Unterdorf village map (ca 1911-12) drawn from information provided by Katherine Stenbrecher Behm

This map was a collaborative effort between Katherine Steinbrecher Behm and her daughter-in-law, Gayle Behm.� It provides an outline of how Unterdorf, Russia�was laid out in the years of 1911-12.

We have seen variations of this map, and information about those variations will be added at a later time.� However, for the moment, it seemed appropriate to "start at the beginning," and this is the earliest known map of the village.

Included below is the information regarding the families who were known by Katie Behm�to be living in Unterdorf at this time.��� Interestingly, some years after its creation, Katie went through the exercise of re-creating the map -- and it was identical to her original effort.����

In any event, there are few persons alive who might dispute the information, and we are grateful to have it!� Thanks to Gayle Behm for providing us with�this wonderful addition!


  1. EICHORN, Susan and sister (spinsters)
  2. RUTZ, Casper and wife; Children: Casper, Heinrich, Eva and Marie
  3. RUTZ, Michael (uncle to Casper)
  4. BENDER, Johann and Katherine; Children: Eva, Katherine Elizabeth
  5. RUTZ, Eva Elizabeth and Margaret (both widows)
  6. MILLER, Conrad (was single, left in 1910; house empty in 1912)
  7. GRITZFELD, Heinrich and wife; Children:� Heinrich and Amalia
  8. WAGNER, Johann; Children: Amalia and some sons
  9. SCHMIDT, Peter and wife; had children, but names not known
  10. STRICKER, David and Katherine; Children:� Johann Friedrich, Marie Katrina, Heinrich, David and Eva
  11. KELLER, Johann Jacob and Eva Elizabeth
  12. Vacant
  13. MILLER, Peter and Katrina Margaret; son Friedrich and his wife, Eva, lived with them.� They had children Heinrich and Eva Elizabeth.� The men of this family, along with men from 12 other families in the village, refused to send butchered beef to a close-by Russian village.� They were lined up inside the family compound and the women and children were forced to watch as their men were executed by a firing squad of Russian soldiers.� This happened after 1912 and was reported to the famlies in America by way of letters
  14. KELLER, Michael and wife
  15. KELLER, Johann and Katherine Elizabeth; sons Johann and Peter came to this country; sons Alexander (Sander) and Jacob stayed in Russia
  16. SINNER, Conrad and wife; he was very old in 1912; was teacher for Jacob Steinbrecher, #34, and that generation
  17. SINNER, Johannes and wife
  18. PRESTER, Alexander and second wife
  19. ERLICH, Gustav and Katherine; Children: Gustav, Alexander, Rosie, Robert, Amalia, Carl and twin daughters, Marie and Bertha.� Came to the U.S.A. in 1912��������������������
  20. KRENTZ, Friedrich and Suzanne (brother to John Krentz)
  21. KRENTZ, David
  22. KRENTZ, Johann and�Peter
  23. KRAUS, Jacob
  24. STERKEL,� ?� and wife; Children:� a son and a daughter
  25. MARTIN, Alexander and wife; Children:� Katherine and Amalia; he had a store on the north side of their house
  26. RHILE, Jacob and wife; Children:� names not known.� His mother, Katherine, was the village midwife
  27. SCHOOLHOUSE�� Also used for Church by village people.� All were Lutherans.
  28. KELLER, Johann and family
  29. BOEHM, Heinrich Peter and Eva (Miller); Children:� Alexander, Peter, Marie, Amalia, Eva and Pauline
  30. BOEHM, Ludwig and Suzanne (brother to Heinrich Peter); son, Alexander (Sander), ran the mill south of town
  31. WEIDEMAN, Conrad
  32. KELLER, Jacob and Marie Elizabeth
  33. MILLER, Heinrich and Margaret
  34. STEINBRECHER, George Jacob and Marie Katrina (Stricker); Children: Jacob, Katherine Elizabeth, Eva Elizabeth, Friedrich, Amalia and David
