Greene County, Arkansas History

Greene County, Arkansas History

arkansas genealogy

Recommended Genealogy Sites

Genealogy and How - daily news on genealogy and the latest genealogy databases online.

Arkansas Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Arkansas cemeteries.

Arkansas Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Arkansas.

Greene County, Arkansas History



This database contains Goodspeed's History of Greene County, Arkansas. The work is comprised of a brief history of the county and a number of biographical sketches of distinguished and prominent citizens from the area. The historical portion of the work provides information on such subjects as agriculture, population, politics, military, schools, and churches, among others. This portion of the work may provide information that will help you to place your ancestors into a historical context. Although the biographical portion of this work only contains information on prominent individuals, which may not include your ancestors, this portion of the work may still be very valuable. Reading about the lives of others who lived during the time of your ancestors may help you learn more about your ancestors and what their lives may have been like.

Greene County, Arkansas History
Xander's Genealogy Homepage

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