1949 Diary of Minnie Conklin

January 1: Saturday - Some snow drifts. Isa. 41.10 - l Sam., 7.12 26� - 10 A.M. - Upper Room. Hitherto. A clean page to start the New Year of 1949. All is as well with us as usual for which we are grateful to our heavenly Father, to my dear family and friends. Wrote the date first to Mabel Fulton, second to Harold Peck. This is football day. Listened to the Army Band play for the Cotton Bowl game, South vs. Methodist College, Dallas, Texas and Univ. of Oregon. Doris made fudge and nice meals. We hoped Gene & Elaine could come but roads are not good. They were going to G.L.F. meeting at Utica last evening - home of one of them.

January 2: Sunday - 25� - 10 A.M. Fair. Thought: ""Let us rise as the sun rose and help to make world glad."" Trotty Veck. Couldn''t get the radio church service. A quiet Sunday Doris made ice cream. Children played indoors and outdoors. Rosamond phoned about a ditcher that William wants to use. Paul Diefendorf came to see Rolla. Last evening Rolla went with a skiing party to Bellinger''s Hill. Leonard hunts for recreation with the Gilmores & Marvin Cean. He is busy as office manager.

January 3: Monday - 22� - 9 A.M. Sunny. Radio: ""Brighten the corner where you are."" Upper Room: ""Sweet prayer."" Matt. 6, 11. A. B. Kasey, Ky. S.S.: Our knowledge of Jesus, Luke l, 1-4. Shirley and Joan went to school. Leonard at International office. Rolla worked at home. Doris busy as usual. Wm. shoveled snow from the drive way to make a track. Doris received a letter from Celia Evans. She is in Dexter. She is lonely & somewhat lame yet from the fractured hip. I started my income tax report. Clyde (Elwood) Musselman and Ruthe Burke were married New Years, 2 P.M. in All Souls church.

January 4: Tuesday - 24� - 9 P.M. (sic) - 34� Noon - Sunny. Upper Room, ""The cross is the + sign of God''s love."" F. Hutchinson, Okla. ""Never give up."" Trotty Veck. S.S. ""How can we know Jesus?"" A-C-T-S + In His name. How to pray. Adoration - Confusion - Thanksgiving - Supplication. Our factory began making cheese today. We were low on milk. First cow freshened today. Doris is making out cheese factory reports. Mabel Fulton phoned a message for me. Helen Walrath wrote a nice letter. William and Doris spent the evening at Harry Siver''s. There has been a tornado and severe cold and snow in the mid west.

January 5: Wednesday - 41� M. Rain. U. R. ""Which art in heaven"" - yet ""To be happy is a duty."" G. Klinermear (?). Heard Pres. Truman''s State of the Nation message to 83rd congress. Applause was frequent from the democratic majority Congress. California has had 2� weather. 10,000 storm bound in the midwest - storm abating. We are comfortable here now. Rain has been quite continuous. Rec''d a New Years card from ""Millie"" and letter from Birdie Brady. Rolla took out the Christmas tree 12th night. He and Fred Fields went to Canada in the evening. Leonard went to Adams C. to a birthday party for a friend.

January 6: Thursday - 35� - Snow. Upper Room: ""Men pray God answers be careful for what we pray."" Ralph Waldo Emerson, by Philip Barker, Manitoba. Fred Fields and Rolla went to a party last eve with Bessie and Stanley Shaw. Returned early morning. Gov. Dewey was the first to congratulate Pres. Truman on his message to Congress. Steady snowfall today. Rec''d cards from Gladys Campbell and Harold Peck. He is now Garden Club irisarian. Mrs. Paquin paid his garden a nice compliment in Farm & Garden. Elaine wrote they may go to Cortland for weekend.

January 7: Friday - 38� M - Rainy A.M. Fair P.M. U. R.: ""Prayer reaches in and reaches out."" H. A. Towsley, India. School buses were stalled in Brownville last night. 30 children were in B''ville homes overnight. Our children went this morning. Talked with Mabel on the phone. Sec. of State Marshall has resigned - ill health. Gene Atkinson (sic) takes his place. Bert, Jimmie and Hester Gilmore came to Wm''s for the evening. Rolla went to see Roy Congdon about work for the state highway dept. He and also Leonard went to the High School basketball game. Brownville 64, Sackett''s 28.

January 8: Saturday - 38� A.M. Fair. U.R.: ""Lord, what is on Thy mind for me to do now?"" Quoted from Dr. Frank Laubach by Arthur P. Vaughn, Florida. William did my washing. Fred Fields has changed his car for a 1942 Plymouth. Rolla, Doris and Shirley went to Watertown to exchange a dress for Shirley. All except Leonard went to an E. H.(East Hounsfield) Library party. Gene and Elaine didn''t come. Probably went to Thelma''s at Cortland. Leonard, the Gilmore''s and others got two foxes at Point Peninsula.

January 9: Sunday - Mild. Fair. ""I have lived an hour."" - Ralph Waldo Emerson. A quiet day. Did not hear the Asbury service as usual. Hope our church was well attended and service fine as Dr. DiFlorio has them. Rested today after a light but prolonged heart attack in the night. Rolla''s pal, Fred Fields came with his Plymouth car. They took a 50 mi. ride - Rutland, etc. The deep snow we had is nearly gone and it seems unusually warm for January. Thought for the day: Job 32 and find contentment in little things. Our Saviour said: ""I go to prepare a place for you. I will come ? unto myself."

January 10: Monday - 39� A.M. No snow. Fair. Rev. Wakeman spoke over WWNY: ""Parable of the two sons."" U. R.: ""And I beheld His glory."" Isaiah 6: ""Changed."" William and Doris went to the bank in the A.M. Trotty Veck: ""A good conscience is a safe port."" Dryden. Rolla worked after 10 A.M. for George Hasner on garage. Wrote a card to Glady C- (Campbell). Temp. 30� tonight - freezing rain forecast - very nice today. Gerald Farmer came to William's in the evening. The word ""changed"" above should be, beholding His glory are ""transformed."" Comments and prayers by W. H. Hopkins, Calif.

January 11: Tuesday - 12� A.M. 5� overnight low. Fair. Cold morning. No snow. Little girls went to school. Trotty Veck says: ""Overlook the faults of others but look over your own carefully."" J. Manley Shaw, Mass. U.R. says ""God''s presence, working out. His purpose in us keeps us,"" to hold steady, despite seeming ills, and gives ""poise"" to life. Wrote a thank you card to Harold Peck and one to Helen Walrath. Wm. and Doris did a large washing. 8� above to night. Mabel hoped to go to a family supper and an illustrated talk on Palestine by Charles Sowan at our church tonight.

January 12: Wednesday - 13� A.M. 23� M - Snow P.M. Sanford Peters, 84, has passed away. He helped re-build our hay barn 30 yrs. ago. Trotty Beck: ""Happiness is not perfected until it is shared."" J. Petit Senn. Brownville won in the basketball game with W. Carthage last eve at the high school, 64 to 46. Rolla attended. Elaine wrote they plan to come early Sat. night. Rolla took Doris to see Celia Evans at Dexter. Fred Fields came to see Rolla. Joan has a big stick of licorice and is enjoying it over here. Temp. tonight 28� - Warmer forecast.

January 13: Thursday - 22� A.M. 28� Noon - Fair. U.R. Will Jesus Christ be revealed through my work this day? J. Hellon, England. Rev. Wakeman: ""The ten virgins."" Copied my hymn poem, Lord of Life, to send to Lorenz Publishing Co. Roy Congdon phoned Rolla that he is wanted as an ass''t mechanic Mon. morning. It is a good opening for him. Fred Fields came. Wm. and Doris went to Watertown. They bought a banjo for Doris. They went in Rosamond''s yarn shop to see her. Rolla towed Leonard''s car home from near Glen Park. Leonard fixed the ignition in the evening.

January 14: Friday - 20� 9 A.M. 16� A.M. Sunny. Bethel: ""The house of God - The church."" The gate of heaven. Gen. 28.17. No safe place without it. James R. Lowell. The Comforter, Spirit of truth, our guide and helper. John 16, 13. Snowplow went by early. Heard Rosamond''s yarn shop ad on the radio. Rec''d a letter from Harold Peck containing family history. Rolla bought a new tool box and a few extra tools. Leonard had to leave his car in the road late last eve and the early snowplow sprung the door. Wm. is here playing the banjo.

January 15: Saturday - 5� below zero over night low. U.R. Unity with each other, with God, brings inner peace. Ps. 133.1 - R. G. Lord, Miss. S.S. Recognize within your household, community, Mark 6,6. Rolla went to W- to buy unionalls, etc. for his new work. Edwyn Munson and Gussie Waite, Copenhagen were married Dec. 24th by Rev. Pascal Di Florio. Leonard went to Sackets after dog licenses. Our car license number is (blank). Gene and Elaine came about 5:30 P.M. Were here for supper and evening and went to Mrs. Pond''s for the night. Rain came in evening.

January 16: Sunday - 40� P.M. Snow mostly gone. Cloudy. U.R. ""The spirit of triumph (?)"" 2 Cor. 2.14. J. Lester Hawkins, Kansas. S.S. Spoken to us by a Son, Heb. 1,2. Makes His servant ??. Rev. Youngs: The problems of protestantism. (Radio) A nice day for our family. Gene and Elaine went to church and the birthday dinner for Mrs. Pond. They gave her a beautiful flowered scarf. They came back at 5 P.M. - were here for supper with the family and a nice visit that all enjoyed. They left for home about 7:30. A change in last night brought warm weather and took the snow.

January 17: Monday - 30� Noon. Cloudy. U.R. ""Go Forward"" Exodus 14:15. Luke 9:62. H. M. Ratliff, Jr., N. H. S.S. ""Preparing the way for Jesus."" Matt. 3:106. James W. Kennedy, Lexington, Ky. W. started the other burner in my stove for it is cooler. Rolla went to his new work for the state dept. this morning in good spirits and came home the same. His work was mostly on trucks. We think he is fortunate in getting this mechanic''s place. Cold storms in the mid west are moving eastward. Plans are made for the Pres.''s inauguration Thurs. and they hope for good weather.

January 18: Tuesday - 32� A.M. Fair. 38� - 6 P.M. U.R. ""The upper room"" fellowship. Matt. 24:26 J. W. Fifield, Jr., Cal. S.S. Bring forth fruits worthy. Matt. 3:8. Humility: ""See yourself as you are, not think too little of yourself or too much."" Phillips Brooks, (Very good.) Radio: Dr. Niles, ""You belong to God."" Story of Whittier''s faith. Jews and Arabs are planning a peace treaty on the Isle of Rhodes. Rec''d a nice letter from Lulu S. (Scott). Wrote a birthday letter to Earl Hall (Jan. 19). The spring on Rolla''s car broke this morning. He left the car at Maurice LaPoints but drove it home tonight. He rode with Roy Congdon.

January 19: Wednesday - 42� Noon. Windy. Fair U.R.: ""Our secret weapon is prayer."" Luke 18. Amar Das, India. S.S. Jesus was baptized. Matt. 3:15. Radio: Rev. Niles, ""All things are yours."" This is Earl Hall''s birthday. 70?. Rolla''s spring wasn''t broken and he fixed it last evening. Electric power was off about 3 hrs. early this morning. Doris got breakfast with lantern. Hard wind - 9 P.M. and on through the night and today. Mabel Fulton phoned. She went to W.S.C.S. Took in $6.75. Ready Jell money. Doris talked with her. Pres. Truman signed a bill giving him $100,000 salary, $90,000 for expenses. Rolla likes his work. Fred Fields came - evening.

January 20: Thursday - 20� - 14� A.M. Sunny. Seek ye first. Matt. 6:33. U.R. ""In the beginning God."" Gen. 1:1 John 1:1. Albert G. Stone, Ky. Rev. Niles: ""Wait thou upon - expectation is from God."" Ps. 62:5. Mrs. Herbert Harrison''s mother, Mrs. Russell, has passed away. Heard Pres. Truman take the oath of office and give the acceptance address. Cold in Wash. Rec''d a letter from Ross Hill about his Christmas, Prague, and a poem he had written. Heard a quiz program -- B.G.P.H.S. 118 - Copenhagen 115. Brownville competes with Redwood next week. A cold day but mostly sunny -- no snow.

January 21: Friday - 19� A.M. East wind. 29� 6 P.M. U.R. ""What we aim at achieving makes us what we are."" Rom. 6:11. Chris H. Tice, England. Dr. Niles, ""Seeking God in the morning."" All at their usual occupations. William paid our tax $163.80 and went to an auction at Harry Allen farm but didn''t buy anything. Cows sold high. Chaiang Kai Chek has given up his government temporarily (he says) and gone to Formosa. Gene Atkinson( sic) was sworn in as Sec''y of State. Rolla has finished his first week''s work for the State and likes it. Leonard went to Elmira after a truck for the company. Home okay, but late. Bob (Timerman)went too.

January 22 Saturday - 34� A.M. U.R. ""He is my strength from day to day. Without Him I would fall."" Matt 11:28-30. Raymond E. Cardwell, Va. S.S.: ""John first called Jesus divine." Leonard rested this A.M. after his long night trip from Elmira. William and Doris went to Watertown to get Shirley''s school clarinet fixed. They had to leave it till next week. In the evening all of the family except Leonard went to a Library party. He went to bed early. So did I - not quite alone for I trust a Divine presence to be with me - it helps.

January 23: Sunday - Colder. No snow. U.R. Gal. 6:9. ""Faint hearts vs. courageous."" The cure Isa. 4l:10. Lewis Robeson Akers, Ohio. Rev. Youngs spoke on surmounting difficulties like mountain climbers, ever on, on and up, up. Quiet day. Wrote a card to Elaine. Fred Fields came to see Rolla. Bob T- came to see Leonard. William and Doris went to see Ethel and Clarence Peck in the afternoon. Most of the family at home in the evening -- some of them playing the piano, violin or banjo. A nice card came from Elaine yesterday. All well with them.

January 24: Monday - Warmer. Cloudy. U.R. ""Into Thy hands, O Lord, we commit ourselves this day."" C. D. Rockey, India. Radio: ""Companionship."" Gal. 2:20. Boys went to work, girls to school. Very quiet. Radio not very good today. William fixed it this evening. Received a letter from Lorenz Pub. Co. saying they could not find a record of what the Co. did with my hymn, ""Lord of Life,"" which was accepted by E. S. Lorenz many years ago. Prayer: ""Give to each of us to seek to know Thy will and to perform it gladly."" C. D. Rockey, India.

January 25: Tuesday - A cold day. N.E. wind. U.R. ""Spirit - control."" Grant us the Spirits light and leading this day. Gal: 5:22-23, by J. Harold Gruyonne, Ohio. S.S. The temptations of Jesus. All here are doing their usual tasks though it is extra cold. Sun shone in P.M. Doris made lovely doughnuts. I have been quite useless. Effie Warn is in Florida. Also Mr. & Mrs. Walter Johnson. Wm. has done the afternoon barn work and is playing the violin. 6 P.M. Temp. 8�. All of the family home -- nice supper -- baked potatoes, peas, etc. Wm. is making steel square diagrams tonight.

January 26: Wednesday - 11� - 15� A.M. Cold storm. 11� - 6 P.M. U.R. Restoring beauty in our own and the lives of others. Gal. 6:1. Cecil Houghton Stury, Wis. Radio: Work + Worship. Rev. ? Boys went to work and girls to school. Storm is universal. William went in the A.M. to help Geo. Hasner on his garage with steel square work There has been a cold east or northeast wind and storm today. Wm. fixed my fire so it is comfortable here tonight. He is playing the new banjo. Rolla came in. He likes Seymour Wallace at the shop. Leonard bought a nice on-sale jacket for $1.00. Mr. (Harold) Peck sent a package by Leonard.

January 27: Thursday - 7� A.M. 20� Noon - 14� 6 P.M. Sunny. U.R. ""All one in Christ."" Gal. 3:28. Racial barriers removed, A. C. Pound., B.C. S.S.: ""Temptation and divine help common to all."" Resist. 1 Peter 5:6-11. Radio: Dr. W. Raab - ""In the morning will I direct my prayer and look up."" Ps. 5:3. Wrote a thank you to Mildred Kerr, Lorenz Pub. Co., Dayton, Ohio, also cards to Lulu Scott & Gladys C. Harold Peck''s package sent by Leonard was a copy of a published article written by him: Artistry in Paper and original fine designs for me to examine and enjoy. Congress voted an extra $500,000 to get food to cattle in the midwest. Wm. & Shirley are playing ""April Showers"" -- violin and clarinet.

January 28: Friday - 42� Some Rain. Wind. S.S. ""Wisdom the gift of God."" James 1:2-8. U.R.: Christlike friendship of common men to common men will help to save the world."" Gal. 3:26. Lena Mac Rust, Okla. William has a sick cow and went to Limerick for bran, etc. Brownville won in a radio quiz with Redwood - 120-118. There was a rise of 45� in temperature in 24 hrs. A drop is expected tonight, 8 P.M. A quiet evening and day yet it has been a pleasant one. Our boys have gone for the evening. Doris is crocheting a doily. Wm., making music.

January 29: Saturday - 16� A.M. Sunny. S.S. Temptation, ""Lead us not."" Jes 1:12-15. U.R. ""Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love. Fit us for perfect rest above. And help us this and every day."" John Keble. Gal. 5:6 - ""Faith, active love"" G. Cleland, Mass. A sharp drop in temperature but clear A.M. No snow to speak of. Leonard had fine photos taken at Mr. Peck''s to surprise Doris & Elaine. Bad storm in midwest continues. Wm., Doris, Shirley and Joan went to City. They saw Rosamond at the yarn shop. Wm. got a new battery for my Philco radio. Shirley is listening to it. Rolla brought crackers coffee. Again, as Bert used to say, it is Saturday night.

January 30: Sunday - Cold. Snow squalls. 18� P.M. U.R., Dan. 1:8,21. ""Purposed in his heart. Continued."" Radio, Dr. McClung, ""Emmanus."" Enoch - Walking with God. Lutheran Hour: ""Saved by grace."" Conducted by Dr. Meyer, St. Louis. Family all at home most of the day. Wm. and Doris went to Beryl''s in the late afternoon. The girls were with me. William came for a visit in the evening. Doris played the banjo and she and the girls sang. Boys went to bed quite early. Twelve years ago dear Bert was very sick and I was very sad. A brave, noble man.

January 31: Monday - 22� Noon. Snowing. 2 or 3 inches. 28� U.R. ""Opening the windows of the soul."" Dan. 6:10. T. Merryweather, Ont. S.S. Jesus begins His ministry by calling Simon, Andrew, James, John. Mark 1:14 ? Bernard Schechi: Things that cannot be shaken. Heb. 12:27.28. All of the family occupied as usual. The midwest storm has reached the east. New York in the wake of it but N.N.Y. is not getting the brunt of the storm. The U.S. has given full recognition to Israeli following their election -- also 9 # Trans Jordon. They want Jerusalem for a capital. Rolla''s license is 6P 27-91. Wm. and Doris went to see Earl Hall. He had a poor spell yesterday morning.

February 1: Tuesday - 24� 5-1/2 in. snow fallen U.R. (Upper Room magazine) Daniel prayed and gave thanks. Dan. 6:10. Prayer: Almighty Father, we give Thee thanks for Thy gifts and blessings without number. Grant us the power to crystallize gratitude into golden deeds. In Jesus' name Amen. Dear Bert passed to the great Beyond 12 yrs. ago. This prayer by J. Hamer Slutz, Tenn. is my prayer, too, today. Children came home at 1:30. Myra Munson phoned and Leonard brought a gift of candy, olives, figs and dates from H. Telaso (?). No mail. The roads are filling in. Family made nice evening.

February 2: Wednesday - 26� A.M. Sunny. Cold. 20� - 6 P.M. U.R. ""Our God is able."" ? Dan. 3:17-11. S.S. ""Presence banishes wrong."" Mark 1:2.3. Rev. Bill: ""Doing little things well."" Rev. Brothers: ""Presence welcomed peace, power."" Snowplow came early. Boys went to work and girls to school. Army nurse, 48 yrs. -- new nurses installed today. Kate Smith program. Rec''d a nice letter from Mabel F. (Fulton) Elaine wrote they plan to come Sat. P.M. for Wm''s birthday, Feb. 4. Ruth Oliver''s birthday also Feb. 4 -- they had a dinner last Sun. Elaine made a birthday cake and she and Gene went to Ruth''s after church. Wm. and Doris went to (blank) tonight. Rolla and girls here. Fred Fields came.

February 3: Thursday - 15� A.M. - 22� Noon. Mostly fair. 26� - 6 P.M. 12th anniversary of dear Bert''s services. U.R. God cares for His own. Dan. 3. Rev. Wm. Burton: The communion, betrayal, denial. Is it I? A quiet day for me. The back end of Rolla''s car gave out at Paddy Hill as he was coming home from work. After supper, Leonard took him over to Fred Farr''s and also his car. Rolla bought the back end of another car from them, repaired his car and drove it home. Brownville again won in the radio quiz, this time 100-80 with Black River high school. William played the banjo here.

February 4: Friday - 31� A.M. Snowing. U.R. Profiting by mistakes. Dan. 5:22. Bishop Roy H. Short, Ky. Rev. Bill: ""The mission of suffering."" Rev. Butler: ""Great words by great men."" Rec''d a nice letter from Mrs. B. G. Miller, Folts Home. This is another quiet day. It is Wm''s 46th birthday, but the dinner will be Sun. Expect Gene & Elaine 6 P.M. - 15�. Family safely home. ""Baked potatoes, corn, cherry pie."" The boys went away for the evening. Doris and William played the piano and banjo and Wm. played the banjo over here. Doris finished her crocheted center piece. Shirley is learning to crochet.

February 5: Saturday - 10� Fair. U.R. Is thy God able? Dan. 6:20. ""Faith begets strength."" E. Shinn, Ark. S.S. Prophecy Isaiah 42:1-7. Fulfilled. Luke 4:16-22. Radio: ""The Book of the ages."" Nat''l Com. Salvation Army. Rolla went to basketball game. Brownville 46, Clayton 45. Rec''d nice letter and church programs from Lulu Scott and Marion Dengler. Dr. and Mrs. Di Florio came and we had a nice visit. William, Doris, Shirley, Joan and also Rolla went to a Library party in the evening. We looked for Gene and Elaine but they did not come. Leonard here, went to bed early and so did I.

February 6: Sunday - 6� 6 A.M. - 26� 10 A.M. Sunny. 33� - 6 P.M. U.R. John 1:35-51. The greatest good we can do is to bring someone to Jesus. W. E. J. Gratz, Ill. S.S. Rom. 9 12:1-8. A living sacrifice. Dr. McClung. John 13:13-17, ""The Absolute became a footman."" Elaine phoned they were at Pond''s but car would not start. They gave a garage man $5.00 to start it. Gene had to see about the car and Elaine went to church with Mr. Pond, Ernie and Grace. Mrs. Pond is at Ruth''s for her (Ruth''s) birthday. Gene and Elaine came for Wm''s birthday dinner and I was over. Doris made a cake and Elaine made and brought one. Everything fine. Left for home at about 7. A lovely day.

February 7: Monday - 36� A.M. Sunny. 28� 6 P.M. U.R. Bringing others into the Kingdom. Prov. 11:30. W. S. Daniels, Ont. S.S. Overcome evil with good. Mark 2:1-5. ""I will guide thee"" Ps. 32: 8 Rev. Anthony. Wrote a thank you card to Myra (sic) Munson and a letter to Mabel Fulton. Most schools around us were closed on account of the roads but Sackets was open and girls went. The snowplow came early. William lost a young cow that freshened. He worked hard to save her and it made a hard day for him and Doris and the cow. The weather is fine for this season of the year.

February 8: Tuesday - 30� A.M. Fair 40 Noon 45� 6 P.M. Rev. Cody. John 10:1-10 ""The Door The Shephard"" ""Shephard leads through the door"" Rev. Anthony, Rom. 8:31-39. ''I am persuaded'' has changed lives."" U.R. John 4:39. ""A living witness"" S.S. Mark 2:6-12 -- Forgiveness & healing. Flora Mead Mahon, friend of Bessie''s passed away at hospital -- long ill. Mr. & Mrs. Allan Hayes have a daughter. Protests are coming from the whole christian world over the trial and life sentence of Cardinal Mencenti (?), Hungary. Wrote to Ross Hill, Prague. Doris doing cheese work. Wm. went to help Henry Douglas. Leonard brought home a small truck and Wm. & D went with him to see Walter Patrick.

February 9: Wednesday - 36� A.M. Sunny. 34� - 6 P.M. Rev. Anthony. ""Like as we are."" Matt. 4:1-11. Rev. Cole, ""In the morning."" Ps. 5 Prayer: ""A wish turned Godward, Philip Brooks. U.R. ""We cannot but speak."" Acts 4:20. William and Doris went to W- to deposit cheese check, etc. Cheese price has dropped. Net 2.65. Girls at school. Boys at work. Wrote a copy of my poem, ""Lord of Life,"" for the Lorenz Co. at their request. Leonard, Shirley and L''s girlfriend went to the high school basketball game at Sackets. They won over Brownville 58 to 39. Rolla, Maurice LaPointe and Miss Vrooman went to the basket ball game at Dexter. Black River won

February 10: Thursday - 30� Sunny. 34� 6 P.M. U.R., ""The way of humble christian service." Matt 20:27. Myron Hayes, Iowa. S.S. ""The value of man"" Mark 2:23-28. Rev. Anthony. ""The exaltation of the individual"" Luke 15:1-32. My dear Father was born February 10, 1846. His 100th anniversary was announced in church 3 yrs. ago today by Dr. DiFlorio. Nellie Ford and I sat together. Leonard bought the Ford truck and is getting it ready to sell. Shirley and I listened to the radio quiz. Brownville won with Black River 112 to 84. The same boys: Allen Ball, Richard Augsbury and Edward Yackel took part. Next week they are on with Watertown. Wm. and Doris away for the eve.

February 11: Friday - 20� A.M. Sunny. Cold. 6� - 6 P.M. U.R. ""Humble christian service"" Matt. 20:27. Myron E. Hayes, Iowa. S.S. Luke 11:37-46 Inner devotion as well as outward observance. Rev. Anthony. The symbol of christianity -- the cross, Matt. 27. Rev. Frye. For a needy world. Matt 11:28. Wm. came in and told me the story of a Mexican movie he and Doris saw last evening. The worst fire in local history for loss of life -- took the Conant home and eight of the family, Clayton- C. Vincent road. It was caused by a defective oil burner at 5 this morning. Joan had a nice ""Grandma"" valentine for me.

February 12: Saturday - Overnight low 2� below - 26� A.M. Sunny. Cold wind. Radio: A. D. Evans. The right choice, 2 Cor: 4-18. Ernest Putmise, Nat''l Com. S. A. ""Assets and Liabilities in life"" U.R.: ""The great Companion"" Mark 3:14. Harold C. Vernon, Ont. S.S. Sincerity, Matt. 23:23-36. Funeral services for the Conant fire victims, mother and seven children will be held at Clayton Methodist church, Sun. 2 P.M. Lincoln born 140 yrs. ago. Shirley made white filled cookies, pink trimmed. Fine. Doris helped. Weather turned warmer toward evening. Funds are being raised for Mr. Conant and daughter, 13 yrs. old. All of our family except Leonard went to a Library party. Bert Gilmore came to see Leonard awhile.

February 13: Sunday 42� 10 A.M. Rainy. Fair, P.M. Not freezing. U.R. His service is the golden chord. Close binding all mankind. Matt. 23:8 Oxenham. Dr. McClung, Cal. 1:18 Preminence of Christ,"" in all things. Good. Wrote cards to Susie Chapman and to Rosamond. Doris and William went to Ruth Farmers in the P.M. Harry, Wilma and Ronnie came. Mr. Phillips is in the hospital. Beryl and Lew came to tell Doris that Alvin is sick and is going to Mercy hospital for observation. Shirley and the boys got supper. William came in to see me when they returned 10 P.M. They had supper at Ruth''s. Chaumont priest was there - a Father Burns.

