1944 Diary of Minnie Conklin

January 1 Sat. Pres. Roosevelt asks the nation to observe this as a day of prayer. Clear and cold. Wilfred & Bessie came. Elaine home today.

January 2 Sun. Elaine here for dinner with me. "Asparagus on toast, diced fruit, pumpkin pie." Heard Dr. McClung -- "My record in 1944." Wrote to Jack Stewart and The Ackermans.

January 3 Mon. Letter from Geo. Schweitzer -- says that he is in England and has a cold. Letter from Eugene Pond from the Mediterranean area.

January 4 Tues. Cold day. Was re-elected Sec. of Student Work -- W.S.C.S. Helen Walrath, ass't. Men are marking for poles for electric service here.

January 5 Wed. Gus Simpson looked over the house and barns to make an estimate on the cost of wiring for electric lights.

January 6 Dark day, rainy. Wm. & Doris sold 25 roasters, .20 per lb. Doris sent me sausage for supper.

January 7 Rec'd nice V-mail letter from Orton Sills somewhere in the Pacific. Arthur Robinson has been called in the draft. Folks go to P. P. party.

January 8 Sat. Zero. Mrs. Herbert Hoover died of a heart attack last night at her hotel apartment in New York. Bought new car battery, $14.50, alcohol, etc.

January 9 Sun. Zero morning. Heard our pastor, Rev. Wakeman and Dr. McClung. Rolly has new skates, and Elaine a new ski suit.

January 10 Mon. Beautiful day. Full moon. Wilton young folks came to skate. Doris and I did cheese factory work.

January 11 Tues. Very nice day. Beryl & Lew came. Letters from Richard from England. Boys hope to come (home) soon the expected invasion of Germany. Russians gain.

January 12 Wed. Another beautiful day. Leonard has swollen gland in his throat. Wrote to Anna. Heard Pres. address to Congress. Good.

January 13 Thurs. Pres. Roosevelt in his budget message to Congress asks for $l00,000,000 for the present year expense, 90 billion for war. 10 billion more in taxes.

January 14 Fri. Dark, windy, mild. Resting today. Had a rapid heart attack with pain in the night. Prayed. Heard Rev. L. Caldwell, on prayer.

January 15 Sat. Shirley went to her S.S. class party at the church annex, 10:30-2 A.M.-P.M. Pearl Robinson passed away at the hospital this morning --cancer.

January 16 Sun. Cold, but fine. Wrote letter to Mabel and cards to Gilbert and Helen Walrath. Cannot do much these days.

January 17 Mon. Another fine day. Wm. has a cold. Elaine has rec'd an increase in pay from Phelps & Hudson.

January 18 Regents at school -- boys home. William has a cold. Also, Doris. Boys doing work on farm and skating some evenings.

January 19 Wed. News came of the death of Curly Alguire from an acute heart attack. Elaine has a cold but continues to work.

January 20 Thurs. A little snow fell but quickly melted. 1/2 in. of snow is Jan. record, so far. I have quite a hard cold. Weather mild.

January 21 Fri. Mild, cloudy, rain toward night. Elaine got a pyrex covered baking dish for me for Bessie's birthday on January 23rd. All have colds.

January 22 Beautiful day. Wm., Doris and Leonard went to P.P. party last eve. Elaine went to Niles' and City. Warmest Jan. here in two decades.

January 23 Sun. Cloudy -- a little snow that is melting fast. Cannot go to church. Our young folks went to Girl Scout Party last eve, E. Hounsfield Library.

January 24 Zero morning, pleasant. Car wouldn't start and Elaine walked to B-. Wm. fixed car later. Doris and I got out checks -- Net 3.15.

January 25 Cloudy, mild. Gilbert Lamon wrote to Elaine that he has finished his army course, Purdue Univ. and graduates Fri. eve.

January 26 Wed. Rolly had an average of 86 in his 8th grade test. Mr. & Mrs. Schofield came about their internal revenue tax and report.

January 27 Thurs. Cloudy, rainy. Unusual Jan. weather. Sent my cheese factory record to Martin Hasner to be audited.

January 28 Rec'd nice letter from Lulu Scott. She is staying at L. E. White's, where Mrs. Witt lives. Weather continues cloudy, but no snow.

January 29 Sat. Heard Rev. Wakeman, yesterday, radio, "Our Unconscious Influence." Elaine had lunch with Mrs. Carley. Elaine, Doris & boys went to bingo -- E. Hounsfield.

January 30 Sun. Zero morn. Elaine got our breakfast. We heard Robt. Youngs. Doris sent chicken dinner. Wrote to Orton Sills. Isle in Pacific.

January 31 Jan. closes with a snow storm coming. Wm. has a cold. Aside from colds, have done fairly well for which we are grateful.

February 1 Storm. Elaine at B-. Boys home. Snow plow came. Letters from Anna & Mabel. Put in 50 gal. oil -- 7 yrs. without Bert.

February 2 Elaine attended a shower for Hazel Hill. Twenty four there. Gifts were mostly glass and pyrex. Refreshments, ice cream, cookies, candy, Ritz crackers.

February 3 Thurs. Seven yrs. ago today dear Bert was laid to rest. Didn't think then that I would be here now. Hope to do my part cheerfully while I stay.

February 4 Fri. Dr. Fox here to see Shirley last eve. Birthday dinner and presents for Wm. at 6 P.M., given by Doris. He is 41 yrs. old.

February 5 Sat. Cold wind. Shirley still has earache. Elaine accepted invitation from Mrs. Karley to spend the weekend with her in Syracuse.

February 6 Margaret Ball and Cpl. Wm. Blum were married Dec. 19th in New York. Cold, pleasant. Answered Mabel's Feb. 1st letter.

February 7 Mon. Elaine came home from Syracuse last evening. Had a good time. Heavy snow fall today. Very pretty tonight.

February 8 Tues. 30� below zero this morning. Snow plow went through and boys went to school. Wm. did not go after Elaine tonight.

February 9 Electric light man says we lack farm units. Must have 7 more cows or 282 turkeys in order to get the lights.

February 10 Thurs. Zero tonight. Elaine stayed at Bessie's to go to a movie tonight with June Merrick Jones. Leonard & Rolly tend my fires.

February 11 Fri. Elaine came home with H- in evening but went back to Bessie's on account of storm, so she could get to work.

February 12 Sat. Harry brought Elaine and Mrs. Karley about 3 P.M. Some snow drifts and weather cold. Mrs. C. brought her extras here to store.

February 13 Sun. Mrs. Karley stayed until this afternoon then went back to Syracuse. Weather cold. Wrote card to Susie & letter to Helen.

February 14 Mon. Valentine's day. Boys are mostly in service -- many overseas. War news is pretty good for allies. Elaine stayed at Brownville.

