Minor Family

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Abram Voorhees Minor lived in Interlaken, New York. This was his house on Main Street. This was his store, at the corner of Cayuga Street. He built the cottage Willowdale on Interlaken Beach in the 1880’s: Diary Transcript. He married Mary Elizabeth Parshall (her bible notes transcript or originals: marriages | births 1 | births 2 | deaths). He was a partner with his brother in the P.W. Minor Shoe Factory for a time.

A.V. Minor is descended from the immigrant Thomas Minor. I visited Stonington, CT and saw his gravestone and a monument to him and the other 3 founders of the town.

A.V.’s son Halsey Parshall Minor ran a Hardware Store in the same building as his father’s general store. This was his house on Cayuga Street. He owned the cottage Willowdale after his father. He wrote these letters in 1957 – please use 9/14 & 10/13 Word transcripts only for quick browsing reference – check images for accuracy.


Thomas MINOR Society