February 14: Monday - 34� A.M. 35� Noon. Foggy - Not freezing. U.R. prayer: ""How rich is life when it is shared. Join Thou our company."" Rom. 1:11-12. Chas. Schofield, Kan. S.S. ""Follow me"" -- Peter Andrew James, John 12. Dr. DiFlorio: ""Our security is in God"" Ps. 19 ??. The new nation, Israel, starts drafting a constitution today. Pope Pius asked all christians to unite against communism. Received a clever valentine from Elaine. She sent one to each of us. Shirley and Joan each had a little party in their rooms at school and rec''d valentines. Shirley, 39 and Joan, 15 or more. Leonard was away for the evening -- also Wm. and Doris.

February 15: Tuesday - 50� A.M. Rainy 55� Noon, Fair. 42� 6 P.M. Windy. U.R. ""The virtue of kindness."" U.R. 2 Peter 1:5-7. Ernest Wall, N. Y. S.S. ""Ordained."" Mark 3:14. Rev. Barber Waters, 1 John 2:10. ""Graciousness comes from love"" Rev. H. W. Gair, Luke 5:4 ""Launch out in thought, action and service."" Rec''d a sweet valentine from Mille"" Walrath. Elaine sent a box of chocolates to the family. Rolla received his first pay check from the State Dept. He rec''d about $50.00 including income tax. It has been unseasonably warm but cooler weather is predicted. Rolla went to Eric Farr''s. Leonard went to a basketball game. Brownville 71 Black River 48. Rolla went too with Maurice.

February 16: Wednesday - 38� A.M. Sunny. 44� 6 P.M. U.R. ""If you love God, slice the bread thicker."" James 2:17. M. M. Wolff, Miss. S.S. ""The Beattitudes on the plain."" Luke 6:20-26. James W. Kennedy, Lex., Ky. Rev. Waters, ""In serving others we serve God. His brush is seen in nature."" Rabbi Gordon, ""The voice of the Almighty is heard according to our capacity."" Salt Lake City is isolated by snow. Phila., Pa. drivers, bus, etc. on strike. Funeral services for Dresser Woodworth will be held at the home and the 1st Methodist church, Fri. P.M. Wm. & D- went to Watertown. Rec''d letters from Lorenz Co. and Mr. Peck. Dresser Woodworth, 22, was killed in action on Okinawa in 1945. Remains have been brought home. Interment in Brownville.

February 17: Thursday - 30� A.M. Sunny. Cold wind. U.R. ""Thank God for helping hands. Help others - Our strength gains as we share it."" Acts. 3:7-16. H. Yoder, Peru. S.S. Do good, hoping for nothing again. Luke 6:1-11. Rev. Waters, ""Saints - dedicated to God not perfect vessels but used by them."" Rev. Gosmell, Ps. 61:2. ""Lead us to a power that is higher than we."" Margaret Truman''s 25th birthday. "What we are born is God''s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God."" Wrote a birthday letter to Mrs. B. G. Miller, Folts Home. Wm. and Doris went to see Alvin last evening. He is better. In the radio quiz, Brownville scored 180 and Watertown 205. Allen Ball, Edward Yackel, Empie and Ernestine all did well.

February 18: Friday - 40� A.M. Windy, sunny. 50� Noon. 48� - 6 P.M. Rev. Waters, The value of our faith. Because Thou hast been our help therefore - Ps. ""Immortality."" Rev. Hetherington, ""Harmony, the basis for union with God & man."" The Dexter Methodist church is considering extensive additions to cost about $10,000. Elaine wrote saying they were having a blizzard - might not be able to come tomorrow night. Mrs. Emma Pelton, 93, died this morning at the White Nursing Home. Rosamond phoned Wm. that Fred Zehr had an accident with the tractor. Doris made white cookies and doughnuts and in the evening lovely fudge -- Shirley helped with the fudge.

February 19: Saturday - 45� A.M. Fair. Cold wind. 32� - 6 P.M. S.S. ""Amateurs in Christian work"" U.R. Respect and honor all races. Rev. Hunter. ""Perfect peace"" Isa. 26:3. Wrote a card to Lulu Scott. This is William and Doris'' 25th wedding anniversary. They went to Watertown in the P.M. - Gene and Elaine came about 5:30 and it seemed good to see them. They and all of the family except Leonard went to the E. Hounsfield Library party 8 to 12 P.M. Doris won dish towels at bingo. Shirley and Joan play bingo too and sometimes win. William won a gravy ladle last week. Sat. eve.

February 20: Sunday - 28� A.M. Overnight low - 22� 30� P.M. U.R. John 3:16 ""It is a matter of supreme urgency that we live in this spirit of love."" Toyohiko, Kanaga. ? Dr. McClung, Matt. 4:10. ""Worship transforms faces, lives and service."" Gene and Elaine went to Mr. & Mrs. Pond''s for dinner and to see Jack, Grace and David. They came back to Doris'' for supper -- went to Waterville about 8. Enjoyed their coming. William went to Rosamond''s in response to a phone from her to ask his advice about the tractor accident the hired man (Fred Zehr) had. Sally was hurt skiing and Jean has a jaw infection and couldn''t return to school

February 21: Monday - 30� A.M. Sunny. Cold. 30� - 6 P.M. Rev. John Warren Field, Sec''y of Permanent Fund. Luke 4:16 - Jesus is the inspiration of social movement. Rev. M. Hutchinson: ""The basis of Brotherhood."" This is B''hood week. Pres. asks nation to remember. U.R.: Kawago sees the Love of God in a missionary. John 3:17. As Purnell Bailey, Va. Changed life. Leonard brought home another truck to speculate on. The girls had a holiday today instead of Feb. 22nd. They went to W- with Wm. and Doris. I sent for a few groceries to try to get my own meals. Wm. helped me get things ready to get breakfast.

February 22: Tuesday - 35� A.M. Cloudy 40� - 6 P.M. U.R. ""The towline of Christ''s love" Acts 4:12. Russell Q. Chilcote, Tenn. S.S. Matth. 5:13-14. Are you salt and light? Radio: Rev. John Warren, Luke 4:16-19. The new type of political leadership owes its origin to christian teaching. Rev. McPherson, Rom. 5, ""Justified by faith. Not new clothes on an old life."" Rev. Doolittle, 89, has passed away. School today. Doris got my breakfast, and sent a good beef vegetable soup toward my dinner. Hear good talks on ""Washington."" William has another hard cold. Shirley brought me peach shortcake with whipped cream for supper. Fred Fields came to see Rolla. Rolla likes his job.

February 23: Wednesday - 40� A.M. Sunny - Cloudy 35� - 6 P.M. U.R. Cor. 15:10 ""God''s grace will keep me humble and make me effective."" Chas. Brodhead, Penn. S.S.: Matt. 5: Thoughts precede deeds. Rev. Warren, Ps. 137.5. ""Fidelity."" Rev. K. Jones, Is. 55:1 "Invitations."" Rex Adams has passed away. The roads were icy this morning. Rev. Jones late at radio on account of it. Adams Center school closed. Rising temperatures melted frozen rain. A petition is being circulated to retain Mr. Yackel in the B.G.P.H.S. Israel and Egypt have a victory dinner tonight for 50 on the Isle of Rhodes for peace. Our brown horse is down in the stall.

February 24: Thursday - 38� to 42� A.M. Sunny. 50� Noon and 6 P.M. U. R. Ezek. 2:9 God''s hand is always stretched out to us. Lorne Henry, Ont. S.S. Matt 5:33-42 To love means to share. Rev. J. Warren, Peter begins to sink. Rev. S. Kancar, Jesus said, ""Come unto Me."" Wm. came in for a morning visit. Israel and Egypt signed peace treaty. Ralph Bunce was the mediator. William brought me ice cream and it helped out my dinner. Rec''d a nice card from Mark Barrett and a letter and Friendship booklet from Anabel Potter. Wm. tried hard to save the horse but couldn''t. Heard the high school quiz -- Watertown 103, Mansville 115. A cow got mired in the pasture. Gilmore''s helped.

February 25: Friday - 41� A.M. Rainy last night. 32� - 6 P.M. The injured cow is in the barn. Bud Crosley (?) Gal. 6:14. God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. Warren. John 13:33-35 Love on another Jesus as I have loved you. U.R. 1 John 4:8, Love is our finest word. J. J. Rives, Va. S.S.: ""Love"" Matt 5:43-48. Sugar bush owners have tapped some trees - earliest on record. Feb. 28th, 1861 comes nearest. A rain toward night brought a few snowflakes. Rolla has finished another week''s work for the State Dept. and likes it. Two of Sherman Wallace''s sons, Roswell and Seymour work there. Also some men who knew Bert and me.

February 26: Saturday - 8� overnight low. 20� A.M. Sunny. 20� - 6 P.M. Ground white with snow. S. A. Com. Puckmire, ""Adventures in faith."" Free Meth. Dist. Supt. Denver, John 4:23. "Acceptable worship"" U.R. Rom. 6:23, Eternal life God''s gift. S.S. Matt. 6:24-34, Alb. Curry, Penn. ""Be not worried."" Mabel phoned. She has the grip. My meals are plain but go pretty well. Have done most of it myself since Tuesday noon. William still has a hard cold. Leonard advertized (sic) his trucks in yesterday afternoon''s Times. Fifteen protestant clergymen are on trial for treason in Bulgaria and forced to plead guilty like ""Menzanti"" (Cardinal) was in Hungary. These are communist trials.

February 27: Sunday - 28� A.M. Cold. U.R. ""Painted chinaware becomes beautiful by baking." Gordon Pratt Baker -- ""Adversity is the test of a strong man"" Seneca. Isa. 24:15 - S.S. Matt. 7:24. Rock bed faith stands storms. Trotty Veck, ""It pays to try to accomplish things," Theo. Roosevelt. The cow acts better today. Doris and Wm. did some necessary work around my bedroom and kitchen for which I am grateful. Rosamond came for a little visit and to see Wm. about the tractor and stayed to supper with them. Jean goes to Centenary Jr. College and Sally to Watertown High School (Hynes girls).

February 28: Monday - 35� A.M. Cloudy 28� - 6 P.M. U.R. Zach. 4:9 True optimism relies upon earnest effort and divine power. Foster Gamble, Ala. S.S.: In the parable of the sower the lesson is in the soil. William isn''t over his cold yet and I have one too. Trotty Veck, ""To go about your work with pleasure, to greet others with a word of encouragement, to be happy in the present & confident in the future -- this is to have achieved some measure of success in living."" Edwin Osgood Grover. Rec''d a nice letter from Harold Peck. Martin Schweitzer had his leg broken in a car accident -- Evening, the boys and Wm came in for a little visit.

March 1: Tuesday - 31� Noon. Sunny. 26� 6 P.M. S.S. Good soil brings forth fruit 30-60 and 100 fold. Mark 4:14-20. Trotty Veck, My ideals, Far away there in my sunshine are my highest aspirations, I cannot reach them but I can look up to them, see their beauty and try to follow where they lead. Louisa M. Abbott. Some snow fell last night and the wind is cold. Trans Jordan and Israel make a quick armistice today on the shores of the blue Mediteranean. Terms have not been made known yet. Leonard went to a basket ball game at Copenhagen with B.G.P.H.S. Copenhagen won.

March 2: Wednesday - 22� A.M. Fair. 26� - 6 P.M. Rev. Middleton. Rom 12:1. Beginning of Lent. A full dedication is our part. Cap. Rouble, Luke 4:30-34. The King of Kings and His power that comes from prayer and worship and obedience. A 4 motor B50 bomb made a non-stop 4-day trip around the world 23452 mi. and landed at Fort Worth, Texas, 14 men. Citizens of G. P. and Brownville made it known to a meeting of the school board that they want Edward Yackel retained. Wm. and D- went to pay fire insurance 54.11 and get eats. Trotty Veck: ""You won''t hurt a smile by cracking one."

March 3: Thursday - 32� A.M. Sunny, 38 Noon. 30� 6 P.M. Capt. Rouble, ""He led the way." Rev. Moffatt. A story of Beverly Wood. ""Let the memory of war lead us to peace." Poem by Rev. M. Isa. 24:5-12 - ""Story teller, Temperance"" Trotty Veck, ""Trees, streams, bees and birds all blend in the one harmonious song of the universe. The chorus of creeds makes up the song of the ages -- Praise for the Creator."" C. M. Dell. William''s cold and mine take our strength. Leonard came home at noon to water the cows. Wrote a birthday letter to Myrtle Adams. Rec''d a nice letter from Sarah Hill. Elaine wrote that they are invited to Thelma''s Saturday night.

March 4 -- Friday - 30� Fair A.M. 36� - 6 P.M. Capt. Ruble Mark 14. ""Betrayal, by Judas."" A fine service. Rev. Niles Seeky, first the Kingdom founded on ""religion."" Rev. Leon C. Lisbert, Exec. Sec''y of the Pres. Church, Missouri, conducted the first Avon lenton service. Trotty Veck: Ruling is second-class business. Greatness comes through service. Dr. Frank Crane. Leonard sold the brown truck that he bought and made $100. Wrote a birthday letter to Helen Walrath. Mr. and Mrs. Munson brought me four bunches of beautiful daffodils from the Happy Thought S.S. class. Myra has a hard cold and couldn''t come in.

March 5: Saturday - 42� (morning) 42� (evening) ""God, send your carpenter down from the heights."" Salvation Army. The radio is bringing us many good lenten thoughts. Wrote a card to Myra M. thanking her for the beautiful flowers and a card to Mabel F- for friendship's sake (and love). William and family (all except Leonard) went to a Library party in the evening. Gene and Elaine planned to go to Thelma''s at Cortland tonight. Mr. Cean has men cutting dead (?) trees in front of his property.

March 6: Sunday - 33� A.M. Snow early. Fair 2� 6 P.M. Trotty Veck, ""To Be, to Do, to Love, to Live - Happiness, Amusement -- Content will come but they are not the Object"" -- E. Everett Hale. Dr. McC. John 20:31-32. The Bible 400,000,000 copies now. The key to the crises of life. It makes Christ real in our lives. The Magna Carta of our religion. Fine. Rolla came in A.M. for a nice little visit. Dr. McClung was fine. He says there are three times more Bibles than all other books combined. It has been a quiet but pleasant day. Rolla went to see Fred Fields. Joan doesn''t feel well. Doris sent tapioca for my supper. William came in for a visit.

March 7: Monday - Overnight low, 2� A.M. 16�� - 6 P.M. 20� Rev. Hutt. F. M? John 1. The Bible. ""Trotty Veck, ""The big oak tree did not grow from a little acorn that had no ambition."" S.S. Matt. 17:1-8 - ""Listen to Him. Rise and have no fear. Heard Rosamond''s yarn shop ad over the radio -- nice. Wrote a thank you for TVM to Anabel Potter and a get well card to Mark Barrett. Rec''d a letter from Bernice Bohm saying that Ida Sprague passed away Feb. 20th - age 79. Wm. went to Rosamond''s. She has rented a part of her house to Marion (blank). The B.G.P.H.S. principal seems to be undecided.

March 8: Tuesday -34� A.M. Fair. 42� 6 P.M. Rev. H. H. Hutt, ""The Word of God."" Rev. Wm. Rivers, Ps. 551, ""Christians not shielded from sorrow, but helped."" Trotty Veck: ""Even events which look like misfortune may be turned to good."" Lubbock. Wrote a birthday letter to Rosamond. Doris brought me some tomatoes and I had been wishing for some. Leonard brought home an International Co''s truck to take to Syracuse. He attended the basketball game at South Junior High between Brownville and Copenhagen who were winners. Sackett''s won over Clayton. Copenhagen''s are champions.

March 9: Wednesday - 43� - 9 A.M. Light Snow 34� (evening) Rev. Hutt, Ps. 32:1, Rejoicing how. Rev. L. E. Rose, ""Meet with God alone."" S.S. ""Essentials of Discipleship."" Trotty Veck: Brave thoughts still lodge beneath a fevered brow. And the way-wearied have the sweetest sleep. Francis Anne Kimble. Leonard took the truck he brought home to Syracuse and will drive back another for the Co. Doris filled my oil tank. Wm. brought me ice cream. 10 A.M. Wrote cards to Marion Dengler, Lorenz Pub. Co. and Harold Peck. Rolla is a little sick tonight from truck gas fumes at the shop. Wm. and Doris Mabel D''s. Fred Fields came to see Rolla.

March 10: Thursday - 32� Sharp wind, rain. 30� - 6 P.M. Rev. Hutt. Eph, 2:8, ""The gift of God."" Capt. Ruble, ""The crucifiction and the invitation to the cross."" Trotty Veck: Happy is the man who believes in his fellow, for it is more blessed to be deceived in some things than to be suspicious in all things,"" from John the Unafraid. Mr. Foley and Mr. Welch have resigned from the B- school board. When Jesus is near inner conflicts are stilled (and w--?-) Mark 6:45-56. Heard the radio quiz program Carthage 175, Chaumont 155. Cold wind not much rain snow predicted for tonight. Rolla is working in the machine shop for a while. My meals are going pretty well.

March 11: Friday - 33� 2 in. snow fell last night. (evening) More snow. 32� S.S. Acts 11:9 ""Ask and receive."" This, through obedience is the secret of soul growth. Rev. Hutt Matt. 24:44, ""Be ready."" Rev. Skimmer (?), ""Have purpose in Life."" Heard a part of the Avon lenton service -- speaker, Rev. James Gordon Gilkie, Cong., Northampton, Mass. Unconscious influence for good if we carry our pitcher of water and show kindness."" Luke 22:10. Our injured cow failed to recover. Elaine wrote a card and they expect to come home tomorrow night. Rolla came in for a nice visit about his work, etc. Fred Fields came to see him later.

March 12: Saturday - 24� A.M. Wind, some snow. 22� - 6 P.M. Salvation Army, ""Doing the best you can with what you have left."" Rev. Harold Schwab, Acts 16:30, ""Jesus is the answer. Follow the jailer''s steps."" Trotty Veck: Brave Thoughts: ""Complain not of thy life for what art thou More than thy fellows, that they shouldest not weep."" Frances A. Kimble. The snowplow went through this morning. A cold wind and more snow came at intervals. The boys helped Wm. at the barn. Doris made pies, etc. William and Doris went to a birthday party for Mrs. Butler at Glen Park, or started to go. Had to leave car in crossroad -- came home with Rolla. Gene and Elaine are at B-.

March 13: Sunday - 34� Noon, Sunny. Rolla pulled Wm''s car out to the road. Snow plow had been through earlier. Dr. McClung, Job. 23:13. John 14:9. The certainty of God, and the pathways that lead to Him and find himself in the ''Inevitable Presence''."" Fine. Gene and Elaine came about 11 A.M. They brought Wm. and Doris an eight-piece set of silverware. I was over for a nice dinner with them. They had an early lunch and left for home, 5 P.M. They entertain their S.S. class at Waterville Wed. eve. at a St. Patrick''s party.

March 14: Monday - 38� Sunny A.M. - Overnight low, 15� 6 P.M. M. snow 32� Rev. L. Curtis Denny, Luke 18:34. Jesus is passing by to help our new S.S. Discipleship."" ""Launch out, Fear not."" Kate Smith, ""The dogwood tree"" legend. Shirley was home with a cold. Wrote a letter to Bernice Bohm, Mich. and a card to Dr. Fox. This is Dr. Einstein''s 70th birthday. The church has a penny supper tomorrow night. Martha phoned for a gift and sent 50c by Leonard to Maurice LaPointe for her. Doris brought me a beef vegetable soup for supper. Wm. and Doris, also Leonard, went away for the evening.

March 15: Tuesday - 25� Fair 6 P.M. 24� Rev. L. H. Jennings, 1 John 1:4. ""Our need of repentence."" Rev. Stoddard, Mark 3:13 - Mark 14:43 - ""From unpromising material God can mould men."" S.S. Essentials of Discipleship: Is sensitive to look for service."" Wrote a birthday letter to Gladys Campbell, Farmington. Grant Ketchum came but I hadn''t seen him for so many years I didn''t know him. Dr. DiFlorio came and we had a good visit. He brought bread and wine and had the communion service. Very nice. Leonard went to Uncle Martin''s in the evening.

March 16: Wednesday - Overnight low near zero. 25�� to 28� Sunny. Some snow came. Rev. L. C. Denny, Dexter, Acts 9, What has Christ done for me? What can I do? Rev. M. Updyke. Hymns: ""More love to Thee."" ""I gave my life for thee."" ""What a friend we have in Jesus."" Jos. Schwam. Shirley''s cold better - went to school. Doris has quite a cold too. Cheese price is low and milk net $2.40. Farmers disappointed. Gene and Elaine have the S.S. class party at their home tonight. Expect about 20. St. Patrick''s eve party. They will serve ice cream and cake. Elaine will make the cake - a brown sugar frosting trimmed in green.

March 17: Thursday - 30� 5-1/2 in. snow fell. 28� - 6 P.M. Rev. L. C. Denny, Matt. 16:24. ""Come ? awhile."" The soul of man -- our precious possessions. Rev. Van Ornum, Isaiah 55: ""Our need of divine help to forgive and guide."" The snow plow came early. This is St. Patrick''s Day. He went from England to Ireland, 1492 (sic). Heard a John McCormick record. Rolla fainted at the shop. He had been under a truck. Shop boys brought him home. He is resting tonight. Radio quiz was Carthage 110 - Adams 100. Mabel Fulton wrote a nice letter and enclosed one from Clara French, China. They made $6.30 at the penny supper. Fred Fields came to see Rolla.

March 18: Friday - 29� Fair 25� - 6 P.M. Rev. Denny, Luke 15:17. ""And when he came to himself."" Rev. Wakeman, Tim. 5, ""The home."" Avon, Dr. Sizoo, ""He took a towel. Awareness of God, Compassion for men, Christ our example."" ""Eternal life our end of the way."" Eight nations announced the terms of the No. American Alliance for mutual aid and for a better world, at 11 A.M. today. Rolla feels better, but keeps quiet. He and Wm. went to see Dr. Fox. Dr. thinks it was monoxide gas. Rolla goes over there tomorrow for a blood count. For today''s thought read Matt. 5:3-6 and Luke 11:9 and live them out.

March 19: Saturday - 3� below, night low 22� Fair. Cold. 21� - 6 P.M. S. Army. ""He who walked on earth now walks with me."" ""I am persuaded that He is able."" (22nd) Gladys Campbell''s birthday and she is probably spending it with the Fields'' family. Rolla went to see Dr. Fox and his nurse took blood for a blood count. It was good. In spite of a 531 name petition Mr. Yackel has been refused a renewal of contract as principal of B.G.P.H.S. Doris made lovely fudge and Shirley brought some to me. Rolla and Leonard came in for a little visit -- also William.

March 20: Sunday - 2� night low. 30� A.M. Fair. Somewhat warmer (evening). Winter ended at 5:50 P.M. Have several inches of snow. Early temperature was 10�. Heard Dr. McClung, Matt. 11:27-29. The spiritual supremacy of Jesus Christ -- the Bible and the church essential helpers as containers for the ""water of life"" but it is the ""water that gives life."" Martha Taylor Wilson came and brought me beautiful flowers from church, the gift of the Happy Thought Class. This has been a nice Sunday, an enjoyable one for the last day of winter. The Methodist church has a large spiritual and progressive program for 1949.

March 21: Monday - 46� A.M. Cold wind. 52� P.M. Warm. First day of spring. Sunny. Heard Rev. Card 1 Cor. 13. ""Our family and friendly relationships -- christian."" Rev. Wheedon. John 1. ""I am come to bring ideal life here and eternal life after."" Wm. and Doris went to see Walter Patrick last eve. He had a heart attack Thurs. eve. Principal Yackel called off a protest strike by pupils. He gave a radio talk at 6:30 explaining the school situation. Wm. and Doris went to the bank and grocery for them & me. The snow is practically gone. Rolla went to work again today.

March 22: Tuesday - 55� A.M. Sunny - P.M. 62�. Rev. Card. Matt. 25:31-46. ""Our relations with our fellow men."" Rev. T. Chapman. ""Faith the basis."" Mr. & Mrs. Walter Johnson who have spent the winter in Fla. spent last evening at Wm''s. They brought grapefruit & oranges. The pupils at B- staged, last eve, a demonstration against the ""Board."" Picture of a section of the group with their banners was in the Times. Tonight there will be a protest meeting at the school house. Leonard and Rolla are going over town. I am not well enough informed to comment.

March 23: Wednesday - 46� Rain last night. 38� - 6 P.M. Rev. Card: Matt. 5:42-46. ""Lead us not to the border of sin."" Rev. Wright, John 6:2 ""A great multitude followed Him because ""Why do and why should we follow? Give personal testimony."" Prin. Yackel, J. Lingenfelter, C. Taber and R. Welch went to Albany on the school question. Money was furnished by citizens. They had a 361 name petition. Wm. and Doris went to Beryl''s (Buckminster)after eggs. S.S. Luke 7:1-10. All men are brothers. Hamilton. Rec''d a nice letter from Helen W. Elaine wrote a card home. They may come Sat. night. Leonard sold a truck and made $50.

March 24: Thursday - 38� - 9 A.M. 55� Noon. Mild. Rev. Cord. Matt. 5:38-48 and 6:1-15. ""Have faith in one another."" Rev. Youngs, The Prodigal Son. Sub: Penitance. ""I am nobody. It is God."" The state com. of education told the B- school delegation they could hire a lawyer and present their case and the Board do the same. Wrote a card to Mabel Fulton. In the radio quiz Carthage was 105 and Antwerp 82. William took a calf to the sale at the usual place. He is tired tonight. The boys are away. Rosamond phoned to Wm. about the tractor and he stopped there. She will get $70 per mo. for the wing of the house.

March 25: Friday - 54� A.M. 56, 6 P.M. Rev. Card. Ps. 1 etc. ""Carry your candle -- keep it lighted. Live above the snake line."" Rev. Anthony, ""Forgiveness, restitution bring strength."" Matt. 5:21-25. Kate Smith: Early beliefs and customs preserved in our observance of Easter. Avon lenten service, Rev. Dr. Seth Rogers Brooks, Universalist. ""Taking it to heart."" ""Calvargy Christ took it to heart. So must we."" Speaker, Wash., D.C. Just the usual things have been happening today. The girls were at school, the boys at work. Doris and Wm. busy. All well with me. Got my meals.

March 26: Saturday - 51� A.M. A fine, mild day. S. Army, Coallition (sic) of words and music, song and poem. Rev. Arthur Arnold, Carthage, Thess. 4:16-18, ""Walking with God and the comfort of His return."" This is dear Joan''s seventh birthday. Wm. and Doris took her and Shirley to Watertown in the P.M. Joan''s gifts were a dress, hat, shoes, socks, slip, pants, pocketbook and two birthday cakes. Gene and Elaine came in time for supper and I was invited. In the evening all except Leonard went to the Library. Rec''d letters from Mrs. Miller and Mr. Peck.

March 27: Sunday - 56� Some rain - Some thunder 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. Ps. 51:11. The holy Spirit is consciously in the soul of man, comes by surrender, thereby a great life brings power, strength, character, peace, comfort, joy, guidance. Gladys Campbell phoned from Martha''s. She returns to Farmington tonight. She sent her picture to LaPoints for me. Rolla went with Gene to see Mr. Brennan about a state job. He and Elaine went to Mrs. Pond''s for dinner. ""Gramp"" (Eugene Greenley) has had pneumonia. They came back here for supper. ""Gramp"" is better.

March 28: Monday - 43� - 40 mi. wind. Rev. Roger C. Marmon (?) Ps. 31. My times are in Thy hand. ""God''s hand."" ""I have a place where I can sing. In the hollow of God''s hand."" Music and solos by Clint Eaton. Rosamond''s yarn shop has added ribbon for croctched bags, etc. The robins came a few days ago. Rec''d cards from Lulu Scott and Mrs. Bird who is now in Fla. Wm. and Doris were at Fred Schweitzers last evening. Twelve Watertown churches raised over $4,000.00 for overseas relief yesterday. Rolla repaired a bulldozer at the shop - his first one. Fred Fields came in the evening. Leonard went fishing.

