Fatal Shooting Affray.
Fatal Shooting Affray.

Fatal Shooting Affray.

    The crimson epidemic is again upon us. For two or three weeks its symptoms have manifested themselves in a variety of forms, which culminated last night in a bloody and fatal rencontre. We had hoped that the painful duty of chronicling another tragedy in our midst would not soon devolve upon us; but as faithful journalists we cannot shrink from the responsibility of our position, however injurious details like the following may prove to the fair fame of our city.
    The facts, as we gather them from various sources, are substantially as follows: After the brutal fight on Blake street, quite a crowd assembled at the Criterion Saloon, on Larimer street, kept by Charles Harrison. Here some words passed between Ned Wynkoop and a man named James Hill, and both drew their revolvers. Hill was much intoxicated and his language boisterous and insulting. Mr. Harrison, hearing an altercation between his own barkeeper and Mr. Hill, interfered, when the latter made use of indecent epithets, which Harrison considered intended for himself, whereupon he drew his revolver and shot Mr. Hill. Four shots were fired, three of which took effect. Hill sank to the floor, and was soon after taken into a store near by, when surgeons were sent for, and his wounds examined. Dr. Peck pronounced the wounds mortal. The wounded man was then taken to the City Hospital, where he died about 2 o'clock this morning. Mr. Harrison has given himself up, and the examination, we understand, is being held this evening. The result will be given in our paper to-morrow evening.


Unknown, "Fatal Shooting Affray," Daily Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, Monday, 3 December, 1860, page 2.

Created November 3, 2006; Revised November 3, 2006
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