February 15 Tues. Roads blocked with snow. No school bus -- no mail. Sackets school closed. Had stomach trouble in the night.

February 16 Wed. Snow plow came at 3 P.M., followed by the mail. Warmer. Elaine came home for overnight. Harry and Burt G. at William's.

February 17 Thurs. Roads open. Fine winter's day. Wm. & Mr. Lampson are working on our car -- No -- Wm. went to W- looking for a second car.

February 18 Fri. Sunny. Trees glistening with freshly fallen snow. Harry took Wm. & Doris to P.P. and he and Elaine went to a movie.

Februry 19 Wm. and Doris 20th anniversary. Our children and I gave them a small set of dishes. We didn't see Gilbert while on furlough.

February 20 Sun. Beautiful snow and sunshine. Dr. McClung spoke on What one life can accomplish if consecrated to God's service.

February 21 Mon. No school for two days. Wm. took our car to Mark Lampson for repairs. William is helping on the car. Elaine stayed all night at Bessie's.

February 22 Tues. Mrs. B. G. Miller's birthday. Wrote her a letter as usual. Rain toward night. Wm. worked on car. Boys home. Elaine at Bessie's.

February 23 Wed. Mild. Sale of milk nets $3.05. Allied gains are increasing, but Axis and Jap. resistence is heavy. Bombing has important part.

February 24 Thurs. Second day of lent. Heard Rev. L. Heatherington. Car still at B-. Wm. works on it what time he has. Harry brought Elaine home, evening.

February 25 Fri. Fine, but cold. Mrs. Olivia Dunaway passed away last eve, age 83. Funeral Sunday at her home at Deer River, Jennie Thomas' sister.

February 26 Sat. Perry Virkler's mother gives a show this evening for Hazel Hill, who is to marry her son Tues. evening.

February 27 Sun. Rainy. Seems good to have Elaine home. Wm. has his car. Heard Rev. Parkinson, Toronto, Avon Lenten service (Toronto Baptist).

February 28 Mon. W. & D. sold 152 hens to Mrs. George, Plessis for $1.75 and delivered them. Rolly received a letter from Allen Flanders, England.

February 29 Tues. Nellie Lamphear's birthday. Hazel Hill and Perry Virkler will be married this noon by Rev. L. W. Wakeman at the Parsonage.

March 1 Doris won a refrigerator set last eve at a bingo party, E. H. Library. Elaine stays at Uncle Martin's tonight. Very cold wind for March 1st.

March 2 Was sick in bed. All having a touch of intestinal grip. Elaine came home. Hazel & Perry went to Buffalo and New York.

March 3 William, Doris, Elaine went to P.P. to Community party. Heard Lenten, Avon, radio service. Dr. A. W. Palmer, Pres. Chicago Theological Sem. Fine.

March 4 Sat. Zero morning - windy. All feeling better. Dr. Palmer spoke (Avon) on, "The fine art of living." Rev. H. Bell is dead. Elaine went to Armory party.

March 5 Mon. Zero morning. Mild tonight. Wm. killed an unpromising cow for beef. War news fairly good. Our boys in Italy and Pacific see hard action.

March 6 Sunday. Heard Dr. McClung. Story of actor who climbed ladder to success in life and then wanted to climb golden ladder that leads to God.

March 7 Wrote birthday letters to Myrtle Adams and Helen Walrath. Mild today. Rec'd letter from Gerald Munson, Australia.

March 8 Wed. Cold, stormy. Boys went to school. Shirley home. Elaine came home. Radio brings the news and nice programs.

March 9 Doris canning a beef. Wm., Doris and Elaine played for a house party for Harold Ely, Pillar Point.

March 10 Fri. Cold, but pleasant. Elaine stayed over to attend a shower for Dorothy Mott (Kirch written in with different handwriting) at her sister, Jean's (again Townsend is written in with a different handwriting).

March 11 Sat. Mrs. B. Gilmore came for Red Cross. Wm., Doris, Leonard and Elaine went to bingo party for Girl Scouts, E. Hounsfield Library.

March 12 Heard Rev. L. W. Wakeman and our choir on the radio -- good. Hiram, Mabel and Nellie came, brought me cookies.

March 13 Rosamond's 42nd birthday. Wrote to Fred Bacon who goes overseas soon, also to Henrietta G.

March 14 No entry.

March 15 No entry.

March 16 No entry.

March 17 No entry.

March 18 (in Elaine's handwriting) Mrs. Karley came home with Elaine until tomorrow. Letter from Gene Pond, described his life on sub chaser, visit inland in N. Africa. Oil man here.

March 19 (in Elaine's handwriting) Not feeling well. Karley went back to Syracuse today.

March 20 No entry.

March 21 No entry.

March 22 No entry.

March 23 No entry.

March 24 No entry.

March 25 No entry.

March 26 No entry.

March 27 Margaret White Scott is dead.

March 28 Elaine brought me beautiful sweet peas from Stockles. Sat up a while and wrote a few Easter cards to army boys.

March 29 Blanche and Ethel came.

March 30 Wrote some Easter cards.

March 31 Wilma Gardner and Elaine went to the Junior High School play, Mummy and the Mumps.

April 1 Our folks went to Watertown. Brought Elaine home. Not feeling very well. Rest went to Bingo, East Hounsfield, evening.

April 2 Dressed today. Doris brings my meals. Radio down. Elaine home. Somehow had a beautiful day.

April 3 Rec'd interesting air mail lettter from Orton Sills, Pacific, and other nice mail. Cold nights -- sap weather.

April 4 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Peck, born Mch. 31, name Eleanor Jean. Harold and Della's first grandchild -- a granddaughter.

April 5 Sun. Quiet day at home. Consecration Sunday at church -- time, talents, possessions. Heard Dr. McClung, "The golden ladder." Wrote to Gene Pond, Med. Sea. (Mistake in day.)

April 6 Wm., Doris, Elaine and Shirley attended the Music Festival at Dexter school last evening and Shirley took part in it.

April 7 Eugene Pond is home from Casa Blanka (sic) on furlough -- Cecil home. Mrs. Soper, Blanche and Ethel came yesterday. Good Friday, quiet day for me.

April 8 Lovely Easter mail. Elaine has a new coat -- rose, red. Carl, Rosamond & girls came last eve, brought me two plants. Doris had 300 chicks come today.

April 9 Sun. Elaine and Shirley went to church and to Bessie's for dinner. Mr. & Mrs. M. Barrett -- Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Barrett, Fla. and Vera L -- came.

April 10 Mon. Dear Bert would have been 75 today. Nov. subsidy came and ration of 200 gals. of gas for the tractor.