  35. STEINBRECHER, Heinrich and Katherine Elizabeth (brother to Jacob #34); Children:� Heinrich, Alexander, George Jacob, Elizabeth, Susanne and Marie.� His father, Heinrich Steinbrecher, lived with them
  36. STEINMARK, Heinrich Jacob and Margaret; Children:� Alexander, Heinrich, Marie Katherine, Marie Elizabeth and Amalia
  37. HENKEL, Paulas
  38. MILLER,� ?� Had a son, Peter, who was raised by grandfather, Peter #13; young Peter came to the U. S.
  39. STEINMARK, Johann Peter
  40. KELLER, Jacob and Julia; had a grocery store in their house
  41. KELLER, Michael
  42. KUHLMAN,� ?� ;� was teacher in the village
  43. KELLER, Heinrich
  44. KELLER, Phillip and Bertha
  45. KELL, Johann Friedrich and Katherine Elizabeth
  46. RUTZ, Jacob and George
  47. HASS(E), George and Katherine; son George
  48. HENKEL, Johann and Marie
  49. GINTER, George Jacob and Katherine
  50. LOT WHERE CHURCH WAS TO BE BUILT - Never was done
  51. FIRE DEPARTMENT; horse stable and wagon barn
  52. STEINBRECHER, Johann and Marie (brother to elder Heinrich Steinbrecher));� Children:� Johann, Jacob, Marie, Katherine (married John, #61)
  53. KELLER, Jacob; Children:� Solomon, Jacob, Johann, Heinrich (he came to U.S.)
  54. AUB, Johann and Katherine; Children:� Johann, Heinrich, Marie, Eva Elizabeth
  55. MILLER, George Friedrich (Fritz) and Marie
  56. MILLER, Johann and Suzanne
  57. WEIDEMAN, Friedrich and Elizabeth
  58. ERBES, Heinrich and Katherine Elizabeth
  59. KELLER, Johann and Marie
  60. BRESTER, Jacob and Katherine
  61. STEINBRECHER, Conrad and Marie Katherine; son Johann married cousin Katherine, #52
  62. KELLER, David
  63. KELL, George Jacob (was richest man in town)
  64. MILLER, Johann Friedrich and Elizabeth (sister to Jacob #34); Children:� Friedrich, Alexander, Eva Elizabeth
  65. SPRING,� ?� and wife, Ana
  66. HENKEL, Conrad
  67. LEI, Johann Jacob and wife
  68. GINTER,� ?� ; Children:� Pauline and George Jacob
  69. KELLER, Jacob; Children: Jacob, Johann, Carl, Peter, Katherine, Eva Elizabeth, and Amalia.� This family came to U. S. in 1912
  70. SCHNOR,�� ?� ; Children:� Lydia and three others
  71. EICHORN, Peter; daughter Amalia
  72. FISCHER,� ?� ; daughter Katherine
  73. RUTZ, Jacob and Eva Elizabeth (younger sister to Jacob #34): Children:� one boy and two girls
  74. OPP, Friedrich and Katherine; Children:� Pauline, Eva Elizabeth, Katherine, Marie, Alexander and one younger boy
  75. GINTER, David and Katherine Elizabeth (sister to Eva Boehm #29); son David
  76. RUTZ, Heinrich; one son
  77. WEIDEMAN, Jacob and Marie Elizabeth; Children:� Pauline, Lydia, Katherine, several other girls and one son (he came to U.S.)
  78. WEIDEMAN, Phillip and Marie Katherine:� Children:� Heinrich (went to Canada), David (to U.S.A.), Johan William (in Canada), Jacob, Elizabeth, Marie Katherine
  79. �?
  80. KELLER, Heinrich; Children:� Johann and Jacob
  81. HENKEL, Johann Friedrech; was town shoemaker
  82. WEIDEMAN, David and Marie Gretchen; Children:� David Victor, Bennie, Robert, Walter, Lydia, Pauline, and Rose (most of these were born in the U.S.)
  83. Widower with two children
  84. MILLER, Heinrich and Eva Elizabeth (brother to Eva Boehm #29)
  85. Unknown
  86. Unknown
  87. Unknown
  88. Unknown
  89. Unknown
  90. Unknown
  91. Unknown
  92. Unknown
  93. Unknown
  94. Unknown
  95. Unknown
  96. Unknown
  97. Unknown
  98. Unknown
  99. Unknown
  100. Unknown
  101. Unknown
  102. FAUST,� ?
  103. KRENTZ, Andrew and wife; Children:� Andrew�& some daughters; family came to U.S.
  104. Unknown
  105. Unknown
  106. Unknown
  107. Unknown
  108. Unknown
  109. Unknown
  110. Unknown
  111. Unknown
  112. Unknown
  113. MILLER, Conrad and Marie Katrina (brother to Eva Boehm #29)
  114. Unknown
  115. Unknown
  116. Unknown
  117. Unknown
  118. Unknown
  119. Unknown
  120. Unknown

