Fairfield's Pioneer History of Lassen County

Fairfield's Pioneer History of Lassen County

Monterey, California Census, 1850-60

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Genealogy and How - daily news on genealogy and the latest genealogy databases online.

California Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Massachusetts cemeteries.

California Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Massachusetts.

Fairfield's Pioneer History of Lassen County



Fairfield's pioneer history of Lassen County, California : containing everything that can be learned about it from the beginning of the world to the year of our Lord 1870 : the chronicles of a border county settled without law, harassed by savages, and infested by outlaws : also much of the pioneer history of the state of Nevada, showing the efforts of the settlers to obtain freedom from Mormon rule, the history of Lassen's Trail, Roop's Settlement, the murder of Harry Gordier and the hanging of Snow Edwards and "Lucky Bill," told in full for the first time, the biographies of Governor Isaac N. Roop and Peter Lassen, the Ormsby Massacre, the Boundary Line War, the Pearson Massacre, and many stories of Indian warfare never before published. Fairfield, Asa Merrill,. San Francisco. Published for the author by H.S. Crocker Co.. 1916.

Fairfield's Pioneer History of Lassen County
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