Polk County, Arkansas Marriages, 1901-05

Polk County, Arkansas Marriages, 1901-05

arkansas genealogy

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Genealogy and How - daily news on genealogy and the latest genealogy databases online.

Arkansas Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Arkansas cemeteries.

Arkansas Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Arkansas.

Polk County, Arkansas Marriages, 1901-05



Marriage records can be an extremely valuable source of information for genealogical researchers, as there are often more than two names listed in each record. This database is a collection of marriages in Polk County, Arkansas, between 1901 and 1905, and contains over 1,100 records. Each record of this database contains the name, age, and residence of the bride and groom and date of marriage. In addition, the name, age, and residence of the witness is also given.

Polk County, Arkansas Marriages, 1901-05
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