April 11 Curt brought a ton of coal. Wm. & D- put in 70 gals. of oil. Sub check came. Freddie Cassel's 18 birthday party last eve. Our folks went.

April 12 Snow storm. Boys put jigsaw puzzles together in here. Nice get well card & letter from Mrs. Smith. (blank) Smith has son, 2 mon.

April 13 Miliru Luther and Edward Parker, Staff Sgt. U. S. Marine Corp were married at her home in Dexter yesterday by Rev. R. Williams.

April 14 Eugene Pond -- home on furlough -- came to see Elaine last evening. Has been in the Mediterranean area.

April 15 Sat. William and Doris went to a sale on P. P. and bought an electric flat iron. Leonard furnished fish for supper.

April 16 Leonard and Elaine went to church and S.S. Rainy day but happy day.

April 17 Mon. Began getting my own meals again today. Doris busy with chicks, sewing, etc. Rolla went fishing with Bert G.

April 18 Pleasant. Wrote cards to stockholders answering announcing annual meeting. Fri. eve. Eugene Pond came to spend the evening with Elaine.

April 19 Made out cheese factory report. Mr. & Mrs. Schofield came, also Fred Parker. Eugene P. went to office to see Elaine. Met Messrs. Phelps & Hudson.

April 20 Thurs. Shirley has measels (sic). Dr. Merritt here. Gene P-, his sister, Grace and Elaine went to the Avon. (Song of Russia is penned in with different ink and different handwriting). Wm. is working on new brooder house.

April 21 Fri. Shirley, some better. Leonard has teeth filled. Doris bought radio battery for me. Elaine went to a shower at City for Racine White (Hall is penned in different ink and different handwriting).

April 22 Sat. Doris had 400 chicks come. Bought another brooder stove, $22.50. Leonard and Bert G. speared twenty suckers. Mrs. Karley came with Elaine.

April 23 Sun. Joan was inoculated by Dr. Merritt to lighten the measles. Shirley is improving. Went over to William's for Rolly's 14th birthday dinner.

April 24 Mon. Rain toward night. Put in 145 gals. of kerosene 11.2 -- Eugene Pond called at the Office, P.M. and came to see Elaine, evening.

April 25 Tues. Doris bought small bed for Shirley and electric sweeper at Pillar Point. No electricity here yet. Shirley has whooping cough, they think.

April 26 Wed. Shirley coughs badly nights. Gene and Elaine went roller skating in the evening. Plenty of ducks on our flat.

April 27 Thurs. Leonard stayed out of school to help Wm take a steel roof off from a barn on the Witt farm to use for a brooder house.

April 28 Fri. First April sale of cheese, net $2.00. Cpl. & Mrs. Chas. Bertsch have a baby girl, Jean Ann, born April 23rd. He is overseas. She is "Flora," Elaine's twin.

April 29 Sat. Sec. of War, Frank Knox, died yesterday from a heart attack. Joan has whooping cough too. Gene and Ruth Pond came to see Elaine.

April 30 Sun. Quiet but nice day. Leonard went to Cape Vincent with Bert G. fishing last night. Had fish for supper. Radio out of order.

May 1 Mon. Beautiful day. Rev. & Mrs. L. W. Wakeman and Donald here. Was at Wm's to a chicken birthday supper for Gene Pond, 22 yrs. old, May 6.

May 2 Tues. Elaine was invited to supper at Gene Pond's and went. She was also invited to a shower for Hilda Timmerman -- sent gift.

May 3 Wed. Joe Nutting, 75, an old school friend is dead. Gene Pond returned to navy duty today. Doris was elected trustee of school district last evening.

May 4 Thurs. At the annual cheese factory meeting last evening, I resigned as Secy-Treas. for patrons. Doris was elected. I continue as Secry-Treas. for Stockholders.

May 5 Fri. Hilda Timerman and Gerald Thompson were married May 1, evening, Parsonage M. 1st church. Carol Brown and Lloyd Bull were married Apr. 30th, 2 P.M., City church.

May 6 Sat. Mrs. Alfred E. Smith, age 65, is dead. Dexter Press suspends publication. Ernie Pyle goes from Italy to England. Shirley whoops badly.

May 7 Elaine brought her mother and me each a bouquet of roses and sweet peas. She wore a red rose to church. Letter from Gene.

May 8 Mon. Shirley's teacher, Miss Green and the school nurse, Miss Phillips, came to see her. Kay Birt (unclear) has left the office and Elaine worked later tonight.

May 9 Elaine stayed with June Jones tonight and they will attend a recital at the Conservatory of Music. Boys went fishing, bullheads --Mud Creek.

May 10 Wed. Dear mother's birthday. Had rock bass for supper that the boys caught last evening at Mud Creek. Have a coal fire yet.

May 11 Thurs. Rolly mowed Miss Sills lawn May 10. Rec'd letter from Helen Walrath. Mr. Wakeman leaves us at Conf. time. Goes to Alexandria Bay.

May 12 Fri. Leonard went fishing at B. R. Bay with Bert G-. Brought home eight large bullheads. Mothers' Day card rec'd from Gladys C.

May 13 Sat. Thunder storm, quite severe. Sent Grandma Gladwyn cloth for an apron for Mother's Day. Elaine has a lovely pink carnation to wear.

May 14 Sun. Elainie and I went to Mother's Day service at our church. Probably Mr. Wakeman's last service here. Grandma Gladwyn & family came.

May 15 Mon. Wm. and Doris went to see Donald Hasner. He has a wheel chair now. Mr. Dano, age 84, here on compensation ins. business.

May 16 Tues. Elaine stayed over to attend a S.S. class meeting in the church Annex. Letter from Gene Pond. He has to return to sea soon.

May 17 Wed. Earnest Fitz-Gerald is dead, 60 yrs. N.N.Y. Conference opens in Bethany church today. Bishop James H. Straughan, Pittsburgh, presides.

May 18 Wrote to Orton -- also to Gladys, Dorcas B. and to Mary Soper, who is in the hospital for an operation. Sent for 24 copies of The Upper Room.

May 19 Fri. Beautiful weather, fruit trees and lilacs in bloom. Flora wrote nice letter to Elaine about herself and baby Jean born Apr. 23

May 20 Sat. 6000 planes crossed the Channel to bomb Europe today. Wrote to George Schweitzer. Elaine rec'd letter from Gene. He has been to Washington, D.C.

May 21 Conference at Bethany church. Heard Rev. Harry Campbell, Malone radio. Wm. took me for a ride to the airport and to Cora Congdon's.

May 22 Mon. Made out Dec. subsidy checks. Rev. Pascal DiFlorio, now at Central Square, is to be our pastor. Rev. Lester Wakeman goes to Alexandria Bay.

