1911 W-B Record Almanac, Fatal Accidents 1910 Typed by Irene Transue Other Than Those of the Railroad and Mine Occurring in Luzerne County for the Twelve Months Ending November 1910. Evan Thomas of Hanover Green, 45 years by the explosion of a powder magazine, December 2, 1909. William Bombe of Nanticoke, 17 years, struck by an automobile December 5, 1909. Antonio Barnoskie of Hazleton, 40 years, fell down stairs December 5, 1909. Michael Motto of Franklin Township, knocked from a car by a prop, December 9, 1909. Dr. John H. Mathers of Forty Fort, the result of burns sustained by the ignition of gasolene, December 11, 1909. Nellie, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Musto of Pittston, of burns sustained at a bon fire, December 11. 1909. Michael Pleasho of Wilkes-Barre, 22 years, struck by street car, December 18, 1909. John F. Keating of Port Griffith, struck by street car, December 18,1909. Samuel Freeman (colored) of Salem Township, drowned while attempting to cross the river on the ice, December 20, 1909. Bernard Donohune of Hazleton, fell from a roof, December 24, 1909. John Koss of Dupont, 55 years, frozen to death, December 30. 1909. John W. Driesbach of Wilkes-Barre, 72 years, as the result of a fall on a slippery sidewalk, January 7. Jacob Knecht, son of George Knecht of Wilkes-Barre, 11 years, in a coasting accident, January 12. John J. Henley of Pittston, 20 years, in a coasting accident, January 14. Paul, son of Mr. & Mrs. James Cunard of Pittston, 8 years, of blood poisoning following a skating accident, January 27. Miss R. Laura Cannon of Wilkes-Barre, as the result of an automobile accident in July, 1909, death taking place February 2, 1910. Helen, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gerog of Plymouth Township, 2 years, clothing ignited while playing with fire, February 8. Thomas Jennings of Forty Fort, son of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Jennings, 7 years, run over by a bob sled, February 19. Mrs. Thomas Carden of Pittston, dies of burns sustained about three months ago, March 12. Michael Garrahan of Dorranceton, 37 years, by falling down stairs, March 14. James Allingero of Wilkes-Barre, 21 years,fell under wheels of auto truck, March 18. Anna, daughter of Jacob Yakcanis, 2 years, Stanton Hill, of burns sustained while playing at a bon fire, March 23. Peter Contorney of Glen Lyon, of ptomaine poisoning caused by eating tainted meat, March 24. Michael Contorney of Glen Lyon dies from ptomaine poisoning, caused by eating tainted meat, March 28. Miss Mary Keller of Wilkes-Barre, 34 years, of burns sustained by her clothing catching fire, March 28. Charles Stuart of Wilkes-Barre, as the result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident, March 29. Joseph Lawalis of Wanamie, run over by a street car, March 29. Mrs. Frank Fox of Hobbie, as the result of running a rusty nail in her foot, April 1. Mrs. Sarah Gallop of Hanover Township of burns sustained by falling with a lighted lamp in her hand. April 2. Mrs. Aaron Hastie of Pittston, as the result of burns sustained at a yard fire, April 6. Charles Werner of Forty Fort, by falling from the Lehigh Valley bridge at Fort Bowkley, April 8. Mary, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Elias Meno of Wilkes-Barre, 4 years, clothing ignited at a yard fire, April 14. George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoodik of Swoyerville, 2 years, burned while playing with matches, April 14. Matthew Sadder of Wilkes-Barre, 4 years, of burns sustained at a yard fire April 15. Wadlack Prontowski of Nanticoke, cremated in his boarding house, April 22. William J. Williams of Pittston, 25 years, of injuries sustained by falling down stairs, April 22. Frank, son of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gripp of Nanticoke, four years, run over by a wagon, April 23. Mrs. Frederick Carleson of Wilkes-Barre, struck by an automobile, April 25. Nicholas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Firda of Wilkes-Barre, clothing ignited at a yard fire, April 27. Annie, daughter of Mrs. Michael Skilenge of Pittston, 3 years, fell into a tub of hot water, April 25. Evan Owens of Wilkes-Barre, 42 years, back broken by falling from a porch, April 28. Daniel Kepp of Wilkes-Barre, fell down stairs, April 30. Levi W. Davis, Willard R. Wells and Thomas G. Snyder fatally injured in explosion at the powder mill at Gracedale, May 7. Christopher Evans of Plymouth, 14 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Evans of lockjaw following a slight injury, May 11. Ruth Bonham of Town Line, Ira Davenport of Waterton, Madeline Good of Waterton, Rachel Thompson of Town Line, Ray Dodson of Fairmount Township, Robert Minnich of Koonsville, Maud Sutliff of Town Line and Caroline Kons of Harveyville drowned in the dam at Huntington Mills by the overweighting of a boat, May 12. Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sayes of Wilkes-Barre, fourteen months, fell into a tub of hot water May 12. Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Timko Pringle, clothing ignited when a boy jestingly held a match to her dress, May 18. Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shanosky, Ashley, drowned in water in cellar of the home, 2 years, May 18. Frank Walkee of Hazleton, 12 years, killed by a traction car, May 23. Kate Incerr of Hazleton, 35 years, burned to death by fire in her home, May 23. Albert Woolacott of Naticoke, 12 years, drowned in a reservoir while bathing, May 29. Isaac Jones of Hazleton, fell from a trolley car, June 1. Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McGinty of Georgetown, 1 year, clothing ignited while playing with matches, June 7 Wassil Terma of Breslau, 6 years, of lockjaw resulting from stepping on a splinter of wood, June 8. James Carroll of Port Griffith, from injuries sustained by falling down steps, June 8. Carmon Bosolina of Pittston, 9 years, struck by an automobile, June 10. Luciana Onariti of West Nanticoke, struck on the head by a stone, accidentally thrown the coroner's jury said, June 12. Mrs. Stanley Yaraseh of Plymouth, 46 years, clothing ignited from a lamp which had accidentally fallen, June 12. George Domer of Wilkes-Barre, 6 years, run over by street car, June 18. John Shaco, Jr. of Shickshinny, 25 years, drowned in pond hole while bathing, June 19. John MacGrane of Kingston, 12 years, drowned in pond hole while bathing, June 19. Walter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conrad of Wilkes-Barre, 8 years, electrocuted by live wire on South street bridge, June 21. Thomas Dailey, 17 years, while bathing in a reservoir at Jeanesville, June 21. Edward Thompson of Pittston, 10 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thompson, drowned in the river while bathing, June 22. Michael Bobick of Larksville, 25 years, drowned in reservoir while bathing, June 25. Alexander Vivian of wilkes-Barre, 18 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vivian, caught in belting, June 25. Marvin Bohan of Luzerne Borough, 18 years, run down by an automobile while riding a bicycle, July 1. Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fahey of Inkerman, accidentally swallowed carbolic acid, July 1. George H. Callahan of Wilkes-Barre, pinned under an automobile which went into Harvey's Lake, July 4. Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Dougilaw of Plymouth, 3 years, fell into the river, July 5. Loretta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonnell of Pittston, 4 years, of burns sustained by ignition of clothing while lighting a fire cracker, July 6. Steward W. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Johnson of Wilkes-Barre, 13 years, drowned in the river while bathing, July 9. Frank Stankiewicz of Wanamie, 57 years, dies of rattlesnake bitek, July 10. Harold H. Henry of Wilkes-Barre, 32 years, of injuries sustained by falling from a scaffold, July 9. Rudolph Wyosch of East Plymouth, 3 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wyosch, of burns sustained by clothing igniting from a firecracker, July 12. Marcella Adamoski of Glen Lyon, 21 years, of lockjaw resulting from the firing of a blank cartridge on fourth of July, July 12. John Peschelosky of Midvale, 22 years, drowned in river while bathing, July 14. Thomas Richardson, son of Robert Richardson of West Pittston, drowned while bathing, July 14. August Holsizer of near Hazleton, of injuries inflicted by a steam shovel, July 14. Mrs. Ann Meehan of Wilkes-Barre, 60 years, of injuries sustained by a fall, July 15. Anthony Zyskowski of Midvale, struck by an automobile, July 16. William Barrett of Inkerman, 12 years, as the result of burns from an explosion of gunpowder, July 19. Benjamin Edwards of Wilkes-Barre, 17 years, from lockjaw caused by stepping on a nail, Jullly 19. Mrs. John Frederick of Hazleton, as the result of injuries sustained by falling downstairs, July 20. Jennie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper of Nanticoke, 5 years, of burns sustained by her clothing catching fire, July 20. George Ambrose of Wilkes-Barre, 19 years, drowned in the river while bathing, July 24. Peter Parkinis of Broderick, 25 years, drowned in the river while bathing, July 24 John Shankofski of Plains, 5 years, electrocuted on Laurel Line third rail, July 25. Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Heary, Wilkes-Barre, 19 months, fell out of window, July 26. Gustav Erickson of West Pittston, from injuries sustained in a runaway accident, July 31. Michael O'Brien of Avoca , 24 years, of lockjaw resulting from running a rusty nail into his foot, August 1. Miss Annie Keller of Glen Lyon, 20 years, of injuries sustained while alighting from a street car. August 1. Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kochinski, 3 years, Plymouth, fell into a tub of hot water, August 3. Roswell, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Morgan of Wilkes-Barre, clothing ignited while playing with matches, August 3. Andrew Borack of Larksville, 14 years, of injuries sustained by falling from a tree, August 4. Charls Plumber of Maltby, 52 years, kicked by a horse, August 7. G. W. Zehner, of Mountain Grove, 70 years, gored to death by a bull, August 7. Stanley Tarmauter of Breslau, 25 years, of lockjaw caused by a bullet wound, August 9. David Reese of Edwardsville, 10 years, from injuries sustained by an exploding cannon on July 4, August 12. Charles Wilson of Parsons, 19 years, accidentally killed by a bullet from a revolver in the hands of a companion, August 12. Charles Rodgers of Pittston, of lockjaw from stepping on a rake, August 14. John, son of David Thomas of near Nanticoke, by the explosion of a can containing kerosene oil, August 13. Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Williams of Wilkes-Barre, by the explosion of a can of gasolene, August 13. Nellie, daughter of Frank Bultiskonis of Miners Mills, of burns sustained while playing at a bon fire, August 13. A. Beeringer, of injuries sustained by falling on a sidewalk at Hazleton, August 12. Albert Stez of Duryea, 40 years old, burned to death in a fire which destroyed the house in which he was boarding, August 17. Thomas H. Cooke of Ashley, 50 years, of injuries sustained by jumping into a barrel of lye water after his clothing had been ignited by an explosion of gasolene, August 18. Charles Stiedinger of Wilkes-Barre, 22 years, run over by an automobile bus, August 23. Michael Healey of Scranton, run over by a traction car at Wyoming, August 24. Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Januszewski of Plymouth Township, fell into a tub of hot water, August 25. Albert Konoski of Parsons, 58 years, fell from a wagon, August 29. Alpheus C. Forbes of Wilkes-Barre, 22 years, drowned while swimming in Nuangola Lake, September 4. Wesley Betterly of St. Johns, of injuries caused by being struck by a base ball, September 13. James Gallagher of Avoca, 45 years, fell over a cliff, September 15. Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Sites of Plymouth, 8 years, as the result of falling while he held a slate pencil in his mouth, which penetrated the roof, October 15. John, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Devaney, at Hazleton, from eating pills, August 21. Nicholas Themarcko, poisoned by fumes arising from a Parsons culm bank, October 25. Henry Ottisman of Newport Centre drowned in the canal at West Nanticoke, October 27. Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moyer of Hanover Township. 6 years, the result of injuries sustained by being run down by an automobile, October 29. Delia, daughter of Mr. and Mr. John Boston of Edwardsville, 3 years, burns sustained by falling into a tub of hot water, October 29. Mrs. Clara E. Hislop of Parsons, as the result of injuries sustained by falling off a porch, November 1. Simon Higgins of Coxton, 11 years, fatally shot by a returning hunter who playfully pointed his gun, November 1. Thomas J. Jenkins of Edwardsville, by falling from the roof of a school house, November 13. John Freeman of Wilkes-Barre Township, 66 years, by falling down stairs, November 16. Coroner's jury decides that Anthony Golombeski of Ashley came to his death by the accidental discharge of a revolver, November 12. Edwin K. Ward of Wilkes-Barre, 30 years, of injuries sustained by being struck by a base ball, November 18. Michael Bisque of Wilkes-Barre Township, 40 years, burned by a spark from a match falling into a pot of grease, November 21. Thomas McCann of Larksvile, 46 years, smothered in a sewer trench while digging, November 23. Joseph Kuhitzka of Hudson, 2 years, scalded with hot water, November 23. Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Garrity of Port Griffith, 7 years, clothing ignited, November 24. George Onisky of Wilkes-Barre, by a street car, November 25. John Rudowsky of Alden, 29 years, accidentally shot himself with a gun he was handling, November 25.