Selected Entries
from a Diary Written by Wm. R. Gladwyn
Brownville, Jefferson Co., N. Y.

The first page of this diary was a summary of the year, 1916:
The year 1916 had many peculiarities - the spring very cold and wet - the summer and fall months very dry -
the ending of the year was about normal with good sleighing at Christmastime and
some very cold weather.

January 1917

January 7          Evangelistic meetings at Presbyterian church
January 8 Eclipse of the moon this morning. Mr. Jos. Yott burried
January 12 Good sleighing - 4 above zero at 1 o’clock
January 14 Evangelistic meetings in Pres. church.
January 18 Cottage prayer meeting here. About 4 in. of snow falling.
January 21 We went to church twice. Booze sermon in afternoon
January 23 Regents at school ((Note: These were State tests required in 8th grade and high school - tests came in under seal, opened at a specific time and proctored;
                  in those days these exams were held in January and June)
January 26 Cottage prayer meeting here
January 28 Strong evangelistic meetings at M. E. Church
January 30 Anna’s 52nd birthday - Lena & Adaline here last night
                  (Note: Anna was the diarist’s second wife Lena & Adaline may have been
                  nieces of Anna Getman Walts, diarist’s 2nd wife - name was Knapp)

No great fall of snow during January but enough for good sleighing.
At higher altitudes the snow is very deep -- The average temperature was about normal here.

February 1917


February 1 Anna very sick
February 2 Candlemass Day - below zero all day
February 4 1st Sunday missed church in long time. Anna still very sick.
February 6 U S negotiations with Germany broken
February 8 Andrew & Carrie here (Note: Andrew and Carrie Getman - wife’s brother)
February 9 Anna much better
February 10 My 71 birth day - Anna much better
February 14 Saw crows to day
February 18 Minnie went home this morning (daughter by 1st wife, Priscilla Wallace Gladwyn) - -
had been here nearly two weeks
February 20 William Conklin (grandson) has the measles
February 25 Bessie (Anna’s only child by Wm. Getman) came down a little while

February was a cold month - but no great fall
of snow - sleighing good. A thaw on the 26th cut down
the snow much.

March 1917

March 1 Etta & Martha here (NOTE: Sisters - Etta who married
Fred Knapp and Martha, who married Chas. Getman - the Getmanswere born in the Town of Orleans in Jefferson County, N. Y.)

March 2 Fred Stopforth (Anna’s brother-in-law - married to Mabel Getman) here.
Stormy day - 8 in. of snow fell
March 3 William returned to school to day
March 19 110 days of sleighing this winter - here - sleighing gone in the country
March 21 Fine Vernal Equinox - Minnie here

March 22         Thunder storms last night - Robins here

March 27         Ice going out of Lake Ontario

March 28         Thunder - River high

March 29         James Webber drowned last fall - body found yesterday - buried today

March 31         Saw Julia Wallace today (Julia Bauter married to diarist’s first wife’s brother, Wm.)


April 1917

April 1 Heavy thunder storms last night - I went to church-Catholic church burned this morning

April 3 U.S. declared war on Germany

April 5 Worked in Shop (71 yrs. old - his shop may have been in a barn on their Main St. home)

April 6 Good Friday - Pres. Wilson signs a proclamation of war with Germany

April 8 A large communion service at our church - at freezing point most of the day - Easter

April 12 Mabel (sister married to Fred Stopforth), her dtrs., Hilda (m. to Wesley Wells) and

Marjorie (m. to Raymond Cassel).

April 15 Conference Sunday - no service in our church, but at Sunday school

April 20 Grass starting up nice

April 24 Ground frozen this morning

April 25 Garden plowed

April 28 Earl Knapp here

April 30 Mr. Ward Pettit died this morning - started making garden

April has been very cool - much raw weather - considerable rain.

Farmers not able to do much spring work - Trees not leaving out yet.


May 1917

May 1 Coal $7.50 per ton

May 2 Mr. Pettit burried - a raw day

May 3 Anna went to Watertown

May 5 Potatoes $4.00 per bushel - Flower $15.00 per barrel

May 6 Sister Lottie came from Lowville. (Note: Lottie (Charlotte) was Mrs. J. Martin Prame              
                  of West Lowville, Lewis County, N. Y - she was the diarist’s only sibling -
                  5 years younger and born in 1851.)

May 12 Farmers work greatly retarded

May 17 Anna & Lottie went to Watertown

May 18 Planting garden

May 21 Lottie went home to Lowville. (Chickens hatched)

May 22 Slight earthquake reported this morning

May 28 Went to Dexter Cemetery (burial place of 1st wife, Priscilla, and other members of

the Wallace family)

May 30 Decoration day - Bessie & Adaline here

May 31 Amer. Cheese 26-1/2 c. per lb. - wholesale

The coldest and most raw May for many years - vegetation

very backward - Farm lands very wet - but little corn planted yet. Severe.


June 1917

June 1 WFMS meeting here.

June 5 Enrollment for army draft

June 8 Great Earthquake at San Salvador

June 10 Much water fell in the rain today - Much land flooded with water - great property loss

June 11 Great rain last night - thunder

June 16 Hard cold & Lumbago

June 18 Black River Traction Co. men on a strike (Note: Typist believes this was the concern

which operated the streetcar between Glen Park and Brownville)

June 22 A growing time

June 23 The Stopforth’s here

June 24 I did not go to church (back bad)

June 25 Little Luffman boy drowned

June a rainy - cool month - vegetation very backward for the

season of the year.


