Steinbrecher Family Tree - Travel Records
Steinbrecher Family Tree
Last updated: Nov 18, 2001

Steinbrecher Family Travel Records

Ellis Island Records

Mrs. Dr. Steinbrecher - from Southampton, England 7-30-1896

Barnhard Knaepple, Germany - from France 10-24-1897

Valentin Kneisel, Germany - from Antwerp, Belgium 6-15-1903

Albert H. Steinbrecher - from Gibralter 10-12-1905

Mrs. Albert H. Steinbrecher - from Gibralter 10-12-1905

Elsa Steinbrecher - from Gibralter 10-12-1905

Albert H. Steinbrecher - from Triest, Austria 9-29-1912

Julie Steinbrecher - from Bremen, Germany 9-7-1913

Julie Henkel - from Bremen, Germany 9-7-1913

The Ships

Albert Ballin

S.S. America - 1908

S.S. Finland

Grosser Kurfurst

Konigin Luise

S.S. Lahn

T.S.S. Martha Washington

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