March 29: Tuesday - 46� Sunny. A.M. - 6 P.M. 49� Rainy. Rev. Hetherington, ""Consolation"" ""The compassionate God brings love into our hearts to bring consolation to others."" William brought me ice cream and cake for my dinner. I shared a can of corn with them. Leonard and the Gilmore''s got 200 suckers last night. Doris cooked some for supper and brought a piece to me. Leonard came in for a nice little visit in the evening. Wm. and Doris went to see Henry and Mabel Douglas. They sent Joan a card and candy for her birthday.

March 30: Wednesday - 42� Cold wind. Mild. Rev. Heatherington. Eph. 1. ""Behind the clouds the sun is shining for us and our world thru God''s love."" Rev. Barnard. Praising God in our daily work through Him, doing our best within our limitations. Good. Rec''d a card from Gladys C- that she had arrived at Farmington. Haven''t rec''d her picture yet. Wm. went to Walter Farmers P.M. to fix his tractor. Hiram and Mabel Fulton came and we had a nice visit about our church and many things. Dr. DiFlorio is sick in bed. Rev. Wakeman has our service, lenten, tonight. Doris made and brought me divinity fudge.

March 31: Thursday - 44� Cloudy. 42� - 6 P.M. Average temperature for March, 30.6�. Rev. Marmon. ""Courage, Fail not."" Clint. Egan. The ninety and nine ropes ? are tested -- so are we."" Clint Egan. There is a green hill. Cold wave from the west moves eastward. Doris brought me ice cream. Rolla came in for a visit. He is busy at the shop. Heard the radio quiz (school) Carthage 100, Beaver Falls, 80. Next week -- Carthage and LaFargeville will compete. Winston Churchill spoke to the Boston school of Technology. I listened to this address, Boston garden, and it was good. 15,000 pupils and a large radio network heard it. nbsp

April 1: Friday - 38� Sunny. Cold wind. 45� - 6 P.M. Winston Churchill said, ""Let us go forward in the discharge of our duty, fearing God & nothing else."" Rev. Marmon: Judas. Is it I? He betrayed himself and the body but not the spirit of Christ."" Rev. Boardman, ""Rural and urban churches should be interdependent."" Avon lenten service, radio, Dr. Lloyd Foster, Newark, N. J. ""Jesus, and our unforgiveness."" Matt. 6:14-15. What can I do. ""Forgive, be humble, follow Christ."" Leonard bought another truck to sell for profit. Later, on Doris'' advice he may not take the truck, because it is too expensive to sell readily.

April 2: Saturday - 60� Noon. Sunny. Warm. 48� - 6 P.M. S.A. Army, ""The plea of the penitent brings a song."" Rev. Vernard Scheci, Adams C. Mark 1:15, John 3:16, John 8:31. ""Hearing the call and following."" Herbert Harrison''s father has passed away. Rec''d a card from Dr. and Mrs. DiFlorio. He has the grippe and Milton Wiltsie takes the service Sunday. Blanche sent the S.S. quarterly. Elaine phoned they are coming home. They will go to Mrs. Pond''s tonight and come here tomorrow. Wm. and Doris went to movie and to see Elaine and Gene for a few minutes.

April 3: Sunday - 53� A.M. Dr. McClung, Eph. 3:7-13. Text. Rev. 22:15. Angel - ""A messenger."" The church -- ""The herald of the gospel."" ""It plants the seeds of love."" Christ alone can save the world but ""It''s an awful burden for a man to carry alone."" Shall we help? Milton Wiltsie couldn''t come to our church and John Warren preached. Gene and Elaine went to church and then came here. After dinner the boys and Gene went fishing (No fish). Elaine made candy (fudge) or rather Doris and Shirley. Walter and Grace Patrick were at Wm''s last evening and I saw them too. Walter isn''t well.

April 4: Monday - 50� Sunny, mild. 48� - 6 P.M. Rev. McPherson, 1 Cor. 15:50 -- ""What does Easter mean to me. Rev. Barber Waters. ""The last house and death of Christ and how time is judging all who had a part in it."" Wm. brought me ice cream, also took off the storm windows. Wm. took calves to the auction and Doris went to Watertown. Doris brought me a white waste container. Heard Pres. Truman address the gathering where twelve (""diplomee"" ?) nations sign the North Atlantic Pact. They are signing at 4:45 P.M. Dean Achison signs for U.S., our Sec''y of State.

April 5: Tuesday - 52� Sunny. Rev. McPherson, Matt. 26:36-46. Could ye not watch with me? Enter with Him the garden of prayer. Rev. Waters. Judas, his motive, material gain. We can sell integrity with regret. Nothing is worth it. William went to Walter Farmers, P.M. to work on his tractor. He isn''t feeling very rugged. There was a terrible hospital fire in Effingham, Ill., 57 dead. Wrote letters to Gladys Capbell, Blanche Robinson, Dr. & Mrs. DiFlorio. Later reports place the death in the Ill. hospital at 66. Madison Barracks has been chosen as the site for a liberal arts college.

April 6: Wednesday - 38� - 10 A.M. Rainy. Snow 38� - 6 P.M. Rev. McPherson, ""What will you do with Jesus?"" Song. I will be true. Rev. Waters, Jesus washing the disciples'' feet sets us an example in our relationships. The night and morning rain was followed by wet snow until there are little patches. Wm. brought over ice cream. Had a bass for supper caught by Leonard, cooked by Doris. Max Lee, 67, has passed away. Death came about noon at Mercy Hospital where he was taken yesterday morning. The ground is white with snow tonight. This is army day -- big parade in Washington, D.C. Our army numbers 667,000.

April 7: Thursday - 46� Noon. Fair, mild. 42� - 6 P.M. The storm is over and snow gone. S.S. Mark 10:17-22. You lack one thing. Rev. McPherson. Luke 23:39-43. ""Lord remember me."" ""This day you shall be."" Rev. S. A. Card, Ps. 103: ""The God who keeps the galaxy of stars in their place, also has time to ripen a bunch of grapes."" ""Keep your eyes on the sunrise and God."" Rec''d a nice letter from Ross Hill now in Prague. Wrote cards to Lulu Scott and Mr. Peck & Birdie Brady. Put in 51 gal. of kerosene. Wm. and D- went to Watertown. Joan has a cold but she went with them. Leonard expects to have a place for Gene in the office soon, and if so Gene and Elaine may be coming home.

April 8: Friday - 40� Fair. 6 P.M. 44� Showery. Rev. McPherson, John 20. Mary''s Master. ""I go to the Father to intercede for you."" Rev. Card. Matt. 5. ""The old lamp lighter left a light behind him. What do we leave."" Avon lenten service. Rev. Hudnah, Rochester. 650,000,000 nominal christians. ""Fulness of Life necessary."" ""A universal God."" ""Make your record, justice, faith, mercy."" ""Place your life at God''s disposal."" Funeral services for Max Lee will be held at the home this P.M. by Dr. DiFlorio and Rev. Harrison. Wrote an Easter letter to Helen W. Rec''d a long, nice letter from Myrtle Adams, Mich. Father McGowan begins 40th year in B- church.

April 9: Saturday - 40� Cool. Fair. Cool tonight. S. Army. A tribute to Gen. Booth. Rev. Card. John 3. The spirit of Jesus. That spirit makes life beautiful. Shirley passed 100% in her music test at school. Joan gets a 100 mark nearly every day. Leonard is in line for another promotion. Rolla is doing well at mechanics. I started to mop my kitchen and Wm. finished it for me. Wm. and Doris, Leonard went to a party at Perch River last evening. This evening Wm. and Doris went to East H- library party. Rolla also went there, I think. Leonard, Shirley and Joan are here.

April 10: Sunday - 44� Sunny. A.M. 45� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung, The faith that saves. Matt. 4:18-20. ""I rose and followed, that was all. Who would not follow when they heard Him call."" Good. S.S. Mark 10:46-52 Faith saved. This was my good husband''s birthday. He would have been 80 years old today. I have been living on without him for 12 years. Joan brought over brown gravy and Shirley, pumpkin pie for my dinner. Both nice. Wm., Doris and Rolla went to Walter Farmers in the evening. A mistake. Something broke and they came back. Rolla fixed his car in a short time.

April 11: Monday - 50� Sunny. 58� - 6 P.M. Rev. G. V. Hemsley, Adams, ""He saved others, himself he did not save."" -- Rabbi Degel, Israel, ""Difference between bond and free."" ""God''s care for His people."" Harriet (a radio program for women, mornings on WWNY), Special sale at Yarn Shop. Cathy Fiscus, 3-1/2, who had been trapped in an old well in San Marino, Calif. was recovered after 2-1/2 days, strenuous efforts, but life was extinct. Wm. went to stockyard. Doris and Joan to bank and store. I phoned to Mabel Fulton. Leonard went to Syracuse for the company. Wm. and Doris went to see Mr. & Mrs. Douglas for the evening. Mr. Douglas isn''t in very good health.

April 12: Tuesday - 58� Sunny. Fine day. 70� - 6 P.M. Rev. G. V. Hemsley. Mark 15:1-15 ""Part of a crowd for wise results."" Rabbi Gordon. Ps. 34 ""The concept of freedom. Liberty must be safe guarded. Accept the law of God."" This is the lesson of the passover."" Four years ago Pres. Roosevelt died and Sen. Truman became Pres. A community funeral is being held for Effingham hospital victims. A new fireproof hospital is being planned. Cause of fire unknown. Wrote to Hazel, Dorcas & Marion. Doris sowed sweet peas. The pascal moon is beautiful. Joan went to school. Others have flu, as they call it among school children.

April 13: Wednesday - 68� Sunny. Noon 72� - 6 P.M. 62� Rabbi Gordon: A description of the first evening of the Jewish passover which is tonight. A church service over the spot where Christ ate the passover supper will be held in Jerusalem. Funeral services for little Kathy Fiscus who was trapped in an old well will be held today. Many friends and rescuers will attend. Burial near Mexican border. Funeral at Alambra (sic), Body lay in state. There was an earthquake shock in several northwestern states. Washington, Oregon and Calif. ""Red"" Siver has enlisted in the Marines. The quake killed 7 persons, injured 61, damage millions. More predicted.

April 14: Thursday - 63� A.M. Sunny. 66� S.S. Apr. 17th, Life beyond Life. Rev. Hensley. Mark 14:22-29. ""We betray, we come back and at the altar He receives us."" Rev. Anthony. Matt. 26:17-30. He suffered to bring healing. ""The holy supper is kept indeed. In whatso we share with another''s need."" James Russell Lowell. Rec''d Easter cards from Harold and Della and Florence Colverd. Lew and Beryl came to Doris''. The school board has refused again to renew the contract of Edward Yackel as principal of B.G.P.H.S. Rob''t Timmerman (sic) has secured another position and left a vacancy in Leonard''s office.

April 15: Friday - 38� Cool. Storm evenings. Rain 45� Rev. Hensley, Mark 15:16-20. The purple robe. ""Royalty is from within. Worship in spirit."" Rev. Anthony, Luke 23: 13-47. ""The symbol of christianity is the Cross. The cross is a throne."" Henry McArthur. ""Easter is the fulfillment of the promise, There is no death, there is resurrection."" Were you there when they crucified my Lord. The Canterberry choir, Hallelujah chorus. Asbury 3 hr. service -- thunderstorm and rain. Heard, ""I thirst."" John 19:28. Wm. Rives. Rec''d cards from Relyea''s, Marion D., Hazel and Dorcas also sent pansy hdk. Wm., D. and Shirley went to Watertown. Bought my weekend groceries. Joan and Rolla were here.

April 16: Saturday - Cool, snowflakes. Rev. Anthony. Luke 23:50-56. Joseph of Arimathea put his name in the Who''s Who of history for all time. Poem, ""There a man on the Cross."" E. Cheney. ""The world must take Him down."" Gene and Elaine came last eve. They brought me Fig Jumbles. Gene went to Leonard''s office this morning. Came back for dinner and had planned to go fishing with Walt. Elaine stayed here. I was invited by Doris to eat 6 o''clock dinner with them. Dr. and Mrs. DiFlorio came. Brought me a can of stringed beans. Rec''d nice Easter cards.

April 17: Sunday - 46� A.M. Sunny. 54� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung, 1 John 2nd and 3rd chap. Text, 1 John 2-17. On Dwight L. Moody''s tomb. One unbroken life for ""He that doeth the will of God."" Born in humanity -- move to Divinity. Victor Hugo, ""Winter is on my head but spring is in my heart."" Elaine gave me a lovely tatting edged handkerchief made by Miss Regan (of Waterville, N. Y.). She and Gene went to church and to a family dinner at Mrs. Pond''s. Doris sent pumpkin pie. Martha and Jess Wilson brought chocolates from the Happy Thought Class. Mabel Douglas came. Wm. and Doris were away for the evening. Gene and Elaine came 10 P.M. Fine service at our church.

April 18: Monday - 45� Cold. 41� P.M. Dr. DiFlorio, radio, and youth''s choir. Easter means sunrise. The sunset of good Friday brought the sunrise Easter morning. Rev. W. D. Aubrey, Emmaus, Christ revealed himself by unfolding steps beyond doubt. Gene went to the office to see Mr. Reed this A.M. and may go to the Syracuse office this P.M. on their way to Waterville. William took calves to the stockyard. Rec''d more cards. This is the first day of Ireland''s full independance (sic). Leonard is attending a farewell party for Bob Timmerman (Timerman).

April 19: Tuesday - 42� Cloudy. 6 P.M. Rain. Dr. DiFlorio and our senior choir. The historical facts of the resurrection as recorded. Rev. W. D. Aubrey, ""Jesus meeting His disciples after the resurrection,"" and giving them hope and faith at a morning meal by the sea. Rec''d letters from Lulu Scott, Helen Walrath and card from ""Millie."" Leonard had a vacation this P.M. while the rest recover from the late party for Bob T., but decided to return to the office. Doris and William went to Walter and Mabel Johnson''s. Rolla came in for a visit. Rabbi Wise, 75, passed away today. Funeral services Friday at Carnegie Hall.

April 20: Wednesday - 52� A.M. Sunny - Cloudy 52� - 6 P.M. Heard Dr. DiFlorio, John 20:31. Fine. Also Mary Lyle Brenon, soloist. Jessie Hall, Accompaniest (sic). Rev. W. Aubrey, ""The expuloive (sic) power of an affection for Christ."" ""The story of Livingston and Stanley."" Dr. DiFlorio''s service was dedicated to myself and others who cannot attend services. Wm. went to see Earl Hall, A.M. Wm., Doris, Shirley and Joan went to Watertown, P.M. The State Highway Dept. gave a party for the help at Spazina''s (sic) Hall. Rolla took Fred Fields as his guest. Think they had a pretty good time.

April 21: Thursday - 52� - Cold wind. Warm, 60� - 6 P.M. Heard Dr. DiFlorio. Doris Lindsey soloist - Mrs. Roy Lindsey, piano. Fine. Jesus triumphs over Gethsemane, the trial, the cross and death. Fine. Rev. Brothers. Carthage. Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever. The dairy was tested and passed. Wm. and I have new farm plans which I hope is better for him. Talked with Earl Hall and Helen who called on the phone. Leonard has a nice blue gray suit. He is also looking for another car - more up to date. Doris and William were away for the evening.

April 22: Friday - A sunny 76� Rain 65� - 6 P.M. Heard Dr. DiFlorio and our junior choir & Miss Hall. Crown Him with many crowns. Physical mastery, intellectual powers mastered, moral mastery, royal mastery, master of us all. Rev. Brothers, 1 John 1. Walking in the light. A personal relationship. Mrs. Mattison, 48, passed away last night. Her daughter sings in our junior choir and Dr. D''s program was dedicated to her. I talked with Mabel F. on the phone. Rec''d a nice letter from her today. Doris and the girls went to Watertown. Shirley got new brown tam and white gloves.

April 23: Saturday - 58� A.M. Fair. 50� - 6 P.M. Rev. Brothers, 1 Peter 5:4-10. Our crown of glory, verse 4. He careth for you. verse 7, ""He cared enough to give the best."" Be steadfast, v 8. Communists have taken over Nanking, China. Nationalists flee. Leonard sold two trucks for the Co. This is Rolla''s 19th birthday. He had our truck repaired yesterday at the shop, free of charge. Doris made a birthday cake and he rec''d gifts from our family. Erma Siver Mitchell was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Daylight savings begins tonight. Wm., Doris, Shirley and Joan went to Library party.

April 24: Sunday - 46� A.M. Fair, cool. 42 6 P.M. John 6:37 ""The honor and the glory of sonship -- like Him, The Father ever seeks His own."" Heard Rev. Waters at Asbury substituting for Dr. McClung who is having a vacation. Funeral services for Mrs. Lyle Mattison were held in our church at 3 P.M., Rev. Dr. DiFlorio officiating. Burial at Belleville. Erma Mitchell has had blood transfusions and is coming well at present. William came in for a visit after milking. He called to see Rosamond. She went to New York when Jean went back to Hackensack Jr. College.

April 25: Monday - 36� A.M. - Sunny. 45� Noon. Cloudy, Mild, P.M. Rev. F. Haworth, ""He that doeth the will."" -- Mark 3:35. "" Sometimes changing ours."" Geo. M. Butler, Adams. A plea for a christian ""serving"" nation. Announcer - ""The Y.W. is the sky light to the world."" Rosamond''s Yarnshop was good. It included needle point today. 200 students are on a one day strike protesting the dismissal of Prin. Yackle. Communists have taken Nanking and are marching toward Shanghi. S.S. Hasama, Ps. 118, 26 - Mark 11:9 ""Save we pray."" Rolla rec''d nice pair of socks from Elaine for his birthday. Leonard says that in answer to Friday night''s ad, 50 men applied at the office for work.

April 26: Tuesday - 55� Cloudy - 54� - 6 P.M. Rev. Haworth, 1 John 3. The gospel of love shown in life. Rev. Butler, Looking for a leader -- ours is Christ. William and Doris went to the bank and to get groceries for them and for me. Doris is making out cheese factory checks, price per hundred (blank). Cheese and fluid milk prices have dropped. Farmers through (sic) the country are protesting. Doris gave me ice cream at noon. Shirley brought cake with vanilla custard dressing for my supper. Doris and Wm. went to Rice''s to buy potatoes, $1.75 a bushel. Mistake -- should be May 12. Israel is flying the 59th flag at U. N.

April 27: Wednesday - Not as well.

April 28: Thursday - no entry.

April 29: Friday - no entry.

April 30: Saturday - no entry.

May 1: Sunday - no entry.

May 2: Monday - About 70� Sunny. Sat up for an hour.

May 3: Tuesday - 73� Sunny. 70� - 6 P.M. Sat up for dinner and supper. Wm. has been fixing tractor for Walter Farmer. Doris is papering her dining room. Pretty paper. Gene and Elaine were here Sunday and we enjoyed it. The boys and little girls are fine and doing well. God is my friend, as ever. Grace Congdon came for a little visit and brought gladiolus from the W.S.C.S. Joan brought me fragrant English currant blossoms. Ethel Williamson brought me two cans of pineapple juice last week.

May 4: Wednesday - 70� Sunny 78� Noon 86� P.M. Rev. Aaron C. Bennett, Cape V, ""Blessed are the meek"" - not weakness. Gentle, gracious, considerate. Rev. Miles E. Van Ornum, Theresa. Matt. 6. Seek first the kingdom all things added (?). ""Sow good seed."" Bishop Locy, from Shanghi, China. Work is under difficulties, but the kingdom of God still progresses. Bishop will return, missionaries sought. First anniversary of nation Israel. Recognized by 54 nations. Wm. and D went for more wallpaper - They got a fruit design. William worked on the land. This is an anniversary. 44 years ago this morning Bert brought home a fine boy (William Henry Bell - whose name would become William Bell Conklin).

May 5: Thursday - 70� Sunny, Thunderstorm 3 P.M. Rev. Bennett, Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. Rev. Robt. Wright. Acts 4:14. With and like Christ. The companionship that transforms. Habitual contact imbibes sweetness. S/S. The Widow''s Mite. Rolla broke his arm at the shop this P.M. Wm. and Doris have been to Mercy Hospital to see him. Dr. Farmer was attending him then. Leonard went to see him at 5 and took him The Times. William and Doris went in the evening. Fred Fields was there. His arm isn''t set yet on account of swelling.

May 6: Friday - 68� Sunny, P.M. Still warm. Rev. Bennett, Matt. 5. Blessed are the pure in heart. There reflect the glory of God. Rev. Wright, Col. 1-10 - How to know God better. Be still and know. Enter -- shut the door. Will do, he shall know, Common things reveal. His way is best. Heard Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. Started getting my meals again. Wm. and Doris went to see Rolla this P.M. They found him more comfortable & contented. Dr. DiFlorio came and we had a nice visit. Mabel and Hi also came in the early evening. Mabel brought me cake. Enjoyed our visit.

May 7: Saturday - 47� morning, cold wind - 6 P.M. Warmer. The S.S. lesson for tomorrow is -- Opportunities given and lost. The Upper Room: The Wise Men''s visit. Blessed be God whose grace, shows Him in every place. To humblest (homliest) hearts of pilgrims meek (pure) and mild. Wm. and Doris brought hamburg, pumpkin and coffee at noon. Elaine sent Grandmother''s day card. Rowena wrote nice letter. Fred Schweitzer removed animals'' horns. Leonard sold a Co. truck. Maurice LaPointe sent a box of chocolates to Rolla. Fred Fields went to see him last eve. Doris (and Shirley and Joan) went this P.M. He was comfortable and cheerful. Having callers. Roy C., Uncle Martin took candy. Dr. DiFlorio was there. Wm. and Doris went to Library party.

May 8: Sunday - 57� Sunny P.M. 68� V-Day - four years ago today. Pres. Truman''s 65th birth- day. Doris gave me a gold colored vase for Mother''s Day. Upper Room. Translate the Bible into life. J. C. Mitchell, Eng. Heard Dr. McClung, Prov. 22:4. Train a child in self-support. Have vision to assist. Have discipline, wise, kind, loving, yet firm. I had a wise, kind loving Mother. Make things of the spirit clear with service to God and man. Shirley and Joan rode along when Doris went to see Rolla. His arm is uncomfortable. Bert and Nellie L (Lamphaer) and Susie (Chapman) came to see me. Nellie brought carnations.

May 9: Monday - 62� A.M. Sunny. 72� - 6 P.M. Rev. F. Huntis, ""The Kingdom of God, The Watchword."" Moral, spiritual, for all mankind. Rev. Hetherington: Mother - things she tought me -- ""God, love, loyalty, prayer"" -- Mine did too. Kate Smith says, ""Take it easy."" Doris went to see Rolla. He is more comfortable. Dr. Farmer says he may set his arm tomorrow. Rec''d letter from Ross Hill from Brumerhaven, Germany, en route home. The 11 months old Russian blockade of supplies for allied controlled Berlin will be lifted tomorrow. Wm. and Doris went to the annual cheese factory meeting. Bert Gilmore re-elected Pres. - Doris, Secy-Treas.

May 10: Tuesday - 44� A.M. Sunny - 6 P.M. 63� - Cold. My dear mother''s birthday. Heard Rev. Hunter, Ps. 22-1-8. The ""kingdom (?) found at the Cross. Rev. Hetherington, Eph. 2. Making in ourselves and for others, a better world. Rolla phoned this A.M. that Dr. Farmer will not set his arm today. U.R. Lord, what will Thou have me do? Minnie Gifford passed away at Oriskany Falls, May 7th. Wm. bought 22 bushels of seed grain from Rosamond, $1.00 per bu. Doris went to see Rolla this P.M. He is uncomfortable and disappointed that his arm couldn''t be set today.

May 11: Wednesday - 42� Cool, Sunny. 69� - 6 P.M. Rev. Hunter. The joy that comes to one trusts in God. Rev. Hetherington. The call to and high privilege - walking with God. And so we walk together my Lord and I. Henry McArthur from Berlin on the ""lifting of the blockade."" Rolla phoned that Dr. Farmer said he could come home and Wm. and Doris went after him this A.M. It seems so good to have him home. And it seems good to him but he praises the care at the hospital. So far he is as comfortable as we can expect. Israel is at last admitted to the U.N. by a vote of 37 to 12.

May 12: Thursday - 52� Fair. 67� P.M. Rev. Hunter. John 14:27-31. The peace of the Prince of Peace. His legacy to our lives. Rev. Gair, 1 Cor. 13-1, Faith. ""Faith is the force of life."" Tolstoi. Strong, wise, happy, Addison. U.N. needs faith in God & men. Rolla brought me a bullhead caught by Leonard, cooked by Doris. It was good. Rolla is as comfortable as can be expected with such a bad arm. He uses an ice bag to ease pain. Bert Gilmore is fitting land and Wm. sowing grass seed back of the barn. Israel is flying the 59th flag at U.N. Quiz, Cape Vincent 130, Copenhagen 128. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas, Fred Fields & Farr came to see Rolla.

May 13: Friday - 50� Sunny. 73� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wm. Mill Hunter. Fine prayer. Zach 8:16-17. Material for building Christ''s kingdom of peace. Good. Rev. Gair, Romans 8:27-39. Now abideth. Hope. It is the only thing that can bind the nations together. Leonard went to Utica with Fred Fields to get a truck for him. May go to see Elaine. Doris took Rolla to Dr. Farmer''s office as he told Rolla to do. His arm is doing well. Dr. wants him to work the fingers and elbow which is painful. He went to the shop for his check which they planned to bring. Leonard and Fred F. had lunch at Elaine''s. Mr. & Mrs. Pond came.

May 14: Saturday - 56� Rain. Noon 59� Fair. Upper Room. Psalm 13.1 and 13.6. W. H. Pledger. How long? I will sing unto the Lord because He hath dealt bountifully with me. Rev. W. H. Gair. 1 John 5. The abiding love, Love is a timeless, universal, the greatest thing in the world - ""faith, hope, love."" William is having the milking machine we bought from Celia installed in the barn. It will be electric. Rolla''s arm continues about the same. Still badly swollen, especially his hand. He has bought an F.M. radio from Geo. Kellogg and he brought it to him. Wm. and Doris went to a party at Dry Hill.

May 15: Sunday - 49� A.M. Sunny 74�- 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. Matt. 5:1-17. 100th anniversary service. Bishop Leddon, Matt 15: ""And there remembereth,"" ""The golden influence of a cross and an altar for time and eternity. Fine. Wm. and Doris went to Ruth Farmer''s for dinner. Girls and Rolla here. Fred Fields came to see Rolla. Wrote cards to Elaine, Mabel and Rowena (Peterson) and one to mail to Helen Walrath. Harold Farr also came to see Rolla. A nice Sunday for me. Upper Room: 1 Sam 3:1. Life must be attuned to receive inspiration. Frederic Potter Woods, Texas.

May 16: Monday - 9 A.M. 62� Sunny - 78� Noon. 80� - 6 P.M. Rabbi Gordon. The atomic age demands that we rise in moral stature - to bring in the kingdom of God. Good. Rev. Gosnell, Ps. 19.1 The heavens declare the Glory of God. A sunset on Lake Ontario. The glory of the divine Artist. Fine. ""Christ, fairer is He than all the fair."" Heard Rosamond''s yarn shop ad. Bert G. is helping Wm. on the land. Rolla''s arm is better, he thinks. He mowed the lawn with one hand. He and Doris went to Rosamond''s after 660 lbs. of oats and barley to sow with grass seed, price $3.00 per 100 lbs. Wm. sowed until 9:30 P.M.

May 17: Tuesday 69� 10 A.M. 80� - 6 P.M. Rabbi Gordon, ""Hagar and Ishmail. God gives vision to see the right path. Let us follow its leading."" Rev. Gosnell, Isaiah 21,3. The message of the mountains. Messenger to men from God. Jesus sought them. Magnificent, strength, permanence, vision, and these are like God. Rolla went to see Dr. Farmer. He thinks Rolla''s arm is gaining but it is still twisted and looks bad, especially the hand. Doris got nice strawberries for herself and for me, 37 qt. Elaine wrote a card to all of us. Mrs. Miller sent ""Eventide"" and a letter. Sent card to Ethel Bourcy who has had an appendix operation.

May 18: Wednesday 74� A.M. Sunny. 83� - 6 P.M. Rabbi Gordon, Ps. 24. Our part. The tablet of the Decalogue. Center blank to be filled by us. Laws not scientific but spiritual. Tablet said to be held by God and Moses with blank in center. S.S. The Holy Communion. U.R. Obedience to God''s Call. Times Editor, Harold B. Johnson, 68, passed away at 11:30 last night at Henderson Harbor from a heart attack. Funeral Friday, 4 P.M. 1st Presbyterian church. On advice of his physician, Henry Douglas went to Ogdensburg to see a surgeon. Though he had an appointment, he failed to see a doctor.