May 23 A beautiful May day. George Schweitzer has rec'd a citation and medal for brave service in Sicily. He sent Elaine a locket and chain.

May 24 Wed. Elaine had some small pictures taken at Mr. Pecks and they are good. Wrote to Leon Barrett, Minorville, Florida.

May 25 Wrote to Mabel. Rec'd letter from Eva asking for a poem for a farewell party for Rev. and Mrs. Wakeman, next Monday evening.

May 26 Wrote to Gilbert. Trying to write the poem requested for Mr. & Mrs. Wakeman's farewell. Gilbert is at Atterbury, Indiana.

May 27 Wm. and Doris went with Schofield's to a party at Copenhagen. Tonight they are going to Watertown after my cemetery geraniums.

May 28 Sun. Elaine and I went to church. Elaine and Gene went to Memorial services at B-. Carl and Rosamond and I took plants for our urns at Dexter cemetery.

May 29 Mon. Our new pastor, Pascal Di Florio, preached yesterday. Gilbert home on furlough from Camp Atterbury. Ina came. Doris last 32 chickens crowding (?) (see next entry for what appears to be a continuation)

May 30 while she was at B- after me. Elaine and I attended a "get together" party for Rev. and Mrs. Wakeman. Elaine read my "farewell poem."

May 31 Elaine stayed all night at the Y. W. and went to Copenhagen to Bernice Battle. Came home tonight. Had a good time.

June 1 Our folks making garden. Elaine working nights on a new dress. Am writing words for a song for a reception for Rev. and Mrs. Di Florio.

June 2 Our anniversary. Cool. Mrs. Evans has put white lilacs at the cemetery for me. Went to a special school meeting. Our district (extended into June 3 entry)

June 3 voted to unite with Sackets Harbor Central school. Vote was 15 to 6. Charles Wallace, 67, funeral today.

June 4 Elaine went to church. I was sick at the last minute and couldn't. Grandma Gladwyn was here for supper with me.

June 5 Mon. Got a dozen copies of The Upper Room ready to mail across to boys in service from Brownville. Elaine busy at the office.

June 6 D-day has come. Allied forces crossed the english channel. Prayer service in our and other churches. Rev. Pascal Di Floria (sic) came to see us.

June 7 Wed. Our Pres. Roosevelt and our nation devoutedly observed a time for prayer yesterday, June 6, invasion day. Estimated 100,000,000 hear President.

June 8 Allies establish beach heads on Normandy coast -- continue to advance French welcome to the Allied troops.

June 9 Fri. Allies advancing against fierce german opposition. Wm. is fitting ground and putting in corn. Cool weather for Doris' chickens.

June 10 Sat. A cold rain nearly all day. Gene comes home tonight at 9:30 for a furlough until tomorrow evening at 8:15. (P.S.) Brought E- his picture.

June 11 Sun. Children's day. Elaine and I went to church. Gene came to see Elaine afternoon. Jamie Wilton was baptized in church.

June 12 Mon. Rev. & Mrs. Dr. Di Floria motored to Oswego yesterday, P.M. where their daughter, Anita, graduates bachelor of education, 4 yr. course.

June 13 Allies have been in France a week and are making good in spite of german guns. Our losses haven't come in yet.

June 14 Wed. The body of Clifford Dengler was brought to Lowville for burial. Family accompanied it. Thelma and Ruth P-, Helen P. & Marion B. came to see Elaine. Had weiner roast.

June 15 Cousins Dorcas, Marion and Orville, Buddy and John came. They will stay at Brownville tonight -- return to Ithaca tomorrow. Wilfred & Bessie came. Doris had lunch.

June 16 Fri. Reception for Rev. & Mrs. Di Floria. Elaine and I went. Elaine played, "In Spring." Choir sang my "Song of Welcome." About 100 present.

June 17 Sat. Allied forces again bomb industrial target in Japan -- have base in China. Our army advances in Normandy. Weather unfavorable.

June 18 Sun. To (sic) tired to go to church, Elaine and I wrote letters. Weather cool. Wilfred, Bessie and Grandma came. Doris brouight me wild strawberry shortcake.

June 19 Rain last night -- cool today. Wm. and Leonard are fitting ground for buckwheat. Rolly has test at school. Leonard's test tomorrow.

June 20 Tues. Elaine stayed at Brownville to attend her S.S. class meeting and supper at the church annex. Hester Gilmore, teacher.

June 21 Wed. First day of summer is cold. 1st Grade teacher, Miss Green, sent Shirley cakes and candy from school party. Shirley passed to II Grade.

June 22 Boys finished school. Wm. and Leonard fitting ground and sowing buckwheat. Rolly went field strawberrying (for me).

June 23 Warmer today. Doris did my washing. Wrote to Hazel Ball for her 52nd birthday. Letter from Orton Sills, Admirality Islands.

June 24 Wrote to Jack Stewart. Doris & Elaine got the geraniums from Stoeckel's for my porch box. Gave one to Shirley -- she will help fix it for me.

June 25 Sun. Elaine and I heard Dr. Di Floria preach the baccalaureat sermon at our church. "Doing the impossible." Gene had short furlough, he came over.

June 26 Mon. Painted my sink apple green. Set our geraniums. Shirley does not whoop -- had 8 weeks of it. Ruth Farmer sent me "green" tea.

June 27 Sherbourg has surrendered to the allies, about 25,000 german soldiers are prisoners of war. Americans dead, wounded, missing since June 6th, 24,000.

June 28 Gov. Dewey, N. Y. -- Gov. Bricker, Ohio, nominated for Pres. and Vice Pres. at Rep. convention at Chicago today. Temperature, noon 85.

June 29 Maj. and Mrs. West are leaving Watertown Salvation Army for Troy. Elaine washed venetian blinds at office -- $4.00.

June 30 Wm. and the boys are haying. Have some nice alfalfa. Painted my bed and kitchen table white. People pleased over Dewey's nomination.

July 1 Bought stamp for car, $5.00. Dr. di Florio preaches at Asbury tomorrow night and over station W.W.N.Y. Tuesday, July 4 at 2:15.

July 2 Doris took Elaine, Shirley and me to church and S.S. Dr. Di Florio's subject was Crown Him with many crowns. Gene is home and came to see Elaine, evening.

July 3 Mon. Wm. and family, Wilfred & Bessie, Mr. and Mrs. Pond, Ernestine, Gene, Glenn, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Christopher & Barbara had wiener (sic) roast here. Grandma G. stayed with me.

July 4 Elaine home. Gene here, went on evening train to Brooklyn, and to his ship. Heard Dr. Di Floria, radio give July 4th patriotic talk. Good.

July 5 Wed. George Schweitzer has been injured and is in a hospital in England. Hester Gilmore here. Wm. is drilling in buckwheat.

