Cemetery Listings

Here is a listing of the cemeteries and churches in the Waxhaw area. Please click on a link below and it will take you to some of the cemetery inscriptions that we have. If you have an inscription that is not listed and would like to have it listed, please send me an email and we will add it.

Old Presbyterian Church Cemetery South side of West Gay Street between French and York (or Plyler) Streets, Lancaster, Lancaster County, South Carolina.

Old Waxhaw Church and Cemetery Located 8 miles North of Lancaster off U.S. 521, Lancaster, Lancaster County, South Carolina.

Shiloh Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Cemetery Located at 346 Shiloh Unity Road, Lancaster, Lancaster County, South Carolina.

Tirzah Presbyterian Church Cemetery Located off of Tirzah Church Road and Waxhaw Creek Road, 1 mile off Hwy. 200 in Jackson Township, Waxhaw, Union County, North Carolina.