May 19: Thursday - Cooler, cloudy, A.M. 70� Noon 68� - 6 P.M. Rabbi Gordon. Prov., Life is a ship. Steer it wisely to the harbor, not drifting but a Captain who steers it safely -- the boat don''t (sic) rock. Rev. Arthur Arnold, John 3:1-7, v 7 - must be born again. U.R. Samuel 3:19. A good listener to God, S. Chillcote, Tenn. S.S. Communion table. Strengthen others. Rob''t Taber fractured his collar bone playing ball and is in City Hospital. Rain in the night delayed sowing. Bert, Jim and Rolla went fishing. Rolla got enough for a meal. Leonard had to work in the evening. William with some help from Rolla milked 19 cows with machine and by hand. Quiz - Copenhagen, 118, C. Vincent 116.

May 20: Friday - Cold. 51� A.M. 70� - 6 P.M. Rabbi Gordon, Conscience the gift of God. Self control necessary. Rev. Arnold, Matt 24:13-14. Drifting? Take an inventory. Elaine phoned. All going well. Doris, Wm. and I talked with her, at office. They go to Ithaca Sunday, weekend, to see boat races. Joseph E. Ledden , 27, ass''t prof. of philosophy at Mt. Holyoke college, and son of Bishop Ledden, has passed away. Bishops Wake & Hughes came to take over the Conference being held at Lowville. Bishop McConnell preaches. Shirley went to Chaumont with the school band to play. For the past few days I have been doing more to wait on myself, in the shed, etc.

May 21: Saturday - 53� A.M. Sunny. 70� Noon. 64� - 6 P.M. Rev. Gordon. Mark 2:1, Where Jesus is there is change -- attraction, sw?--, counsole (?). Have the joy of Jesus in your home."" 11 A.M. All is rush. Bert G. is fitting land. Leonard has been to Roe''s for seed corn. Rolla and Doris have gone to W-. Wm. sowing and many things. I am getting my little dinner. A busy afternoon, too. Bert G. and Leonard fitted land. Wm. sowed 8-1/2 acres silo corn. Rolla helps out all he can. Mrs. Barber Waters was elected conference W.S.C.S. president. Rolla''s hand and arm look better. Rolla, William, and Doris went to a Library party.

May 22: Sunday - Mild, cloudy 58� - 6 P.M. - 64� Dr. McClung. John 14.8-14. Hymn 277. Text 14:14 James 4:3. ""Praying dangerously."" Not absurd. Not a substitute for work. Not blessing on wrong plans. The ""triumph"" of unanswered prayer. Fine. Bishop Wicke preached at Conference today. Candidates for the ministry were presented. After the reading of the appointments in the P.M. and resolutions reports, the conference adjourned. Bishop McConnell gave the address on 150 yrs. of Methodism. Black River Valley (anniversary). I phoned to Mabel Fulton and Dr. DiFlorio is coming back. Mable phoned Mr. Wakeman.

May 23: Monday - 56� Rainy morning. 6 P.M. - 64� Fair. Rev. Frye. Matt. 6-25 - For 3 days, Rocation (sic) or Supplication. Sow the good seed - ask God''s blessing. Rev. Wesley Baker. 1 John 4:7-21. To be happy and useful we must have love toward God and for others. Roy and Grace Congdon and Mrs. Ross came last evening to see Rolla, the family and me. Doris went to W- with Rolla to see Dr. Farmer. He said Rolla''s arm is doing well, but hand not so well yet. They could not work on land to- day. John Johnson, son of Harold B., succeeds his father as Times Editor. Phoned to Mrs. DiFlorio expressing pleasure at their return to our church. Had a nice visit.

May 24: Tuesday - 62� Morning shower. 6 P.M. - 71� Fair. Rev. Middleton. Seeing God in nature. Let us respond. Prayer for the sowers - food for all. Rev. Baker, Ps. 23. There is happiness in the word my our shepard, guide, protector. Nina (Waters) wrote and sent a picture of Earl taken Easter. He hasn''t been as well for the last 2 wks. Doris did a large washing. Bert G. fitted land, William did too, for it is too wet to sow. Leonard is talking with Hi and Mabel about buying their cottage but may not do so. Henry Douglas is going to Ogdensburg the (sic) times a week for blood treatments.

May 25: Wednesday - 50� Sunny. Windy. 57� 6 P.M. Cool. Rev. Leland Frye. Ps. 104:1-15. The sowing time. The reasons a clock in quarters. The time of year. 12 figure, 12 months, minutes are days, seconds are hours. Give thanks always to God. Rev. Wesley Baker, Ps. 23. Fear no evil. A table prepared. Goodness and mercy forever when God is our shephard. John McCray. ""In Flanders Field the poppies blow."" This is poppy wk. James Forrestal buried at Arlington. Reds take Shanghai, without fight. Bert (Gilmore) is fitting land, William is sowing silo corn, Rolla is making wagon or trailer out of tires and other material. Wm. and Doris went to buy seed grain. Fred Fields came to see Rolla.

May 26: Thursday - 58� Cloudy. 52� Noon. 56� - 6 P.M. Fair. Rev. Leland Frye, Ps. 8. Ascension Day. Tho creation is great, spirit is eternal. Rev. Barker. A man is measured by his loyalty to his ideals, to his home, country and God. Christ showed us ""loyalty."" Bert G. fitted land. William sowed grass seed, oats and barley. Doris and Rolla went to Watertown. Doris brought me strawberries, asparagus and petunia plants for the cemetery. Mrs. Luffman and Mrs. Wilton brought me beautiful stationary (sic) and candy from the Happy Thought Class. Copenhagen won quiz.

May 27: Friday - 48� A.M. 54� Noon. Rev. Leland Frye. Acts 1:9-14. The ascension. We can see Him through the clouds. He comes to us now to be our helper. Rev. Oliver Barker. A fundamental word is work. Christ conferred a divine dignity upon work. Work is a sacrament to worship. Put in 52 gals. of kerosene $8.01. Kate Smith, First memorial day was May 30, 1868. Revere it. Geo. Luther passed away in Montana. Hazel phoned that Dorcas, Marion and John will be here tomorrow. Doris is getting ready for them. Bert is pulverizing and Wm. sowing. Doris and Rolla took flowers and plants for the urn to the Dexter cemetery. I am glad.

May 28: Saturday - 52� A.M. Sunny. 56� Cool. Noon. 52� cloudy, 6 P.M. Rev. Walter Oliver. The royalty of the soul. Be loyal to the royal. Good. ""Ripley is dead from heart attack."" Rolla went to see Dr. Farmer. His arm is still swollen too much to put in a cast. His hand is also swollen but is better than it was. Dorcas Ball and Marion and John Dengler went to Lowville to the cemetery and came here about 5:30. Doris had a nice supper ready for them. They brought Doris a broach set, the girls handkerchief & 50 each and me a book, Plantation Parade. Mabel and Hi also came to see me. Had a nice visit.

May 29: Sunday - 50� Fair. A.M. 3 P.M., Shower, 6 P.M. Fair. Dr. McClung. Memorial Day. Keep alive the fires of the Father''s. The value of the individual soul. The recognition of our responsibility to Almighty God. ""Lest we forget."" Leonard went with Murray Phillips and family to look at the Fulton cottage - 1:30 P.M. U. R. Lorne J. Henry. Ontario, Rev. 3:8. Doors which can and which cannot be closed to us in life. 1:45 P.M. Gene and Elaine are at Ponds. They are coming here tomorrow. Phoned to Helen W- Earl (Hall)is better than he was a week ago. She couldn''t say much on the phone about him, I think.

May 30: Monday - 50� A.M. Fair. 62� Noon. 55� - 6 P.M. Fair. Rev. Kenneth Jones. The purpose and blessing of suffering. Rev. Harold Barnett, Jacob''s memorial stone. Our nation is a monument to freedom. ""Receive the torch & hold it high."" Shirley and Joan went to Sackett''s where Joan marches and Shirley plays in the band in the Memorial Day parade. Heard memorial service. Radio. Wm. saw Cliff (Waters), Earl is failing. Gene and Elaine came 10 A.M. and spent the day and we enjoyed it. She gave me pansies. Harold Farr came to see our boys and we had a little visit.

May 31: Tuesday - 56� Beautiful. 70� Noon. 76� - 6 P.M. Rev. L. Wakeman, Matt. 9:27-33. The sight of faith. Our check from God. Harold Barnard. Bitter waters made sweet for us by our Father. ""Big Ben"" is 90 years old. S. S. Read carefully. Luke 23. William and Bert G. are finishing 55 acres of sowing. Rolla is working on a fine trailer he is making with one arm and one hand. Beryl came and I saw her. Doris is doing checks. Leonard had a busy day at office. Wrote letters to Lulu S. and the Relyea''s. Am trying to acknowledge the nice mail received at Easter and since.

June 1: Wednesday - 62� A.M. 70� Noon 86� - 6 P.M. Rev. L. Wakeman, Matt. 10:26-32. ""How to be happy,"" Discipline, reverence, sympathy, love. Rev. H. Barnard. ""Losing faith in ones self."" Resources are ours. Use them through Christ. Doris and Rolla went to W-. Doris brought me carrots, strawberries and frozen wax beans. All very nice. This has been a beautiful June 1 Day. Bert G. has fitted land and Wm. sowed oats. Doris and William were away in the evening. Fred Fields came to see Rolla. The girls looked over my library books and music.

June 2: Thursday - 85� Noon. Sunny 86� - 6 P.M. Rev. L. Wakeman. Luke 19-40-48. Stones can speak. Stones in our lives of worth, beauty & regret. Good. Christ should be the corner stone. Rev. H. D. Wheedon. This day I will do my best where I am and with what I have. Ps. 21 and 30. Expectancy. Tho the vision tarry, wait. Good. Kate Smith, House cleaning the mind. All of the family are busy with their usual occupations. I am transposing ""Cruising down the River"" for Shirley to play on her clarinet. Rolla helps milk by using the machinery. It works well. Dear Bert and I were married at 8 P.M. 52 years ago today.

June 3: Friday - 86� Noon. Sunny. 90� - 6 P.M. Rev. Lester Wakeman, John 21. Christ said to Peter, Follow me. He says the same to us. Rev. H. D. Wheeden. Ps. 111. Keep the ordanancies (six) of God. Wait for His will. He will meet you. Kate Smith, ""Sunday is shut in day."" William has finished sowing. Doris made lovely filled cookies and brought some to me. Rolla went to see Dr. Farmer. His arm will be x-rayed next Thursday to determine extent of injury. Doctor thinks he is improving. Swelling is going down. Wm. is getting ready for garden. I talked with Sally Hynes.

June 4: Saturday - 70� Sunny, A.M. 84� Noon, 84� - 6 P.M. Rev. H. H. Wheedon, Ps. 105. Pentecost Sunday. Tarry ye To receive the Spirit to serve. William, Doris, Shirley and Joan left for Canada about 9:15 A.M. to visit Bertha Shaw. Rolla is working on his trailer. I have been listening to morning devotions and news. The International Harvester Co. started their new building on Washington St. today. They have offered Leonard a position as salesman. Rolla and Fred Fields went to Canada last evening. Doris brought me a loaf of Canadian bread. I phoned to Mabel Fulton.

June 5: Sunday - 70� Sunny. Windy. 68� - 6 P.M. Heard Bishop Clifford Northcock. Methodist, Wisconsin area. Phil 2:1-11. Meeting our use of what we have as humble folks. Dr. McClung, Ezekiel 1:28. Whit Sunday. Begin with ourselves to have the spirit of Christ make a better world. Shirley brought in yellow roses. Wm. and Doris are fixing up their side of the yard. They have planted basswood and soft maple trees. They have a croquet ground. Sally Hynes came for a little visit and I was pleased to see her.

June 6: Monday - 62� Sunny. 70� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wm. Cole. Epherians 1:-5. God has plans for individual(s) to develop them for service. Rev. M. Fowler. II Cor. 4. A story of a S.S. boy who in wartime was in a foreign hospital to which his parents refused help. Rev. Cole told story of the beatle bug. The invasion of Normandy D-day was 5 yrs. ago today. Geo. Schweitzer wounded. Hilda Cassell has graduated from Mercy Hospital. The Dairyman''s Festival will be held this week. Doris & Wm. went to the bank and for groceries. They brought me a head of lettuce and frozen green peas.

June 7: Tuesday - 58� A.M. 64� P.M. Rev. Wm. Cole, Eph. 2. The grace of God given freely to us to win us by love and beauty. Rev. M. Fowler. Mark 25. Evidence of the power of God -- in universe around us, in human hearts. The Muscalonge cemetery meeting was held here -- 8 present. Officers re-elected. Frank Allen elected trustee in place of Mrs. Pelton, deceased. Dr. & Mrs. DiFlorio came for a nice little visit. Rolla took Shirley to Watertown to play in the band at the Dairyman''s League parade. Estimated 30,000 were there.

June 8: Wednesday - 50� A.M. - 62� Noon - Rev. Wm. Cole, Eph. 3. God loves everyone as well as he loves me. Therefore I must love them. Rev. M. Fowler. The beauty and helpfulness of the word of God and especially the Psalms & Isaiah. Rec''d an invitation to the marriage of Doris Ione Hunter to Donald McKay Mauck at 3:30 June 25th at William St. Methodist Church, Delaware, O. Doris and Rolla (Hunter) are making garden. Wm. is going over 13 acres of corn filling in where it didn''t come up. Leonard is out with Murray selling trucks. Rosamond came, also Harold Peck for little visits.

June 9: Thursday Sunny. A little warmer 72� - 6 P.M. Rev. Cole is attending the funeral of Bishop Foley, Utica. Heard favorite hymns. Rev. Featherstone. Prayer, Confide in God. It will give confidence, strength and joy. Rolla made his appointed call on Dr. Farmer and may go to work a week from Mon. Rec''d a nice card from Myra Munson thanking me for roses sent by Dr. & Mrs. Di Florio when they called here. Have been transposing ""You can''t be true"" for Shirley''s clarinet. Wm. has poison ivy. He & Doris went this evening to get something for it.

June 10: Friday - 70� - 10 A.M. - 80� 6 P.M. Rev. Cole, Eph. 6:13 Armor, Keep it ready. Whole, not locking when test time comes. The sword is the spirit. Good. Rev. Featherstone. The need for more evangelistic services to promote christian effort. William finished filling in corn and he and Doris went for a ride around Pillar Pt. Leonard is out on Intern''tl truck business. Rolla went to Fred Fields, evening. Leonard sold a truck. Elaine wrote they may not come home this weekend.

June 11: Saturday - 70� - 9 A.M. Sunny. 82� Noon. 88� 6 P.M. Heard a drama on social security benefits. Good. Also, Rev. Featherstone on juvenile delinquency and how christian example helps. Upper Room. Make room for the priceless gift of the Holy Spirit. Fred Chenault (Ga.) Luke 12:34. S.S. The Light Comes on, Luke 24:24. Mark Barrett passed away at the hospital this morning. Funeral at our church Monday, 2:30. Dr. DiFlorio officiating. Wm. and Doris attended the wedding of Elsie Warren and Henry Richer, E. H. church and reception at the Library. Doris took an 8 piece glass set and furnished yellow roses.

June 12: Sunday - Very warm day. 96� - 6 P.M. 89� low. William, Shirley, Joan and I went to Dexter cemetery, took a few flowers & watered the plants. Very glad to go. We halted the car at Mabel Fulton''s, in front or near the church and at Earl Hall''s. He had four convulsions last night. He waved and spoke to me from the porch. Passed Arthur W''s iris garden. Gene and Elaine came about 12:30. They went to Mrs. Pond''s about 4:30 then home. Walter and Grace Patrick and Celia Evans came to Wm''s and I visited with them. Had a visit here with Walter.

June 13: Monday - 83� Sunny. 85� - 6 P.M. Rev. Roer Marmon. The door which none can shut. Rev. 3:8. Nature, humanity, experience. Soloist - Clinton Eagan, Antwerp. Rev. Hutchinson, Matt. 6:19-34. Lilies of the field. Natural beauty, productive, fragrance. A christian life is the same. Doris and Rolla went to the bank and for groceries. They brought me new potatoes, strawberries, bananas, etc. Wm. and Doris attended the funeral services for Mark Barrett at our church. Rev. Dr. DiFlorio, officiating. W and D found Henry Douglas feeling better this evening.

June 14: Tuesday - 78� Humid. 86� Noon. 87� - 6 P.M. Rev. Roger Marmon. Clint Eagan, soloist. ""The door of faith."" Don''t close it on yourself for others. Rev. Miles Hutchinson. Matt. 5:13. ""The salt of the earth."" Preserve the things worth while. Works unseen. Wrote to Wave Hunter in reply to the wedding invitation and letter. Rolla can go back to light work next week, Dr. says. Leonard is busy selling trucks - one yesterday, one today. Weather is hot and dry. Corn and grain need rain. Forest fires in Adirondacks are making work for the fire fighters and destroying timber.

June 15: Wednesday - 76� Sunny. A.M. 82� Noon. 88� - 6 P.M. Rev. Roger Marmon & Clinton Eagan, soloist. Sub: ""The door forever closed."" Keep your lamps filled. Rev. M. L. Hutchinson. Matt. 7:18-29. If we build our house of life on Christ it will be secure. Upper Room Ps. 90:17 Beauty of Jesus seen in us (Richard Pyke) Eng. Elaine mailed Shirley and Joan a box of cookies she had made. The third annual Rose Dessert Tea was held 1:30 P.M. on the Parsonage Lawn. Shirley brought me two of Elaine''s cookies - they are extra good. Doris gave me two crocheted doilies to send to Doris Hunter.

June 16: Thursday - 80� Sunny - 10 A.M. 86� Noon 91� - 6 P.M. Rev. Marmon. ""God is at the door of your heart."" Clinton Eagan, ""I heard the voice of Jesus."" Rev. H. H. Hutt. ""Come where the voice is calling over land & sea. Come where, etc. - calling for thee."" All doing as little as possible on account of extreme heat. Rain and cooler is promised. Leonard keeps busy with his truck sales. William spent the evening away and paid school tax, I think. Rolla went over after ice cream for himself. Shirley and Joan shared it with me.

June 17: Friday - 80� - 10 A.M. 88� - 6 P.M. Rev. Roger Marmon & Clint Eagan, Soloist. ""Such as I have give I thee."" Gifts that are simple yet may be of great value. Rev. H. Hutt. John 14:1-6. To prepare a place for a prepared people - accept Him. Upper Room Ps. 119.11. Hiding the Word in our hearts. W. Africa. R. S. Webb. Another very warm day. I wrote a letter to Mrs. Miller. Phoned to Mrs. Di Florio. There were 50 at the Rose Tea. My pen leaks. Rolla went to see Cole Bros. circus and thought it was very good. He liked trained horses and dogs.

June 18: Saturday - 81� A.M. 83� - 6 P.M. Rev. H. Hutt, Matt 6:6. Secret Prayer. It is a mighty influence in our lives and influence (sic). Upper Room, Ps. 24:3 Climb above the storms to a nobler life. Herbert W. Hahn (Mass.) S.S. Christs Continuing Presence. Rev. 1:17-18 Fear not, I am alive. Excessive rains have caused floods in Va. & W. Va. Elaine sent Wm. a father''s day card and a box of chocolate coated cherries. Wm. helped Henry Douglas in the P.M. At 9 P.M. had a nice phone talk with Helen W. and said hello and good night to Earl.

June 19: Sunday - 70� 9 A.M. 98� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. John 14:8. Seeking to find God. In nature, the Bible, in the life of Christ. Rev. Youngs. Religion - happiness - delight in the law, the spirit within us, gratitude, to God & man. Gene came for Elaine to go to church a year ago today and at 4:30 to Ruth''s to begin work for the G.L.F. Today I wrote a card to them and one to Rosamond. William brought me ice cream and an orange drink. Leonard brought home a truck. Rolla took a drive to celebrate the last day before he goes back to the shop to work.

June 20: Monday - A cool 80� 9 A.M. 88� - 6 P.M. Rev. Dr. Dardnell. Mark 12:28. Law. What doth our Lord require of us. The law of love for God and man. Rev. McPherson. The tree of death. Genesis 3:3. Physical, eternal. The tree of life. Rev. 22:14 - choose. This is the 12th day of the heat wave and no rain as yet. Rolla went back to the shop with the promise of light work. Leonard drove a truck to Syracuse and will drive back another that he has sold. William cultivated corn. Doris did cheese checks. Girls at school. Beryl came while Wm. & Doris were at bank, etc. A few rain drops came but passed over us about 7 P.M.

June 21: Tuesday - 78� Sunny 90� Noon 85� - 6 P.M. Rev. Dr. Dardnell. John 14-1. Faith. Believe also in Me - Christ. A trust in time of storm. Rev. McPherson, Eph. 2:19-22. Strengthened with might in the inner man by Christ. U. R. Micah 6:8 Walking humbly with God. W. A. Tyson, Miss. S.S. II Tim. 1:7 Not fear but power. Wm. cultivated corn A.M. He and Doris went to Limerick after feed for the cows. The W.S.C.S. had a luncheon, 12:30, and missionary program at Nettie Browns. A lovely rain came about 7 P.M. and lasted until around 10. Phoned to Mrs. DiFlorio & Mabel. Mayor Hudson broke ground for the new Int. Harvester bldg., Leonard there.

June 22: Wednesday 73� Fair - 74� Noon. Dr. Dardnell. Matt 16:21-25. The law of love. Love cannot be commanded -- it must be won. Verse 24. called the third commandment. Rev. McPherson, Col 3:1-4. What is first in your life? Seek eternal things first. Set your affections above. The rain did considerable good. Leonard went to Chaumont with a milk truck to sell. He has made some good sales. Received a card from dear Elaine. Evelyn Harrington's son, James, has graduated as an M.D. at Univ. of Rochester. Will interne at Syracuse Medical Center. Rolla fixed a large cadillac for a state dept. traveler.

June 23: Thursday - 68� Sunny - 83� 6 P.M. Rev.. Dardnell. D.D. John 14:25 -- The law of peace in Christ. An inner peace -- His gift to us. Rev. Allen Mitchell, John 14:15. A bequest of peace, through the love of God. Accept & treasure it. Shirley and Joan came on the school bus at noon. Six other girls came and they had a picnic dinner out by the fireplace. Transposed a song, ""Bouquet of Roses,"" for Shirley to play on her clarinet. Ray Paul passed away yesterday. Leonard sold a truck in the evening, Later -- the buyer came for his truck when Leonard was out and Murray got the sale.

June 24: Friday - 78� 10 A.M. 83� Noon 90� 6 P.M. Rev. Dr. Dardnell, John 15:1-11. The joy of Christ. To be found in keeping His way in love & peace. Rev. Mitchell, Matt. 6:24-34. ""Seek ye first the kingom (sic) of God."" While we plan for the kingdom, God plans for our needs. Shirley and Joan finished school at noon. They have both had fine reports. Wrote a birthday letter to Hazel Ball and sent a ""hanky."" Harry, Wilma and Ronnie Schweitzer were at Williams. George Sweitzer (sic) and wife have a two weeks old baby girl.

June 25: Saturday - 80� A.M. Sultry, 82� Noon. 6 P.M. 80� Rain. Rev. Allen Mitchell, Ps. 1. Keep the company of those who will make life better. Upper Room, Matt. 25:23. Use your talents though they are small. Helen Mayfield, Mich. S.S. II Tim. 2:15, A workman approved of God. May we be! Sub., ""Tying up the loose ends."" The Happy Thought Class, through Maude Luffman, sent me 1/2 doz. oranges, a canteloupe and mints. Doris Hunter & Donald Mauck were married at Delaware, Ohio. A nice rain came toward night. Doris brought me watermelon. It was Rolla''s treat.

June 26: Sunday - 74� Breezy. 83� Noon. Dr. Rob''t Youngs. Wires & spires. Power, light, communication. One material, the other spiritual. Worship differentiates us from beasts, a beacon light heavenward. S.S. Rev. 22:16. ""Come unto me."" Upper Room. Praying for others and what it accomplishes. Col. 1:3, Roy Tawes, Dela. The new municipal building at the Dexter airport was dedicated. Baccalaurate (sic) services in our church tonight. Dr. DiFlorio conducting it. Sub. ""Stewards of the mind."" The parachute of the professional entertainer at the airport failed to open properly. His head struck the concrete and he was taken to hospital unconscious.

June 27: Monday 74� Sunny. 83� Noon - 91� - 6 P.M. Rev. Harshal Johns. Ps. 21. Isa. 54:10 - Eternal constancy. ""My kindness shall not depart from thee."" Can God believe in me? Try it. Rev. Walton Moffatt - The Holy One of God. Invisible yet real. The image of God - yes, God himself. Good. Doris did a large washing. She, Shirley and Joan went to the bank and grocery. Stephen Gowing, age 2-1/2, was killed by a passing car in Brownville. I phoned to Lulu Scott. Class day exercises were at B.G.P.H.S. tonight. Leonard was away on truck business. Our pastures are very dry, little feed.

June 28: Tuesday - 75� Fair. 91 Noon. 90� - 6 P.M. Rev. Harold Johns. Jer. 18:1-6. ""The patience of God."" reshapes the clay till it is a vessel of his will. Rev. W. Moffatt, John 3:16. Jesus Christ is the supreme miracle of history. He meets all needs if we accept His help for us. William, Doris, Shirley and Joan went to Albert Carter''s funeral at the Reinhardt home at 2:30, Rev. L. C. Dennie officiating. He was 68 yrs. old. Mrs. Di Florio came and we had a nice visit. The graduating exercises are tonight. Dr. F. Crumb speaks. Ernie Pond is salutatorian.

June 29: Wednesday - 79� 10 A.M., Sunny. Humid. 75� - 6 P.M. Rev. H. Johns, Baptist, W-, Ps. 122. Song. Whispering Hope. Text, Ps. 27:10. The house God built. Rev. L. Wakeman. Luke 15:3-7. Open the door of friendship, overcome isolation, find God. Dr. DiFlorio conducted the funeral of Stephen Gowing, 2-1/2, who was killed in the street. Received pictures and a description of Mappa Hall, Barneveld, from Rowena Peterson who has an apartment there. 6 P.M. There has been rain near us but only sprinkles here. Ross Hill is home from Prague. Rolla saw him. He is coming over here after his discharge.

June 30: Thursday - 80� Sunny. 91 Noon. 90� - 6 P.M. Rev. H. Johns. Luke 9:18-24. Christ''s Challenge. Song by Mr. Van Houton, Mabel Dealing, Piano. I walk where Jesus walked. Rev. Walter Moffatt. The compationate (sic) Christ, healer, friend, Saviour. He ever lives to pave a welcome. ""Faith in our time."" Father Daniel J. Higgins, St. Louis. Consecrated homes make beautiful endings (?)"" Mrs. Di Florio mailed me Upper Rooms, etc. Our electric clocks stopped 1/2 hr. There was thunder but no rain. Wm. is feeding the cows grain. Pastures furnish little feed and milk is going down rapidly. nbsp

July 1: Friday - Fair 86� Noon. 93� - 6 P.M. Rev. Harold Johns. What are you living for? Eph. 6:15. Every soul is of infinite worth. Life is a gift, use it wisely. Rev. H. Niles. Prov. Wisdom, ""Know how"" is not enough. It must be transmitted into life with God''s help. Our S.S. picnic is held at Cedar Point this P.M. Shirley and Joan went to a little picnic at Mary Scee''s. Doris made fudge for them. Mr. & Mrs. Pond announce the marriage of Ernestine to Stephen Eveleigh Dec. 12th. Doris popped corn, evening and it was good.

July 2: Saturday. 78� Sunny. 90� - 6 P.M. Dr. Niles. Luke 4:18. ""Christianity is not only a cozy seat beside the fire at night it is a breakfast call to be up and doing. No rain in prospect. Wm. went to Limerick after grain to feed the cows. Shirley and Joan went too. Rolla and Doris went to Watertown for groceries. Doris baked for the weekend. Expect Gene and Elaine. I phoned to Mabel Fulton. Leonard sold a new dry cleaner truck at Sackett''s today. William and Doris went away in the evening. Elaine and Gene came about 10 P.M.