July 6 Thurs. Heard Rev. Barber L. Waters, radio, "Glory through suffering." Elaine and I rec'd letters from Jack Stewart, Camp Maxey, Texas.

July 7 Fri. Maggie Moffatt Potter passed away yesterday, age 76. She was one of my girlhood friends and schoolmates. Fine woman.

July 8 Sat. Doris took Elaine, Shirley & me to church and S.S. Dr. Di Floria preached on "Honor all Men." Orange Lodge, Watertown attended.

July 9 Went to Ives farm with W- to see new barn roof. Very warm. Sold farrow cow, $95.00. Donald H. continues to be in poor health.

July 10 Will send stamps for a collection and The Upper Room to Donald H. who is at their cottage at Fisher's Landing.

July 11 Another warm day but very enjoyable here. Not so in war torn Europe and the Pacific where our boys fight for world peace.

July 12 The "boys club" at our church camping at Ball cottage come home tonight and girls go to cottage to stay until Sat.

July 13 Cooler. Doris is making a blue-gray dress for me. Bought 1 qt. raspberries, 49c. Canned two pint cans. All fruit expensive.

July 14 Bastile Day. French in Normandy celebrate with freedom. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. was buried tonight in Normandy. Had a heart attack.

July 15 Sat. Wilfred, Bessie and Anna came evening. Mrs. Evans has electric lights. Buy my eggs from her, now 35c per dozen.

July 16 Sun. Elaine and I went to church. Dr. Di Floria preached on the power of beauty, truth, and goodness. Our folks all went to Uncle Martin's cottage.

July 17 Mon. Dr. and Mrs. Di Florio went with students to Camp Dempster. Ann Wood and Nellie Ford went. Brayton Foster's funeral today.

July 18 Tues. Democratic National Convention meets in Chicago tomorrow. Pres. Roosevelt is willing to accept fourth term.

July 19 Wed. Elaine stayed over to attend a shower given by Ann Wood for Margaret Ball (postponed). She bought her a baby book.

July 20 Thurs. Elaine went to Fisher's Landing with Uncle Martin after work. William is putting in a white sink in kitchen.

July 21 Fri. Elaine came home tonight. Ann didn't have a shower for Margaret. T.B. health nurse at Wms. Letter from Geo. Schweitzer, hospital in England.

July 22 Doris laid new kitchen linoleum. German officials try to bomb Hitler. Roosevelt and Truman elected as Democratic Pres. & V. Pres. candidates.

July 23 Elaine, Shirley and I went to church. Sub. "My task." Gene brought Elaine a navy locket. Mrs. Ross, Grace and Roy Congdon came.

July 24 Mon. Bought a hay rope of Bert G. - $12.50. Wrote to Della Peck. Elaine wore her new locket and wrote to the giver. W.S.C.S. picnic tomorrow, parsonage.

July 25 This is Shirley's 7th birthday. We did up the presents together. After supper show opened them, a house coat, dress, lamp, ring, ribbons, etc.

July 26 Elaine stayed over to spend the night with June Merrick Jones. Gilbert Lamon is home on furlough and came over. Also, Anna, Bessie & W came.

July 27 Wrote to Fred Bacon -- Pacific. Elaine and June went to a movie, "White Cliffs of Dover," last night. Pearl Congdon went to China 25 yrs. ago now.

July 28 Mr. Heffentrager's 2-1/2 yr. old grandson, Clarence Bevins, was drowned in a watering trough. Wrote to George Schweitzer -- hospital in England.

July 29 Sat. Fine weather. Letter from Mrs. Peck and picture of Eleanor. Allies are gaining on all fronts -- bomb Manchurian Jap supply factories. Had watermelon for supper.

July 30 Sun. Joyce Wilton went to church with Elaine, Shirley, and me. Dr. Kilborn spoke on "The open door of destiny." Dinner at Wms.

July 31 Mon. Am reading a Flower library book, Lost Island, by James Norman Hall. Very good book. And Also the Hills by Frances Parkinson Keyes. Serial story.

August 1 Tues. Noon 79�. Wilfred's 65th birthday. Bought a new can washer for the cheese factory, $775.00. Elaine wrote to George, hospital, England.

August 2 83� noon. Carl & Rosamond have sold their home and bought the Galloway farm. Mabel Stockforth died, heart attack.

August 3 Heard Rev. L. W. Wakeman, Aug. 1, radio, "The Simplicity of Jesus," good. Elaine got "The Return" by Margaret Rhodes Peatlie, from Flower Library.

August 4 Fri. Heat wave continues. Elaine rec'd letter from Gene at the office. Wm., Doris, Leonard and Rolly went to Martin's cottage.

August 5 Sat. 81� -- Rosamond, Jean, Sally and Jean Reynolds came. Elaine went with Gene and family to Fishers Landing. Rev. Bebee's. Finished haying.

August 6 Elaine, Shirley, and I went to church -- heard Capt. Ruble, S. A. -- "Doors of Destiny." Grandma Gladwyn, Wilfred and Bessie came. Stayed for supper.

August 7 Mon. 74�. Had long blackberries. Our allied leaders predict end of war in Europe in 1944. Geo. Schweitzer arrived in N. C. from England hospital.

August 8 Tues. Elaine rec'd a message from Geo. S. from N. A. hospital. Allies at Warsaw and Florence and nearing Paris.

August 9 Gus Simpson started wiring house and barns for electricity. Wm. and boys helped raise barn at "Chuck" Sopers.

August 10 Rec'd card from Dr. Di Floria from Institute of International Relations, Cazenovia. Weather warm. Wm. preparing staging for barn.

August 11 Wilfred and Bessie came. Continues warm. Some forest and other fires. Need rain badly.

August 12 Thunder storm this A.M. Wm. & Doris get electric fixtures for their house and mine. Hurt my hand, back of radio.

August 13 Sun. Elaine and I went to church. Heard Rev. Harrison, "Finished beginnings." Geo. Schweitzer is at Atlantic City. All went to Anna's for dinner.

August 14 Mon. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Warnick have a son, Paul Conrad. Elaine is having vacation. She went to Uncle Martin's cottage with him.

August 15 Tues. Extremely warm from coast to coast. Wm and boys repairing roof getting ready for new roofing.

August 16 Wed. Ordered 20 copies Upper Room. Wm. and family went to Beryl's for dinner and to an auction at the Chas. Dorr farm. 83� warm.

August 17 Thurs. This is Leonard's 16th birthday. Was at Wm's for birthday supper and presents. Sport shirt, belt, etc. Wm. and Leonard helped W. Patrick make hay stack.

August 18 Pres. Roosevelt home from Hawaii. D-week for southern France is a success. G. W. White delivered new roofing for our upper barn, $270.00.

