Shasta County, California Register, 1898

Shasta County, California Register, 1898

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California Family History - comprehensive starting point for genealogy in California.

Shasta County, California Register, 1898



Shasta County, California is located in the northern Sacramento Valley and was the center for the later California Gold Rush and extensive hard rock mining. Because of this, more foreign nationals and immigrants from almost all the other states were found here than elsewhere in the state. This makes Shasta County a good place to look for English, German, Irish, Scottish, and Swiss immigrants. This register was maintained by the County Clerk, Shasta County, California and is current up to 20 October 1898. It was published by the Shasta Genealogical Society in 1981 and revised in 1999. There are 5,244 entries and the predominant number are from other states and countries. A small percentage of the voters gave California as their place of nativity. It should be noted that the post office shown for each voter may not always be the same as the voting precinct. The book with index is available from the Shasta Genealogical Society. Information on naturalizations may be obtained at the County Courthouse in Redding.

Shasta County, California Register, 1898
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