July 3: Sunday. A hot day. 92 P.M. Dr. Youngs, Patriotic service. God protects a person or a nation as Daniel and the three Hebrew children were protected when they trust and obey Him. Dr. Di Florio brought flowers from the church raised and sent to me by Jessie Hall. There were pinks, madonna lilies, etc. Dear Mother left us 48 yrs. ago today and Father 19 yrs. ago on July 7th. Wm., Doris, the girls, Elaine and Gene went to Sacketts. Gene and Elaine left at 9 to spend the Fourth at Ponds.

July 4: Monday. Warm and sultry. 80� - 6 P.M. Rev. Lysle Caldwell, Alex. Bay. The patriot work & Devil''s Isle. Earnestly uphold christian things to make for freedom. Rev. Carlisle, Stone St. Presb. Freedom. Acts 22:22-30. Paul born free and spiritually free. American freedom priceless. A quiet Fourth here. Doings at Brownville and Sackett''s. Rolla sold the trailer he made and he and Leonard made other deals with two junkmen. Gene and Elaine came at 7 P.M. on their way home. William has started haying and Rolla helped today. The boys help when they can.

July 5: Tuesday. 75� - 10 A.M. Gair. 82� - 6 P.M. Rev. L. Caldwell. The change that comes in a life when Jesus touches it. Ps. 23. Rev. Carlisle. How well acquainted with God are you? This is life eternal to know Him. 818 casualties over the Fourth weekend. The drought over the country continues. Doris did her usual large washing. William worked in the hayfield. Cooler today. I got my little meals as usual. Leonard worked til 9 P.M. Rolla had a busy day. Shirley and Joan helped Doris.

July 6: Wednesday 72� A.M. 3 P.M. sprinkles 71� - 6 P.M. Rev. Lyle Caldwell, Ps. 90. A walk by the St. Lawrence with its permanence, turns thoughts to the lasting power of purity & goodness. Rev. Carlisle, Ps. 46. Commune, serve and work with God. He gives strength, wisdom, companionship and peace. Joan brought me blackcaps she and Shirley picked. Heard Dr. Claxton, ""Spiritual resources."" Doris and the girls went to Watertown. I sent for a supply of groceries. Promises, Isaiah 54:11-17, Jer. 31:31. Leonard sold a pickup truck through Mr. Phelps for the R. S. Bickley farms.

July 7: Thursday. 63� A.M. Sunny. 76� Noon. 87� 6 P.M. Rev. Lyle Caldwell: A story of Alex. Bay castle. It makes a difference what we believe and how we use it, about God and fellow man. Upper Room Deut. 8:11-18. May we truly live up to that honorable title: ""Christian Nations."" Grace Noll Crowell. Eddie Evans was found dead in bed one year ago today. My dear father passed away 19 years ago today. Rec''d a card from Elaine and one from Ross Hill, Ft. Myer, Va. Ford Gordon rec''d a fractured hip in an auto accident. Rolla took $5,000 insurance from Mr. Phelps.

July 8: Friday - N.E. wind. 87� noon. 90+ - 6 P.M. Rev. Coldwell. ""The International Rift."" In life a barrier or a bridge. Make barriers not bridges - prejudice, pride, fear, indifference. Bert Gilmore helped William in haying. Hay is short and dry on account of lack of rain. No promise of rain from the weatherman. Hazel Ball phoned that they and Buddie''s family were coming tomorrow. Shirley answered the phone. Doris was driving truck for a load of hay. A fire started at the airport but it was quickly extinguished.

July 9: Saturday - 79� 10 A.M. Sunny, 87, Noon. Heard The ninety and nine and other beautiful hymns. Doris and Rolla went after groceries (Watertown). Wm. and Doris went after feed (Limerick). Bert G. helped Wm. Rolla helped in hayfield. Shirley and Joan helped Doris. I received a copy of Dr. Youngs'' radio sermon, ""Wire and Spires."" Rolla went to Dr. Fox for life insurance test and passed. Hazel and Dorcas Ball, Orville, Buddy and Gerald Millar came about 4:30 a.m. stayed until 8:30. Doris had them for supper. They brought us chocolates.

July 10: Sunday - 65� - 9 A.M. 78� - 6 P.M. Rev. Dr. Bruin, Brooklyn, ""Thirst for God."" Matt. 7:18-29, Psalm 42:1-2. Religion is life itself controled by God, for us and for the world. Turn your life over to Christ. ""I will build me a nest in the greatness of God."" A good sermon. A quiet day for all of us. Wrote cards to Elaine & Gene, Ross Hill and Rowena Peterson and a note to Mr. & Mrs. Pond. Had a two hours rain last night that did some good. I would like to have gone to see Earl if I felt stronger. Phoned to Helen and had a little visit, also to Gladys Campbell and talked to Martha.

July 11: Monday - 60� Fine. 82� Noon. 83� - 6 P.M. Rev. McPherson, Luke 22:54 - Peter followed afar off. A danger (?) in lagging behind. Still He calls us o''er the tumult. Rev. Johns, 1st Baptist, !! Tim. 2:1-15. Be strong in the grace of Christ. We cannot play the game of life unless we know the rules. Doris and Shirley did some cleaning in my chambers, washing curtains, etc. Bert G. helped Wm. in haying. Frederic Liddy, 51, was instantly killed when a train struck a state dept. truck near Theresa. He was a truck passenger on his way to a highway job.

July 12: Tuesday - 70� Sunny, 9 A.M. 84� Noon. 88� - 6 P.M. Rev. H. C. Johns, Luke 11:14-23 ""Let our ordered lives confess."" The beauty of Thy peace. Gather not scatter. A right motive brings results. Rev. McPherson, Transforming power of Christ. Dr. Wesley Megoff, ""Listening in the Silence."" A prayer and song for Elsie Dick who founded ""Faith in our Time"" was killed in a plance crash enroute to Bombay. 46 on plane among them 14 reporters from U.S. Doris, Shirley & Joan went to W-. Bert G helped Wm. in haying. Ford Gordon passed away this A.M. from injuries received in a car collision. Mrs. Douglas brought red raspberries. Phoned to Mabel Fulton and Mrs. DiFlorio. Wm., Doris and girls went to a movie.

July 13: Wednesday - 71� - 10 A.M. Fair, some breeze. 87 - 6 P.M. Rev. McPherson. John 17. A christian is one who knows Christ. Rev. Johns, Phil 2:1-13. The reservoirs of life never tapped. Christ the key to unlock them. ""Faith in our Times."" Strength for today. Dr. Claxton. Do not bow to fear or jealousy or worry. Peace found in a deep religious faith. Funeral services for Fred Liddy were held in First Methodist church at 2 P.M., Rev. Barber Waters and Rev. Anthony officiating. Gladys Campbell phoned to me from Martha''s. She is coming over before long. William, Doris and the boys were tired.

July 14: Thursday - 72� - A.M. 80� Noon. Rev. McPherson, Luke 8:22 - Where is your faith? Call on Christ to still the tempests in your life. Rev. Kenneth Jones, Dexter. Martha, ""One thing is needful!"" Spiritual development - the priceless flower. Our well went dry last night, but came in for today''s needs. Richard Johnson, 2-1/2, Dexter, grandchild of Pauline Johnson also Max Doane, was killed by a school bus driven by Max Doane. Leonard sold seven trucks to a firm in Adams to be delivered two a month. Dr. DiFlorio has gone to a missionary conf. at Silver Bay. He will be there for a week.

July 15: Friday -78� - Sunny, 10 A.M. 88� Noon, 90� - 6 P.M. Rev. McPherson, Isaias 1:18. An indictment -- a pardon. Rev. K. Jones. Romans 5:1-5. We ought to glory in our troubles. They produce endurance, love, courage. Rabbi Hannis? Power means responsibility -- use it wisely. 1 out of two in U.S. church member. P.M. signifies ""Past Meridiem."" (?) The N. Y. Freedom Train is in Watertown for three days. St. Swithen''s Day, 862, rained. Rolla signed up as a N. Y. State civil engineer and will receive a certificate. Mrs. DiFlorio and Minnie Wright came in the evening. Had a nice visit.

July 16: Saturday - 80� Sunny, 10 A.M. 94� Noon. 95� - 6 P.M. Rev. Kenneth Jones. Ps. 37:5. ""Stop trying and trust."" Rev. Roy Smith. Commit thy way -- He shall bring it to pass. The promise is sure. Rolla bought a maroon 1940 Ford car of Earl Dwyer and will bring it home soon. Harry and Wilma Schweitzer have a son, Reginald John, July 14th. Gene and Elaine came about 7 P.M. They are looking fine. They brought snapshots of their Waterville apartment. Rec''d card from Dr. DiFlorio from Silver Bay conference. Rolla and Fred F went to Clayton in the evening and brought home his new car.

July 17: Sunday - 77� - 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. Hope for rain. Read a sermon given Jan. 23 by Rev. Rob''t W. Youngs. Sub. The ""Oughtness"" of life, Acts. 5:29. Leonard, Gene and Bert G. spent most of the day fishing Three Mile Bay way. Rolla took the rest of the family for a ride in his new car. Fred Fields came. Elaine enjoyed the day here with folks and me. She helped prepare a good supper for their family. I got my meals, etc. and enjoyed the day. Wilfred Chapman came. Mr. & Mrs. Pond spent the weekend at Cortland. Fred Snyder died at 9:30 this A.M.

July 18: Monday - Early, nice rain. 71� Noon, Fair. 78� - 6 P.M. Rev. Moffatt, Matt. 15. What Christ gives - love, faith, kindness, spiritual achievement, prayer, sympathy, eternal life. A. Leslie Potter, Matt. 13:24. The kingdom, small beginning, great growth, fruit of life. Dr. C. M. Crow, Cooperation through compromise. Do unto others, etc. Wm. and Doris, Shirley and Joan went to W- shopping, etc. Rec''d a nice letter from Ross Hill. Sent birthday card to Sally Hynes. Rolla drove his new car to work and overtown in the evening and enjoys it. We have been hoping for more rain.

July 19: Tuesday - 80� 10 A.M, Sunny. 83� Noon. 94� - 6 P.M. Rev. Moffatt. Luke 6. A new idea - love for hate, racial equality, brotherhood. Rev. Leslie Potter. The growth of the kingdom, gently till all the world receives it. You (we) can daily do your (our) part. Funeral services for Fred Snyder, 69, were held at the home, 2:30 P.M. Wm., Doris, Shirley and Joan went to Walt Farmers this P.M. Bert G. mowed grain to be used as hay for the cows. Rec''d nice letter from Helen with letter from Rowena enclosed. Helen invited me to visit them some P.M. but cannot tell. Hope to go a little this summer.

July 20: Wednesday - 75� - 9 A.M. - 91� - 6 P.M. Rev. Moffatt. Ps. 23. Old and new fashioned ideas in life and religion. Jesus can change. Rev. A. L. Pottter. Have confidence in the beginnings of christian work. Matt. 5:13. The light of the world. Let ""salt"" & ""light"" never fail. Wm. and Doris went to City. Bert G. mowed grain. Leonard sold four trucks yesterday -- took one to Copenhagen tonight. I wrote cards to Dell and Myrtle, Harold and Della, and to Susie to get Edward''s European address. Rolla had a good day at the shop and went to see Fred Fields, evening.

July 21: Thursday - 72� 8:30 A.M., Sunny. 80� - 6 P.M. Rev. Moffatt. Choice bits of prose and poety, original with music. Love, sympathy, beauty - Good. Rev. Rose. Ezekiel 47. The river a symbol of salvation, the presence of God, deepen channels. Rec''d a nice letter from Mrs. B. G. Miller, Folts Home. Everything has been going about as usual with the family here and with me. Shirley brought huckleberry pie for my dinner. Joan is reviewing her piano exercises. The North Atlantic Pact was ratified by the Senate today. Pres. asks for 1-1/2 billion for arms to Europe.

July 22: Friday - 76� Cloudy, 10 A.M. Rev. Moffatt. Music, pipe organ and original choice poetry and prayers. God in nature and relations with our fellow men. Rev. L. E. Rose. Isaiah 35. A road maker. We are making tracks straight or crooked. What kind? Someone is following us. Christ the way. Looked like rain but cleared away. Wm. and Bert went after dinner to Ethel Peck''s new apartment for a bed, bedding, etc. she gave Doris. Rolla has an ad in The Times for his Ford coupe. He has had chances to sell it but hopes to get a cash sale. Pres. delayed asking for the 1-1/2 million (?).

July 23: Saturday - 65� Sunny, A.M. 83�, Noon. Rev. Rose. Matt. 25:1-13. Lights. Empty profession, pride, false teaching are empty lamps. ""O Light that follows all my way."" A cool, quiet day. Bert G. mowed grain. Rolla helped Wm. and polished his cars. Shirley and Joan also busy. Doris went with Leonard for a supply of groceries. I just got my little meals. Wm. and Doris went to Dry Hill in the evening. Fred Fields came. Rolla made coffee and I had a cup of it. Shirley and Joan here. Helen Walrath phoned to me.

July 24: Sunday - Cooler, Fair. 83� - 6 P.M. Upper Room. Proverbs 14:33. To understand is to forgive. Old French Proverb. Harriet M. Woolslair (?), Florida. Wm. and I went to church. A beautiful service. Dr. DiFlorio spoke on the Silver Bay Missionary Conf. which he attended a week as a delegate. 300+ attended. Hazel Gould is at Ina''s and I saw her at church. It seemed grand to go. Wm. and Doris were away in the evening. Rolla went over after ice cream and treated Shirley, Joan and me.

July 25: Monday - 3/4 in. rain fell, early morning. 78� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wm. Burton, Baptist, Adams. ""The Wrong Bus,"" leads to the wrong destination. Have a great goal, take the right way to reach it. Look up and laugh and love & lift. This is Shirley''s 12th birthday. She is a lovely girl. She received gifts from all of us and Elaine. Special eats were roast beef, brown gravy, huckleberry pie, jello and birthday banana cake in which I shared. They went to Watertown, P.M. Leonard brought home a large truck with rack to take to Syracuse in the morning.

July 26: Tuesday - 70� Sunny. Rev. Wm. Burton, Adams, Baptist. A restless world seeks the aid of material things to find happiness. True rest is in God. Upper Room: Prov. 23:7. Dwight L. Moody said, ""Character is what a man is in the dark."" John Hess, Ohio. Leonard went to Syracuse with a nice truck - 6:30 A.M. I wrote postcards to Mabel F., Lulu S. and Ross Hill, Ft. Myer. Mabel phoned to me later. Rev. Dr. & Mrs. DiFlorio are vacationing at Anita''s, Wash. Left for Syracuse Sunday eve and Monday morning left for the trip to Anita''s.

July 27: Wednesday - 85� Humid, 10 A.M. - 90� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wm. Burton. The power of choice is ours. Chose well. Results follow for all of us. Results are color and creed blind. Upper Room, Matt 5:5, Blessed are the kind, they shall inherit. Never too busy to be kind. Jesus had gentle manners. E. Dixon, Wisc. A short rain came at 6 A.M. Bert G. is here helping grain harvest. Rev. Allen G. Claxton, New York, Advertising The Bible, the message, Fine. Rec''d a letter from Lulu Scott and Elaine wrote a card to the family. She has given up the office work.

July 28: Thursday - 81� Fair. 90� Noon. 88� - 6 P.M. Rev. Burton, Doing more than is required. Life in two parts, required and voluntary. Honor lies in doing more than our part. Rev. Merritt Updike. Matt. 16:13 -- The faith we need. A personal faith, a costly faith, lay the reward. The mail brought me a nice dress that Elaine made for me. It is very pretty and well made. Elaine and Gene have vacation next week. Leonard sold a truck yesterday, also a tractor and delivered a truck today at Ogdensburg. Wm. brought long black (berries) and sent me a dish of them for supper. Leonard bought a fine 41 Buick car, delivered tonight.

July 29: Friday - 10 A.M., 83� - Humid 90� - 6 P.M. Rev. W. F. Burton. Developing the inner life. Listen for the still voice. Fellowhip for mutual help and services. Rev. M. W. Updyke. Heb. 11: 8-10. An adventurous faith. Heb. 2:1-4. A patient faith. The just shall live by faith. Rabbi Pettit. How rich are thou? ""Family friends, good name, peace."" I copied the songs, words and music that I wrote for the Happy Thought class years ago. Title, ""As the Days Go By."" Joan brought me blackberry pie. Leonard came to tell me of the successful week he has had selling trucks.

July 30: Saturday. 77� Humid. Noon, 91� - 6 P.M. 88� Rev. Updike. James 2:14 -- A fruitful and a winsome faith. Acts 6. They could not resist. God. ""A comradship of kindred hearts"" Doris and Rolla went to W- after groceries. Wm. and Bert G. drew grain, stored it with hay for cows. Shirley and Joan helped in the house and outside, calves, pigs, etc. Leonard has been at the office. Henry & Marjorie Roacher and family came for a picnic supper on William''s lawn.

July 31: Sunday - Cooler, A.M. Cool evening. Rev. Dr. Judd. A great soul is the highest achievement. Physical, mental, spiritual light is ours. Matt. 6. Light, that we may reach God''s ideal. Dr. Judd also gave a talk about Folts Home. He spoke at Asbury. Ernest Cook spoke in our church. Dr. & Mrs. DiFlorio are in Washington, I expect. Wrote a card to Elaine. Leonard brought me watermelon and one of his I.H.C. cards. William and Doris went to Fred Schweitzer''s in the evening. nbsp

August 1: Monday - 77� Sunny, 10 A.M. Seems cool. 88� - 6 P.M. Dr. Wheedon. Romans 15:1. Lessons from the Apoclypha (hidden) sacred literature. The bridge between the Testaments. Rev. Bottoms, Isa. 15 - John 14. A call to consecrated living, thereby receiving God''s help. Upper Room. Matt. 6:19-21, ""Treasures."" Life is the childhood of immortality. Goethe. Laurel Norris, N.M. Wm. went to the stockyard. Doris to the bank, etc. Shirley and Joan went, too. Shirley got a new dress with her birthday money from Leonard. He sold a $3400 truck.

August 2: Tuesday - 76� - 9 A.M. 87� - 6 P.M. Dr. Wheedon. The Apocrypha''s 14 books or parts of Bible books. Supplementary & worshipful. Baptist church, Adams Center. Evangelistic songs - young folks. John 3:7. Ye must be born again. ""Reach the youth with the truth."" Rec''d a nice letter from Helen Walrath. Rose is coming tomorrow. Susie Chapman wrote and sent me Edward''s overseas address and I have begun a birthday letter to him. He will be 21 Aug. 17th and is a marine with U.S.S. Coral Sea in the Mediterranean area.

August 3: Wednesday - 78� - 9 P.M. 84� - 6 P.M. Dr. Wheedon (unclear location, Sulion ?) ""The wisdom of Jesus."" The Eccleastics - right living. Proverb -- The beauty of wisdom. Hymn: Jesus the very thought of Thee. Taken from the Apocrypha. Rev. Bottoms. ""The Beatitudes."" The upward road. The golden rule. Gene and Elaine came to Gene''s folk''s last eve and over here this morning. They left after dinner to spend a day or two in Canada. Wm. had 900+ gals of water drawn from W-town for the cows. Rec''d letters from Mrs. Pond and Ross Hill. Leonard went to Stony Point with a truck.

August 4: Thursday - 77� - 9 A.M. 90� Noon and 6 P.M. Rev. W. H. Wheedon. Apocryaphy (unclear). Insights into the period between the Testaments. Upper Room, John 14:2. I go to prepare -- 1 Cor. 2:9. The secrets of the Divine. This has been a quiet day. I prepared my meals and re-arranged my little sanctuary around the radio. Doris washed and ironed. Wm. brought water from B-. Gene and Elaine came back about 8 P.M. They went to Canada by way of Ogdensburg and the ferry and took an extended trip that they enjoyed as part of their vacation. nbsp

August 5: Friday - 80� - 10 A.M., Fair 89� - 6 P.M. Dr. Wheedon. Apocryphy (?). The words of wisdom, The gem of the Apocraphy includes love. man immortal, trust, praise. U.R. 1 Cor. 15:53. Immortality is a fact of life as truly as are birth and death. Amos Boren, Ind. Faith is our Time. Russel Pettit. Progress hindered by pride and prejudice, furthered by sympathy and love. Blessed -- peacemakers. Gene and Elaine went fishing after dinner and came home about 7:30. Later they went to Mrs. Pond''s for the night and tomorrow. People came looking at Leonard''s and Rolla''s old cars.

August 6: Saturday - 83� - 10 A.M. 92� - 6 P.M. Upper Room. Keep looking upward and forward to that life beyond this earthly one. Rev. 21:4, Geo.Gaines, Ill. Earthquake in Equador took 640 lives. Leonard went to Stony Point with a truck I think. Rolla home today. Weather continues hot--no rain. Wm. fed cows grain and hay. Beryl and Lew came in their new car, a 1949 Ford. They took Wm., Doris, and the girls for a little ride. Harold came too. Gene and Elaine came in the late evening to stay until tomorrow.

August 7: Sunday - Fine summer day. 93� - 6 P.M. Rev. A. Leslie Potter. Matt 7:7. Asking the hearts sincere desire. Many times we get what we ""ask for."" Kindness brings friendliness. Dr. Youngs. The Bonny Briar Buck. Speak a good word for Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? The Son of the living God. In scriptology, hymnology, worship, personality, peer in excellence. Gene and Elaine came in for a little visit before they left at 11:30 for Mrs. Pond''s for dinner and then for Waterville. Ruth and Walt are at Mrs. Pond''s. They came in their new Buick, also Steve and Ernie. Rolla has sold his Coupe to Donald Cain. Doris made fudge.

August 8: Monday - 74� - 9 A.M. 83� Noon. Near 90 - 6 P.M. Rev. H. Barnard. The report of these Spies. Have an open mind, fair judgement, a responsive note to good. Rev. Leland Frye. Luke 15:1-- ""Knowing God, as a light to guide a friend, a Saviour."" Wm., Doris, Shirley and Joan went to Watertown, to the bank and for our groceries. Wm. ordered 960 more gallons of water drawn for the stock. 14th day of heat. Rain is needed. Doris got Isslex (?) containing Lindane for a house and barn spray and it is effective. $3.60 per quart can of powder. They say only the G.L.F. carries it.

August 9: Tuesday - 77� - 9 A.M. Sunny. 90� Noon. 96� - 6 P.M. Rev. Barnard (Carthage). Judging the value of things we deal with. Seek ye first --. Keep your tongue and temper. Make a wise decision. Rev. Frye (Brownville), Luke 12. Knowing God by talking with Him. Be still, and let God talk to you. Wrote a card to Earl Hall. Glenn Reasoner has a fractured hip and injured shoulder from a kick from a horse. Mrs. Miles Hutchinson funeral at the Bellville church today. Rec''d from Doris Hunter Mauck a thank you note, snapshot and printed clipping account of her wedding at Delaware, Ohio Methodist church. They go to Boston in Sept. where he will attend Yale Theological University.

August 10: Wednesday - 79� - 9 A.M. 93� noon. 90� - 6 P.M. Rev. Barnard, Carthage. Knowing God through facts, reasoning. Use your God given powers. Rev. Frye, Brownville, Luke 10:21 -- Knowing God through a growing friendship found in party by worship together. The news today is that Rosamond phoned she is going to be married. William answered the call. This is Ex-Pres. Hoover''s 75th birthday. He gave a radio address as a part of the Calif. celebration. I failed to hear it. Rain came about 8 P.M. but was for only a few minutes. Whole eastern U.S. is in need of rain.

August 11: Thursday - 78� - 9 A.M. Rev. Harold Barnard. 1st and 2nd commandments. The spirit within is more important than outward appearance. Good. Rev. Wm. Hunter, Thousand Islands. ""Jesus, Saviour, Pilot -- Me."" ""Rock of Ages,"" Ps. 119: 161-168. A spiritual state. Peace, in knowing, living, loving. God''s law. ""Great peace have they who love Thy law."" A good meditation. Wm. sold a cow and a bull for $285.00. They went to Watertown and I went to Earl Hall''s and enjoyed it. Millie W. came in and talked with Mrs. DiFlorio on the phone. Helen and Rose are at a cottage. Mabel and Hi came to see me in the evening. Had a nice visit.

August 12: Friday - 73 - 9 P.M. Rev. Barnard (Carthage). ""O Jesus I have promised."" A common everyday faith demands an application of sincere lising. Great good can come from each faith. Rev. Hunter, T.I. Park. Psalm 23. Psalm of beauty, divine guidance, provision for needs, safety. A little rain came in the night. It is cooler today. The new principal for B.G.P.H.S., John Pillette, Baldwinsville, has come but the people are working to keep Mr. Yackel. Dr. and Mrs. DiFlorio came to see me. They also went to Wm''s where they accepted a supper invitation. Had a heart attack, evening.

August 13: Saturday - 72� A.M. -- About 80� P.M. Rev. W. M. Hunter. 1 Cor. 2:1-8. Chimes of St. Nicholas, Amsterdam. Life seems to make no music but influence goes out. Listen to the harmony of the divine symphony which is for all. Wm., Doris, Shirley, Joan went with Rolla to see Elaine & Gene about 8:30 A.M. Bert Gilmore is staying here. Leonard came home to dinner, supper and evening. Mrs. Di Florio came at 1:30 and stayed until 6:30. She brought supper for herself and me. Very nice. Wm.''s folks came home at 11 P.M. Gene and Elaine came too.

August 14: Sunday - A little cooler - early - 94� - 6 P.M. Rev. Roger Williams, Lowville, at Asbury. The Watertown fire in 1849. The building of State St. Methodist church in 1850. Christ''s law is the law of love, continue in it with courage and perseverance. Leonard, Gene and Bert G went fishing at 3 Mile Bay. Gave the fish to Bert. Elaine was here until 7 P.M. when she and Gene went to see Mrs. Pond who is ill with muscular rheumatism, then they returned to Waterville. Dr. DiFlorio''s subject was ""The heart of the nation.""

August 15: Monday - Cool, 76� - A nice day. Rev. Rose, Sacket Harbor. Luke 10. The Jerico road of life. Go upward That was 21 mi. 1 mile descent. May we meet and be good samaritans. Rev. Roger Costen (?), B. River, Gal. 1. Comprehend infinite values, not self-minded. Seek the way of Calvary. Wm., Doris and the girls went to Watertown in P.M. Wm., McAdam, 84, Glen Park, has passed away (May''s husband). V-J parade in Watertown tonight at 7 P.M. Many places throughout the nation are celebrating. I hope and believe peaceful world relations are coming nearer.

August 16: Tuesday - 60� - 8:30 Fine day. 80 - 6 P.M. Rev. Rose, II Peter 3:8-18. A small Japanese tree. Small christians, dwarfed by disuse, self seeking, lack of nourishment. Black River Baptist. 1 Thess. 4, 14-18. Christ is coming again. Look up, your redemption draweth nigh. ""Do you live so close to heaven that a breath would waft you there?"" Upper Room, ""Spiritual strength can come to us in quiet moments."" Ps. 46. Lorne James Henry (Toronto). Wm. had water drawn for cows. They bought a single bed for Leonard. Leonard went to Syracuse yesterday and Chaumont today on I.H.C. business. Rolla and Eric Farr went to the Lowville Fair in the evening.

Augus 17: Wednesday - 73� - 9 A.M. 78� Noon. 81� - 6 P.M. Rev. L. E. Rose, Rom. 8:18-30. See v. 28. All things work together for good. Life, a woven pattern, we wear. Rev. Roger Caston, B. River, John 3:13-16. The miniature Bible, v. 16. Neglect not to accept this offer. The choice is ours for time and eternity. Great gift, great love, great reward. Upper Room. Matt. 6:25-30. God was the first to ""Say it with flowers."" Wm. Swales (Penna.). This is Leonard''s 21st birthday. Fine young man. Doris had a nice supper and birthday cake and sent some to me. The family remembered him with gifts. I wrote to Glenn Reasoner, Hotel Dier Hospital, Kingston, Can.