July 1917

July 1 William over in afternoon. I did not go to church (very lame yet)

July 4 A quiet fourth - We went over to Minnie’s (Minnie, his dtr. was married to

Herbert Conklin, and they lived on the Conklin Farm about 2 miles away

in Hounsfield on what is now called Evans Road)

July 11 Anna went to Watertown

July 12 Joseph Liddel buried

July 15 I went to church - Sherman Wallace & Family here (1st wife’s nephew from

Chaumont, N. Y.)

July 18 All crops growing nicely

July 20 U. S. draft for the army

July 24 Farmers in the midst of haying

July 28 Getting quite dry

July 29 No service at our church - I went to the Episcopal Church, then to our Sunday school

In July much fair weather - producing bounteous crops - the latter part of the month hot and dry.

August 1917

 August 7            The drouth (sic) is quite severe
August 12 Fred, Ettie, & Ina Knapp here//Phill Favary here.
(Note: Ettie Knapp was diarist’s present wife’s sister.

Phill Favary was the husband of diarist’s first wife’s niece,
Adelia Wallace - dtr. of Wm. Wallace.)
August 13 33 days since it rained to wet the ground
August 16 Ina Knapp here
August 19 Ina and I went to church
August 20 Bert, Minnie, William, Anna & I went to Evans Mills
Ina went home.
August 21 42 days of very dry weather
August 22 Great shower last night - Bernice Wagonner’s funeral
August 23 Martha & Bessie here tonight.
August 28 Earl Knapp here
August 31 Anna went to missionary meeting


Up to the 22nd very dry -- then to the end of the month fine showers. Corn and vegetables
            are starting to grow nicely.


September 1917

September 1 Monroe Getman here (brother-in-law of diarist)

September 3 Labor day - School commenced - Chas. Root died. (strange that school

commenced on Labor Day - perhaps the day wasn’t celebrated)

September 4 Bert thrashing

September 5 Jeff. Co. Fair time. (this was later than when it was held in August in the 1940’s

September 7 Frost this morning in some places -- none here.

September 9 I went to church - Bessie & Flora here. (first mention of Flora who I believe was

Flora Mead(e).

September 10 A man fell from wagon and was killed

September 11 I went to Watertown with William to get a bicycle

September 14 I went to Watertown - Mrs. Wright here. (cannot identify Mrs. Wright)

September 16 Rev. Cyrus Severance preached - Anna, Mrs. Wright & I went to church

September 21 Anna went to Watertown for dental work

September 23 First heavy frost last night - I went to church

September 26 Demonstration for the drafted soldiers

A fair month with a moderate temperature - a growing time for late

crops and garden truck -- many young men going to the war.


October 1917

October 1 Mrs. Rodney Lane died.

October 7 I went to church (Communion Sunday). Bessie and Adaline down.

20 taken into the church.

October 11 Street cars resume regular time.

October 16 Anna at her brothers birthday

October 17 Anna and I to Minnie’s gathering apples

October 19 Anna gone to Orleans to see her mother

October 24 Anna came home this morning.

October 31 Gathered vegetables

October has been a raw rainy month - Temperatures below normal --

War in Europe going hard against Italy.


November 1917

November 2 2 in of snow this morning. 3 cent postage in effect

November 6 Election day - Hounsfield - Woman Suffrage passed and Brownville

“dry” by large majority.

November 8 Lot of Boarders here (Note: Boarders probably from the nearby paper mills)

November 10 Indian summer weather

November 12 Sugar very scarce - 12 cents per lb.

November 18 I went to church - Bert & William went to Evans Mills

(Note: I believe Bert’s brother, William, lived alongside Indian River near

Evans Mills.)

November 23 About 2 in. snow

November 24 Sugar famine - no sugar on the market

November 26 William and I went to Watertown for shoes

November 27 Minnie’s 60th birthday. (diarist’s daughter) - 2 below this a.m.

November 28 Light snow - some sleighs

November temperature below normal, 35 deg. being the average

On 2 mornings it was 2 deg. blow zero (a very rare occurrence).

The rainfall for the month has been much less than in October.


December 1917

December 1 Marjorie down here (Stopforth)

December 6 Got kitchen range - 2 below zero this morning

December 7 Lottie came from Lowville - 2 below zero this morning.

December 8 ----?----- explosion at Halifax, N. S.

December 9 A great storm - 13 in. of snow - drifting

December 10 Jerusalem taken from the Turks by British

December 13 Storm over great part of the country

December 15 16 in. of snow on the level - Wm. staid here last night

December 25 Sleighing. Bert, Minnie, William, Lottie & Bessie here for Christmas

December 30 Great Earthquate in Guatamala

December has been a cold - severe month - 8 times the temperature was below zero - twice it was 24 deg. below in morning -- sleighing good in the early part of the month - The prevailing winds have been light from the N. E.

The year 1917 has been one, peculiar in many ways -- The winter months
were about normal - the spring months cold - raw and wet, making the getting in of crops very late and in some instance not at all. Late in July it
became very dry continuing through August and September - yet the yield was above normal - October and November was very wet.

The “world war” has waged with great fury during the whole year.
The United States has sent many men into the struggle and many more are preparing to go. Prices are very high on all commodities. Flour around 4.00 per sack -- sugar at 11 cents and very scarce -- Eggs 60 cents per doz. -- coal $8.90 per ton -- cheese 28 cents wholesale.


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