Body Carried To Wynekoop Home, Claim.
Body Carried To Wynekoop Home,

Body Carried
To Wynekoop
Home, Claim

Attorney for Doctor Says
Witness Available;
Plea Due Today.

    Chicago, Dec. 3 (AP).--Frank Tyrrell, attorney for Dr. Alice Wynekoop, accused of murder in connection with the death of her daughter-in-law, Rheta, 23, today said he had found a witness who says she saw Rheta's body lying in the back seat of a taxicab some time before the death was discovered in the physician's basement office at the Wynekoop home.
    "This witness informs me," said Tyrrell, "that she saw a cab drive down an alley in the neighborhood of the home. It was forced to stop because of a street laboring crew blocking the alley. During an argument between the cab driver and the laborers, the cab door swung open and the witness says she saw Rheta's body lying on the back seat."
    Charles S. Dougherty, assistant State's attorney, and prosecutor in the Wynekoop case, said he attached little importance to the supposed development.
    Tyrrell also said that his father, Frank T. Tyrrell, 72, former police captain, had come out of retirement to investigate for the defense.
    Dr. Wynekoop tomorrow is scheduled to appear in court to enter a plea to the murder charge. Her physical condition remained unchanged today, doctors at the county jail said. She collapsed a week ago and doctors said they feared she might contract pneumonia.
    Tyrrell said Dr. Wynekoop would plead not guilty tomorrow.


Unknown, "Body Carried To Wynekoop Home, Claim," The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., Monday, 4 December, 1933, p. 5.

Created May 15, 2006; Revised May 15, 2006
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