August 18: Thursday. Nice rain, A.M. 67� Noon. 71� - 6 P.M. Upper Room, John 15. As a beautiful peach blossom in a vase cannot bear fruit of itself, so our lives cannot be fruitful without Christ''s strength. T. Baker (Maryland). A nice quiet rain in the early morning and today will help our water supply and perhaps feed for the cows. We are glad. Wm. and Doris went to a sale of furniture, antiques at Sackett''s Harbor last eve at the old Stearnes house. It is to be used for an Am. Legion home. 2000 at auction. Wm. bought books on electricity.

August 19: Friday - 67� - 9 A.M. 71� - 6 P.M. Rev. Rose (Sackets). Ps. 1, Rev. 22:2. Trees. The redwoods. Edgar Guest, ""The Oak."" I heard God here. ""Sturdy, strong, beauty. He shall be like a tree."" Edward Markley. ""Make me like a tree."" Song, ""come to the garden."" Mrs. Rose. Upper Room. Acts 16:25, Ps. 121. It takes faith to sing ""in the night"" of trouble, Clyde Pearce, Ind. Wm., Doris and girls went to Johnny''s Stand for peaches and pears to can. Rec''d a nice letter from Mabel Fulton. Wrote to Doris Hunter Mauck, Columbus. Jack, Grace and David Lenz came. Nice visit with Grace. Rosamond phoned she is getting married.

August 20: Saturday - 53� - 9 A.M. 70� - 10 A.M. 77 - 6 P.M. Upper Room. Rom. 8:35-39 ""Life''s richest blessings come when we have been wounded and scarred in the battle of living."" Lester Hooks, Ariz. Rosamond Hynes and Hugh McGuire were married at 8:30 last evening by Chief Justice Henry Kimball at Sacketts Harbor. They left by plane from Syracuse for Forestport, L.I. where he resides. He is sales manager for the J. B. Wise Co., Watertown. Wm. bought a welch shephard, 1 year old dog of Mr. Vincent (barber). Its name is Tippe. Rosamond and husband went to Cape Cod, Mass. for honeymoon.

August 21: Sunday - 53� early. A beautiful day. 80� Noon and 6 P.M. Asbury Rev. Dr. Weldon Crosland, Rochester. Story. Two lakes. One has an outlet. Exodus 3. ""Holy ground is wherever we meet God. Every common bush aflame with God."" God gives beside our pilgram way. A burning bush for every day, when you pray, listen, wait. One answer: ""Sure, go and get it."" Tune in to God''s love, holy ground. The burning bush of helping others. A quiet but nice day. Got my meals and rested and the rest did the same. Hi and Mabel may go to Wilna old home picnicking at the Park. Ruth & Walter Farmer came to Williams and I saw them also.

August 22: Monday - 75� - 10 P.M. Very nice day. Rev. Haworth, Theresa, Eccl. 6. What a comfort to have a friend who understands us. Such a perfect friend is Christ. Jack Lane is cutting corn for William, using his tractor and our binder. The Jeff. Co. Fair, 127th, opens today. Our folks like Tippie. He is good looking, friendly and useful. Upper Room, Matt. 4:19. ""Follow me"" ...See Aug. 22, Herbert Hahn, Mass....faith- fully, all the days. Wrote cards to Hazel Gould and Mrs. B. G. Miller. Rolla received his civil service membership employer (sic) card from the state dept. and has it on his windshield. He will receive an emblem.

August 23: Tuesday - Rev. F. F. Haworth, St. James Ch., Theresa (Fine). Habakkuk Cap. 1 & 2. Sometimes we doubt. We grow by the test of our faith. Reconcile faith and experience. God gave him vision. The earth shall be filled with -- God. Wrote a letter to Mabel. It is a year, 28th, since Nellie died. The binder broke and Wm., Doris and girls went to W- to have welding done. Wm. and Jack Lane cut corn in the after- noon. Leonard went to Jeff. Co. fair last eve and says it was good. Rec''d a card from Harold Peck who with Richard is taking a trip in New England.

August 24: Wednesday - 70� - 10 A.M. - N.E. wind. 83� - 6 P.M. Rev. Frederick Haworth, John 16:23 - Whatsoever--in my name. The essence of prayer-- in His name. The glorification of Christ is our task revealing Him to all. Upper Room, Matt. 6:33. The soul is created for things which lie out beyond the range of time. The Divine calls for the hum(?). Cyril M. Jackson, Delaware. A thunder storm early this morning destroyed Freddie Cassell''s barn. Rain delayed corn cutting until P.M. Doris, Shirley and Joan went to the Fair in the afternoon. Dexter grange had a good booth, an airport, indian relics, etc. Wm. and Eric went to Avon.

August 25: Thursday - 73� - 10 A.M. Sunny. 83� - 6 P.M. Rev. F. Haworth, Theresa. Matt. 25:14. Stewardship. We each have a center around which we revolve. We were created to serve God whom to serve is perfect freedom. Rev. Henry Briggs, Clayton. Psalm 19:2, 14. A beautiful verse -- to know the way and keep it. Keep thy words -- ""a lovely word may heal and bless."" William and Bert G. are cutting corn and Doris is getting ready for silo fillers tomorrow. I am getting my view of the Jeff. Co. Fair by radio. They call it good. All of our folks have attended except Wm. but all home tonight. Pleasant day for me. Thank you heavenly father.

August 26: Friday - 79� - 10 A.M. Sunny - 90� - 6 P.M. Rev. F. Haworth, Theresa, Isaiah 56:6. ""The Word of God"" acts to reveal Him, to counsel, to call us. The word became incarnate. It goes out & shall not be void. Rev. Henry Briggs, Clayton. Ps. 23. Our hearts say with David. God is good. He meets our needs. He restoreth, anointeth a full cup."" Wm. is filling silo. Doris had 17 in all for dinner. Beryl came to help her. They placed me a plate of dinner with Doris, Beryl and the girls. The silo (blank). Mabel phoned to ask me to go for a ride Sun. P.M.

August 27: Saturday - 76� - 9 A.M. Sunny 91� - 6 P.M. Rev. Henry Briggs. Truth is golden coin with the image of God stamped upon it and it circulates throughout the world. Be thoroughly genuine & sincere. The soul that steers by this need never (sic) other compass. Good. Garden Gate. ""It is just a murmur. I hear it everywhere. God is on the hillside, and Nature is at prayer."" William and Rolla helped Jack Lane fill silo. Doris and the girls looked after things here. Elaine wrote an interesting card. Gene has a new manager, G.L.F. Leonard did most of our milking tonight. Rolla had 4 punctured tires at Jack Lane''s.

August 28: Sunday - Cloudy 80� Noon. 83� - 6 P.M. John Foster Dulles. The influence of religion in world affairs. 1st Pres. church. Learned by experience that without common religious beliefs there is no world peace. There are those who regard highly human personality. Let us restore to the world a sense of spiritual values. Fine. Hi and Mabel took gladiolus to church in memory of Nellie Ford who passed away one year ago today. In the P.M. they came for me and took them to her grave at Great Bend. Leonard took Eva Rodvotis (?) to a ball game at Cape V. yesterday P.M.

August 29: Monday - 66� - 9 A.M. Nice rain. 68� - 6 P.M. Wm. Mill Hunter, T.I. Park. Col. 1:15. The christian and the world. The world belongs to the christian. Strength is from within the heart. Rejoice in it. J. W. Warren, Field Sec. 1 Cor. 13. Phil. 1:9-13. Love, obedience, knowledge make a true christian life. O love that will not let me go. Kate Smith, Happiness must be found in loving and giving and follow(ing) precepts of our Creator. Had a fine, helpful rain. Wm., Doris and girls went to Watertown. Had string beans from Mabel. Leonard has sold 14 trucks IHC this month. The girls have new shoes, etc. for fall. Leonard went to Utica after a truck.

August 30: Tuesday - 64� - 8 A.M. Fair 72� - 6 P.M. Rev. W. M. Hunter, T. Is., 1 Cor: 2:6. The christian and the world. The christian should present to the world the message that is in his heart. Rev. J. W. Warren, Field Sec., Meth. church, Matt. 25:31-41, Isaiah 59:1. The Lord''s hand is not shortened. His hand comes through others and we can be His hand. The compensation board met Rolla at the county house and examined his injured arm and judged it in good condition. They only pay expenses and part of his wages. Doris went with him. Leonard sold a truck to J. Rogers. Wrote cards to Mabel, Lulu, and Mrs. Pond. Leonard sold his Ford car.

August 31: Wednesday - 68� - 9 A.M. 73� - 6 P.M. Rev. W. M. Hunter, Alex. Bay T. I. church. Eph. 1. If you are a christian be sure you are not living like the world. Find happiness in God. Rev. John W. Warren, 1 Tim. 1:19. The spiritual life is a voyage. No storms can shipwreck us if we have the right anchor. Do not be over confident nor neglect caution. Have a goal. ""Jesus, Saviour, pilot me."" The 83rd and last encampment of the G.A.R. was at Indianapolis. Six present all over 100 yrs. old. Rolla brought home a bushel of peas and Leonard muskmelons. Doris brought a piece to me. Wrote a good wishes letter to Rosamond and a birthday card to Harold Peck, card to Helen W.

September 1: Thursday - 68� - 9 A.M. 66� Noon. 59� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wm. Hunter, Eph 5:6-19. Understand the will of God. Seek to overcome evil with good not by unkindness. Rev. Stoddard, Clayton Luke 6:12. ""Jesus alone."" With the Father he gained wisdom and strength. Let us find it in the same way. This is the 10th anniversary of the beginning of world war II and 4th anniv. of its end. Thunderstorm came last night. Today is quite cool and windy. The State Dept. gave Rolla two rubber tractor tires. Fred Fields was here during last night''s thunderstorm. Senate passed the 75 cent minimum hour wage and adjourned.

September 2: Friday - 64� - 10 A.M. Sunny. R. W. M. Hunter, Col. 4.6 Christians must so live as to make it attractive. I must be all things to all men that I may by all means win some. A christian shares his Christ. Rev. C. Stoddard, Luke 19:15. ""Jesus and His friends."" Those he could help, His disciples and all of us. ""I''ve found a friend, forever and forever."" The wind is cold. Sun warms up. ""There is infinite power to overcome -- possibilities of a good life with inner reserve."" Rabbi L. Visky. This is the 6th anniversary of the Japanese treaty of surrender. Put in 54 gal. of kerosine at .154. Doris has been baking for the Labor Day weekend.

September 3: Saturday - 73� - 10 A.M. Sunny - 6 P.M. Fine. Rev. C. Stoddard, Clayton, Jesus and his enemies. Calm and composed before Pilate. Kind to Judas in the garden. Forviging on the cross. May God help us to be like our Master. Good. Old Gardner ""Come out into the garden--Put your hands in the soil--Touch the hand of God."" Rolla and Doris went for eats. Wm. helped fill silo in the P.M. at the Gonseth farm. It is a beautiful fall day. 8:30 P.M. We haven''t heard anything from Gene & Elaine tonight. Wm. and Doris have gone away for the evening. Rolla, Shirley and Joan are here.

September 4: Sunday - Cool. Fine. 83� Noon. Dr. McClung, Asbury, Judges 16:21-31. Text. 1 Cor. 10-24. ""Sampson''s folly."" Labor day sermon. Blind standards may pull down christian civilization. The welfare of us all should be the aim. One for all, all for one. Appreciate the benefits given us. Christ''s principles give abiding foundations. ""Get together"" now and work to win the world. William and Doris went to see Rosamond last evening and met her husband. Today (10:40 A.M.) Leonard took Wm., Doris, Shirley and Joan to Tupper Lake for a day''s trip. Gene, Elaine, Steve & Ernie came to Mrs. Pond''s last eve and came here tonight. Dr. DiFlorio came, also Cora and Pearl Congdon.

September 5: Monday - Rainy morning 75� Noon. 80� - 6 P.M. Choice sacred music and songs were the morning radio devotions. Upper Room. Isaiah 65:2. The need for helping hands. Swen Ljungdahl, Sweden. The morning rain prevented silo filling for neighbors and delayed Labor Day celebrations. Leonard went hunting in the forenoon and Rolla went with Gene, Chuck and Steve. Elaine helped Doris here. She and Gene left about 5:30 after a very nice weekend. Bill Odum (?) (round the world flier) and his plane burned at the Cleveland air (show). 383 casualties, 262 traffic since Fri. night. A record.

September 6: Tuesday - 59� - 10 A.M. Fair & cool. 61� - 6 P.M. Rev. G. Hensley, The Bible teaches us not only how to be good but how to know more of the personality and love of God. 508 casualties, 381 of them traffic -- an ""all high"" record. Shirley and Joan started the fall term of school, 1/2 day. Wm. and Doris went to the bank and for groceries. Boys at work. Shirley May France, Mass., had made within 7 miles of the goal in swimming the English channel, when she was taken from the water because chilled by the cold. Wm. and Doris deep freeze came. They went to vote at primaries. Rosamond and husband came.

September 7: Wednesday - 59� - 10 A.M. Noon. 56 - 6 P.M. ""Helping, loving, laughing, giving, Is what makes life worth the living. Radio: ""Tell your neighbors"" -- ""Faith in our times."" Phila., Dr. Harold H. Phelps, and Paul compared life to a greek foot race. Make progress. Am I still in the race. Progress in spite of handicaps to the imperishable. We like Rosamond''s husband. Doris made ice cream in the deep freeze. Gladys C. came for a two hour visit. She goes back to Farmington. Gladys has a new Plymouth car. Dr. DiFlorio sent a church bulletin and Mrs. Mitchell, a lovely card.

September 8: Thursday - 55 - 9 A.M. Rainy. 6 P.M. Fair, 54�, cool. Rev. Ray S. Cody, Woolworth Memorial. Phil. 3:8-21. On the march or merely marking time. (Good) If we say, Come make a better world, life will echo back, I will. Kate Smith says: If you have a task for duty or pleasure, do it today. Tomorrow is almost as bad as yesterday. Begin now. The last night rain left the weather cold and cloudy. No silo filling today. Wm. (or Leonard''s) winter coal came today (in part) from Weldon. Upper Room, Luke 6:20-31. ""Serve with humility,"" Gurdial Singh, Australia. A pleasant, restful day. I am thankful for family, friends, comforts, and trust for the future.

September 9: Friday - 57� - 10 A.M. - 64� Noon. 68� - 6 P.M. Serve the Lord, not fitfully but in constancy. Rev. Hensley, Adams. Rev. Cody, Great Bend. Memorial Luke 2:12. When leaves turn golden. ""Some may call it nature, Others call it God."" They remind us of death, of harvest, for preparation, the evergreen the same, Christians. Fine. Rain this morning and cool. Wm. and Doris went to W-. They bought another bushel of peaches, also tomatoes, etc. Tonight Doris is making apple and grape jelly like I used to when I was younger and Bert was here to enjoy it with me. Leonard & Rolla are away. Wm. is playing his violin. Shirley reading. Joan playing.

September 10: Saturday - 65� - 10 A.M. 75� Noon. Rev. R. S. Cody. Matt. 18. A story. Taking a child for a walk and to meet God in the garden. First child it was a failure on the part of the leader. The second child, a success because he showed him God along the way. The Gardner. A shut in. Mrs. Stewart, Ala. To a window box. " 'We can be happy just we three.' " There are so many pleasant things. Rolla busy home. Leonard is working. Wm. helping fill silo at next farm. Doris canning, baking, etc. I wrote a birthday letter to Dorcas Ball, got my meals, etc. Mr. Peck wrote about their New England auto trip.

September 11: Sunday - Cool, Sunny. William took me over to church and it was fine. Dr. DiFlorio''s subject was Christian Education. He goes to Syracuse tomorrow for an area conference. Upper Room Ps. 121:1 - Ps. l34:1-8. The stars in the heavens and the trees of earth speak to us of God''s love. Hamaka Hirose, Japan. Allen Flanders came home with us. Harry, Wilma, Ronnie and baby Reginald came. I rested and wrote a card to Hattie Mitchell. Allen may stay awhile to help William with the fall farm work.

September 12: Monday - 66� - 10 A.M. Fair 71� - 6 P.M. Radio. Rev. Harold Niles, Luke 15. The Prodigal''s Welcome Home. Jesus lived with God''s presence and did His will. He taught us to do the same, always. Rev. Cole. The Good Samaritan. Do not censure the thoughtless priest -- but follow the example of the Good Samaritan. Upper Room Mark 8:16. Daily Bread. ""According to our faith,"" I shall not want. Cl. Gutierry Morin, Mexico. Wm. and Allen went to Cape Vincent after Allen''s clothes. Wm. and Doris went to Watertown. Doris made apply jelly and sent a glass to me. It is nice. She also made apricot jelly. Leonard sold a truck Sat. He has gone to midget races tonight.

September 13: Tuesday - 64� Cloudy. 74� Noon. 64� Rainy, 6 P.M. Rev. Dr. Niles. The wisdom of strengthening faith by experience. God never disappointtes. Faith is a fact. Have it. Rev. Cole, Clayton. Who is my neighbor. The Levite looked and passed by on the other side. Excesses. A lovely road -- he might be blamed -- don''t meddle. Many have helped us. Let us remember and help others. The milllion dollar pier at Atlantic City is burning (checked). Wm. and Allen filled silo at Siver''s. Dr. DiFlorio is at area conference at Syracuse Univ. Zone meeting of W.S.C.S. and supper at Bethany Church. Weldon delivered the rest of William''s coal. Doris made fine doughnuts. Joie (Joan) brought one to me. Ruth and Walter Farmer came to William''s evening.

September 14: Wednesday - 62� - 9 A.M. 70� Noon. 64� - 6 P.M. Rev. Niles. How to help others. By the spoken word, a helping hand and a kindly manner. Rev. Cole. There are two thin (unclear) lines that mark the way to eternal life. Love to God and to our fellow men. ""A good Samaritan."" U.R. John 15:7. Tasks, power, guidance, courage. Can He depend on us K. Knielson (Norway). Dr. Foust. The human hand of work, love, power, plans, talent, blessing. Song. The touch of His hand on mine. Weather cleared and Wm. & Allen filled silo at Siver''s. Allen Phillips came for bank books and checks to collect his pay as cemetery caretaker. Frank Robinson has bought the Jim Gilmore farm. Shirley has a new gymsuit and it is neat. It is maroon, bought at school.

September 15: Thursday - 57� - 9 A.M. Showers. 58� - 6 P.M. Dr. Niles, Do justly, love merely, walk humbly. High aim. Good. There are many who do this. Father Coughfield. ""The Angelus. The Offering (ourselves)."" At meals. Morning & evening, ejocula- torial prayers. They bring help. U.R. Life is like a wheel. God is the center. Acts 17:28. Without Him the wheel of life has no hope or meaning. This is Dorcas Ball''s birthday. Rec''d nice card from Gladys C. She drove her new car to Farmington. Allen, Wm. started fall plowing, not work but getting ready. Leonard brought a large canteloupe and I had a slice. Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others. Robert Louis Stevenson.

September 16: Friday - 64� - 19 A.M. Sunny. 69� - 6 P.M. Dr. Niles II Tim. 1. The world''s greatest fellowship -- Worship. To lift, to calm, to cheer, to bless, to help to make a better world. Song. Rest in the Lord my soul. Bring fruit from rain, joy from pain. Rabbi Volisky, A story from the Talmud. An angel''s story of a mountaintop reconciliation (Jerusalem). Let us make our U.S. a holy mount. Doris is enameling a little bed, ivory, and making a mattress for it. Wm. bought several bags of potatoes, 7 bu. at Rodman. I made out cemetery treas. report book. Rec''d a nice letter from Ithaca (M.D.). Joan has a card from Elaine. Our folks, Lew and Beryl went to Smithville to a Fire- man''s doing.

September 17: Saturday - 67� - 10 A.M. 76� - 6 P.M. Upper Room. The security found in God. James 1:12. We seek Phil 3:13-14 for the security found in Him. J. W. Boayre, Liberia. William and Doris went to Watertown for groceries. Allen mopped and swept for me. Did a good job. Doris prepared for Elaine with Shirley & Joan''s help. William has been drawn on jury (trial) convenes, Oct. 3. A large steamer called Norondic the Pride of the Lakes burned at Ottawa. 168 known dead. A shower was held for Hilda Cassell who will marry Eric Farr Oct. 1 in our church.

September 18: Sunday - Rain till 11 A.M. 67� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. The Great Lakes and mighty St. L- are made of tiny drops of water. The great stream of christianity is made of human atoms like you and me. Have faith in its program. A better world. Christianity in the hearts of men. Cooperation and consecration are needed. Rain. Did not get to church to hear Mary Carleton speak and was very sorry. Mrs. Pond is in the hospital for tests and treatment. Gene and Elaine came there this A.M. and helped out. They came here about 4 P.M., had a visit and lunch. Left at 6. The British pound has been lowered to 2.80.

September 19: Monday - 66� A.M. 73� Noon 66� - 6 P.M. Rev. Card, Black R. Luke 10:25. ""There is something in the heart that leads upward."" Rev. S. Kancar. John 6:37. Come. There is One who can help. One able and willing to fulfill. Wm., Doris and Allen went to Watertown. A thunder storm stopped our clock, P.M. I wrote cards to Ross Hill, Gladys Campbell, Mr. Peck, Glenn Reasoner, Kingston Hospital and Mrs. Pond, House of the G.S. Leonard drove home a 24 ton tractor truck to drive to Syracuse tonight. Eric Farr came for Rolla. Doris did cheese checks. I did my little work and enjoyed it. Leonard arrived safely late in the evening.

September 20: Tuesday - 55� - 9 P.M. 57� - 6 P.M. Rev. S. Card. Rom. 12. The great event in history 2000 yrs. ago. Christ came to bring His life to us. Let us accept, help others. Rev. S. Kancar Phillip seeks others. Christ seeks the individual. Let us seek and pass it on. Irma Lota Wylie was married to Merlyn Randall Sat. at Uni- versalist church, Dexter, by Rev. Dr. Niles. Wm. and Doris went to W- after wire. Allen returned and they fixed fence in P.M. Rec''d a fine letter from Helen Walrath. Wrote card to Marion Dengler & Mabel Fulton. The new pres. of the U.N. is Gen. Carlos P. Romula of the Philippines. Rec''d 53 out of 59 votes.

September 21: Wednesday - 56� A.M. 62� - 6 P.M. Rev. S. Card. The greatness of the church, the love of God. Keep up the church, show God''s love. Rev. Kancar, Heb. 9, 27-28. An appointment with death. Be prepared. An appointment with judgment . Seek Christ. An appointment with Calvary. Keep it. College Club, Watertown, Mary Sing-Giu Carleton, teacher at university at Foochow, leader of craft - home, Amoy Fukien. A lowry day. Nothing special doing. Received a nice long letter from Myrtle Adams. Leonard sold a used tractor truck today at a good commission and came in for a little talk.

September 22: Thursday - 56� - 9 A.M. Sunny 67� - 6 P.M. Rev. Card, Black River. Matt. 7:1-12 and Matt: 8-1? and Matt. 5:43-48. You can forget one with whom you have laughed but you cannot forget one with whom you have wept. ""Share."" Dr. McClung, John 14:1-6. I am the way. What is right, what is wrong. Let us learn at first hand from Jesus. A life of tender love. This is the last day of summer. Rev. Father Caufield, Washington. Help others humbly in His name. ""A cup of cold water."" Kate Smith: Money cannot buy God''s presence, forgiveness, heaven. Wm. & D took Allen to Rodman to see about a farmer''s ad for help. Allen came back. May go later if they need him. The grass and trees are still green. Milk production is increased since we have had rains.

September 23: Friday - Autumn 5:04 A.M. A mild day. Rain. 60� - 10 A.M. 50� Noon 55� 6 P.M. Rev. Solomon Card. Isolation or cooperation for ourselves or for the world. The choice and results are ours. Dr. McClung. I am the truth. Jesus'' truths are eternal. He taught and lived the truth in grandeur and simplicity. Live the truth that makes me free. The Jewish New Year comes tonight at the sound of the Ram''s Horn at sundown. A day of peace making & repentance. The Russians have had an atom explosion, as announced by Pres. Truman and the British. Dr. Fox'' mother passed away this morning from coronary occlusion, age 82. The U.N. has had a favorable opening with a friendly talk by Andrei Visinsky, Soviet Foreign Minister.

September 24: Saturday - 48� - 9 A.M. 55� Noon. 54� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. John 14:6. I am the life. Among the greastest words ever uttered. It offers life to all. Christianity is union with Christ. We love Christ by loving others, as He has loved us. Good. ""O Love that will not let me go."" Upper Room. Rom. 14:8 ""Two pastors were threatened. One renounced Christ, one ''preached'' Christ and his life was also spared."" Dsen-Gon Liu, China. The first sad, the second triumphant. William has been putting a side protection on the attic stairs. Jane Wilder is health nurse at the Dexter school. Wm. and Doris went to Watertown and to an auction. Gene and Elaine came about 7:30 P.M. and have gone to the hospital to see Mrs. Pond. They have a new (used) car. It is nice.

September 25: Sunday. Dr. McClung, John 6:48. Jesus the Bread of Life. The sacrament, a sacred symbol. There is power in this spiritual food. We find forgiveness and fellowship with God and men around the world to help. We find God''s presence. Let us show in our eyes (like Bunson) the light of the eternal. Elaine brought a birthday cake for her mother in case she cannot come Oct. 7th. I had a share of the dinner and cake. She and Gene left for Mr. Ponds and the hospital about 1:30. Wm. and Doris went to Mrs. Fox'' funeral and to Earl Hall''s. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Douglas came here.

September 26: Monday - 58� 9 A.M. 73� Noon. 68� - 6 P.M. Rev. Clayton Stoddard, Clayton. John 12:20 -- We would see Jesus. As He is revealed in the gospel, and in christian lives, in our hearts. Rev. Schwab, Heb. 11:25. The life of Moses was the result of his choice to serve God. It pays to choose right. He is enrolled in the hall of fame. The reward, a victorious life and death. U.R. China needs a knowledge of Jesus more than material help. Burton J. Cheng, China. Wm. and Doris went to W-. Allen pared apples for deep freeze for Doris and for me to cook. They have a baby girl at our neighbor, Mr. & Mrs. Holder''s. Heard an interview with Sen. John Foster Dulles, from the Hotel Woodruff. Doris has a cold, too. Shirley brought me ice cream.

September 27: Tuesday - 61� - 10 A.M. 69� Noon 65� - 6 P.M. Rev. C. R. Stoddard (Baptist). Some of the greatest truths of Jesus were given to the common people. His love and help was for all alike. Example: ""God is a spirilate."" (unclear). Rev. Schwab. Free Methodist. Soul of Tarsus. The outstanding event was his experience on the Damascus Road, met Christ. That is the ""great event"" for us. Dr. Earl Waldoof, Religion, a call to action, as well as a refugee and strength. Doris is about sick with a cold and the rest not too good. Weather, mild, wind, fair. William came in for a visit. Robert L. Hurley has taken the place of Henry McArthur as Mutual news reporter.

September 28: Wednesday - 63� - 9 A.M. Rainy. 60� - 6 P.M. Rev. Stoddard, Clayton. Jesus and a ruler of the Jews. An important conversation. Ye must be born again, Jesus loves even me. Rev. Schwab (Adams). The pearl of great price. Seek the best: Be willing to pay the price. That pearl for life and eternity is Christ. Dr. Harold S. (blank). The purpose and worth of a life. Bach''s was music - motto ""for the glory of God."" Let us have that purpose. A rainy day not much doing. Wm. is doing some carpenter work in their hall. Doris is crocheting ""little things."" I am enjoying myself as usual. Leonard went to Diamond with a truck. Mr. & Mrs. Harley Keene came to Williams to play cards.

September 29: Thursday - 56� - 9 A.M. 54� - 6 P.M. Rev. Stoddard. Mark 7. Jesus helped all who came in need. He does the same by us, if we trust Him. Leaning on the everlasting arms. Rev. Wakeman, Bethany, Luke 4:15. Jesus was in church as was His habit. Next Sun., Communion Sun., worship in your church as the christian world worships. Manford and Bertha Shaw, Alida, Stanley and David came to William''s. Mrs. Ross and Grace C. came to see me and I enjoyed it very much. Joan rec''d a card from Elaine. Had a nice evening. Wm. came in and played the violin and visited awhile.