August 19 Sat. New rec'd that Fred Bacon, Jr. has been killed in plane crash in S. Pacific. Geo. Schweitzer here last eve. Chapman's & Pond's had weiner roast here.

August 20 Sun. Dr. and Mrs. Di Floria are home and we heard his fine sermon on "International relations." Gene here this P.M. until train time.

August 21 Mon. Wm., Doris and Elaine attended a dinner at Fred S- last evening in honor of Geo. Schweitzer home on furlough from England.

August 22 Wm. and Leonard helped thresh at Gonseth's. Rolly worked at Soper's. Doris, Wm. helped put on weiner roast, C. C. Class at Merriams.

August 23 Elaine went to movie last eve with Geo. S. French patriots take Paris after 4 yrs. german rule. Roumania joined with Allies.

August 24 Nice, much needed rain last night. Cool today. Rainbow tonight. Elaine rec'd letter from Gene explaining his ideas of wartime obligations.

August 25 Still cool. Elaine stayed to supper with Grandma Gladwyn and sister, Edith. Wilfred and Bessie have gone to Rochester.

August 26 Sat. Doris & Leonard went to W- for school clothes. Elaine bought new black hat, pocket book & gloves. Our airport is dedicated tomorrow.

August 27 Elaine and I went to church. Dr. Di Floria talked on Foundations for peace. P.M., Elaine went out with Pauline Carry and Geo. S.

August 28 Our boys attended airport dedication. Est. 12,000 present. George returned to hospital at Atlantic City for a scalp operation.

August 29 Tues. Elaine stayed with June Jones. Rolla worked at cheese factory, 1.00 an hour. Am making a scrap book of our family record from early days.

August 30 Wed. Allied troops are nearing Belgium. Elaine bought a new dress to wear to New York next week with Ruth Pond & Gilmore girls.

August 31 Gladys Campbell and Mrs. Scott came for afternoon. Had chicken supper. Elaine with us after 5:30 P.M.

September 1 Nice letter from Mrs. B. G. Miller. Elaine bought white blouse for her new blue jumper. Allies reach Belgium.

September 2 Fri. After 5 years of war, allied troops near Germany. Elaine & Shirley were invited to Celia's for supper. Harry and Wilma came.

September 3 Elaine, Shirley and I went to church & S.S. Dr. Di Floria's subject was Master Builders. Gene home. Elaine there for supper.

September 4 Mon. Labor Day. Wm. & Leonard busy with barn roof. Gene and sisters and Elaine went to airport.

September 5 Earthquake tremors last night. Some much needed rain. Mrs. Carley brought Elaine cloth for a dress. Doris is making it.

September 6 Wed. Elaine, Ruth Pond, Virginia and Esther Gilmore left for New York this morning to remain until Saturday night.

September 7 Thurs. Cold wind. Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Davis celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Tues. Church gave them a card shower.

September 8 Fri. Continued cold, 58�. Mr. Simpson finished wiring for electricity. Belgium cabinet returned to Belgium -- first of conquered countries in exit to return home.

September 9 Sat. Heard Gov. Dewey from St. Louis. Elaine came home from New York tonight. She was a little tired but happy -- had a lovely time.

September 10 Elaine, Shirley, Joyce and I went to church and S.S. Dr. Di Floria preached on Phil. 4,8, "Think on these things." Good.

September 11 Dr. & Mrs. Wicks are moving to Canton where he will teach. Pearl Congdon teaches near Adams.

September 12 Ed. Eveleigh funeral today, age 67. Wm. cutting corn. Rolla threshed at Gonseth's. Doris canning tomatoes. My new mattress delivered today.

September 13 Wed. Wm & Doris attended a farewell party last eve for Dr. & Mrs. Wicks at Merriam's. Had some rain -- may have more.

September 14 For the first time in history, allied troops invade German soil. A hurricane is coming up the Atlantic Coast. Due in New York this evening.

September 15 Allied troops have crossed the Seigfred line. The hurricane last eve caused considerable damage and loss of life around New York and New Jersey.

September 16 Sat. Beautiful morning. Sending the Upper Room to boys overseas. Wilfred, Bessie and Anna came. Mrs. Karley is at Stella Walrath's.

September 17 Sun. Elaine, Shirley and I went to church. Dr. Di Floria's topic was "Stop -- Look -- Listen." Elaine at Pond's for dinner -- Gene here, chicken supper.

September 18 Wm. cutting corn. Had home grown green corn for supper. Allied troops are pushing toward the Rhine.

September 19 Wm. finished cutting corn. Gene is home for a five day furlough. He and Elaine went to see Celia Evans & Grace Patrick.

September 20 Doris and Elaine went to a stork shower for Margaret Ball Blum at Ann Woods. Took her a baby book.

September 21 Silo fillers today. Ate a fine baked ham dinner with Doris and Beryl. Elaine and Gene called on Pauline and went to show.

September 22 Shower for Irene Mott. Elaine sent butter plate cover and knife but could not attend. Weather turns much colder.

September 23 Finished filling silo. Continued cold. Summer is over. Our troops in Germany fight hard. Gene and Elaine here for lunch.

September 24 Elaine, Shirley and I went to church and S.S. Wilfred there. Dr. DiFlorio's topic, "Rally." Elaine at Gene's for dinner. He and Martin's folks at Wm's for supper.

September 25 Donald Hasner is improved. He was here with his folks. Wilfred, Bessie, Anna and Martha also came yesterday P.M. Cool.

September 26 Rain, cool. Rolla has 2 bus., of hickory nuts and more to gather. Cracked some for me. Allies are bombing Manila.

September 27 Irene Mott and Grenville Timmerman were married Sun. eve at the parsonage of the First Methodist church by Rev. Abbott.

September 28 Fri. Gardner Ball, 79 yrs., was buried at Pulaski yesterday and Fred Ball, 85, was buried at Lowville today. He died at Toledo, Ohio.

September 29 Rolla shot a "target" in a tree. Charles Hasner is here. Shirley is at Martin's. William is cutting buckwheat. Cool weather.

September 30 Sat. Looked for Hazel or Dorcas to come here after their father's burial at Lowville but haven't heard from them.

October 1 Went to morning service. Topic, "This Cup." Elaine went with Gene & family to Mr. Pond's brother's, Adams Center, for dinner.

October 2 Went to evening service with Gene & Elaine, World Communion Sun. Gene took train at 10 P.M. to take ship for Pacific.

October 3 Elaine gave Gene a pen Sun. eve. Today she received a nice letter of appreciation from Gene's mother and answered it tonight.

October 4 Received beautiful letter from Cecil Barrett, Kanai, Hawaii, an Isles. Al. Smith is dead. Elaine gets letter from Gene written with new pen.

