daughter of                                                                           1906 - 1968

Charles Henry Cocke                                                           Son of

And                                                                                        William Cecil

Ella Kirven Cocke                                                 and

Wife of                                                                                   Martha Cocke Neill

William Cecil Neill                                                                (footstone:  CHCN)

Mar. 25, 1881 – Jan. 2, 1977

“Love is eternal.”                                                                 Elizabeth Brown Trout

(footstone:  MLCN)                                                             Wife of

                                                                                                Hugh Henry Trout, Jr.

Dr. Philip Cocke Trout                                                         1914 - 1971

Son of                                                                                    Daughter of

Dr. Hugh Henry Trout                                                         Elizabeth Page Brown

And                                                                                        and

Leonora Cocke Trout                                                          Charles McCormick Brown

Dec. 18, 1915                                                                        

June 12, 1988                                                                                        


Dr. Hugh Henry Trout, Jr.                                                   TROUT (large memorial stone)

Son of                                                                                    in memory of Leonora Cocke Trout

Dr. Hugh Henry Trout                                                         1884 - 1925

And                                                                                        Wife of

Leonora Cocke                                                                     Hugh Henry Trout

May 2, 1912                                                                           1878 – 1949

Feb. 14, 1990                                                                        

                                                                                                Leonora Trout Bolster

Herman Alvin Bolster                                                          Jan. 26, 1910

Aug. 30, 1909                                                                        July 11, 1995

Apr. 18, 1994                                                                        

                                                                                                Theodore Pauli

Headstone not observed during 1998 survey,                Only son of

but documented by the RVHS:                                          H.L. and E. Pauli

Charles Woodward Hayward                                             Born

1837 – 1913                                                                            March 18, 1860

Louisiana Field Artillery C.S.A.                                         Died

“What doth the Lord require of thee but to do               April 9, 1889

justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly wit          “Blessed                are the dead, That died

thy God.”  Micah 6:8                                                           in the Lord.”

                                                                                                (footstone:  T.P.) 


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