A reference to an Alice Stonier in Antonia Fraser

A reference to an Alice Stonier in Cromwell, by Antonia Fraser

Lady Antonia Fraser's Cromwell, Our Chief of Men (Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1973. ISBN 0 297 765556 6) says:-
The English had plenty of contact with the unfortunate settlers in Ireland from which to derive first-hand horror stories. In the English House of Commons of 1641, most of the members had “friends and kindred” in Ireland, as D'Ewes wrote in his diary, and there were those who sat for English constituencies but had homes in Ireland, as well as those who had interests in the Londonderry or Ulster plantations. On a lower social level the tale of distress also spread to fill the minds of the English with sympathy — and prejudice. One Alice Stonier from Leek, Staffordshire, granted eightpence a week by the local magistrates for the upkeep of herself and her family (three could be placed in “good service” but two were too young “to do anything but beg”) must have been typical of many. Having followed her drover husband to Ireland, she had found herself robbed, her house burned around her ears, and expelled with nothing to cover herself except a ragged woollen cloak; the Stonier family had to lie out in the chilly autumnal fields of Ireland until they reached Dublin. Here their troubles only increased, for Thomas Stonier was pressed into the army, where he was subsequently killed, and poor Alice left with no option but to return to her native land for succour

She gives three references:

  1. The Journal of Sir Simonds D'Ewes, by Willson Havelock Coates, p 121
  2. Staffs R.O. Q/SR.T.1642 f.61
  3. Staffs R.O. Q/SO.F. p.132

Last modified by Alan Stanier on 12 May 2008