October 5 Thurs. Wilfred came over and gathered some hickory nuts. Wm finished cutting buckwheat. Put in 95 gals. of kerosene.

October 6 Fri. Mild weather. Rec'd lovely letter from Jack Stewart's bride, Idabel, Okla. W & D went to party at Smithville with Keene.

October 7 Doris' 40th birthday. Had gifts after supper. Lamp, Elaine--stationary (sic), Leonard - hose, Rolly - chopper, Shirley & Joan -- pen, myself.

October 8 Dr. Di Florio's subject was, Headquarters of Devotion. Mr. & Mrs. Peck came via bus and came home "with us." Stayed till evening.

October 9 Mon. Fine weather. Wendell Willkie is dead. Sold animal to bus driver, Mr. Greene, $65.00. Roosevelt-Dewey talk "politics."

October 10 Rainy day. Wrote to Cecil B. Sent his letter from Hawaii to Rev. Thornberry. W.S.C.S. Dist. meeting at Asbury today.

October 11 Heard Rev. Niles, radio, "Growing to Perfection."

October 12 George Schweitzer is still at Atlantic City in the England hospital expecting an operation to put plate in his head.

October 13 Fri. Charlie Hasner is here for the weekend. Some one fired a shot at Leonard, near our hen house. Had buckwheat threshers in P.M.

October 14 Sat. No letter from Gene. His ship has probably sailed -- letter has to pass censor. Rain delayed threshing rest of the buckwheat.

October 15 Sun. Elaine, Shirley, Joyce Wilton and I attended church and S. S. Dr. Di Floria's subject was, The Master's Life, Program, Foundation, love.

October 16 Cold wind. Making out the cheese factory dividends. Elaine rec'd letter, also a beautiful compact for her birthday from Gene.

October 17 Tues. Fred Everett, 77, of Saranac, formerly of Dexter is dead. Elaine rec'd another letter from Gene. His ship sails probably soon.

October 18 Radio: Rev. Alb. Abbott: "Amos' dream of Justice" -- "lower peak of Love." Elaine and I went to a harvest supper and sale at our church.

October 19 Mrs. Scott and Nellie Lamphear came to call. Had a nice visit. Elaine and Geo., who is on furlough, went to a movie.

October 20 Elaine's 20th birthday. Rec'd from Gene a lovely compact, from our folks, toilet articles, chocolates, blouse, billfold. Supper & birthday cake at Mrs. Pond's.

October 21 Gen. McArthur has returned to the Philippines with 250,000 men, planes and two vast fleets. Elaine went to "The Master Race" (and an unclear, small word).

October 22 Sun. Elaine, Shirley, and I, and Joyce, went to church and S.S. Dr. Di Florio -- spoke on "The Master's Life Program." Elaine went with several others to Augsburys to weiner roast.

October 23 Fine day. Rain at night. Paid for electric wiring, $313.00. Sold buckwheat $(blank). Writing a song, "Be True" for our church Youth's Fellowship.

October 24 Started coal fire last Saturday. Oct. 19 Hattie Morgan died at Daytona Beach, Fla., age 86 yrs. Funeral in Rochester, N. Y.

October 25 Elaine bought a ping-pong set and boys like it. Mrs. Ross and Grace here. John Todd and Bina Foley were married Oct. 24.

October 26 Frank Phelps is moving on the James Gilmore farm and Mr. Reese is going to the Rev. F. K. Vogt farm (the Liddy farm).

October 27 Mabel Fulton's birthday. Heard Pres. Roosevelt's campaign speech, Phila., Pa. on preparedness. Vadabondcouer speaks at Brownville.

October 28 Elsie Schweitzer has rended rooms at Glen Park and is working at Faichney's. Bessie came. She has been to Buffalo I. M. D. again (better).

October 29 Our folks went to Sulphur Springs party last eve. Won four bingo prizes. Missionary sermon by Dr. Difloria today at church, fine.

October 30 Elaine stayed overnight with June Jones and they went bowling. Rolly is working on his school debate, "Gov. Dewey for Pres."

October 31 Rec'd letter from Jack Stewart, England -- answered it today. Elaine went to party for Donald H. Leonard went to party at High School.

November 1 Cousin Libbie Ball, Ithaca, passed away Tues. morn, Oct. 31st after a long illness. Buried at Lowville, Friday, 2:30 P.M.

November 2 Yesterday heard Rev. Bennett, Lowville. "I saw a door opened in heaven." Gene came from Norfolk for one night. He came after Elaine to spend evening there.

November 3 Gene's coming was a pleasant surprise for us all. Libbie was buried at Lowville today. Dorcas, Marion, Bessie, Wilfred, Wm's family here for evening lunch.

November 4 Mrs. Karley came for weekend. Rolla took part in a school debate. Who should be our next President. Rolla was on the Dewey side.

November 5 Elaine, Shirley, Joyce and I heard Dr. Di Floria on Winning the race. Wm joined the Eagles Lodge, he & Doris went to turkey lodge dinner.

November 6 Cold. Rec'd letter from Gilbert Lamon, Camp Atterbury, answered it. Susie Chapman in hospital with fractured ankle.

November 7 Read "The Covered Wagon," E. Hough. Leonard wrote book report. Mrs. Soper goes to hospital for operation. Nellie Ford also going for operation.

November 8 Doris and I went to vote and then to City for groceries. Poles came for electric wires. Jean & Sally in little auto accident Sat. eve.

November 9 In yesterday's election, Pres. Roosevelt rec'd about 25,000,000. Gov. Dewey rec'd about 21,000,000 votes. Margie, Henry at Wm's for dinner, Nov. 11, 1944, 6 P.M.

November 10 Rainy. We need water for stock. Elaine is reading Homeward the Heart by Margaret Mackey aloud to me evenings. A story of Hawaiian life for soldiers.

November 11 Quiet armistice here. Elaine at the office. Celia Evans has to go to Mercy hospital for an operation for infection in her thumb.

November 12 Sun. Elaine & I went to church. Dr. Di Floria presented the "World Crusade program." 49 in the three choirs. Joyce Wilton sang today.

November 13 Nellie Ford is home from the hospital. Celia Evans had her operation and came home. Sent card to Millie Soper who is still there.

November 14 Tues. Gilbert Lamon, Camp Atterbury, Ind. came this morning. Mrs. LaPointe had a stroke at 3:30 P.M. and is at Mercy hospital.

November 15 Mrs. LaPointe passed away last night. Our electric lights are on tonight and very nice. The Pond family came for evening.

November 16 Rainy, dark. Used electric lights. Wm. and Doris have electric radio. Allies make gains but war may be long.

November 17 Wm and Doris attended Mrs. LaPointe's funeral. Millie Soper passed away last night. Grandma Gladwyn & family came.

