(from a scrapbook)
(year missing)


Theresa, Oct. 1. -- A search for the records of Capt. Sinecy Ball, an early settler in this area, has disclosed that a Masonic lodge existed at Plessis more than 130 years ago.

Mrs. Earle M. Cass, New Castle, Pa., a great-granddaughter of Captain Ball, discovered that her ancestor was initiated in Alexandria Lodge 383 Sept. 9, 1824.

This lodge was later disbanded although a petition dated Feb. 28, 1840, and signed by Captain Ball asking that the unit be restored, has been found.

Captain Ball was one of the organizers of the Theresa Masonic lodge in 1849. He died July 1, 1877, and a Masonic emblem is carved on his marker in the cemetery here.

Mrs. Cass has visited this region in her search for her family history. Her great-grandfather, Captain Ball, who had been in charge of training soldiers known as (sic ?) Coopers Corners, Military road, and later purchased a farm at Hyde lake.

The late Rev. W. F. Ball, a son of the captain, was pastor of the Theresa Methodist church 64 years ago and recalled, when living here, that Mrs. Sinecy Ball was a relative of George Washington.

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