
The Oracle

Poland, Maine March 14, 1900

The Election

The Annual town meeting was called to order at the usual hour Monday morning, after a little contention as to the legality of the warrant the election of town officers began.

All of the officers except the Chairman of Selectmen were elected on the first ballot. The election of Moderator and Town Clerk were unanimous.

The doings of the meeting in detail follow:


B.M Fernald

Clerk and Treasurer

F. A Pulsifer

Selectmen, Assessors, Etc

First ballot for Chairman

J I Chipman 128

V. P. Waterhouse 128

Second ballot,

J I Chaipman 129

V.P. Waterhouse 127

The board

J I Chipman

F B Shackford

E.A. Libby

Town Agent

J I Chipman

Sup't of Schools,

Chas. L Pulsifer

Member of School Board

George E Stone

Collector and Constable

Isaac P Davis

Truant Officer

Chas. L Pulsifer


Common Schools, $2,000

Free High Schools, $250.00

School Text Books, $400.00

Repairs of School Property $500.00

Roads and Bridges $2,100.00

Support of Poor $1,000.00

Contingent Expenses, $800.00

Interest $575.00

To pay Bonds, $2,000.00

Collector's commission

And Abatements $300.00

Memorial Day $20.00

Bill of A. B Ricker $204.17

School Board $30.00

Total: $10,179.17