November 18 22� above zero at 8 A.M. Rev. Burt Gibbs died Thursday, Portland, Maine, age 76. Burial at Dexter. Mrs. Carley & our folks went to party, East Hounsfield.

November 19 Bert's father born 100 yrs. ago today, here, in the former house. Elaine, Shirley, Joyce and I went to church and S.S. -- Sermon, "Thanksgiving ? unclear" Dr. Di Floria.

November 20 Mrs. Witt has had a cerebral hemorrhage. Donald Lamon gets silver star and 1st Sgt. in Germany. Clifton Doull wounded Oct. 14th, Philippines.

November 21 Elaine and I went to W.S.C.S. covered dish supper. Mrs. Plummer, Norwood, Conf. Pres. gave fine talk, "Key to Service." Rain and snow. Extra good supper.

November 22 Allies are making gains on 400 mi. western front -- Germany Mitztaken. Gen Eisenhower thinks this battle will end the war.

November 23 Thanksgiving. Had lovely chicken dinner at Wm's. Nellie Ford's 75th birthday. Wm, Doris, Elaine, Shirley spent last eve at Mr. Pond's. HEARD WINSTON CHURCHILL.

November 24 Put in 50 gal. kerosene. Grace and Ruth Pond came to have Elaine help make a rose dress for Grace (evening). Had lunch with them.

November 25 Elaine rec'd two letters from Gene. He was through the Panama Canal on the way to Hawaii -- then farther on.

November 26 Elaine, Shirley, Joyce and I went to church. Taught our S.S. class. Ethel Peck came with our Christmas cards.

November 27 My 77th birthday. Ice cream, birthday cake and candles and presents at Wm's. Carl, Rosamond and girls brought presents.

November 28 Elaine rec'd air mail letters from Gene. His ship had reached San Francisco (military). Mrs. Pond and Grace came (evening) to finish Grace's dress.

November 29 Have my first fall cold. Wm and Doris took "Flora May" my 73 yr. old doll and some relics to a C.C.C. bazaar at our church -- (by request).

November 30 Quite a fall of snow. Sending Christmas cards & letters to boys overseas. My poem, "Be True," in Times. Vernon Pitkin home wounded.

December 1 Bad storm. No mail since Wed. & Elaine couldn't get home. Mrs. Jannette Witt passed away at Mrs. L. E. White's, 75.

December 2 Have quite a hard cold -- Snowplow went through -- mail came. Elaine came home. Bessie sent present, Anna letter.

December 3 At home. Cold, bad roads. Have a cold yet. Doris sent chicken dinner. Mrs. Witt's funeral. Wrote Grace Bacon, Fitchburg, Mass.

December 4 Zero & below mornings. Car wouldn't start -- Elaine rode over on milk truck. Rec'd lovely birthday card from Mr. & Mrs. Pond.

December 5 My oil burner ran up when I was in bed -- blackened things up considerably. My cold is improving.

December 6 Mrs. Karley came home with Elaine to stay a few days. Weather is mild. Boys take turns staying out of school.

December 7 Wm's cold better. Boys both go to school. Mrs. Karley helps me clean up the house. Nice letter from Orton Sills.

December 8 Rain brings water for stock. Snow going. Am writing Christmas letters and cards. Have mailed 30 to boys in service.

December 9 Mrs. Karley went this morning. Wm bought a jersey calf at Mosher's. Windy. Wm, Doris and boys went to E. Hounsfield Library party.

December 10 Elaine and Shirley went to church and S.S. They brought "Flora May" home from the bazaar. Have enjoyed this day with Elaine.

December 11 Cold, snow flurries. Gilbert called -- home from Camp Atterbury. Am busy with Christmas mail. Gerald Munson arrives in U.S. from Pacific.

December 12 Bad storm that is universal in N. Y. State. No mail, schools closed, Elaine at home. All pretty well through the storm.

December 13 Wm. took milk over with team and Elaine rode over to go to work. Doris, etc. painting kitchen. Snow plow and mail came.

December 14 Rec'd letter from Jack Stewart from Germany. Wm & Doris went Christmas shopping. Elaine went to bingo party with Bessie & Wilfred.

December 15 Raw day but road open. Elaine came home tonight. She has done some Christmas shopping. After going to Hawaii, Gene is in California.

December 16 Another storm here. Doris, Wm and Rolla have gone to W'town, P.M. Doris, Wm and Leonard went to "Eagles" party, evening.

December 17 Sun. Rec'd present, toilet articles from Rosamond yesterday's mail. Another storm. Wm took Elaine to Bessie's this A.M. -- roads filling.

December 18 No school bus. Plow came and mail late in afternoon. They went over after Elaine. Orton sent nice letter & Cecil greeting from Pacific.

December 19 Extremely cold. Elaine went to work & children to school. Gerald Munson home on furlough. Harry, Wilma, Harlow & Elsie came.

December 20 Wilma has a diamond ring from Harry. School closed, noon for vacation. Stormy. Elaine didn't get home.

December 21 First day of winter -- zero all day -- Snowed in -- no mail. Germans making fierce, costly counter attacks on western front.

December 22 Fri. Cold wave from midwest grips country. Plow came. Wm and D- went to W- and took clothes & mail to Elaine at Bessie's.

December 23 Leonard and Rolly went to Watertown to do Christmas shopping. Geo. Schweitzer's home in civilian clothes.

December 24 Christmas Sunday. Zero morning. At home. Too cold to attend the Christmas service. Enjoyed the day.

December 25 Christmas tree and dinner at William's. Wilfred & Bessie came for a little while. Our boys in western Germany suffer loss.

December 26 We rec'd many Christmas gifts, letters and cards. Elaine went back to work today. She rec'd money, candy, toilet articles from the office.

December 27 Dec. 27th was dear Aunt Lottie's birthday. Cold wave continues. Better news today from the western front.

December 28 Zero morning. Cold wave is widespread. Geo. Tolbert sees his brother Kenneth and Arthur Robinson in England.

December 29 Clifford Waters goes to hospital again. His leg was broken 3 years ago. Wm and Leonard sold Leonard's furs, 4 fox, 8 skunk - 1 calf. cleared $18.00 (at W-).

December 30 Rolla sold a coon skin for $1.00. About 15� below this morning. Sunny. Snow plow. Mail. Wm. took clothes to Elaine at Bessie's last eve.

December 31 Some warmer. Sunny. Leonard (unclear) a "quack." Elaine and I went to church. Beautiful service by Dr. Di Florio. Fine day to end year of 1944.

Memorandum Feb. 1 So long Thy Power hath blest me. Sure it will, Still lead me on -- And with the morn those angel faces smile, Which I have loved long since and lost awhile.

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