Los Angeles City and County Census, 1850

Los Angeles City and County Census, 1850

Los Angeles City and County Census, 1850

Recommended Genealogy Sites

Genealogy and How - daily news on genealogy and the latest genealogy databases online.

California Cemetery Records - Transcriptions of tombstones and burial records from Massachusetts cemeteries.

California Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in Massachusetts.

Los Angeles City and County Census, 1850



This database not only includes the 1850 Census of the City and County of Los Angeles, but it also includes an analysis of the Census, and excerpts of early California History. This original 1850 Census was miraculously saved from a fire in June 1915. Information in the Census includes, where available, the family surname, all the names, ages, sex, and race of each family member, place of birth, profession of each male over 15 years of age, value of any real estate owned, number of people who have been married or attended school within the year, and the number of persons over 20 who can't read and write.

Los Angeles City and County Census, 1850
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