Our Family Genealogy

NOTICE: This site has NOT been abandoned!!! We are busy researching the family lines and working on new material to post.


of the

PATTY Surname

The purpose of this site is to organize, with your help, each family group into an easy to read format. Please use the Brick Wall in the index below to ask those questions and to get help for any missing information you have difficulty locating. Content is purely voluntary and with permission of the contributor. Only documented research with sources is listed. The goals are to:

  1. Organize and share information on all Patty surnames
  2. Use documented records from original sources
  3. Provide corrections to published information and encourage others to do the same
  4. Have a place to share family records in the index below
  5. Enjoy learning about our Patty family genealogy

Bible Records Brick Wall Calendar
Church Records Court Records Family Groups/PATTY
Family Recipes Family Reunions Land Records
Maps Military My Related Lines
Newspaper Items Obits Photographs

Other Web Sites
Patty DNA Surname Project

You are the Visitor Since 1 September 2006
Thanks for dropping by!!!

Last Updated Sunday, 09-Sep-2018 12:36:24 MDT

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