September 30: Friday - 60� 10 A.M. 60� - 6 P.M. Rev. Stoddard, Luke 7:36-50. By the touch ''of the Master''s hand.'' May we feel the touch of the Master''s hand this day. Rev. L. Wakeman. ""I love thy church, O God."" Matt. 2:6, St. Johns, Phila. 1767. Mr. Wakeman took part there this summer. The value and power of the christian church. The possibilities of the human heart are infinite when man is touched by the hand of God. Maria Luiza Moura (Brazil). Rec''d letters from Birdie (now married), Lulu Scott, and programs from church. I copied music I had written long ago for class song for Mrs. DiFlorio. ""As the days go by."" Birdie Brady was married June 1st to Wm. Fitzgerald and lives at Mannsville, R. 2. Mrs. Scott goes to Watertown, Oct. 15. nbsp

October 1: Saturday - 58� - 9 A.M. 72 Noon. Rev. L. W. Wakeman, Luke 6:36-42. One must give to receive. We must share Christ if we would keep Him ours. 500,000 steel workers struck. Some hard coal miners are working but many are out on strike. Rolla and Doris went to get a present for Eric''s wedding. He got a clock and took it to the house before the wedding. He also went to the church for the wedding and reception. Rolla gave three of Scooter''s kittens to Mr. Henry who works at the shop with him. Charlie and Donald Hasner came. I wrote cards to Helen Walrath and Rosamond.

October 2: Sunday - 78� Noon. Nice day. Heard by reading Gen. Carlos P. Romuls, Phillipines, Pres. of the U.N. make a plea for cooperation to bring peace. Good. Leonard is away today. He and I plan to go to the World Communion Day service at our church this evening. Went with Gene & Elaine 5 years ago tonight. After the service he left for San Francisco (Pacific). U.R. The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. Prov. 20:27. Lorne Henry (Canada). Leonard and I liked the candle light communion service very much. It was beautiful. We went to Mrs. DiFlorio''s for awhile. Rec''d flowers at the church and vegetables from Dr. DiFlorio''s garden.

October 3: Monday - 70� A.M. 70� - 6 P.M. Rev. J. B. Hensley. A fellowship of all creeds through the church. One world. Eph 5-6-7. Rev. Walter Moffatt, speaker. Rev. Robt. Chandler, guest missionary (Born in Indian and went later to China with his wife). A son and brother of missionaries. U. R. ""God is the Ruler yet."" Li Husch Hung (China). Ross Hill will be discharged from the service Saturday. Wm. went to Court in A.M. and he and Doris to W-, P.M. Allen plowed all day. Had string beans from Dr. DiFlorio''s garden. Also have onions, corn, canned carrots from there.

October 4: Tuesday - 65� - 10 A.M. 68� - P.M. Rev. Hensley, Zion church, Adams, etc. Cor. 4. Share a hope of better christian lives and a better world through the ministry of the church. Rev. Moffatt and Rev. Chandler. Rev. C. says Chinese accept the gospel and remain loyal to it. They are eager for christian education. Prov. 20:27. ""God wants me to be a candle of light."" Lorne J. Henry, Canada. Kate Smith, ""Happiness is service."" Wm. was drawn on a case at court. Later it was settled out of court. Allen plowed. Doris washed in the A.M. Some rain in the P.M. Mabel Fulton called me on the phone for a visit. Glenn Pond was hurt playing football. Thunder storm came in the night.

October 5: Wednesday - 68� - 9 A.M. Rev. Hensley. 7 Cor. 13. We believe in the gospel of love. Let us not evade it and make an excuse for it, but do our part. Rev. Moffatt and Rob''t Chandler, missionary in China 38 yrs. Chinese christians are bravely holding fast in trying times. Rev. Dr. Calahan, Eagles in the backyard. The splendor of flight. We rob ourselves of this. Do not rob yourself of your nobility (sic). William spent the day at Court. Doris went to W- with him in the P.M. Allen plowed. Grace Patrick brought Mrs. Bird to see me for a couple of hours. Elaine wrote a card. Ithaca folks going there Sunday.

October 6: Thursday - 68� - 10 A.M. Cool - 69� - 6 P.M. Rev. Hensley. Wedding at Cana. Jesus transforms water into wine, sorrow into joy, and human lives. Rev. Barker, Ellisburg, Beauty in nature, in courage, in noble lives, in kind deeds. Upper R- Light -- bearers for our Master, even though (sic) ""candles."" Wrote cards to Glenn Reasoner, Hotel Diere (?) Hospital, Lulu Scott and Birdie Brady FitzGerald. Wm. went to court in A.M. Allen went up with him, P.M. Wm. looked up strayed calves. Doris made grape jelly. Turkey supper at our church tonight. W.S.C.S. There will be a total eclipse of the moon tonight.

October 7: Friday - Showers, A.M. 62� Noon - 67� - 6 P.M. Rev. Hensley. The pearl of great price is life at its best through Christ. Seek for it. Rev. L. W. Wakeman, Matt. 21:28. Not only promise, but do your part in God''s service. This is Doris'' 44th birthday. She has rec''d from Elaine a white blouse and handkerchief from Mrs. Douglas a nice box for personal belongings and a handkerchief and a tatting-edged hanky from me. Wm. has been at court. Doris sent me a share of the birthday supper. Rolla saw Eric Farr home from the wedding trip, just arrived.

October 8: Saturday - 70� Noon. 70� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wakeman, Bethany Ch. We each have a place in God''s vineyard, Let us fill our place by doing our part, help others. Heb. 12:1,2. Let God have your life, He can do more with it than you can. Dwight L. Moody. If we fix our eyes upon Christ we can bring to this world a ""symphony"" of living. I. A. Chitomb, India. Rolla took me to Dexter cemetery and for a nice, long ride around the Pillar Point shore. It is a mild, beautiful day. Sackett''s won the ball game at B.G.P.H.S. today. Shirley is pleased about it. Wm., Doris, Shirley and Joan went to a movie ""The Return of Sheba (?)"" Good, they say.

October 9:` Sunday - Warm, sunny. 78� - 6 P.M. U.R. Prov. 22:6 ""To sin against a child is to sin against God."" Pauline Kim, Korea. Rolla took me to church today and the service was fine. Dr. DiFlorio spoke on, ""A High Call to Advance."" Shall we head it? He announced that Bishop Ledden has called him to ""The Church of the Redeemer,"" Syracuse, Nov. The proceeds from the turkey dinner were $195.65 and the sale, $16.35, W.S.C.S. The Ithaca cousins go to Elaine''s today after church. Wm. & D away, evening. This has been a grand day.

October 10: Monday - 70� - 9 A.M. 75� Noon. 80� - 6 P.M. High 81� - Record Breaker. Rev. D. L. Conklin, Cupid Town, Baptist. The homes into which Jesus came. A tax collector, Mary & Martha Zacheus, Emmaus, Upper Room. Did not our hearts burn. ""A man''s home is his shrine."" Faith in our Times. Dr. F. D. Cole. What is the meaning of happiness. Pleasing work, harmony, not chance. It is an inner spirit. Rejoice. I am able, through Christ''s strength. Adjust, cooperate, endure. Allen returned last night. Mr. Weaver came for him, A.M. Wm. went to court, was excused, and worked at home. Donald Hasner came P.M. Bishop McConnell spoke to workers as visitation evangelist at 3 P.M. yesterday, Asbury Church. (blank) from our church attended.

October 11: Tuesday - 80� - 9 A.M. 79� - 6 P.M. High: 82� - Record breaker Rev. J. W. Bruce (Baptist), Groton, N. Y. John 5:11,17. Our friendship with Jesus. We become like our friends, Christ is the perfect friend. Rev. D. A. Howe, Webster, N. Y. We hear the sounds we want to hear. Be still my soul--This is God''s world. Good. 500 ministers are attending a Baptist convention in W-. Wm. was at Court in A.M. Doris made wildgrape jelly. I wrote a birthday letter to Jean Hynes at Centenary Junior college, Hackettstown, N. J. Our Dist. Supt. meets the official board at our church at 8 P.M. A pastor to replace Dr. DiFlorio may be selected.

October 12: Wednesday - 73� - 10 P.M. Rain, Noon. Rev. Orlando Harding: Rochester. John 11:45, 53. ""It is expedient,"" Let us as individuals and a nation return to principles and look up. Rev. Lee Howe (Baptist), Webster, N. Y. The fragrances of the day, virtue, of courtesy, a kind word, spreading the fragrance of the gospel of Christ. U. R. ""To be like Christ is to be a christian."" Wm. Penn. John 10:9 By Yan Kim Hun (Malaysia). Bert G. plowed in A.M. Rainy, P.M. Wm. was at court. Girls home for Columbus Day. Leonard went to (or near) Canandaguia after a truck. Mabel and Hi Fulton came to see me this P.M. We had a nice visit. Next Sunday is Dr. DiFlorio''s last Sunday.

October 13: Thursday - 58� - 8:30 A.M. 56� - 6 P.M. Rev. Lewis (Baptist), Utica. The salutation of the dawn Look well to the day. Today, well lived, makes everyday a dream of happiness. Fine. Rev. Lee A. Howe (Webster, N. Y.). Power, mechanical power develops we need an inner power, a goal in life, a destiny. Wait on the Lord, renew your strength. Fine. William went to court A.M. and plowed in the P.M. Elaine wrote a cheerful newsy letter to Doris. They expect to come Sat. P.M. Mr. Pond has found a woman to care for Mrs. Pond at home. Nelson Youngs fell from a barn roof and is in the hospital. Mrs. Pond came home from the hospital today.

October 14: Friday - 73� - 10 A.M. - 65� - 6 P.M. Rev. Earl Elhanley (Baptist) Carthage. Put the right first. See the best in others. Take your cross and follow the cross in the path of love. ""O Master let me walk with Thee."" Rev. Barber Waters. ""Belief in God."" We become ""aware"" of spiritual things. Religion is not only taught -- it is caught. Pass on the beauty of christian living. William went to court, was excused, came home and plowed. Doris washed, baked, etc. The fields are unusually fresh and green for Oct. and the milk supply keeps up well. Cheese factory price about $2.80 per cwt.

October 15: Saturday - 57� - 10 A.M. 58� - 6 P.M. A quiet day. William plowed. Doris and Rolla went to W- shopping. Then Doris baked for Sunday dinner for Elaine and Gene -- their frist anniversary, also her birthday in advance, Oct. 20th. Shirley made the birthday cake. Rec''d a letter from Glenn Reasoner, Hotel Dier (?) Hospital. $75,000 fire in Chaumont. Gene and Elaine came about 5:30. They went to the Pond''s for the night Ernie & Steve have a boy, Stephen John, born Oct. 9.

October 16: Sunday - Cool A.M. 72� Noon. Rev. Dr. McClung, Christ is the answer -- to sin, sorrow and death, and bringing in the kingdom of God. Paul said of Christ, my grace is sufficient for thee. I am the ""resurrection."" Bishop McDowell tells how an outcaste man of India said, ""I believe Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Shall we follow them."" Our folks (except Leonard) went to Canada 10 A.M. returned 4 P.M. Gene and Elaine went to church. A large congregation. Doris had a 1st anniversary and a birthday supper (25th) for Elaine and I was invited. Mrs. DiFlorio phoned. Gene and Elaine returned to Waterville about 7:30.

October 17: Monday - 67� A.M. Sunny. 80� Noon. 63� - 6 P.M. Rev. L. E. Rose (Sackets). Rev. 3. Jesus is patiently waiting at the door to your heart. Let Him in to abide. Rev. Gosnell, Carthage, Matt. 5. The Sermon on the Mount works. ""Blessed are the meek."" Kate Smith. Nat''l Bible week. Read it for beauty, guidance, comfort. Jean Hynes is home for her birthday and came for a nice little visit. Grace Congdon and Ruth Merriam came. They are going to give Dr. & Mrs. a present at the W.S.C.S. farewell party Thurs. eve. Also several S.S. classes are having parties & gifts. Dr. DiFlorio''s subject, Oct. 16 (last Sunday here), ""Finally be strong.""

October 18: Tuesday - 64� - 9 A.M. Rev. L. E. Rose. Honey, refreshing Christian honey, scripture prayer, meditation, worhsip. Rev. Gosnell. Matt. 5:6-8-8 Hunger and thirst after rightness. Mercy toward others, Pure before God. These are blessed in our lives. Rec''d a nice letter from Helen Walrath. She praised Dr. DiFlorio. Earl, like myself, will miss them. Wm. went to court in the P.M. The W.S.C.S. of Glen Park is giving a farewell party at the town hall for Dr. & Mrs. DiFlorio tonight. The W.S.C.S. of Brownville gave a covered dish dinner, 12:30, at Nellie Lamphear''s with gift I think.

October 19: Wednesday - 52� - 9 A.M. 61 - 6 P.M. Rev. Rose. Sacketts. Ps. 31. Mrs. Rose. I can hear my Saviour calling -- Sub. ""Following a mirage."" God will lead us. Rev. Gosnell, Carthage, Matt. 5:7-9. Peace makers are home and harmoney makers (sic). The church & world needs them. U. R. The prayer of faith. James 5:1. Eph. 3:13-21. Ai Ding Fang, China. Kate Smith, ""Age is not measured by years but by mentality."" Wm. was at court all day but excused until Friday. Doris sent me a nice roast beef supper. The 81st congress adjourned tonight.

October 20: Thursday - 62� - 8:30 A.M. Rev. Rose. John 5. ""There is a moral value to a daily task."" My Father works and I work. Do your part. Rev. Brothers, Luke 10:38-42. Sub: What christianity can do to a life dedicated to Him. ""Christ the answer."" Let us have His fellowship in our hearts. U. R. Pray without ceasing (?), 1 Thes. 5:17. To Ghandi, prayer was life. J. C. Mitchell, Eng. Beautiful weather today. It is Elaine''s 25th birth- day and we hope she enjoyed it. Wm. Took me over to the farewell party at our church for Dr. and Mrs. DiFlorio. There were 250 at the dinner at 6:30. A fine program followed and presentation of gifts including a $60.00 chair from the W.S.C.S.

October 21: Friday - 65� A.M. 64� - 6 P.M. Dr. Stephen W. Payne, Chicago. The Bible. Faith through a revelation of Himself. 7,000,000 copies a year. More than 1,000 languages. Say: ""I now put my faith in Christ. Break Thou the bread of life."" William went to court A.M. and plowed P.M. Leonard is having vacation and went hunting. Duck season opened, also pheasant season today and tomorrow. Doris made doughnuts, crocheted, etc. I received a card from Marion Evans asking information about the early Dexter church. They have a new dining room, kitchen, recreation and S.S. rooms.

October 22: Saturday - 60� - Noon - 50 mi. wind - 56� - 6 P.M. Rev. Brothers, Carthage. Sons of God, if children, then heirs. U.R. Matt. 17:20. One who has faith can pull down a mountain of difficulty easier than the person who lacks faith, can turn his palms over. Yang Fendiu, China. Wm., Doris and the girls went for grocery shopping. I looked up material written by my father about Methodism in Dexter. Rolla went duck hunting with Larry Ball. Shot 3 but landed in water. Leonard sold 2 trucks. Doris phoned They are coming tomorrow.

October 23: Sunday - 52� Noon. Windy. 52� - 6 P.M. Gene phoned that a 5 lb. baby girl came at 4:30 A.M. Wm., Doris, Lew and Beryl left for Waterville at 10:30 A.M. Fred Fields came. Shirley got dinner. Rev. McClung. Let this mind be in you which is in Christ. These are: humility, prayer, fellowship with God, first the kingdom, things of the spirit, truth, love, sacrifice. Phoned to Mabel F. and she phoned to Helen W. & Mrs. DiFlorio for me. I phoned to Rosamond. Bert G. came. Shirley got supper. Wm. and Doris arrived home at 6:30 P.M. They had dinner with Gene and all went to the hos- pital to see Elaine and baby. Both coming well.

October 24: Monday - 46� - 9 A.M. 56� - 6 P.M. WWNY, Dr. E. Stanley Jones, The three levels. 1st duty vs. 2nd, do as you like, 3rd do as the herd or others. There is a level beyond these. The level of grace -- the gift of God, and love. This is the message I give to you. Dr. E. Stanley Jones, WATN ?. Broken contacts With God broken hearts and bodies, homes, hopes. Renew the contact with God. He comes to us, the price, the cross. Conflict, surrender, eternal life. Fine. Wm. went to court. Doris did cheese work. Leonard has a truck sale on. I wrote letters to Elaine and Mabel F. and a card to Helen W. Heard 4th year U.N. cornerstone laying, Speakers Romulo Dewey, Dwyer, Pres. Truman - Laid records. Trigby Lie. Good.

October 25: Tuesday - 44� - 9 A.M. Frost. Sunny. 50� - 6 P.M. Dr. E. Stanley Jones (WWNY). Not from duty but by grace. Surrender. We can bend the knee to self, sex, the herd. Say, I choose to bend the knee to Christ. Find self by losing it in Him. We give willingness, He gives power. Dr. E. Stanley Jones (WATN). May God no longer be great perhaps. Lose yourself. Don''t provide for failure, provide for victory. Act as if -- a changed person. Try it. It works. My experience. Wm. came home from court at noon. Dr. DiFlorio phoned they were going and said farewell. I wrote letters to Marion Dengler, Jessie Hall & a card to Celia Evans.

October 26: Wednesday - Rainy. 48� - 9 A.M. Cold wind. 48� - 6 P.M. Dr. E. Stanley Jones WWNY. We are hampered, mentally spiritually and physically by mental conflicts. Turn them over to God, get to work, love others. It brings harmony and peace. Dr. Jones. WATN. The natural way is the christian way. Sin is out of gear. A christian is fundamentally happy. I have a friend who never lets me down. There is something in Jesus that is native to my life. U.R. Luke 6:27-38. Beautiful words. Sunshine Berggrun, Norway. Did not hear from Gene. Girls wrote to Elaine. Doris sent bonnet. Wm. plowed garden. Marian Evans, Eva Dunn and Jane Shaver came to see me about Dexter church records.

October 27: Thursday - 56� - 9 A.M. 46� - 6 P.M. Dr. Jones, WWNY. The cross from the foundations of the world, in the heart of God, His love is back of the cross. It is the price God pays to win us. Open your heart to it today. Dr. Jones, WATN. Unmerited suffering. Christ took the worst thing that could happen to Him and made it the best thing for good. Learn to see the love of God. Take your troubles, use them. William finished his jury work today. Doris did some washing for me. Bertha Parker was taken ill last night and passed away this morning. Mr. Pond phoned that Ruth phoned that Elaine is coming good.

October 28: Friday - 53� - 10 A.M. 62 Noon. 53� - 6 P.M. Dr. Jones, WWNY. Anxiety, fear, self pity, resentment harm health. Joy, love, trust, helpfulness, the touch of God are medicine. In every day in every day (? way ?) I''m better and better in God. Dr. Jones, WATN. The raising of Lazarus. Unbind him, let things go. Jesus has a message for bound people. Busy your cross in the love of God and be free. Fine. Elaine wrote each of us a card. She expects to go home from the hospital tonight if all is well. They named their baby Carol Doris and we like the name. Wm. plowed this A.M. Rolla shot an owl that was after our pet hen. Thelma Jones Hart was injured by a heifer at her home.

October 29: Saturday - 59� - 9 A.M. 69� Noon. 60� - 6 P.M. Elaine wrote a card to the family. All set to go home with Gene last evening and that is fine we think. Mabel F. sent card & bib. Doris has a baby record book for her and is making blankets. Others are remembering her, cards and gifts. Funeral services for Bertha Parker will be conducted this afternoon at 2 from the home. The Statue of Liberty is 63 yrs. old today. Presented by France. Thelma Hart is in the House of the Good Samaritan from injuries received by a heifer''s attack. They have taken xrays of her hip.

October 30: Sunday - 68� Noon. 66� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. Eph. 4:32 Reprocity (sic). Forgive- ness is a two way street. There is no limit to the forgiveness of God, Let us do like wise. ""Just the art of being kind, Is all this old world needs."" Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Practice this verse this week. Good. William, Doris, Shirley and Joan left for Elaine''s about 11 A.M. I phoned to Mabel Fulton. Dr. and Mrs. DiFlorio came yesterday for Bertha Parker''s funeral service. Mrs. Ross has an operation for appendicitis tomorrow 9 A.M. Leonard sold seven trucks last week. Wm., Doris and girls arrived home about 8 P.M. Found Elaine comfortable. Baby is tiny but all right. Gene happy.

October 31: Monday 52� - 10 A.M. 50� Noon. A rainy morning. Upper Room. A personal experience. John 4:39-42. I know whom I have believed. II Tim. 1:12 Know the Christ. R. A. Valenzuela (Chile). Mr. Pond, Jack, Grace, Ruth & Walt were also at Elaine''s yesterday. Mrs. Pond has changed Drs. and is said to be improving. Leonard sold two trucks this A.M. Wm. and Doris went to City, groceries, etc. Mrs. Ross had her operation for appendicitis this A.M. Baby Carol''s birth was in the Times. Doris sent it to Elaine. Hiram Fulton took Lulu Scott to Watertown for the winter.

November 1: Tuesday 46� - 10 A.M. Sunny. Cool. Rev. A. C. Bennett, Cape V - Luke 2. The measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. The heart of our religion is Christ. Rev. Geo. Butler (Adams). Gave us a vision of God in creation and in our lives. Stand on the watchtower, watch for dawn in a world of peace. Good. Wm. plowed. Doris went to Watertown. I talked with Mabel on the phone. Grace is with her mother at the hospital. Leonard saw a bear 10 mi. from Port Leydon, had a shot at a deer.

November 2: Wednesday 52� - 10 A.M. 50� - 6 P.M. Rev. Geo. Butler. The foolish virgins neglect- ed - Let us not neglect prayer, good deeds, character, before too late. Good intentions are not enough. Kate Smith. A little less hate, a little more love, A little less getting, A little more giving, we need. Wilma (and Ronnie & Reggie) came to do Doris'' hair. Wm. is plowing. Leonard went to Fulton, truck deal. Ruth Farmer came and had her hair done, too. She brough me a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Joan brought a dandelion blossom from our yard. I shared my bouquet with them. No word about Mrs. Ross. Fred Fields came.

November 3: Thursday - 58� - 10 A.M. 51� Noon. 50� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wheedon, Carthage. Rev. 7: Saints Day. O God to us may grace be given. To follow in their train. All nations, kindreds, people and tongues will meet together at His throne. S.S. God comforts His people. The beauty and comfort in Isaiah''s message in Isaish 40 and 41. Kate Smith: Help some one every day. Wm. is plowing, Leonard selling trucks and hunting. Rolla at the shop. I have been arranging pictures in my family record book. Received a pleasing card from Jessie Hall about a song for the reception for our new pastor and wife, Rev. & Mrs. M. P. Beach. Joan made me a pretty holder.

November 4: Friday 39� - 10 A.M. Rainy. 7 P.M. Snow. Rev. Bennett, C.V. The measure of the fulness of the stature of Christ. Joy comes to us as we realize this Joy came to Him through serving, we may have it too. Dr. Wheedon. Ecc. 44. All saints day. From this our world of sin set free. We find them living unto Thee. Faces we have loved long since. A rainy day, not much special doing by any of us. Doris baked pies, etc. Boys working, girls at school. Snow predicted and colder. Doris has made a pillow for Carol, also a nighty. Rolla and Fred Fields went to Kingston in the evening.

November 5: Saturday 34� - 10 A.M. 36� Noon. Rev. Wheedon. Heb. 11. We are encompassed by witnesses. We too are called to be saints. Life can start well and end with life''s work unfinished. Let us not let this happen. Wm., Doris and Rolla left for Bertha''s after chickens, 10 A.M. Shirley and Joan got lunch for themselves and Leonard. Rec''d nice letter from Marion Dengler. Leonard sold a truck to the village of Brownville. Wm., Doris arrived home at 4 P.M. They couldn''t bring chickens across the border but went to Bertha''s. They stopped at the hospital to see Mrs. Ross. The Times gave a history of the Dexter church plans drawn by my father. 1899.

November 6: Sunday 37� Noon. 38� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. Matt 22:42. Important decisions. Our life work, our life partner, our christian faith. Matt saw Christ as prophesized (?). A teacher, a revelation of God, the Saviour of the world. Will you say: Master, I will follow. Then wherever Thou goest. A quiet day. Wm. brought me a nice plate of dinner that Doris prepared, roast beef, etc. Leonard rested A.M. and went for a walk with Bert . Rolla went with Fred Fields to see a sick relative in Kingston. William and Doris went away for the evening. Mr. Beache''s first Sun.

November 7: Monday 44� - 10 A.M. Cloudy, 45� - 6 P.M. Rev. M. Fowler, John 9. Jesus heals a blind man on the Sabbath. He can give sight in bodies and souls. Good. King 19:9. God said: What doest thou here. When we think we are strong we may be weak. The weakest is strong in God. Let us too go forth, Rev. Gifford. S.S. Isiah, 53. A suffering Saviour. Wm. and Doris went to W-. I talked with Mabel, phone. Hi and our new pastor, Mr. Beach, put storm windows on the parsonage. They like it there. Joan brought me fudge that Doris made. Six cows were missing tonight. Wm. and Rolla found them in the evening.

November 8: Tuesday 56� - 10 A.M. Windy 53� - 6 P.M. Rev. M. Fowler, Evans Mills, etc. John 12. How can we convince another that Jesus is the Son of God. The sinless One. His words still echo and save. ""Love divine all love excelling."" Rev. Gifford, Baptist, 3 Mi. Bay. 1 Peter 1:3. God''s real, on calvary, the resurrection, on renewed lives, a renewed hope. William and Doris went to E. Hounsfield to vote and then to Watertown. Rec''d a nice letter from Mabel. She says Rev. & Mrs. Beach like our church and our people like them. Mrs. Ross is gaining, also Thelma Hart. Glenn Reasoner comes to church still on crutches.

November 9: Wednesday 54� - 10 A.M. Fair. 48� - 6 P.M. Rev. Fowler, Matt 5:38-48. The transformity of character that comes from literally following the Sermon on the Mount. ""O Master, let me walk with Thee."" Rev. Gifford. ""Jesus keep me near the cross."" Matt. 6:6-7. Forgive and believe when you pray. ""If you abide in me, ask and receive."" Have a purpose in prayer. John Foster Dulles received a majority in N.N.Y. but was defeated in the state for U.S. Senator. Fine day but cool. Leonard went to Syracuse after a truck. Doris baked bread and rolls. The rest busy. Rec''d card from Lulu Scott. Rolla, Shirley and Fred F. had a hamburg lunch, 11 P.M.

November 10: Thursday 62� - 10 A.M. Mild. Faith in our times. St. Theresa. A devoted child. God puts great value on humility. ""Jesus the very thought of Thee."" Harold and Della Peck came and spent last evening and I enjoyed it. Mabel F. phoned that if someone would bring me to the reception for Rev. and Mrs. Beach tonight they would bring me home, so I am getting ready. Wm. and Doris went to see Mrs. Pond and took me to the reception. It was fine and a large attendance. Hi and Mabel brought me home.

November 11: Friday 41� - 10 A.M. 39� - 6 P.M. Armistice Day. 31st anniversary. Cool and windy but many things for which to be glad. There were the usual peace day observances here and throughout the nation. The steel strike is practically over and miners return to work at least till Nov. 30. Hazel Ball phoned they are coming tomorrow. S.S. Ps. 27:1. Read aloud. Mrs. Ross feels better today.

November 12: Saturday 36� - 10 A.M. 38� - 6 P.M. A cold wind but fair. Doris baked pork roast, dressing, pies, etc. Dorcas, Marion and John came about 3:30. Had supper at Wms. in which I shared. They brought me a can each of cherries, peaches and pears and a box of chocolates. John showed motion pictures he had taken. Dorcas played and sang. Wm. played the violin. They left for Ithaca about 9 o''clock.

November 13: Sunday 54� Noon. Windy. Rain, 6 P.M. Heard Rev. John Warren speak at Asbury on the Permanent Fund and Camp Aldersgate. Our family (except Rolla) left for Elaine''s at 8:40 A.M. Took roast, cake, pie, etc. for the dinner. Rolla looked after things here. I wrote cards to Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Ross and Dr. & Mrs. DiFlorio. S.S. II Thess. 1:1-5, Patience & faith. Rolla did fine here at home. Our folks came about 6:20. They found Elaine and Gene happy. Baby Carol weighs 5 lbs. 8 oz. - gain 2 oz. Rolla went to Fred Fields. He is looking for a truck rack.

November 14: Monday 46� - 9 A.M. Rain. 45� - 6 P.M. Rev. Hunter, T.I. Park. ""Fairest Lord Jesus."" Matt. 9. ""Follow me"" to a fuller commitment of spreading the gospel by co- operation and sacrificial consecration. Rev. Hetherington, Philaelphia. We have the assurance if we are faithful God leads us out as helpers for Him. ""Find yourself through faith."" Joan''s report card shows one 88, one 79. The rest both test and estimate from 90 to 100. Shirley''s were 1 - 85, 1-87, the rest 90 and up. Music & Arith. 95. Rec''d a birthday card from Ross Hill.

November 15: Tuesday 48� - 9 A.M. 53� Noon. 43� - 6 P.M. Rain. Rev. Wm. Mill Hunter. Matt. 9:36. Lead Kindly Light. Christ came to seek and to save (Matthew) and all men. Let us do the same. Rev. Hetherington, Prayer -- a will to do right and be helpful today. Song, I shall not pass again this way. Subject, The spirit of evangelism. Wm. and Doris went to (blank) last eve. Today they went to the bank and for groceries for themselves and me. Mabel was going to the W.S.C.S. at Martha Parkers this P.M. We looked for a furance to heat both parts of the house but they are too expensive. Rolla did car work for Eric Farr in the evening.

November 16: Wednesday 46� Noon. 40� - 6 P.M. Rev. Heatherington, ""I am debtor to all men."" St. Paul. None of us live to ourselves. Count what your family, friends, community & world have done for you, Do your part. S.S. An invitation rejected. Luke 14:15-24. A soul banquet. William is talking furnace. Doris is fixing a room for Leonard by himself. Rain and snow flurries came in the afternoon. Temperature 38�. A foot of snow fell in Buffalo. Shirley and Joan have begun singing Christmas carols. Hope to hear from our little Carol soon.

November 17: Thursday 37� - 10 A.M. Rainy. 40� - 6 P.M. Rev. Hunter. God gives His word to hungry hearts. Isaiah 4:22. The promised One invites. My Mother''s verse. Luke 10:20. Rev. Arthur Arnold. Our record is written in heaven, in the book of life. Rev. 22:23. Faith went with them. William and Doris went to Watertown in response to a furnace ad but didn''t buy. Leonard is at Sacketts tonight to put in his bid for a truck sale at a meeting of the town board.

November 18: Friday 37� - 6 P.M. Cold wind. Rev. Arnold. The need of light, for heat, comfort. There is a light that will lighten that will lighten (sic) our way however dark. Our Saviour said, ""I am the Light."" A man from Sears & Roebuck store came to estimate the cost of hot water heating for us. It is expensive and Wm. and D- haven''t decided. Vice Pres. Barkley and Mrs. Jane Hadley were married at noon in St. John''s Methodist Church, St. Louis, by Bishop Ivan Lee Holt. Received nice letters from Lulu Scott and Marion Dengler. Bert G. came to see Leonard and play rook.

November 19: Saturday 37� A.M. Snow. 32� night. Rev. A. Arnold. Carthage. Eph. 1:15. A commendation for faithfulness and a prayer for Eph. Rev. 2:4-5. A call to service sent by John to this church. There was four inches of snow this morning and some snow and rain fell today. Rolla got the truck rack home that he bought at Smithville. Wm. went to Syracuse with Leonard after a truck. They each drove a truck back. Fred Fields and Rolla went to Port Leyden to a party. Mrs. Ross is home from the hospital.

November 20: Sunday 40� Noon. 6 P.M. Rain, mild. Dr. McClung. Mark 13:31. Thanksgiving Sun- day and Bible Sun. The Bible is a spiritual castle, in each of its twelve rooms a treasure, showing that the kingdom of God is bound to triumph -- a verse for every experience. Rainy morning. Was ready for church and Wm. going to take me but couldn''t go. Doris sent me a nice Sunday dinner. Wm. and Rolla went to see a horse owned by Fred Field''s father. Wm. expects to buy it for $50 to drive with our Frank.

November 21: Monday 31� - 10 A.M. 29� - 6 P.M. Rev. W. H. Cole - Episcopal. The great gift of life and what we can gain from it and how wisely use (sic) it. Rev. Harold Barnard. Seeing with the right perspective. Knowing the best and doing it for ourselves and others. More snow, 1-1/2 inches came last night. Doris phoned to Ethel Peck to order cards for me. Wm. and Doris went to W- and got groceries for Thanksgiving. Bert and Nellie Lamphear brought me flowers from the Happy Thought Class. Earl Hall isn''t as well. Leonard has three trucks ready to deliver.

November 22: Tuesday 20� - 6 A.M. 30� - 10 A.M. Cloudy. Rev. W. H. Cole, Ps. O give thanks, Master, let me walk. Have you a home? Appreciate it and show it, Be thankful for its blessings. Rev. H. H. Barnard, The need of rendering right decisions in the ways of life and in our estimate of others. Wm''s new horse, Chuck, came. It is a good match for Frank. Rolla felt sick and stayed home. Rec''d letters from Dr. & Mrs. DiFlorio and Gladys C-. Windy & cold. I couldn''t go to the Dexter church anniversary. Phoned to Earl Hall''s. He is worse. Leonard went to Ogdensburg after a truck he had sold. Four this week.

November 23: Wednesday 31� - 10 A.M. Dark. Cold storm. Rev. W. H. Cole. A Thanksgiving Prayer. Help us our Father to thank Thee for life, home, friends and daily bread and to live to They honor. Rev. H. Barnard. What we would we do not. We must will to do right. There can come good from one who has the will. May our decisions be of the best. A cold wind. Doris baked. Elaine wrote they may come either Thurs., Sat. or Sunday. Carol has gained 6 to 8 oz. Rec''d my birthday gift from my family -- a two cup percolator, cooking basin, canned vegetables, etc.

November 24: Thursday 22� - 9 A.M. 30� - 6 P.M. Rev. Cole. The gift of bread. It comes from God by sunshine, showers and knowledge given. Accept our thanks this day. Wesley Baker. Blessed be God who loadeth us with benefits. Let us not fail to give thanks to the God of our salvation. Gene, Elaine and Carol came about 11 A.M. Carol is just lovely. Weighs 6 pounds now. She is 4 weeks old. They ate half a dinner and went to Mrs. Pond''s to finish. Brought me canned fruit, etc. Helen W- brought flowers. Earl is comfortable today. Wm. and Doris went to Calcium in the evening.

November 25: Friday 3-1/2 in. snow fell. Cold storm. 22� - 6 P.M. Rev. Cole and Rev. Baker gave fine talks on the value of helpfulness and trusting the present and future to our devine Guide. I am not feeling quite as well as usual today. The weather is windy and there is a cold storm wave from Minn. to Maine. I am enjoying my flowers and memories of yesterday. Jean Hynes came in the evening with a birthday box from their family, fruit, nuts, jelly, etc., etc. Leonard has sold six trucks this week, one to the town.

November 26: Saturday 8� - 9 A.M. 16� - Noon. Rev. Wesley Baker gave a radio talk on What shall I render unto God for all His benefits toward me. Today he answered it, Give thanks for past, present and future help. Cold but pleasant. Doris went to W- with Rolla to begin Christmas buying. Leonard is finishing up truck sales. Rec''d seven birthday cards and a letter from Mabel. Getting my meals but not feeling well. Mrs. Eigabroadt is going to start for Florida tomorrow. Rolla & Morris and best girl went to a party at Irishman''s Shanty.

November 27: Sunday Cold, A.M. 24� Noon. 6 P.M., Cold. Dr. McClung. Isaiah 40:3 Prepare ye the way of the Lord. John 1:23. Make straight the way. The first Sunday of the Advent. Let us prepare the way, Carols, worship, the Bible, good reading, the birth of Christ, not commercial let Christ come to your heart. Our pastor, Rev. Beach, was taken to the hopsital, H.G.S., this A.M. with grip and possible pneumonia. I felt not too good this A.M. But better P.M. Wm. & Doris prepared and brought my 82nd birthday dinner. Gerald & Evelyn Munson have a baby girl, Constance Marie.

November 28: Monday 7� - 7 A.M. 26� Noon. Rev. Wheedon, Carthage, Mal. (?) 3:1. Jesus calls us o''er the turmoil. (?) Advent means coming. Prepare us for Christ''s coming. W.A.T.N. Beautiful words of life. There''s a land that is (unclear) Peace, Perfect peace. Wm. and Doris went to W- shopping, etc. Girls back at school. Rec''d cards from Mabel Douglas, Mrs. Hill, and Mildred Walrath. Am beginning to feel better. Wrote post cards to Mabel F., Elaine, Dr. and Mrs. DiFlorio and Rev. M. P. Beach, who is in the hospital.

November 29: Tuesday 34� 9 A.M. Showers Rev. H. D. Wheeden. Heb. 12:12 Advent, In majesty at Sinaii. In power, call to repentance. In promise, The Christ child. At the last day. To reign. W.A.T.N. The King of love, my Shephard is. Rejoice, give thanks and My Jesus as Thou wilt all shall be well. 1 (?) anniversary of the birth of Louise (sic) M. Alcott. Tribute by Kate Smith. Dark, rainy day but light within. Rec''d cards, letter and bulletins from Bert & Nellie, Alfred & Mary , Ruth & Walter at Wms. for dinner. Martin Hasner has been promoted to Treas. of W''town Savings Bank (sic). Cards from Elaine & Myrtle H. Carol is fine.

November 30: Wednesday 32� - 10 A.M. Mild. 33� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wheeden. Carthage. The Advent. God was thought to be coming as a stern judge until Christ came and showed a God of love and pardon for all who seek Him. John 3:16, through his Son, 10 A.M. Doris filled my oil can. Wm. brought ice cream. Henry and Mabel Douglas spent last evening at Wm''s. She came in to see me. Wrote a letter and poem, The Presence, to Myrtle Hogaboom. There was one sharp flash of lightening at 4:30. Rec''d card and letter from Mrs. B. G. Miller (Folts).

December 1: Thursday 31� - 10 A.M. 29� - 6 P.M. Dr. H. C. Whedon (sic). The Advent. O Jesus, Thou art standing. Christ is the gift of prophecy. By John, repent, accept not to us unknown. Not, there standeth One among you ye know not. Fine. Rev. Henry Bridge, Clayton, Ps. 5:3. Bishop Cushman said, ""I meet God in the morning They that wait, renew strength."" Leonard and Murray are each displaying their two new I.H.C. trucks and taking orders.

December 2: Friday 29� - 10 A.M. Stormy. 20� - 6 P.M. Rev. H. G. Wheden. Matt. 25:31. The Advent. Come into my heart. Lord Jesus, there is room. Also come to render judgment. And our Advocate. Seek Him. Rev. Henry Bridge, Clayton. Prov. 3:13. Happy is what all the world seeks. The city of happiness is in the state of mind -- love, be helpful - . Doris braved the storm to do Christmas shopping. Mr. Niles came to see about wiring Leonard''s room. Leonard went to Redfield on business. Sold a pick up truck and went to high school games. Brownville lost to Clayton.

December 3: Saturday Near Zero. Fair 16� - 6 P.M. Rev. Henry Bridge. There is refuge, protection and safety in companionship with our God and his Christ. He never is faith- less, he never forgets or forsakes. ""Help us to live truly, courageously and helpfully today."" Doris, Shirley, Joan and Rolla went to W- sightseeing and shopping. The girls enjoyed it. Leonard took members of the town board to a complimentary dinner at Sackets Inn. Rolla and Morris went to Felts Mills to a party. Rec''d a card from Mabel.

December 4: Sunday Rain, turned to snow. 6 P.M. 30� 26� Noon. ""Hallelujah Chorus"" Salt Lake City. Dr. McClung Acts 20:25. It is more blessed to give. David Dunn''s book, ""Try giving yourself."" A human service, a radiant highway to God. Dr. Grenville, ""The guiding hand of God, I see."" It leads to contentment of soul. Invest your life in humanity. Doris went to Wilma''s after eggs and brought some to me. She sent me a nice plate for dinner. All the family at home for Sunday dinner. Walter Lee came to try the drums with Wm., Doris & Shirley. They play well together. Joan played the bonton?

December 5: Monday 27� - 10 A.M. Near zero, snow. 24� - 6 P.M. Rev. A. D. Evans, Stone Church. Jesus, paid it all, all to Him. I owe. Sub. Heb. 5:9. Salvation. A necessity and a blessing. Leonard Allen, 89, passed away this P.M. William and Doris went to bank, etc. Talked with Mabel on phone. Mr. Beach came home from the hospital 2:30 this P.M. Hi helps with their fires. Our Dist. Supt., Rev. A. Leslie Potter, preached for Mr. Beach yesterday and brought him home. William and Doris went to see Henry and Mabel Douglas in the evening.

December 4: Tuesday 10� - 9 A.M. 14� - 6 P.M. Rev. Middleton. II Tim. 3:16. God came into the lives of men and they wrote an inspired Book that reaches the hearts of men. Rev. A. D. Evans, ""I need Thee every hour."" Salvation. A great need, a great Saviour is ours. Accept. Hardiman Woolworth brought a rocking chair that Wm. and Doris got for Gene, Elaine & Carol. Helen Walrath sent me her picture framed. I like it. I phoned to thank her and talked with Nina.

December 5: Wednesday 20� - 10 A.M. 18� - 6 P.M. Rev. D. C. Middleton, Trinity. The only things that endure are the things now unseen. Rev. A. D. Evans, Depauville. Neither is there salvation in any other, but in Christ. S.S. Jes. 31:34, ? are a high point in ethics, like Jesus'' teaching. A bad storm, (blank) inches of snow fell. Leonard started for Syracuse at 6 A.M. to take a truck and bring back another. A card came from Elaine and all is well with all of them. This is the eighth anniversary of Pearl Harbor. A short service was held there.

December 6: Thursday Zero ? 6� 9 A.M. 14� Noon 8� - 6 P.M. W.A.T.N. There''s a land that is fairer than day. Rejoice, rejoice and sing. We''re marching to Zion. There were ninety and nine. Father Gargen, Wash., D.C. ""Getting the house ready."" Material appearance, use. God prepared a mother and a world for his Son. Make room for Him, yourself. Mr. Niles put the light fixtures in Leonard''s room. Rec''d my first Christmas card from Wave Hunter. Mr. Lee came to practice the drums with Wm., D, S, and J. Party postponed to Sat. eve.

December 9: Friday Zero morn. 20� Noon. Sunny. Rev. Walter Middleton. John 6:63. The Spirit is the greatest force in the universe. We seek for bread but not the bread of life. It is Christ or chaos. Hymns, Tune O Sanctissima. O come ye and adore Him. Joy to the world. Holy night. Personal religion Jer. 32:39. God''s gracious promise to his people. Wm. and Doris went to W- shopping is spite of the cold. Rec''d nice long letter from Myrtle Adams. Also, Florence C. Sat., Leonard got my Christmas cards from Ethel Pecks, also a box of all purpose cards, a birthday gift from Elaine.

December 10: Saturday 14� - 9 A.M. 22� - 6 P.M. S.S. The suffering Saviour. Isaiah 50:10. Who is there among you that feareth and obeyeth and hath no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and stay upon his God. Christmas cards are coming. I wrote a letter to Myrtle and Dell Adams. Sebewaing. Wm., Doris, Shirley and Walter Lee went to Perch River to play at a party at Grange Hall. It was a surprise shower for Mildred Quencer who is to be married. Supper was served. Leonard and Joan went also. Rolla stayed with me.

December 11: Sunday 41� Noon. 6 P.M. Rainy, 39� S.S. II Thes. 1:1-5 Patience & faith. Matt. 24:13. But he who endures to the end, shall be saved. Dr. McClung. ""Thou art the Christ."" The head of the church. Work on the construction gang instead of the wreckage crew. Service saves it. Christ suffered and died for it. Don''t criticize, but serve. Don''t know whether Mr. Beach is able to preach today. I hope so. Wm. and Doris playing last eve was a success also Mr. Lee''s. Beryl and Lou spent the P.M. with Doris and William.

December 12: Monday 46� A.M. Rainy 49� - 6 P.M. He leadeth me, O blessed thought. By water calm, o''er troubled sea -- His faithful follower would be, Nearer my God to Thee. Rev. Hutchinson, John 8:12 -- Hark, the herald angels sing. Jesus said, I am the light. Light reveals good and evil. Sincerity lives ""sun tested."" Light gives courage. Light measures growth. Give light. I have been writing Christmas cards, some of them with letters. The rest are about their usual work. Joan home with a cold. A cold wave is predicted for tomorrow from the west. Shirley & Leonard went to Gil- more''s. Wm. and Rolla went to Mr. Lee''s. Doris made toast & cocoa for us.

December 13: Tuesday 30� - 9 A.M. Fair. 27� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. The Bible is a book by which to live. Not argument but guidance. Daniel Webster said, If our country goes with guidance by the Bible, it will endure. Rev. Hutchinson. ""The good Shephard."" The Lord is my Shephard. May I know His voice and follow it. Eugene Greenley, 90, passed away Sat. eve at Mrs. Pond''s. Funeral, 3 P.M. today at Adams. Wm. and Doris went to W''town. Am writing and receiving cards. Talked with Mabel. She isn''t as well as usual just now. Rev. Beach is still confined to his home. Rev. J. Warren preached for him last Sunday.

December 14: Wednesday 22� - 9 A.M. Blustering. 20� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. The Bible and trouble. Trouble comes to all, good, and bad alike. As night -- bring the stars so trouble bring divine help. It refines. If we suffer with Him we shall reign also. Rev. Hutchinson. John 15:? I am the vine -- ye are the branches. Others watch our lives to see what our union with Christ means to us. Abide in the vine (?). ""A Saviour which is Christ the Lord."" Am still receiving letters and cards. Weather rather dark to write. Snow fell late afternoon and evening. Doris made nice fig cookies. The boys after a busy day went away for the evening. Rosamond phoned she is knitting mittens for Shirley and Joan.

December 15: Thursday 8�noon. 17� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. The Bible and fear. ""Still, still with Thee. When purple morning breaketh."" Obedience, helpfulness, the divine help and promises cast out fear. Rev. Hutchinson. ""The very God of peace. Nations lack harmony. Men and nations fail to seek the God of peace. Peace will come as we seek the Prince of peace. 3 inches of snow fell last night and more today. It is light and does not block the roads. Milton Lee is in the hospital in a serious condition. Am still receiving and writing cards. Austin Ward was commited in the death of Dominic Morgia.

December 16: Friday 16� - 10 A.M. 20� Noon. 22� 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. The Bible in its message to the world. God is always active in the affairs of the world. In the long sweep God is seen. Get together at the feet of Christ the Redeemer. All hail the power of Jesus name. Rev. W. B. Moffatt. Eph. 6:9-13. What is peace? Calm in the midst of storm is the peace of God. Thou wilt keep him peace (?). Leonard went to Chaumont with a snowplow and to Pulaski with a truck yesterday. This is a stormy day. At noon 11 inches of snow had fallen since yesterday A.M. The snow is light and does not obstruct travel.

December 17: Saturday 25� - 9 A.M. 34� Noon. Fair. Rev. J. L. Douglas, PierPont Manor (sic). His name is ""Wonderful."" He guides us when the way is dark. Christ the Lord divine. With Him all war must cease. His best name, The Prince of Peace. His salutation, Peace be unto you. In 1903 - 46 yrs. ago, the Wright Bros. flew their plain (sic) the first time. Quite a good day for winter. Wm., Doris, Shirley and Joan spent the afternoon at W-. Doris has a pretty new dress and nice coat for Christmas. Many people in the city. The girls are doing up little gifts to put on the tree when it comes.

December 18: Sunday 38� Noon. Rainy - 40� - 6 P.M. Dr. McClung. Luke 2:8-20 v 7. Vista. Crowded out - then and now. Shut the door through ignorance. Make a life as well as a living. Lesser activities crowd out the Christ. Make room. Seek first the kingdom. Open your heart, let Christ in. A dark rainy but mild day. Rolla went to Brownville and got a tree and the girls are trimming it. I have a hard cold and not much ambition. William and Doris went to see Henry and Mabel Douglas in the evening. The tree is pretty lighted.

December 19: Monday 36� - 9 A.M. Cloudy, 34� - 6 P.M. Rev. Carlisle. The Christmas story. Let us go to Bethlehem. Let us make room for Him by quiet, kindness and worship. Rev. Kenneth Jones, Dexter. Luke 20:7. What will you do with Jesus? What is your answer. Many like Conclative (?) have answered the question. Let us do our part. Noel. Noel. A dark day outside but pleasant inside. Received 10 Christmas cards that I appreciated and a card from dear Elaine. Trying to ""catch up"" on cards. Ernie wrote they are housekeeping. Shirley rehearsed for a play. Rolla went to W- shopping in the evening.

December 20: Tuesday 32� - 9 A.M. Rev. Carlisle. Rom. 8:29. Hark the Herald Angels sing. Christ- mas is an act of God. Christ the first born in a great brotherhood. We grow in His likeness. Our hope. Rev. Jones. What would you do without Jesus? Love (?) our view (?) of God. Compassion in His face. ""O come let us adore Him."" Wm. went to Nellie L''s for a gift of hard candy the S.S. class had there for me. I phoned Mabel Fulton. She isn''t well. W.S.C.S. meets this P.M. Wm. & D went to W-. Shirley sang at a Sacket''s school play this evening.

December 21: Wednesday 40� - 9 A.M. Rain. 45� - 6 P.M. Rev. Carlisle, Isa. 25:9. Emmanuel is with us or are we still waiting for Him. How about His coming more fully into our lives. Face up to your part. The Christ child has been down our street. Rev. Jones. Hark the herald angels sing. What can we do with Jesus. Take Him with you even through the valley. Go with Him. A dark day but all are enjoying the warm weather. Cows are out eating grass. Have my Christmas mail nearly finished. Winter will arrive at 10:24 or 11:24 tonight they say.

December 22: Thursday 50� - A.M. 58� Noon. Rev. Carlisle. Luke 26:6 - A marble jar - worth $60.00. Precious ointment. To what purpose? Christ gave himself. Nothing spent in love is wasted. Christmas is an alabaster box. Rev. L. E. Rose. Isa. 40:1-5 John the Baptist was a Voice. An immortal Voice is Christ. We too are voices. Worked on cards and think I have about finished. Have sent 56 Christmas and 25 personal postal cards. Not good news about Mabel Fulton. Mrs. Ross wrote but not gaining well. Lovely card came from Mrs. Beach.

December 23: Friday 30� - 10 A.M. Snow. Colder. Rev. Carlisle. It is Christmas. Remember? Other days. The angel song is still sung. It can only be fulfilled by seeking humbly the manger Child. Rev. Rose, Ps. 24:1-10 -- Isa. 6:13, Isa. 60:1,2,6,19. Text Luke 2:14. Glory to God, good will to men. Combine these -- it is Christmas. Snow came for a while. Weather somewhat colder. Cards continue to come. Wm. and Doris went to Watertown shopping. Leonard went Christmas shopping. Rosamond came and brought fruit cake, a gift to be opened Dec. 25th. Hugh came too. Rosamond brought girls mittens.

December 24: Saturday 19� - 10 A.M. Fair. 22� - 6 P.M. Our fair morning soon turned to a snow- storm. Gladys C. called early and had a nice visit. Missed morning devotions. S.S. is Jer. 33:15. A promise -- The Righteous Branch, May it be fulfilled. Rec''d 11 more cards and a gift from Ithaca of 8 cans of fruit and two as yet unopened packages. Martin, Edith and Donald came and I had a little visit with them. Allie Sills has passed away, also Charlie Niles'' mother. Henry and Mabel Douglas came. They have a new Plymouth car.

December 25: Sunday 30� Noon. Matt. 2:1-12. The greatest pilgrimage. Let us be sure we, in the spirit of humulity, arrive at the Christ''s manger. Take worship and love, with your material, useful gifts. They gave themselves to the Christ child. Open your heart. This was a fine service. Gene, Elaine and lovely Carol came at 9:30 and were her for the tree and dinner and then went to see Gene''s family. It was a beautiful time one to be long remembered. I am grateful to God, family, church & friends for such a Christmas.

December 26: Monday 40� - 10 A.M. 46� - 6 P.M. This has been a Christmas for which I am thankful. Have been well enough to enjoy the good times the rest prepare, the tree, dinner, gifts and companionship. Elaine, Gene and Carol came again for dinner in which I shared. My gifts were lovely but better than that was the kind- nesses shown by family and friends. Baby Carol is two months old, weighs 8 lbs. and is lovely. Earl Hall is worse today. Mabel is uncomfortable. Weather mild, rainy toward evening.

December 27: Tuesday 40� - 10 A.M. 49� - 6 P.M. Rev. Walter Moffatt. Where to after the manger? To what we can do and can be. Will it make a difference that you have been to the manger. Rev. Stephen Kancar. Luke 16:19. The rich man and Lazarus. The riches were not condemned but rejecting Christ and failing to help others. Rec''d a card from Edward Chapman and the Upper Room from Mr. Beach. Have written thank you cards. Also phoned to Earl Hall''s, Mabel Fulton and to Gladys Campbell but talked with Martha instead. Leonard is home with a sore throat. Gilbert Lamon and Marion Walrath came.

December 28: Wednesday 28� - 9 A.M. Colder. Rev. Moffatt. What it takes to be a disciple. Obey the regulations, Patience, indurance, belief, sincerity. Rev. S. Kancar, John 14:1-6. What Jesus taught of heaven. It is a place. Our Father which art in heaven. Only accessable (sic) through Christ. A permanent home. Leonard is confined to the house with swollen tonsils and cold. He and Shirley played monopoly and Leonard read over here. I am resting after the lovely but to me rather exhausting Christmas activities and mail.

December 29: Thursday 18� - 9 A.M., 27 Noon. Rev. Walton Moffatt. What it takes to be a disciple. Believe in God and Christ. Devotious (?) lives to Him and to others. Rev. Wm. Cole, Phil. 3. Close the door behind -- press forward to the year ahead. To get where you want to be you must leave where you are. Wm. is helping with a new cheeseroom at the factory, cement floor, flexboard walls and overhead. Mrs. DiFlorio wrote, Gladys phoned. I wrote cards to the W.S.C.S., Mrs. Ross & Ross Hill. Leonard is at home sick. He has a temperature.

December 30: Friday Overnight near zero 14� - 10 A.M. 18� Noon. 10� - 6 P.M. Rev. Moffatt. Dis- covering God. It gives the inspiration for the great paintings, music, and the great lives. Good. Rev. Wm. Cole. Gen. 43. As we go into 1950 take balm (kindness), honey (courtesy ?), and spices (charm, grace). Be of good cheer, rejoice. The coldest day so far. Wm. nearly froze his hands. Leonard feels somewhat better. He came over and listened to the Lone Ranger. Wm. & Doris went to Henry Douglas''. A cold night in prospect.

December 31: Saturday 23� - 10 A.M. 18� - 6 P.M. Rev. Wm. Cole. Eph. 6. O God our help in ages past. Our hope in years to come. Be with us in the stormy blast. And our eternal home. Take the armor of God with you into the New Year. Fifty years ago today my father wrote in his diary, ""This is the last day of the year and of the century. We are standing on the threshold of a new age. What the future holds, I know not. But this I know in His care I place all our interests."" I say the same. All is well with my family and I am grateful for 1949.

The last page on which entries appear is ""Telephone Numbers."" Mrs. Conklin has listed: William Conklin 5484-R2 Helen Walrath 5450-M1 Mabel Fulton 4767-R2 Rosamond Hynes 4349 (represented private line) Dr. DiFlorio 5455-W1 Lulu Scott 4777-R3 Myra Munson 4798-W1 Millie Walrath 5450-M2

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